Learn more, Scan type Baseline default: Block Learn more, Network ICMP redirects override OSPF generated routes: Allow JavaScript: Yes (default) allows scripts, such as JavaScript, to run in the Microsoft Edge browser. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Your options: Data roaming: Block prevents cellular data roaming on the device. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone .NET Framework reliant components: This policy setting permits users to change installation options that typically are available only to system administrators. If you allow these services, Microsoft might collect voice data to improve the service. When set to Block, the ProxySettingsPerUser setting is automatically set to 0. ApplicationManagement/AllowAppStoreAutoUpdate CSP. Voice recording (mobile only): Block prevents users from using the device voice recorder on the device. By default, the OS might allow users to choose which apps show notifications on the lock screen. Geolocation: Block prevents users from turning on location services on the device. Learn more, Internet Explorer auto complete: These settings use the browser policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. This policy setting doesn't apply if the computer is Azure AD joined and auto-enrollment is enabled. Baseline default: Failure, Audit File Share Access (Device): Your options: SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge: Require turns on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, and prevents users from turning it off. Baseline default: Success and Failure, Policy Change Audit Other Policy Change Events (Device): For example, when set to 80, Energy Saver turns on when the battery has 80% charge or less available. This is an add-on for Cookie Clicker that helps manipulating time so that the right coalescing lump type can be chosen.. Getting Started (aka TL;DR) The number of grandmas, the stage of the grandmapocalypse, the slot that Rigidel is being worshipped, and the auras of the dragon can all be used to indirectly manipulate the type of the next coalescing sugar lump (similarly . Baseline default: Success and Failure, Audit Authentication Policy Change (Device): Baseline default: Yes When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Add new printers: Block prevents users from adding new printers. Learn more, Network ignore NetBIOS name release requests except from WINS servers: Baseline default: Disabled If you disable or do not configure this setting, you cannot develop Microsoft Store apps or install them directly from an IDE. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone user data persistence: Baseline default: Disable By default, the OS might allow users to ignore the warnings, and continue to download the unverified files. Sync favorites between Microsoft browsers (Desktop only): Yes forces Windows to synchronize favorites between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft strongly discourages the use of this setting. Your options: In Endpoint Security > Antivirus > Microsoft Defender Antivirus > Remediation, this setting is called Action to take on potentially unwanted applications. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Windows Installer: Disable "Always install with elevated privileges" option a6d113ff-fd83-4631-84b3-f58e266b4976 Standard user accounts must not be granted elevated privileges. By default, the system might apply the current user's permissions when it installs programs that a system administrator doesn't deploy or offer. For example, enter 6 to require at least six characters in the password length. These security features operate only when the installation program is running in a privileged security context in which it has access to directories denied to the user. The Win32 app install and uninstall will be executed under admin privilege (by default) when the app is set to install in user context and the end user on the device has admin privileges. Learn more, Block anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts and shares: Baseline default: Highest protection Learn more, Inbound notifications blocked: As security is always a trade off between usability and security, you have to adjust from time to time some settings for your organizational needs. If your user is not an admin they will need admin privileges to install a software even Apps from Microsoft store needs Admin privileges. Baseline default: Configure This will prevent standard users from installing applications that affect system-wide configuration items.) Baseline default: Disable java By default, the OS might show the power button. By default, the OS might show the error messages. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow this feature. Experience/AllowThirdPartySuggestionsInWindowsSpotlight CSP. Baseline default: Enabled By default, the OS might run this scan at 2 AM. By default, the OS might show Windows spotlight information on the lock screen. Baseline default: Yes The computer is still on, and opened apps and files are stored in random access memory (RAM). System Time modification: Block prevents users from changing the date and time settings on the device. 1 Open an elevated PowerShell. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Just go to Azure AD Portal -> Devices -> Device settings and then click the Manage Additional local administrators on all Azure AD joined devices link. Learn more, Firewall profile private: Baseline default: Enabled Learn more, Block Internet sharing: This folder is available through the Windows. Learn more, Remove matching hardware devices: By default, the OS might allow apps installed from the Microsoft Store to be automatically updated. Cortana: Block disable the Cortana voice assistant on the device. Learn more, Require password on wake while on battery: ApplicationManagement/MSIAlwaysInstallWithElevatedPrivileges CSP. I can replicate the errors running the . Learn more, Block Office communication apps launch in a child process: Shared user app data: Choose Allow to share application data between different users on the same device and with other instances of that app. Learn more, Internet Explorer check server certificate revocation: They are set to system installations so not sure what is the issue, all of Office installs, but Teams, disable this policy and Teams installs but .msi files can run Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard Flag credential stealing from the Windows local security authority subsystem Enable Process creation from Adobe Reader (beta) Enable Save browsing history: Yes (default) allow saving the browsing history in Microsoft Edge. Remote queries: Enable allows remote queries of the device's index. If the files on the drive are read-only, Defender can't remove any malware found in them. Users can't change the picture. Baseline default: Enabled Baseline default: Disabled It may be removed in a future release. Learn more, Scan scripts that are used in Microsoft browsers If you disable or do not configure this setting, then when an app is moved to a different volume, the users' app data will also move to this volume. For Microsoft Edge version 77 and newer, see Configure Microsoft Edge policy settings in Microsoft Intune. ACSC - Device Restrictions You configure the Win32 application using the add app wizard. Baseline default: Disable Switch Account: Block hides the Switch account in the user tile in the start menu. By default, the OS might prevent the automatic acceptance. Baseline default: Yes Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone allow only approved domains to use tdc ActiveX controls: The policy is only enforced in Windows10 for desktop. Baseline default: Success, Audit User Account Management (Device): Baseline default: Yes Learn more, Internet Explorer download enclosures: Create the device restrictions profile described in this article, and configure specific features and settings allowed in Microsoft Edge. Baseline default: Not Configured Learn more, Internet Explorer block outdated Active X controls: It uses the signatures of known vulnerabilities from the Microsoft Endpoint Protection Center to help detect and block malicious traffic. By default, the OS might not allow FIPS. Select Microsoft Edge as the application and set the Microsoft Edge Kiosk Mode in the Kiosk profile. Baseline default: Yes Baseline default: Enabled Type of system scan to perform: Schedule a system scan, including the level of scanning, and the day and time to run the scan. Publish user activities: Block prevents apps and the OS from publishing user activities. For example, you're using Autopilot pre-provisioned. Always install with elevated privileges This policy setting directs Windows Installer to use elevated permissions when it installs any program on the system.If you enable this policy setting privileges are extended to all programs. Apps will not be updated. Scan removable drives during a full scan: Enable turns on Defender removable drive scans during a full scan. The XML file overrides the default start layout. Become read-only. Baseline default: Failure, Audit Changes to Audit Policy (Device): No prevents users from opening InPrivate browsing sessions. Copy and paste (mobile only): Block prevents users from using copy-and-paste between apps on the device. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might show the recently added apps on the start menu. Baseline default: 3 If you enable this policy setting, privileges are extended to all programs. Baseline default: Enable When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Baseline default: Success, Audit Security Group Management (Device): Baseline default: Block hardware device installation These can be things such as installing or uninstalling applications or drivers, or changing system-wide settings. Baseline default: Quick scan When the value is blank, Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Wi-Fi scan interval: Enter how often devices scan for Wi-Fi networks. The wizard style of configuring makes sure that the configuration profile will be assigned to the selected users and/or devices. Learn more, Block malicious site access: Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering. This setting is only available when running in InPrivate Public browsing (single-app kiosk). On Access Protection: Block prevents scanning files that have been accessed or downloaded. Privacy/AllowAutoAcceptPairingAndPrivacyConsentPrompts CSP. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Learn more, Firewall profile public: The AlwaysInstallElevated is a Windows policy that allows unprivileged users to install software through the use of MSI packages using SYSTEM level permissions, which can be exploited to gain administrative access over a Windows machine. cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1. Again I have some questions .. Learn more, Digest authentication: Baseline default: Disabled When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. When these settings are set to Block or Disable, the Azure AD sign in option may not show. Baseline default: Disable ApplicationManagement/LaunchAppAfterLogOn CSP. Recently added apps: Block hides recently added apps on the start menu. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe: Your options: Network on Start: Hide or show Network in the Windows Start menu. Learn more, Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content: Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone loading of XAML files: Don't configure the Time to perform a daily quick scan setting simultaneously with the Type of system scan to perform set to Quick scan. Baseline default: Block Baseline default: Enable Baseline default: Yes Enter a value from 1 (most frequent) to 500 (least frequent). Learn more, Internet Explorer processes scripted window security restrictions: NFC: Block prevents near field communications (NFC) capabilities. When users in this domain sign in, they don't have to type the domain name. If your action isn't possible, then Microsoft Defender chooses the best option to ensure the threat is remediated. This justifies removing local admin rights from an end-user helps to prevent and mitigate lateral movement and elevation of privilege attacks. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. Opened apps and files are stored on the hard disk, and the device turns off. By default, the OS might show notifications in the Action Center that suggest apps or features to help users be more productive on Windows. We show this warning because these privileges are inherited to all installed extensions and to everything you subsequently start from Playnite (all games and apps). By default, the OS allows the Microsoft Active Protection Service to receive information, and allows users to change this setting. Baseline default: Yes Value type is string. By default, the OS might allow users to start and stop the Microsoft Account Sign-In Assistant (wlidsvc) service. No prevents Java scripts in the browser from running. Unverified file download: Block prevents users from ignoring the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen Filter warnings, and blocks them from downloading unverified files. In this article. Learn more, Block Office applications from creating executable content These settings use the DeviceLock policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. To Enable the Built-in Elevated "Administrator" Account Baseline default: Disable dell xps 8930 motherboard. Authentication/PreferredAadTenantDomainName CSP. GDI DPI scaling is turned on for all legacy applications in your list. This can be exploited by an attacker in order to escalate his privileges to gain control over system and perform malicious acts. Allow user control over installs. Changing this policy doesn't affect USB charging. Your options: This setting may conflict with the Time to perform a daily quick scan setting. Baseline default: Disable Lost Administrator Privileges (Password) on Windows 10 For example, when set to 80, Energy Saver turns on when the battery has 80% charge or less available. Baseline default: Yes ApplicationManagement/MSIAlwaysInstallWithElevatedPrivileges CSP Startup apps: Enter a list of apps to open after a user signs in to the device. If the New Tab URL setting is blank, Microsoft Edge opens the new tab page listed in Microsoft Edge settings. You can scan .pst (Outlook), .dbx, .mbx, MIME (Outlook Express), and BinHex (Mac) formats. Baseline default: Disable These settings use the display policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. Enter a percentage value that indicates the battery charge level. When a new version of a baseline becomes available, it replaces the previous version. Enter a percentage value that indicates the battery charge level. Once you have the details, you can create the shortcut. Baseline default: Disabled Learn more, Internet Explorer check signatures on downloaded programs: Require password when device returns from idle state (Mobile and Holographic): Require forces users to enter a password to unlock the device after being idle. If you enable this setting and enable the "Allow all trusted apps to install" Group Policy, you can develop Microsoft Store apps and install them directly from an IDE. For more information, see Settings catalog. By default, the OS might set it to 70%. Cookies: Choose how cookies are handled in the web browser. These settings use the WirelessDisplay policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. This policy setting permits users to change installation options that typically are available only to system administrators.If you enable this policy setting some of the security features of Windows Installer are bypassed. No stops Microsoft Edge from showing a list of suggestions in a drop-down list when you type. Baseline default: None, Account Logon Logoff Audit Account Lockout (Device): Low disk space indexing: Enable allows automatic indexing, even when disk space is low. Listed Windows apps are to be launched after logon. Can be updated to the latest version. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. If you disable or don't configure this setting, users can access the retail catalog in the Microsoft Store. Learn more, Block Internet download for web publishing and online ordering wizards: For example, enter filename.exe or %ProgramFiles%\Path\Filename.exe. Is there any way we can start Quick Assist as an administrator or elevate it to admin level during the Quick Assist session? Baseline default: Highest protection Baseline default: Enabled Fast user switching: Block prevents switching between users that are logged on simultaneously without logging off. Not all settings are documented, and wont be documented. Your options: DeviceLock/AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired CSP. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Manual root certificate installation (mobile only): Block prevents users from manually installing root certificates, and intermediate CAP certificates. Baseline default: Yes These settings use the privacy policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. By default, the OS might prevent sharing data with other users and other instances of the same app. Baseline default: Yes Baseline default: Enabled Generally, you shouldn't need to apply exclusions. By default, the OS might allow standard users to end a process or task using Task Manager. Baseline default: Enable Baseline default: Disable This device restrictions profile is directly related to the kiosk profile you create using the Windows kiosk settings. Typically, users are shown an Azure AD sign in window. Baseline default: Enabled Baseline default: Disable Enabling Windows Installer to elevate privileges when installing applications can allow malicious persons and applications to gain full control of a system. Learn more, Internet Explorer Active X controls in protected mode: Baseline default: Success and Failure, Object Access Audit Other Object Access Events (Device): When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Baseline default: Enabled Power button: When the device is plugged in, choose what happens when the Power button is selected. These settings use the start policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. The reason for requiring an admin session is that the Docker client in the default configuration uses a named pipe . Baseline default: Disabled driver Baseline default: Success, Account Logon Logoff Audit Logon (Device): When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone download signed ActiveX controls: Baseline default: Yes Add provisioning packages: Block prevents the run time configuration agent that installs provisioning packages on the device. Baseline default: Yes Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone meta refresh: ApplicationManagement/AllowSharedUserAppData CSP. Share usage data: Choose the level of diagnostic data that's submitted. Different baseline types, like the MDM security and the Defender for Endpoint baselines, could also set different defaults. Learn more, Minutes of lock screen inactivity until screen saver activates: Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone less privileged sites: New Tab URL: Enter the URL to open on the New Tab page. By default, the OS might enable this feature, and devices try to find the path to a PAC script. Users can change these settings. Baseline default: Disable Phone reset: Block prevents users from wiping or doing a factory reset on the device. Baseline default: Disable Prevented/not allowed, but Microsoft Edge downloads book files to a per-user folder for each user. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Baseline default: Enabled Baseline default: Yes It doesn't have access to pictures or videos. Your options: Display web results in search: Block prevents users from using Windows Search to search the internet, and web results aren't shown in Search. Baseline default: Disabled Sleep button: When the device is using battery power, choose what happens when the Sleep button is selected. Device discovery: Block prevents the device from being discovered by other devices. Some recommendations: If you want to schedule a daily quick scan, and a weekly full scan, then: If you only want one quick scan daily (no full scan), then use either setting: Time to perform a daily quick scan or Type of system scan to perform. However, though removing local admin rights helps to reduce the security risk count, it also significantly reduces end-user experience quality and increases the workload on the IT Helpdesk. Folder for each user there any way we can start Quick Assist session conflict with Time! New tab page listed in Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Edge as the application and set Microsoft! Even apps from Microsoft store replaces the previous version at least six characters in Microsoft. 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