If your bunny has access to an outdoor run, you can feel safe knowing that this fast growing plant wont harm your rabbit. Hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8, columbine blooms a wide range of colorful flowers in May and June. They will devour tender shoots in spring and gnaw through bark in the winter. You can try adding some of these yummy flowers to your rabbits daily greens to give them a yummy pansy salad. Rabbits can eat through any kind of shrubbery in no time, destroying your carefully grown plants. Although the plants may overwinter in southern regions, theyre grown as annuals in the North. This includes both the yummy leaves and the clusters of flower blooms, called catkins. Dandelions are actually nutritious for rabbits. Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and well-drained soil. Simply spread the mixture in with your rabbits hay to give them some yummy pieces to find. Butterflies, bees, and a variety of insects are attracted to these showy flowers, which bloom from June to October. Crown imperial is one of the most popular species. Some plants are more rabbit-resistant than others, but few are truly rabbit-proof. Fencing. While juniper plants are tolerant of moist soil, keep them away from sprinkler systems, as they can drench the soil more than the plant can tolerate. Hardy perennial plants grow back year after yearif the local bunny population lets them grow. If you notice your dahlia tubers to be eaten, just know that rabbits aren't the culprit. These long-lived perennials are resilient as long as you stake up their heavy late springtime flowers to keep them from spilling on the ground after a heavy rain. 26. In the winter time, you may see trails running through the snow where rabbits have been moving from shrub to shrub as they feed. Best of all, bunnies leave them alone. This unrelated type of nettle has high amounts of a chemical called solanine. Rabbits graze a wide range of plants and can kill young trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. The plants flower from early summer to fall if the faded blooms are kept trimmed back. A fence is one of the best ways to keep rabbits away from your hydrangeas. 2 Apples /crabapples ( Malus spp.) Most rabbit-repellent plants feature one or more of the following characteristics that make them less appealing as rabbit food: Read on for our top picks for rabbit-repellent perennials and annuals for your garden and landscape. 7, no. Plant daylilies in full to partial sunlight, preferably in moist soil that drains well. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The rabbits would eat almost any plant, but they do avoid certain plants as well unless there is a scarcity of food and they are unable to find any other plant to eat since they are herbivores. Just because a plant is safe for rabbits to eat doesnt mean they should be given unlimited access. An innate sense of danger often- but not always- steers animals away from plants that are toxic. Violet leaves, flowers and stems are safe for rabbits to eat. Pansies are so tasty that even some people (who have fewer taste buds than rabbits) sometimes add it to a salad. Moderation is crucial in a rabbit's healthy diet, containing no more than 5% treats. Verbena flowers range from pure white to shades of red, pink, or purple. For Your Pet: Yucca plants are poisonous and should never feed them to your rabbit. Renee Miller began writing professionally in 2008, contributing to websites and the "Community Press" newspaper. Just remember to avoid using any poisonous fertilizers or pesticides out on your lawn. Butterflies and hummingbirds, on the other hand, love the tubular flowers. Important: These are Affiliate links. Native to the southern United States and South America, cleomes bear large flower clusters from midsummer until frost. Subscribe to the Bunny Lady e-Newsletter and receive a FREE pdf guidebook going over all the basics of rabbit care. Ive designed adorable bunny apparel! They are members of the Sunflower family, and can grow over 3 feet tall. During the spring and summer seasons, groundhogs will have an abundance of plants to enjoy. They come in both annual and perennial varieties. The flowers come in yellow, orange, cream, white and shades of pink and purple. Rabbits just dont like some plants, and while they might eat them if things get dire, they wont touch them if theres anything else on the menu nearby. Chamomile is a completely safe herb for rabbits to eat. This means if you have an oleander plant, it's a target for oleander caterpillars. But just like most animals, rabbits will eat just about anything if theyre hungry enough! Or at least try if the plant in front of them, including your precious succulent, looks edible. So its best to only give the seeds to your rabbit as if they were treats, and not as a common source of food. Wild rabbits eat a lot of different things, including wildflowers, grasses, vegetable plants, and weeds. But there are actually some plants that genuinely repel rabbits. If your lawn erupts with dandelions every year, go ahead and pick some to give to your rabbit (as long as your lawn uses safe fertilizers!). The wood from willow trees is commonly used in toys for rabbits. Planting flowers that rabbits dont like can act as a deterrent, preventing them from entering the garden to access what they consider more tasty blooms. Many of the substances used for lawn and garden care are poisonous to rabbits. Rabbits will not necessarily eat the Hydrangea, however, they will gnaw and chew on the woody stems. Growing Conditions: Full sun and moist, well-drained soil. Shop Rain Chains, Planters, Bird houses and Baths, Outdoor Decor and so much more! In fact, rabbits can eat the entire plant. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Impatiens grows to between 6 inches and 2 feet, and flowers may be formed in single or double blooms. Ajuga plants are evergreen or semi-evergreenand are hardy in zones 3-9. Like alfalfa hay, clover is a legume plant. Bald cypress ( Taxodium distichum) Barberry ( Berberis) Burning bush ( Euonymus spp.) Vinca minor and major are fast spreading, and may be considered invasive in some areas. Use these low-growing, low-maintenance plants as an edging for walkways, beds and borders. She enjoys writing about garden, food, and home topics. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Here is a quick look at the best foods to offer rabbits: Grass And Hay. David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. However, rabbits prefer to stay away. This includes the flower, stem, leaves and even the roots if your rabbit gets ahold of them. Liriope - Grassy groundcover, evergreen and dense, with spires of purple bobbly flowers. Rabbits will not even dig up carrots, though they will eat them if another creature has already uprooted them. In many climates, the plants are semi-evergreen. Vinca minor and major are fast spreading, and may be considered invasive in some areas. Rather than react with alarm and panic when a hawk, eagle, fox, or even a coyote shows up in your neighborhood, you can accept this sign of natural diversity. All rabbit species are herbivores and as such only eat plant matter. Rabbits tend to create a clean cut when they bite, so your plants will look like someone took shears to them. In particular, rabbits love to feast on tomatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, and hot peppers. They are high in fat and can cause digestive problems if given in high amounts. The fencing has to be positioned at least two inches from the bark of the tree, since wrapping . 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Celery: Sure! Check the Lower Parts of the Plant: As grazers, rabbits prefer . Adding fencing can be most effective. Safe flowers can be given in moderation, but shouldnt make up a large portion of a rabbits diet. , which needs plenty of sun and blooms until frost. Availability of colors or sizes varies based on your local store. Irises. If you have children or pets, make sure it is in a location that is inaccessible because it is poisonous if ingested. Garden Plants That Rabbits Love to Eat Shrubs and Trees Rabbits prefer tender woody plants with thin bark, so new plants and shoots are at the most risk. Both plants produce colorful blooms in red, pink, or white. Some gardeners say the plants smell pleasantly minty, while others complain of a skunk-like or catty odor. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. Juniper is a coniferous plantwith green, needle-like leaves. They do better in rocky or sandy soils than in fertile, rich ground. Does your rabbit like to flip over their food bowls? Rabbits are . There are many species of wild rabbit found in the Leporidae family, and virtually all of them will readily feast on garden plants, ranging from herbs and vegetables to shrubs and even the bark of trees. So voracious are rabbits that it may be easier to list the plants that aren't eaten by rabbits than to list all the plants that are at risk. Photo By: Image courtesy of Proven Winners. They feed bees and butterflies and self-sow their seeds prolifically. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit. 27. While the list of plants rabbits generally don't eat is fairly large, even these cannot be said to be truly rabbit-proof since under tough conditions where other food sources are slim, rabbits have been known to eat these, too. to determine whether its safe to grow in your region. But more likely the cotton that you have in your house is made up of blankets and clothing. Daylilies are the classic harbingers of summertime in the garden. Some have strongly scented leaves or flowers, while others contain distasteful or poisonous substances. These may include: Young, tender plants and newly transplanted plants are especially susceptible and mature, larger plants are better able to withstand nibbling bunnies. Rabbits prefer young, tender shoots, and are fond of marigolds, pansies, and petunias, among other flowers. Yarrow is a drought-resistant perennial that does well in zones 3-9. Catnip is not a very showy plant, so it can be planted near more showy blooms, like Purple Cone Flowers. Also referred to as coneflower, Echinacea are hardy in USDA zones 3 to 8 and bloom all summer long. Youll want to be aware of any flowers or garden greens that your rabbit has access to, so you can be sure they wont eat anything harmful. A cottage-garden favorite, foxglove produces spikes of pink, rose, white, and yellow flowers. Strangely enough, they don't mind the thorns on rose bushes and will happily munch them to the ground. While each of these species and breeds differs slightly, they share a number of features . While strawflowers may grow as short-lived perennials in zones 8 to 11, theyre treated as annuals elsewhere. Agave is a long-leaf succulent that forms a rosette shape and is both drought-resistant and perennial. Cottontail rabbits eat a wide variety of plant foods including grasses, sedges, sprouts, leaves, fruits, buds, and bark. It's one of the most commonly used herbs around the world, and while you can buy it in any supermarket, it's worth growing in your garden. They don't need much care either. The clusters of blooms look wonderful in flower arrangements. Their upright blade-like foliage has an eye-catching form, even when the plants aren't in bloom. The Rio Dipladenia plant is beautiful and makes a great attraction in your yard or home. These cabbage family relatives dont smell like their kin, but they offer an abundance of large, colorful flowers in shades of white, pink, and red. Their diets include grasses, clover and some cruciferous plants, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Rabbits like to munch on anything they can get their teeth on. Sunflowers are another type of flower that is safe for bunnies to eat. Miller holds a diploma in social services from Clarke College in Belleville, Ontario. Nasturtiums are tasty flowers for rabbits to snack on. While not incredibly nutritious, daisies can be a yummy treat for your rabbit. It may even have some medicinal properties that can help calm a rabbit down. Dipladenia flowers are smaller than mandevilla blooms. Though the leaves are its best feature, lamb's ears also produces spikes of pink flowers throughout the summer. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. There is such a huge variety it's impossible to list them all. However, if any pets ingest parts of the plant or the plant's sap, the animal is prone to suffer from mild to severe indigestion problems. The wide range of colorful cultivars is not appealing to rabbits, which increases their value to gardeners. Since rabbits cannot vomit, eating too much of something poisonous can cause severe illness. In fact, most rabbits prefer to eat grasses, clover, and other types of herbs. 1. Rabbits probably dislike ageratum's fuzzy, fringed blooms and the texture of its foliage. The flower spikes appear in cheery shades of blue, pink, and white. While rabbits tend to bypass sunflower blooms, they are fond of the plants seeds and leaves. Ears also produces spikes of pink and purple orange, cream, white, and may be formed single... Semi-Evergreenand are hardy in USDA zones 3 to 8 and bloom all summer long types. But just like most animals, rabbits can eat through any kind of shrubbery no! Zones 4 through 8, columbine blooms a wide range of plants to enjoy and as only! Both drought-resistant and perennial, Ontario to be positioned at least two inches from the products on! Annuals elsewhere, or white poisonous substances the plants are n't in bloom even dig up,. This means if you have in your house is made up of blankets and.! 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