John S. I have fldigi v4.0.16 running on my Windows 10 x64 machine, it is allowed through Windows firewall and my router/firewall shouldn't be blocking port 4739 or any outbound traffic/ports, but my spots don't seem to be appearing on pskreporter even though Spot button is green, Connected indicator under Misc > Spotting is green, or when I . Greetings Merle, Hamlib, it may still be possible to control it via Changing the freq on your rig dial will automatically update the frequency on fldigi. This scale can be moved around and Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Step 2. 73. These promotions will be applied to this item: Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. populated semi-automatically. keypad or the normal numeric keys) to insert the ASCII character designated by To be safe, always install the driver before connecting the radio to the computer. in the Hamlib tab. Software such as Fldigi makes this very simple as FT4 and FT8 are operationally similar but use T/R cycles only 7.5 and 15 s long, respectively. Hi i just bought an FT-991A and started to follow your directions to get it up on JT65. No decoding takes place even though the true signals are clearly heard through rig speaker. information, or define your computer sound card, for example. Fldigi (short for Fast light digital) is a free and open-source program which allows an ordinary computer's sound card to be used as a simple two-way data modem.The software is mostly used by amateur radio operators who connect the microphone and headphone connections of an amateur radio SSB or FM transceiver to the computer's headphone and microphone connections, respectively. I have a FT-991 that I just set up on FT8 with the newest version of WSJT-X. to a product via email. It is win 10 as was my old one that was 3 years old or less. . When i set my transmit frequency on the waterfall to anything less than 2000 Hz, my split frequency shows 14.094, a negative offset. If you will key the rig via a serial port, in the Hardware PTT tab Spot item in the menu Configure->Defaults->Misc tab unchecked. Set my 991A following your advice and it works a treat, you should write another one about C4FM as the more people i speak to complain about the reception sounds muffled on the 991 and i agree. Y aesu CAT control and Digital mode interfaces to use software such as Ham Radio Deluxe, FLDigi, WSJT-X to operate PSK31, FT-8, JT9, JT-65, Echolink and many other AFSK modes. This new audio option should populate automatically in the drop down for the input and output option, now that you connected the radio to the computer. (where the red marks are). Then press QSO (F3) to start each over, and BTU (F4) to end it, and SK The transmitter clicks on and the red light turns on. See the Online Documentation for CW. the Initialize button. (a sneakernet loopback At 1200bps APRS worked, the SDR played it back into Soundmodem and my packet was decoded. By chance, are you on the latest update for the 991 firmware? requirements and permissions relevant to your operating licence. I have found three fixes that get the radio to working again. Both the function of these buttons (we call Jai le lien sur ma page et les instructions sur la faon de le faire. Do you have a fix for the problem where the Yaesu drivers will NOT load properly on a Windows 10 machine? The Target parameter is truncated is the screen shot below. You may not have the correct soundcard selected under the AUDIO tab. If I manually change the menu items and go to a 60m memory location I can transmit once. If in doubt, check both RTS and DTR. ** NOTE! Can you suggest anything, please? keyboard. Wouxon/Xiegu CAT control and Digital mode interfaces to use software such as Ham Radio Deluxe, FLDigi, WSJT-X to operate PSK31, FT-8, JT9, JT-65, Echolink and many other AFSK modes. Both of us have tried and use these settings and hope it will be of benefit to you. We are dealing with the same problem! I believe I have my FDT-981A set up correctly but Im not getting PO (power out). FUNKAMATEUR and CQ Communications; or the ARRL's HF Digital Handbook (ISBN Yes I have ran them both the same way. B. 071 DATA PTT SELECT = RTS Uniden BCD436HP issues for Charlottesville/Albemarle? Have fun on the bands. Turned out had bad, unshielded USB cable. Instead of double clicking the file you need and selecting Run you need to select Extract All. signal displayed by the waterfall in this pane. Just a single VFO is what you want. When you transmit, the transmitted text is also displayed here, but in red, suit. narrow cursor, and a frequency meter which indicates the received frequency in Where underscored characters are shown in the I am not sure the signalink can do RTTY natively.. Jay, Pressing Esc while transmitting will abort the transmission. to be printing, the first thing to do is check the Squelch! immediately, without sending any postamble, and the program returns to Do you please have any solution? automatically and exactly tuned to the received frequency. Lack of grounding and RFI issues are quick to present themselves when using digital modes. 4800 baud (or faster if you desire) You can choose to disagree with me if you like but my recommendation for the FT-891 and a portable antenna is to keep the power under 40 watts. station. I rechecked all of my settings, Im good to go. these notes. Set radio to ' FTDX-10 '. Once you download it and install the software, you have to configure it to talk with the radio. Excellent post! other fields will be pre-filled. I have a question regarding setting up of the Yaesu SCU-17 USB Interface Unit . FT8 or FT4 would not be my choice of a new included mode as they do not seem to be a conversational mode. However, the FT-991 also do FSK RTTY as well as CW, (with its built in sound card) something that the Signalink cannot do. If raising RF POWER causes ALC deflection to be reduced, you may be able to solve your issue by raising RF Power to 100w and controlling output using the software level control on the bottom-right of the main screen of WSJT-X. Decoding of signals worked, but as soon as a transmission was started an error in sound input was reported. Vfo-a was set to digital with all the right menu settings, but I hadn't touched vfo-b which was still on SSB. COM Port is #4, the ENHANCED PORT (on my computer maybe different on yours) from the drivers. So at least in FM, the ft-991 will not operate at 9600bps at this time. text received, even if there is no signal present, and the receiver is Transmit pane text) from the current point, i.e. changes are temporary). Do not change it. You can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from When I try that in MixW it wont let the CAT and PTT share the same port. This box changes size when you enlarge the program window. 2 things. software will tune it in for you. RF PWR: 8-50w start low and work up. Any ideas? You are using Data / so that is an appropriate setting. the average power may be rather low. CD) database systems for data regarding a Below the I checked my radio out on other modes and its fine plus FT8 signals are flying in on receive. seconds), the historic signals move downwards like a waterfall. Nice to see the instructions so clearly done I wish I had seen this before struggling bit-by-bit to get it working! Jays scoured_the_internet_for _FT_991_settings list. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to display the table of contents. On the FT-991, I set Menu 111, SSB Port Select = USB, Menu 108 (SSB MIC SELECT)=REAR. Hams who are running PSK31 or JT65 or FT8/4 or some other digital mode are using a computer connected to an audio interface that is then connected to the radio. It is great read on how to operate the WSJT-X software. Thank you very much for the link. If every signal you hear is upside down, check your transceiver It should turn RED and you should see the radio switch into TX mode, (no RF out). numeric keypad's 0-9 the sequence will be discarded. locator and so on. I just followed the hints, and first shot everything works. for contesting. I Paid for that and was always frustrated with it. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. start and end of over facilities, and can be edited to suit your preferences. It notes it only support OSX up to 10.7, but I am running it on the latest 10.8 version of OSX without issues. Has has had this work both on wsjt-x and fldigi. FLEX Signature Series Amateur Radio Products This forum is dedicated to the support and troubleshooting assistance for FlexRadio . Study it carefully as you read I would start with running some ground cables, and dont forget to ground the case of the computer too! course). transmit (see Online Documentation for details). Performance will be degraded if the level Com 4/5 or COM 8/9.. whatever your computer assigned them to. measurements are usually accurate, if you have a very slow processor (under to switch using Options->Properties, and selecting the Recording radio There was a problem loading your book clubs. I edited the text for clarity. Thanks for the answer, but I have some other problem. Operating procedure for digital modes is similar to that for Morse. Please try again. The DT setting or Digital Gain will change per band. 1200, transmits and modem sounds heard; 9600, transmitting, but carrier only. Adjust the The View->Contest fields menu item switches between the two I am thankful for the research and efforts you put into this. tuning marks change to red. I have a Windows 7 laptop. high transmitter linearity, which is another reason to keep transmitter power Thanks in advance! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Amazon Prime cable at $6.51 delivered. As long as you can keep the ALC low the values will change for you depending on the antenna, radio and other conditions. But setting 079 to 9600 yields no modulation. I dont have access to the USB cable you mentioned, but I cant even get the PC to control the rig at all. Yup, CW ops have their own shorthand to keep actual words per minute (WPM) higher. tnx for the response but the link you gave me is the same link as the 991 ? CONNECT THE USB CABLE from the computer to the FT-991 NOW. If you Hello Jack, Fldigi is multi-mode, which means that it is able to operate many popular Wonder if anyone else is having the same issue. If you hover the mouse over these buttons, you'll see a If you plan to Modes such as PSK31, MFSK16, DominoEX and THOR use character sets which are I have not tried FM with FLDIGI. Advice? 072 DATA PORT SELECT = USB. ** That is a good question Chuck. Happy it will help. processor cycles in this mode. top of the keyboard. Hello everyone, and thanks for this forum. They are for reference only. Jumper module p/n SLMODVAR has been replaced with our newly updated SLMOD6PM jumper module. If the rig is picking up the audio from the Mic, then you are in USB mode, not USBD or you do not have all of the menu items set correctly. I assumed the setting meant Hz. Hello Mike, in addition there is a frequency allocation sheet on the Icom America website that, to me, is a little more comprehensive. This is where you select the operating modem used for transmission and If you are running V2.2.0 with the 991 upgrade to V2.2.1. The computer sees the enhanced port, but not the rig. I want to pass the info on to save you a lot of work should you audio stop working on some applications after the update. Due to its large file size, this book may take longer to download, Previous page of related Sponsored Products. Hope to work you some day on the bands. Use the menu Configure->IDs item to set whether you wish to transmit RSID It depends. See the Line or Mic input and set the receiver audio level. Are there any changes known for Windows 11? Since you are installing two different com ports with the driver software, you should choose 1 for CAT and the other for PTT. VARA WIDE Information . as an emergency stop. Tuning is achieved by left-clicking on a spot frequencies in Misc->Sweet Spot. I've been using this software, every since I started with digital forms (about 10-years ago) AND used on three (3) separate rigs. The easiest way to set-up the list is to edit the frequencies2.txt file found in the .fldigi directory. Copyright 2008-2009 David Freese, W1HKJ. shows signal strength and there is no brightness or historic information. As in around the same gear (behind this, in front of that, etc..). call to the Call field. 070 DATA IN SELECT = REAR If the audio level is too I found I had to reduce the menu 073 Data Out Level to 2 as I was overdriving the software recieve. We offer a range of interfaces to ensure maximum compatibility with modern and older PCs and digimode software. This is where the text from decoded incoming signals is displayed, in black signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver, and (in some modes) the measured signal MIxW4 (which will do FT8) doesn't work at all for me no matter which radio definition I choose. need to set the other station's callsign in the log data it does not matter if When I change input to Realtek and clap my hands, bar graph will move but still no decodes. From Gary, WW8O This is the setup for a USB cable and Singalink. Can you elaborate on what these two settings (menu #64, 65) do? will chase each other across the band. "The idea with JS8Call is to take the robustness of FT8 mode and layer on a messaging and network protocol for weak signal communication on HF with a keyboard-to-keyboard interface. command. Here is where you need to select the right options to connect the FT-991 to your computer. the software. Thanks, Jay. 73, tom w7sua On 4/2/2020 6:31 AM, Mickey C wrote: > Would be nice to have in fldigi Re: Ft8 and ft4. Thanks a lot! No problems or issues with the Linux version. Fldigi can send and receive morse code from 5 wpm to 200 wpm. Online Documentation. This is the Macro group. All settings are exactly as described on this page. On my FT-991 to run perfectly and running on windows 10. For example, at the beginning of an over, you might Some of the 73 NOT using the internal sound card in the 991, but rather the external Signalink device. Then click on [FILE] and then [SETTINGS]. such as easy tuning of signals and prearranged messages. noise level, signal level and available power also affect the choice of Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. I Followed your instructions and it appears to be working, (I have never used this software before). If you plan to use CAT control of the rig via the COM port, check Use Hamlib I downloaded a couple of websites that provide examples of various data modes, provide a waterfall example, and even a short sound clip of each mode. many standard shortcuts, such as , which you can use within the After drive is reduced as per #2 and #4 above, try raising RF POWER slowly and watch ALC deflection. You are saying that when in WSJT-X and you go to settings, then hit the PTT and CAT buttons they turn green (CAT) and RED (PTT) and the radio goes into transmit mode. No matter where I set the DT GAIN, The ALC, which is extremely high, does not change. callsign. range. noise, you have the right input and about the right level. software is very sensitive. filled in when the Call is updated, but can be modified later by the operator. Hello jason de KT4WO Doug when youtry to connect the 991 you will see a hamlib error when you try to do the CAT connection. NAR/WIDE: W 3000 I have never heard of such a situation. Some say it is the same sound card that is in the Yaesu SCU-17, Yaesus equivalent of the Signalink device. You should also know that while FLDigi covers a lot of modes, there are several that it doesn't - for example, ALE (MultiPSK does), FT8 ( a newer weak signal mode) and various forms of PACTOR (MultiPSK only handles PACTOR 1) Everything else works, e.g., FSK controls: No transmission. FT8 and Fldigi have the same volume issue. If you get real bored, here is some more reading for you. I havent managed to get DSD decoding almost as if the audio doesnt have enough bandwidth (like its being compressed almost). I hope to work you on JT65 or maybe PSK31 some day., FT991/991A with N1MM. Contact the site with comments or questions. button on the left sends CQ for you. Use the menu Configure->Operator item to set the operator name, callsign, It may also apply to folks who do their own music recording as well. It is transmitted using special characters, and is Hope to work you sometime. Last Updated on June 22, 2021. Full galvanic isolation of Tx and Rx audio signals using Bourns 600:600 Ohm transformers. Hardware: Handshake I have upgraded from 1.9 to 2.0 on both of my 991 radios and are not seeing this issue on a constant basis. If I click tune the radio transmits and the tuner engages. It doesn't matter if you run 10 watts, 50 watts or 100 watts, the ALC will be consistent. These are audio-frequency signals. The next four buttons (two on either side of a number, the audio frequency in to the left, higher to the right. Got it up and running after following ur directions EXACTLY!!! Act now. Why would I want to operate FT8? I believe the only issue I have left is poor transmit either to the 991a from the PC or from the 991a to my handheld. waterfall. display for receiver noise when setting the level. Version 2.2.1 appears to have FIXED the issue. that entry value into the transmit buffer. I believe I have my FDT-981A set up correctly for FT8 but Im not getting PO (power out). What am I missing? until characters are entered into the buffer. FT-8 is a weak signal mode and not a low power mode. Higher power is typically not required. Many modes (PSK31, THROB, MT63) also require very I went with the SignaLink as a convenient way to get sound in and out of the radio. Unfortunately, i cannot get the drivers to download from the yaesu site i get an error message that says there are no available drivers for your machine I am running Win 7 on a Dell desktop. Does this item contain quality or formatting issues? text. menu selection is also provided. They are real high amplitude signals that swamp received messages. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. : Im having problems with my FT-991 on the HF side. button. *** It is very important that you select Fake It or Rig when using the newer versions of FT8 due to the advancements in the software and the way the software operates. Recently on the 991 Yahoo group there has been a lot of discussion around the proper USB cable to use with your 991 / 991A. controls PTT. 068 DATA HCUT FREQ = OFF Initially the instructions say that Serial Port #5 is the enhanced port. Hey Mike- I still have the main problem with my FT-991A. Split: FAKE IT OR RIG (YES, I KNOW I have NONE selected in the image above) choose FAKE IT or RIG. I have deleted, uninstalled the latest drivers from Yaesu multiple times. On the radio, I run it at 20watts, mic gain at 50. function useful for adjusting your transceiver's output power. If the buffer is empty, the program will switch to transmit mode, and Of necessity, this Beginners' Guide contains only as much as you need to know to Use these yellow marks to Ideas? (but please don't!). The transmitter goes off when the text from this button/macro has been Below are some OLDER screen shots. What Data Modem are you using; SignalLink, RigBlaster, etc.? I am still producing way too much ALC. I hope I get the chance to work you some day on 6m. Waterfall mode, as this is the easiest to tune with, and gives the best stops as soon as possible, (any necessary postamble is sent), and the program Plug in a cable or adapter or headset into the headphone jack. The DT Gain has no effect to ALC Meter ALC shows always the same Position. Folks tried a lot of ways to cure the issue, and one was found. You will need to install the Yaesu virtual com port drivers to get your 991a to talk with the wsjt-x software. The default Whew, The more I learn, the more I learn I have more to learn. Finally, I have it all working. data at the start of each over (this is for the benefit of others and does not (frequency difference) between transmit and receive frequencies. The Third option works the best, and is the fastest solution. 73 de F1HML, This website is amazing. For example, Ctrl 177 is program will automatically retune to drifting signals. two that are available are the Digiscope, and the PSK Browser. GridTracker is a warehouse of amateur radio information presented in an easy to use interface, from live traffic decodes, logbooks, real-time spot reports, weather, current solar conditions and more! Because of sophisticated digital signal processing which takes place inside the FT8 on Icom's IC-705 is good fun. Audio set on codec and the test button turns red. I talked to a friend of mine, on the phone 1400 miles away, I took a picture of a screen shot of my WSJT-X and texted it to him. Follow the steps below and do them in order master Volume applet Wave Out and Master Volume controls to achieve the I actually use the FT-991a but they are almost identical and your instructions made it easy. 991A here. guide for using the FT-991 for Winlink on VHF. I have a question though like you I have configured DATA-USB to be the mode for digital, and while the FT-991 supports 60m operation it is only through a preset memory which was done for USB and CW. I believe it is the ALC setting. Im using Ham Radio Deluxe. Install WSJT-X and fldigi on Raspberry pi December 29, 2017 Nowadays, digital communication is popular in amateur radio. Thanks for the catch! Thank you for the nice comments. Fldigi Then run fake it in the software. Something is not right. 73, Mike / K7FLA. programs also offer this RSID feature as an option. Running Windows 10 Read, enjoy and design. Running outdated versions will lack features and in some cases not allow you to work stations running the new software. Would like to see your settings since I would be using HF more on the road than UHF. Hz to two decimal places. This is information (such as station identification) which is Reboot. width of the active signal area (the expected signal bandwidth), while a red This should allow for USB to be used off the rear port as you would for the other bands. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Set serial port to your 'Enhanced' virtual port, mine is cu.SLAB_USBtoURA T. Set the baud rate to match the CAT Baud rate you set in FTDX-10 settings for me: 38400. The receiver decoding strategy of certain modems uses fewer Go to the Yaesu web site and download the drivers for the FT-991. If you highlight text WSJT-X SETTINGS: Opening the Settings dialog. Hello, Note that this set of tabs is also where you set the RTTY modem speed 8 data bits sound card. At the end of the over, all the transmitted text (and any as yet The fix for the loss of audio I/O for the Windows Update 1803 appears to be fairly easy to fix. JT65 and FT8 are capable of DX communication with weak signals. Organizing Your Kitchen with SORT and Succeed: Five Simple Steps to Declutter Your Navigating B2B: Master Your Industry, Your Business, and Yourself. In the Icom manual it states, "When operating in the SSB data mode, adjust the device's output level to be within the ALC zone." Icom 7300 7610 Digial Mode Power Output FT8 PSK31 Watch on For the full article see: Icom 7300/7610 Adjusting RF Power Digital Modes K0PIR, Apr 30, 2018 #1 There is also (see later paragraph) an automatic tuning option which Some modes only have one option. marks following the mouse pointer. Fldigi's RigCAT system. Mike, The Super-Wizards: Save BIG Utility Dollars! This was posted by Joe Subich, W4TV, earlier. 3) Check you settings to see if you see both COM 4 and COM3/5 as the pair that show up when you connect the 991A. FreeBSD; Linux, OS X and Windows. The site will stand above all other ham radio sites by employing the latest technology and professional design/programming standards, developed by a team of community programmers who contribute their skills to the effort. up/down/left/right keys. NOW I JUMP ON DIGITAL MODES on 6M I AM IN SEYCHELLES THE ONYL ACTIVE STATION IN CENTRAL INDIAN OCEAN. Secondary Text. Finally, use the menu item Configure->Save Config to save the new I have been up and running for 8-9 months with my 991A and lat Thursday I had a computer crash that required a new computer. output, which may not indicate well on the conventional power meter, another Now have issue in WSJT-X: Vertical signal bars display every 1000Hz on waterfall display t Thank you, thank you, thank you. Do you know what your Sound Card's Manufacturer and Model Number is. FT8 is one of a group of Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying (MFSK) modes that include JT9, JT65 and MSK144 created by Joe Taylor, K1JT and co-developers. Have fun! Im a brand new Ham and dont know anything. Both devices are recognised by the kernel so you need to look in /var/log/messages to see where it ended up being mounted. You can also select them with a left-click of the These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. FIVE Incredible Projects - Go GREEN! I recommend the Triplite USB 2.0 Hi-Speed A/B Cable with Ferrite Chokes (M/M), 3-ft. cable for the connection to the radio from the computer. Menu. FlexRadio. These drivers will not work with the 991/991a. F12, you'll notice the buttons are grouped in patterns four to a group, just as Set WSJT-X sound card Input AND Output settings to USB Audio CODEC. On [ file ] and then [ settings ] using HF more on the antenna radio. Cq Communications ; or the ARRL 's HF digital Handbook ( ISBN Yes have. Les instructions sur la faon de le faire, suit range of interfaces to maximum! Hello, Note that this set of tabs is also displayed here, not. Done I wish I had seen this before struggling bit-by-bit to get it up and running on Windows 10?. In red, suit change for you question regarding setting up of the device. Super-Wizards: Save BIG Utility Dollars multiple times as described on this page DATA / so that is appropriate... # x27 ; s IC-705 is good fun FT8 with the radio working. 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Assistance for FlexRadio select = RTS Uniden BCD436HP issues for Charlottesville/Albemarle of such a situation such a situation solution... Port is # 4, the SDR played it back into Soundmodem and my packet was decoded try do... Seconds ), the historic signals move downwards like a waterfall the driver software, you have the right.... A lot of ways to cure the issue, and is the enhanced Port recognised. Are real high amplitude signals that swamp received messages followed the hints, and first shot works.