Said Will breaking the silence. She spent a lot of time in her room, keeping her mind busy with a few books Kim had brought her, but getting distracted by whatever rerun was playing on the small tv screen in the corner of the room. Chapter 15 Title is taken from Sara Bareilless Breathe Again. The actor, who portraysOfficer Kevin Atwater, has never spoken publicly about his relationships or been papped stepping out with potential partners but does have a three-year-old son with an ex-girlfriend. She asked. Shed always heard people say their life flashed before their eyes in those kind of moments, but she never expected it to be such a deflating experience. "50-21 Frank. Then the episode took it a step further by juxtaposing Uptons approach to the case with that of her partner, Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), who is known for his incredible heart and compassion for anyone in need. Ive had this idea for a while and its taken me quite a bit to finally get started, but Im super excited about it. The bar was He was tall, with broad shoulders, and a shirt that fit a little too tight, revealing toned muscles underneath with every movement. This Chicago PD fanfiction is another that takes place in an alternate universe, but it begins with what we have seen on the show and diverges around season 5. It made Halstead the hero who had to come to the rescue of the damsel in distress. The only way he could have gotten these injuries is from somebody grabbing him from behind and crashing into him over long periods of time. Detective more specifically. There is nothing simple or straightforward about this story. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. She said barely loud enough for the others to hear. "Hailey! My idiot brother said the best way to overcome my fear of needles is exposure therapy, starting with these fake ones. She pursed her lips into a wry smile, shaking her head with a weak laugh. Theres a spot on our team and we could really use the help. Usually happens in children because they are not able to open their mouths as wide." Spiridakos words indicate that the actress feels right at home playing Hailey in the show, making it clear that we wouldnt need to worry about her leaving the procedural show anytime soon. MORE:Exclusive: Nick Gehlfuss talks Chicago Med season seven, Will Halstead and new romances. I have several projects I cant wait to tackle over this hiatus but my inbox is always open for requests or if you just want to chat! Just how far will the Intelligence Unit go to find answers, and what will happen to their w What really happens when Adam Ruzek and Kim Burgess have a baby. She had spent those weeks hoping the case would lend her a promotion, but she never fully imagined that it would. He watched her dad's face trying to get a read on what he might be thinking but found it as hard as trying to get a read on Hailey. She snapped back into focus when he offered her the club. 's newsletter, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted's privacy policy, the cookies policy, and the website terms of use, and that you consent to using your data according to the established laws. Chapter 11 Chapter 10 Add that up and it sends a problematic message: that women being abused need/want a man to save them, as opposed to saving themselves. This show follows the patrol officers of the 21st District of the Chicago Police Department. It's believed that the couple, who struck up a romance on the set of The Boy She Met Online and went on to star alongside each other in Being Human, called off the wedding in 2013 before splitting for good. Things are going great for her, she even meets a . Close up, his eyes were more green than blue, and they were so beautiful that she found herself getting lost in them for a second. This fandom is lucky to have her and I am lucky to be counted among her friendsmy DMs wouldnt be the same without you bestie. Im a Cop. Morgan is the nicest pal, most supportive friend, biggest hype woman a girl could ever ask for. I am an avid book lover and collector. It was only at that moment that she felt shooting pain in her thigh and her leg gave way. If you couldnt finish (one of) your wip(s) for some reason, what writer would you trust with finishing it, if any? The team had finally put two and two together realizing what doctor Rhodes was saying. There are countless Chicago PD fanfiction stories out there, and some of them are quite popular. While Detective Hailey Upton actress Tracy Spiridakos was previously engaged to fellow Canadian actor Jon Cor, the two never made it down the aisle. The 37-year-old actor dated Sophia Bush for two years during her character Erin Lindsey's stint on the show. She tucked the book into her sling as she walked about the halls, shoveling the snack into her mouth with each step. Im happy youre okay, Kim told her, reaching out and briefly resting a hand over hers. I hope this article has helped you find some popular Chicago PD fanfics to read! Burgess, Ruzek, Atwater, weve been trying to make do with just us, but were stretched thin. There are many existing relationships and histories between the characters when the story begins, but that just adds to the tension and drama of the story overall. You can certainly give her reasons for not even moving, but you can also give her plenty of reasons to do somethingand her doing anything would have given her so much more depth. Marina Squerciati, who plays Officer Kim Burgess, has been married toChicago-based lawyer Eli Kay-Oliphant since 2016. Watching Uptons reaction, unfazed to the sounds of potential assault, compared to Halstead wanting to rush out the door was interesting TV. Im sorry, but Ive got to go, she said, slipping her phone back in her pocket and pushing herself from the wall. It turned what started as a Hailey Upton story into a Jay Halstead story, and in so doing, presented a theme that could have been better. She carefully held her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she maneuvered around her kitchen, placing all the scattered dirty dishes in the sink. He was aloof and smug, but something about that combination left her wanting more. Just remember me as the stranger from the elevator, he finally said slyly. She frowned, but he just returned her look with taut smirk. Still, she couldnt stop thinking about the moment before she lost consciousness, when those memories flashed through her mind. Although Hank offers his help, Hailey dismisses the same and continues with her duties without any breaks. She crashed into the car they were repairing behind. MORE:All we know about remainder of Chicago PD series nine following setbacks. She briefly looked up at him with a friendly nod before looking back down into the cup in her hand for another bite. Passionate about reading fiction? I also cried and have been deeply in my feels for the better part of the past few months as I wrote on this. Oh for sure! So, I wrote some more angst. With nearly 50,000 hits, this story is a popular one to dive into. Tracy Spiridakos ' Detective Hailey Upton Halstead is one of the most resilient police officers in NBC's police procedural series 'Chicago P.D.'. It is just so wholesome and I would hate to lose it. From being the upright and hopeful newcomer to the team, to covering up a murder alongside Voight (Jason Beghe), there's never been a dull moment. Just another diehard upstead fan writing fanfiction. Also, its freaking long and it took a lot of time But for real, some of my absolute favorite scenes Ive ever written are in there so. She didnt want to fully think about what happened. "I'm not leaving you" Tough as they come, girl. This is going to sound terrible but I generally giggle like a little girl (borderline manic sounding) when I get comments like, you ripped my heart out, why would you ever do that to me and blank, or I am crying so hard right now. What the hell? Heck yeah I do! You didnt tell me your name, she called out. I think I might win. More about his story, about his quirks, about everything that made him seem so interesting. She was still sore from her injuries, and the movement of the swing sent a surge of pain through her torso. The couple, who met as undergraduate students at Northwestern University twenty years ago, welcomed their first daughter together in 2017. Amy Morton has been married to husband Rob Milburn for over 40 years. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. In the midst of all the pain and heartbreak, we also get to see how much Jay truly loves Hailey, and how much work he is willing to do to rekindle the love they have. She is an invaluable part of Henry "Hank" Voight's Intelligence Unit due to her experience as a former robbery-homicide detective and . Has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you laugh out loud? It's the moment everyone has been waiting for, but what when she's a teenager years later. He had pulled a needled syringe from his pocket and began pressing it into his forearm. I think I read a fic similar to this a while back but I can't find it for the life of me. Asked Will as the familiar baby blues opened, much to his delight. Explain Rhodes placing a couple of x-rays onto the lighted screens behind them. Adding the characters from different shows together really gives the story new depth and personality. Every bit seemed better than the last. This story is one of the only ones that focuses less on love and relationships and more on police work. Upton maybe just doesnt volunteer as much information, simply reassuring Halstead that he did the right thing because thats who he is (a counterpoint/contrast to Voight seeing that as a potential problem earlier in the episode). However, the pair announced they had gone their separate ways in May 2019. Trypanophobia dont worry, its a prop needle, he broke through the silence, and she relaxed slightly as he continued to speak. The first Chicago PD fanfiction we will look at focuses on Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton. It is a slow-burn romance that gets into some quite mature content. Jay looked past his brother's head seeing the scans of his hips and knowing that now everyone he respected now knew his traumatic past. I never joke about golf, He said frankly, grabbing a golf club and placing the ball on the tee. She had a strong feeling she was going to see him again. The fact that their faces were the first she saw when she finally came to only affirmed that. She gave in, making her way over toward him. He opened his mouth to speak, but he stopped himself, his eyes looking up and dropping quickly as if hed forgotten his name and was waiting for it to fall from the sky. 8. if you got a computer virus that deleted all your fics but had just enough time to save one before they were wiped out, which fic would you pick and why? He had many people apply or be offered. Jesse Lee Soffer has dated a few of his co-stars. Please consider turning it on! I need some time with the patient if you dont mind, the doctor announced as she entered the room. You pay attention. This series has crossed over with many other series such as Chicago Fire and Law & Order: SVU. Every part of her hoped that she would see him again. This only happens when the mouth is forced to stay open for long periods of time causing the muscles to tear. She was exhausted and nervous, sitting before her District Commander in a small and unfamiliar room in Ivory Tower. It wasnt just the discomfort of the bed or the unfamiliarity of the room that left her restless. By registering to HELLO! She closed her eyes briefly, relishing in the moment, and when she opened, she was suddenly somewhere else entirely. That gave her just enough hope that their encounter wasnt just a one time thing. The beanie he wore fully covered his head but based on the freckles all across his face and the darkness of his eyebrows, she had to guess he was a redhead, maybe even a brunette. 13. Throughout the 23 chapters of this story, there is plenty of drama, conflict, and heartbreak. Before she knew it, those moments that stood out so vividly in her mind became fuzzy images in what seemed like a poorly put together movie, and everything began to fade to black. A job that had landed her there in the first place. Jay began to hyperventilate as Will went to give him his embrace to calm down his terrified brother. They share joint custody of their now teenage sons and remain on speaking terms. Dont be afraid to chat. They stopped by when they could, but for the most part they were all busy at work, leaving her alone to herself and the occasional check in from various medical staff. The series has made household names out of its cast members, but what do you know about their love lives? Yet, she came to learn that despite the reputation that preceded them, they were some of the most loyal and genuine people she had met in all of her time with the CPD. One way or another, secrets eventually come out, but it's the way that they are revealed is what shocks a person the most. In the alternate universe of this story, Hailey and Jay are forced to deal with Haileys amnesia. Bestie! I really love you too and you are just the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I can only really use it if something happy is happening though so when I am writing angst, I turn on my devastating playlist. The Most Popular Chicago Fire Fanfiction (2022 Edition), 10 Awesome Castle Fanfics to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. She starts to work overtime only to not immerse herself in the pain of not having her husband in her life. Contents 1 Early Life 2 Chicago PD 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 2.3 Season 3 2.4 Season 4 2.5 Season 5 2.6 Season 6 Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos) has undergone quite the character arc on Chicago PD. I have a degree in English Literature and my favorite genre is historical fiction. Marina Squerciati shares a daughter with lawyer Eli Kay-Oliphant. So why do you have this here? She asked him. Dont think thats even possible, she returned, raising her slinged arm slightly to make her point. 17. 9. Spy? In only the short amount of time she had been with them, they had clung to her in a way nobody else ever had, developing what she knew to be a lifelong bond. (asker can choose what wip). I love it, I can just keep picking different things! Your email address will not be published. That vest of yours caught the first two. Itd have been weird if Jay wasnt wanting to rush in and help when he believed that a life was at stake. Im sorry, she said, almost in a whisper. Sorry this was so long but I always thought that Jay had a bad relationship with his father. SPOILERS AHEAD. Her face fell. We love settling in to watchepisodes ofChicagoPDand finally the police drama, which has been on screens since 2014, is returning to screens for the remainder of series nine later this week. In this Recurring story detective and officer Jay Alexander Halstead and Kimberly Burgess found a little boy on the side of the road and took him back too the district What happens when the only witness to a vicious murder is a six year old boy? It took her a while to find sleep, as it had every night prior that she had spent in that hospital, but that night it was for another reason. I love absolutely everyone on this list and am honored to be included, Also, this isnt for the ask game, I just really love you. There is a lot of violence in this story that leads to some severe injuries, so read at your own risk. She acted on autopilot for the rest of the afternoon, distracted by the encounter with the stranger. She was just sworn in, and for the first time ever, deemed an Officer of the Chicago Police Department. Okay, so maybe you were right, he laughed, his mood dropping the second he noticed she was in pain. "Officer Hailey Upton, for your outstanding acts of heroism and performance during the aforementioned case, on behalf of the Superintendent of Police, the Bureau of Detectives, and the entirety of the Chicago Police Department, we commend your service with a merit promotion to the ranking of Detective." Her brows raised in surprise. Okay, everybody. Chapter 14 It wouldnt have lessened the impact of Halsteads character development, since hed still be liable to go off the handle, but it would have made Michelle an active character instead of her being passive. She wasnt sold on the hospital food. What landed you in here? He asked, continuing to mindlessly press the object into his arm. Maybe your idiot brother isnt such an idiot after all, she responded back with amusement. Nor has he ever recalled seeing him fidget that much in the span of a minute. 1. Later she joins Intelligence permanently and become partners with Halstead after Erin Lindsay left. Hailey is in a abusive relationship with her boyfriend and nobody in intelligence knows but Jay suspects something is up and will do anything to help Hailey because he l. upstead haileyupton jayhalstead +1 more # 13 Halstead by CM 27K 457 52 Just little dabbles of Halstead jayhalstead willhalstead hankvoight +12 more # 14 the kids is sick by Love We get to see Jay as a very sweet and worried partner, in more ways than one. And wouldnt it be weird since it was Natalies?, If Jay hadnt looked so concerned, Will probably would have been laughing. After reading it, she looked up at the man. Her family were always close until unexpected events left Riley chasing "Matty you have to go" Anyways I hoped you liked it! It's so nice to see you." "Good morning, Hailey. As strange as it might be, I actually had a lot of fun writing this. Her Intelligence family was practically all she had. Do you think I should use it? Jay propped his head up on his hand before letting his arm fall again, I mean, at this point I feel like its cursed or something. "Upstead" is the relationship between Intelligence detectives Hailey Upton & Jay Halstead on Chicago PD. Morgan you too? 12. She put on the pair of blue gloves and wiped his sweaty arm clean with the antiseptic. The final stop outside her place was a short, hard one. I would say more on the matter but I dont want to spoil it! Doctors havent been able to give me a clear answer.. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A strong feeling she was suddenly somewhere else entirely the better part of the sent! I wrote on this Jay had a lot of violence in this story, is... The cup in her thigh and her leg gave way after All, she looked at... 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