Why Shouldnt You Shower During a Thunderstorm? From beauty hacks to DIY home dcor and everything in between -- Lindsay has a passion for crafting stories that entertain, educate, and inspire. Because even if you dont die from a lightning strike, it doesnt mean there arent other lifelong side effects. Learn indoor and outdoor safety tips to protect yourself and your loved ones from lightning. These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. Learn how a flail chest is typically treated and how long it takes to recover. While you now know not to shower during a thunderstorm, its important to understand when that storm is actually a threat. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. If it's going to strike the ground, a channel of energy develops downward toward the earth's surface. How to Survive a Storm in the Middle of the Woods. Its also recommended to stay away from (and dont touch) anything connected to an electrical outlet. If the lightning strikes a water pipe, the electricity can move along the pipes and cause electrocution. Later, she learned that the current had gone through the plumbing to the faucet, into the standing water in the sink, through her headset and down her body. South-east Queensland was absolutely smashed by severe thunderstorms on Sunday night. If lightning strikes a water pipe or nearby ground, the electricity can travel through the plumbing. Lightning is basically a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the. Aug. 15, 2006. A bathtub would be a lot easier. Cookies used to track the effectiveness of CDC public health campaigns through clickthrough data. Typically, half an hour after hearing that final thunderclap is a safe time to venture back into the shower. Thunder and lightning come together during a thunderstorm. For example, the Empire State Building is hit by lightning about 23 times a year. Learn what happens to the body as a result of a lightning strike, if cell phones are safe to use during a lightning storm, if it is safe to take a shower or bath during a lightning storm, and much more. If no shelter is nearby, crouch down into a ball-like position with your head tucked and hands over your ears and your feet closely together. Last medically reviewed on August 29, 2021. "The plumbing and other metal in our homes can serve as a conduit for electrical current," said Jeffrey A. Andresen, Ph.D., professor of geography, environment, and spatial sciences at Michigan State University. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The CDC mentions that it's unsafe to shower during a thunderstorm. What's it feel like to be struck by lightning. It is best to avoid all water during a thunderstorm. 2018. While your chance of getting struck by lightning is low, its important to know how to stay safe during a thunderstorm. And that doesn't just mean sitting in the tub, waiting for (literal) lightning to strike. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance. Dwyer said you should even avoid washing your hands or doing the dishes during a thunderstorm. If you are caught outside with no safe shelter nearby, the following actions might reduce your risk of being struck by lightning: Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges, or peaks. Queensland Ambulance said the boy was conscious and breathing after the incident, but he was taken to the Prince Charles Hospital with leg pain. Every single one of those lightning deaths happened outside, which is where youre much more likely to get struck. In a 2017 study, the National Weather Service found most victims were just enjoying the outdoors before a thunderstorm quickly moved through and struck them. The CDC mentions that its unsafe to shower during a thunderstorm. Seek safe shelter first. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. During a thunderstorm, you should avoid using water in general. The electricity can travel along the wires and cause electrocution. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. So when there is thunder, there is lightning, and when you hear it, its time to go inside. But if lightning strikes your house, the electricity would follow the path of least resistance to the ground. How many people are injured from lightning strikes each year in the United States? Any plumbing in your house is vulnerable to a lightning strike. NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory. During a thunderstorm, the best way to avoid getting hurt outdoors is to stay inside. A weather alert radio can help keep you informed about storms. Health.com uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. This will significantly diminish the probability that you will be electrocuted if your house is struck by lightning. It may be an inconvenience at the time, but its not worth a lifetime of pain and suffering. What Causes Numbness in the Left Side of the Face? Don't shower, do your laundry, or otherwise run water during a storm, as lightning may actually travel into the pipes. You can review and change the way we collect information below. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. We normally close the outdoor poor for safety reasons regarding lightning striking someone directly, or striking the water. Saving Lives, Protecting People, Natural Disasters, Severe Weather, and COVID-19, CDC: Lightning Information for Organized Sporting Events, CDC: Lightning Information for Outdoor Recreation, CDC: Lightning Information for Water Activities, National Weather Service: Lightning Safety, National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), Natural Disasters and COVID-19: Preparedness Information for Specific Groups, COVID-19 Resources for Professionals & Emergency Workers, Reduce Exposure to Wildfire Smoke during theCOVID-19 Pandemic, Generic Plans for COVID-19 Specimen Testing and Management During a Hurricane, Protecting Disproportionately Affected Populations from Extreme Heat, Information for Professionals and Response Workers, Preparedness and Safety Messaging for Hurricanes, Flooding, and Similar Disasters (Second Edition | 2022), Information for Organized Sporting Events, Epidemiologic Methods for Relief Operations, How to Help Loved Ones in Hurricane-Affected Areas, Resources for Emergency Health Professionals, Health and Safety Concerns for All Disasters, Fact Sheet: Protection from Animal and Insect Hazards, Clinical Guidance for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, CO Poisoning: Flyers and Educational Materials, Checklist for Reopening Healthcare Facilities, Keep Food Safe After a Disaster or Emergency, Use Safe Water After a Natural Disaster or Emergency, Prevent Illness and Injury After a Disaster, Immunization Recommendations for Individuals, Immunization Recommendations for Responders, Preventing Chain Saw Injuries During Tree Removal After a Disaster, Coping with a Disaster or Traumatic Event, Coping After a Natural Disaster: Resources for Teens, Finding a New Normal: Life After a Natural Disaster, Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress after a Natural Disaster, Helping Teens Cope After a Natural Disaster, Resources for State and Local Governments, Emergency Responders: Tips for taking care of yourself, Infection Control Guidance for Community Evacuation Centers, Respiratory Infections in Evacuation Centers, Medical Management and Patient Advisement, Human Trafficking in the Wake of a Disaster, Guidance for General Population Disaster Shelters During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Guidelines for a Diapering Station in Evacuation Centers, Interim Guidelines for Animal Health and Control of Disease Transmission in Pet Shelters, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Thunder, on the other hand, is the product of that. The developing stage of a thunderstorm is marked by a cumulus cloud that is being pushed upward by a rising column of air (updraft). Shelter in your vehicle if the only other choice is out in the open. Do NOT lie on the ground. Seriously though, it's long been rumored that taking a nice, hot soak in the tub or enjoying a warm shower is a dangerous proposition when electricity is coursing through the sky. Can I get struck by lightning if there is no rain? So the next time theres a thunderstorm, the best thing you can do is go inside immediately. A closet, bathroom or interior hall without windows is the safest spot in your apartment during a tornado. But are we completely safe once were inside? "It doesn't matter if you've got metal of not.". About one-third of lightning-strike injuries occur indoors. But did you know you should avoid taking a shower, a bath or washing the dishes during a thunderstorm? Dr. Kman said, "I've been an ER physician for 13 years, and I have not seen someone struck by lightning in their house." Basically, she said, all you can really do is wait it out and take non-steroidals (like Aspirin) to help with any pain. Who is at greatest risk for lightning strikes? What Are the Risks of Showering During a Thunderstorm? And not just theoretically dangerous; we're talking 10 to 20 people in the U.S. a year suffer injuries while messing around with household water during a storm [source: O'Connor ]. Yes. Lightning can travel through plumbing. Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. What is important to remember is that you should avoid any pipes in your home during a thunderstorm. However, this does not mean you are completely safe from the storm. You should stay out of the shower (or bath) and leave the dishes for later. Is it safe to touch somebody who was struck by lightning? Remember, if you can hear thunder, you might be in danger of a lightning strike. Stay off corded phones. Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, shopping, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Womens Health, Self, Prevention, Forbes, Daily Beast, and more. Another old wives tale worth adhering to: When thunder roars, go indoors!. What should I do if I am caught outside during a thunderstorm? What should I do if I am inside during a thunderstorm? If youre outside when a thunderstorm begins, heres what you can do to stay safe: Its unsafe to shower during a thunderstorm. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly encourage people to avoid all water-based activities during a thunderstorm - even the washing up . If you hear thunder outside, those dirty dishes can wait. In July 2017, 17-year-old Faith Mobley was working at McDonalds in Alabama washing dishes when a storm started to roll through. An excellent excuse to skip doing the dishes during a dark and stormy night! It can be dangerous to take a shower or a bath during a thunderstorm. The CDC also advises against standing or sitting near windows. Her writing has appeared in Thought Catalog, The List, Drink Me Magazine, the Auburn Examiner, and Litro Magazine in the United Kingdom. Stay out of the shower and away from other plumbing. Saving Lives, Protecting People. Being underneath trees is the second leading cause for lightning deaths. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, articles, and more. So the next time a thunderstorm comes your way, dont panic. The shower provides both of those things (water and metal), making it an ideal path for the electricity to take. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5610732/, ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/about-ams/ams-statements/statements-of-the-ams-in-force/lightning-safety/. In a thunderstorm, clouds act as enormous Van de Graaff generators, separating the positive and negative charges to create massive charge separations inside the clouds. Sometimes, though, it can be confusing to know what advice is a myth and what is legitimate. It is safe to touch a lightning victim and administer first aid immediately. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that about 10 percent of people struck by lightning die. But do they bite and are they harmless? For instance, a plane getting hit by lightning generally isn't really that big of a deal although pilots aren't crazy and do try to avoid thunderstorms, planes are built to safely conduct currents [source: NOAA]. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. This story was originally published on April 23, 2018. What's more shocking (excuse the pun) is that the water often loaded with impurities helps conduct the electricity. 10 Best Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally. But how likely is it for lightning to find you inside a building? Get the point? Yes. Globally, about 24,000 people each year are killed by lightning and another 240,000 are injured. The New York Times. "Lightning can travel through a building's plumbing," according to the CDC, and the free ions within your water can conduct . What should I do if I see someone get struck by lightning? While it sounds scary that you can get struck by lightning within your own home, its still safer to be inside during a storm than to be outside. Do NOT lie on the ground or shelter under a tree. The National Weather Service has identified June, July and Augustas peak months for lightning activity across the country. But some storms start while people are showering . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We take your privacy seriously. It doesnt necessarily need to strike your house directly for it to be problematic, explained Dr. Mary Ann Cooper, director of the Lightning Injury Research Program. Are cell phones and cordless phones safe to use during a thunderstorm? For more information on safe shelters, visit our lightning safety tips page. You should avoid being near doors and porches, too. 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But don't be mistaken about this one. Since lightning can travel through plumbing, "it is best to avoid all water during a thunderstorm. Snow fleas arent actually fleas. The agency advises that during a thunderstorm, it's best to stay away from plumbing and faucets. Christophides T, et al. "This includes not taking or doing the following: A shower, bath, washing your hair at the sink, or a sponge bath," added Peters. But a cordless home phone or a mobile are completely safe. If you are in a forest, shelter near lower trees. What happens to the body as a result of a lightning strike? How many people die from lightning strikes each year in the United States? The most insightful comments on all subjects This means no outside walls. Our editor completed a hands-on review of their products and reputation. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. Do NOT bathe, shower, wash dishes, or have any other contact with water during a thunderstorm because lightning can travel through a building's plumbing. Know how the COVID-19 pandemic can affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and what you can do to keep yourself and others safe. So while it's uncommon to be injured while showering during a thunderstorm, it is possible. During a thunderstorm, simple daily tasks such as doing the dishes or taking a shower can increase your risk of getting struck by lightning. He said a whole herd of cows died at Dorrigo in northern New South Wales despite being 30 to 40 metres away from a tree that was struck by lightning. Neurogenic shock is a life-threatening condition often caused by trauma or injury to the spine. What's the deal with the claim that you can't take a shower or bath during a thunderstorm? Lightning is basically a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. "While the goal of a lightning rod is to divert the electricity to the ground, there are no. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. (2017). The lightning is trying to find a path to the ground, said Jeffrey Peters, severe weather program coordinator and lightning safety expert at National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Cookies used to track the effectiveness of CDC public health campaigns through clickthrough data. Don't wait if you can hear thunder, the storm is already too close for comfort. However, if you DO have a thunderstorm, you should avoid the shower, because if your house IS struck by lightning during the storm, you could fry. dangerous to shower while theres a storm, Rossen Reports update: How to protect yourself from lightning. We avoid using tertiary references. The National Weather Service doesn't take the risk lightly. (2021). On average, 10-20 people get struck by lightning while bathing, using faucets, or handling an appliance during a storm. No, the argument is that there's almost no danger of your house being struck by lightning when there's no thunderstorm. Cookies used to enable you to share pages and content that you find interesting on CDC.gov through third party social networking and other websites. Here are some tips to keep safe and reduce your risk of being struck by lightning while indoors. A lightning strike poses the risk of death by electrocution. We don't know the exact circumstances of the incident yet, but Dr Karl said there could be a couple of explanations. Doing the dishes or even using faucets proves dangerous, too. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship. Read our. Is it safe to take a shower during a thunderstorm? The short answer is yesyou should never, underanycircumstances, shower during a thunderstorm. However, using water will increase your risk. 6 Amazon travel essentials for your next getaway, starting at $12, Dont shower during a thunderstorm or you could get struck by lightning.. A safe shelter is a fully enclosed vehicle or a shelter that has four walls and a roof. many things you don't know about thunderstorms, these simple steps to stay safe during a storm. But if you happen to have your hands in some dishwater or are taking a shower, that electrical current could move straight through you. If lightning were to strike your house, or even close by, the electrical current could travel through your home using the wiring or pipes. Theyre called fleas because they travel by jumping around. Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches and balconies. Aspen Green Review: Brand, Products, And More, Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC, cardiovascular effects, like cardio-pulmonary arrest. All Rights Reserved. In fact, lightning often strikes the same place repeatedly, especially a tall, pointy, isolated object. According to Jeffrey Peters, a Severe Weather Program Coordinator from the National Weather Service (NWS), the "old wives' tale" is actually true. There are some activities inside that can be almost as risky as staying outside in the storm. Shutterstock. Also avoid using anything plugged into an electrical outlet (computers, TVs, washing machines, dishwashers) as all of these can provide pathways for the lightning strike to take. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. "Is It Dangerous to Bathe During a Thunderstorm?" From beauty hacks to DIY home dcor and everything in between -- Lindsay has a passion for crafting stories that entertain, educate, and inspire. A thunderstorm is the perfect excuse to stay inside all day, but it doesn't mean you have to cancel your plans. As adults, we feel more invincible to thunderstorms, ignoring commonplace safety rules that we used to live by. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Males are four times more likely than females to be struck by lightning. It can also strike at a distance away. Many lightning deaths occur ahead of storms or after storms seemingly have passed. But it's not just the metal that's an issue: Water can carry electrical currents from lightning, too, said lightning expert Mary Ann Cooper, MD, professor emerita of the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There are a lot of common misconceptions about how lightning works (and what it can affect), so it's not altogether crazy to think that the old "don't shower during a storm" line is another old wives' tale. Is it safe to take a shower or bath during a thunderstorm? It's also important to remember these risks aren't specific to showers or baths during a thunderstormyou really have to stay away from anything that has to do with pipes when you see lightning or hear thunder outside. It could turn that nice relaxing shower into something much less relaxing. Do not use corded phones. All rights reserved. The Met Office has issued several yellow thunderstorm warnings for the UK, highlighting the potential for frequent lightning. As for showering during a thunderstorm, it's advised that you don't. A recent report by the CDC indicates that lightning can travel through plumbing, so doing anything involving your waterlike . March 22, 2018. Cell phones and cordless phones are safe to use during a thunderstorm if they are not connected to an outlet through a charger. If there are no safe shelters in sight, crouch down in a ball-like position: put your feet together, squat low, tuck your head, and cover your ears. For ( literal ) lightning to find you inside a Building bathroom or interior hall without windows is second! Follow the path of least resistance to the body as a result of a lightning strike, can... Someone directly, or striking the water often loaded with impurities helps conduct the electricity travel... Water in general I see someone get struck digest of news, articles, and products for... For ( literal ) lightning to find you inside a Building an outlet! Yellow thunderstorm warnings for the electricity to live by to Bathe during dark. Much more likely than females to be struck by lightning being struck lightning... These cookies allow us to know what advice is a safe time to venture back the! 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