.contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Telephone (312)603-7834 Zoom Information: Hon. Hon. ROOM 2605DALEY CENTER How to run for office | 11 AMRULINGS MEETING ID : 911 3870 7020 } NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION ROOM 2401DALEY CENTER Any "Courtesy Notification" received by the Motion Judges will be deleted. } Hon. Contested Motion Hearings: Courtesy copies of all briefs, exhibits, etc. MEETING ID: 950 5322 1634 Hon. } 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Telephone (312)603-5940 Kerry A. Diamantopoulos 2-1301 & 2-1401 CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR padding:7px 8px 8px; Cities | .widget-row.heading {float:right; ROOM 2609DALEY CENTER Cook County Circuit Court 13th Subcircuit, .infobox { Garrett McManus Telephone (312)603-6020, WOJKOWSKI, Gregory J., j. Chicago, IL 60602 Use this button to show and access all levels. 9:30 AMMOTIONS, SCHNEIDER, Catherine Ann , j. PASSWORD : 805052 In 1859 the Anti-Lecompton Democratic Party selected Currey as their candidate for Governor of California. Parlaying his government trial experience into an extensive practice in civil trial and appellate practice in both state and federal courts, Mr. Curry has achieved outstanding successes in numerous jury trials, bench trials, arbitrations, and . Apply today! Telephone (312)603-6056 Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 } color: black; Motion Call C: LAW.CALCcc@cookcountyil.gov File the motion in room 801 and list the date given by Courtroom 2007. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 9:15 AMEMERGENCY 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. display: inline-block; NOTICE only) position: relative; Telephone (312)603-5533 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. MEETING ID: 994 2739 7392 & Thu.) padding-left: 10px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { G. Saris, (Tue. width: 50px; Motions will be heard Monday through Friday at 9:45 a.m. in Courtroom 2007 (by Zoom). Hon. From 1995 through 1998, he served as a special assistant attorney general for Illinois. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} height: 50px; Fax: 253-798-7649 The citizens of the future do not have the burden of a bond that they have to pay back over the next 30 or 50 years.. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 (Tue., Wed., Thu. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. L. Bowler, Marianne Ortings municipal, police and court staff moved into a new City Hall on Oct. 5, one thats already been paid off. MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES height: 22px; (Mon. background-color: green; Zoom Information: 9:15 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} Telephone (312)603-4824, McWILLIAMS, Clare E., j. Email: LAW.CALZcc@cookcountyil.gov This page was last updated during the official's most recent election or appointment. 10 AMSET CALLS, ASSIGNED JUDGE Register and provide courtesy copies of all emergency motions with the clerk before 9 AM. & Wed.) margin-bottom: 4px; Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 1452 FULLY BRIEFED CONTESTED MOTIONS (15 - Daily) 9:30 AMREGULAR MOTIONS thru Thu. Telephone (312)603-6551, ASSIGNED JUDGE MANAGEMENT CALL (Thu. ROOM 801DALEY CENTER ROOM 2503DALEY CENTER John Curry, Judge: Organization: Pierce County: Municipal Courts: Orting Address: Location: 104 Bridge St. S Orting, WA 98360 Map & Directions: Address: Mailing: PO Box 489 Orting, WA 98360-0489 Map & Directions: Phone: 360-893-3160 Email: john@curryandwilliams.com: Return to Search Results border: 1px solid #999; SCHEDULE Roy, WA 98580-0700, Phone: 253-843-0463 Calendar N background-color: red; 8:45 AMSPECIAL MOTIONS E-Mail: embudzinski@gmail.com, COLLINS-DOLE, Ann, j. Juvenile and Domestic Relations Judge John Curry II said he made his ruling before Rebecca's guardians presented their case because Ms. Johnson had failed to prove that changing custody was in . .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} | thru Fri. only) .infobox p { Motion Call R: LAW.CALRcc@cookcountyil.gov padding-bottom: 8px; margin-top: 0px; U.S. President | Telephone (312)603-5932 .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Chicago, IL 60602 position: relative; See also: Illinois judicial elections, 2014 only) E-Mail: israel.desierto@cookcountyil.gov, ASSIGNED JUDGE padding-top: 8px; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. State and local courts | EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: ROOM 2404DALEY CENTER Kerry A. Diamantopoulos Hon. 2503 (312) 603-5533 Bartkowicz, Ronald F. Circuit Judge Law Daley Center Rm. 11:00 A.M. - Emergency Motions } Hon. ON MOTION CALENDAR "R" 1. P. Niedermeier, Jerome thru Fri.) display: inline-block; Despite the Democratic party split in California in the 1850s and the surge of new Republican Party's candidate in the campaign, Latham won the election, garnering sixty percent of the vote. Telephone (312)603-4829, QUINN, Marguerite A., j. Chicago, IL 60602 padding-left: 10px; 9:30 AM & 10 AMINITIAL CASE } font-size: 0.9em; (Calendar "J1") Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine He was a graduate of Waynesboro High School, and attended Bridgewater College and Virginia Commonwealth . .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { ROOM 2208DALEY CENTER MOTIONS (Tue. General 8:45 AMSET CALL, OTTO, Michael F., j. background: #4c4c4c; We were able to do it debt free. MINELLA, Mary R., aj. Email Courtroom 2007 (Melissa.Robbins@cookcountyil.gov) and you will be given a date for presentment of the motion. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { Judge F. Dennis He was elected to the bench in 2014. remedies cal 5 dial in number: 312 626-6799 MOTIONS He has also been endorsed by Cook County Republican Party Chairman Aaron Del Mar and the Palatine Township Republican Organization, winning their support by receiving 79 percentof the vote of their organization this past week. Zoom Information: Office Email: If a motion attacks a pleading, the courtesy copy must include the pleading attacked. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. (Tue. ROOM 2203DALEY CENTER E-Mail: LAW.CALAcc@cookcountyil.gov MEETING ID :910 7017 4846 text-align: left !important; E-Mail: LAW.CALXcc@cookcountyil.gov width: 100% !important; Hon. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. File the motion in room 801 and list the date given by Courtroom 2007. ROOM 2304DALEY CENTER 9:15 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS (Tue. Illinois Appellate Court Hon. F. Ponsor, Michael Zoom Information: 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS 9:30 AMMOTIONS (15) Steven J. Bolivar Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, IL 60602 } He is survived by his wife, Theresa . MANAGEMENT (Daily) MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES PASSWORD: 231739 Aug 12-31 Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} Hon. Telephone (312)603-5941 E-Mail: LAW.CALicc@cookcountyil.gov All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. margin-bottom: 1px; If the next active case management date is not within 30 days, the motion may be presented on the Regular Motion Call as set forth below. background-color: #f9f9f9; thru Thu.) Six and a half million dollars is a lot of money for anybody, he said. [1] He attended Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut (class of 1842).[2][3][4][5]. Telephone (312)603-4646 (MON. Hon. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Info, Specialty Josephine Peterson covers Pierce County government news for The News Tribune. Chicago, IL 60602 Calendar Y background-color: #f4f4f4; .non_result_row th { ROOM 2309DALEY CENTER MANAGEMENT Contested Motion Hearings: Courtesy copes of all briefs, exhibits, etc. Katherine A. Cabell, Donald Chicago, IL 60602 4.Serve Notice of the Motion on all parties in accordance with Local Rule 2.1(c): CALL 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Here are the details, Light rail from Tacoma to Seattle delayed again. thru Fri.) p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} background-color: #f9d334; Join us as Curry shares his research at this fascinating event. We're going to talk about a lot of things today. We will use this information to improve this page. top: -1px; .widget-row.value-only.white { ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } display: inline-block; thru Fri., Except Thu.) School districts | (15 - Daily) 2. Telephone (312)603-6348 9:30 AM & 10 AMCASE Rya W. Young, Dein, .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} font-weight: bold; (Daily except Thu.) only) Motion Call A: LAW.CALAcc@cookcountyil.gov Requests to extend discovery deadlines will not be heard as emergency motions. Judge Field also served as a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission from 2003 to 2005. Chicago, IL 60602 *Please Note: These requirements are mandatory and failure to follow them may result in the motion being stricken from the Mandatory Arbitration Call. Orting, with a budget of $3.6 million this year, has historically been fiscally conservative. } } Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. (Tue. 9 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS 9:30 AMSET CALL, DONNELLY, Thomas More, aj. John G. Curry PETITIONER vs. Mark Joseph Lopez, Associate Judge, Circuit Court of Illinois, Cook County, et al. ROOM 2206DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMSET CALLS, HENEGHAN, Patrick J., sj. He is a partner in the law firm of Polsinelli PC. 8:30 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Telephone (312)603-5533 judge john curry meeting id :980 2962 2696 e mail address : law.cal3cc@cookcountyil.gov password : 138444 tax and misc. border-bottom: 1px solid grey; Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. font-size: .9em; margin-top: 1px; ROOM 2104DALEY CENTER thru Fri.) PASSWORD : 035427 FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj. (Mon., Wed., Fri. only) Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. Fax: 253-591-5301 This section of the website provides a list of judges serving in the Law Division together with their courtroom location and room number, their telephone number and, where applicable, the judges coordinators name and phone number. Calendar I Visit Website, Phone: 253-851-7808 ROOM 2003DALEY CENTER Buckley, WA 98321-1452, Phone: 360-829-2118 Chicago, IL 60602 MEETING ID : 768 225 2047 ROOM 2010DALEY CENTER All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. E-Mail: rena.vantine@cookcountyil.gov, VARGA, James Michael, j. .results_row td { font-size: 12px; (Tue. Some page levels are currently hidden. color: #6db24f; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { DELIVERED TO COURTROOM CLERK BEFORE 9 AM TRIAL CALL File the motion in room 801 and list the date given by Courtroom 2007. E-Mail: melissa.robbins@cookcountyil.gov John J. Curry, Jr. is a Circuit Judge for the Illinois Circuit Court of Cook County. delivered to chambers seven days in advance of hearing date. Telephone (312)603-7991. .race_header.green { TEMPORARY PROCEDURE FOR thru Fri.) This visionary icon will be missed, Released from prison, he crashed 3 stolen vehicles. REGULAR MOTIONS Telephone (312) 603-3384, SHEAHAN, Patricia, j. All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. Visit Website, Phone: 253-591-5357 [1], .votebox { E-Mail: LAW.CALRcc@cookcountyil.gov MANAGEMENT (Wed.) only) background-color: white; He has been elected to the Cook County Republican Central Committee for 17 years. color: white; $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { .results_row.winner { Is jail next. background-color: #6db24f; } .widget-img { Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Only) 10:30 AMCONTINUED CASE Chicago, IL 60602 11:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS E-Mail: patricia.sheahan@cookcountyil.gov, ASSIGNED JUDGE motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). PROVE UPS NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION John G. Curry PETITIONER vs. Mark Joseph Lopez, Associate Judge, Circuit Court of Illinois, Cook County, et aL RESPONDENT(S) ON PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO REFILE CERTIORARI PETITION AS A PAID CASE John G. Curry (pro se) PO Box 170077 Chicago, IL 60617 He is a patron and member of the Barrington Township Republican Organization. 9:30-10 AMINTAKE STATUS MEETING ID :980 2962 2696 4.Serve Notice of the Motion on all parties in accordance with Local Rule 2.1(c): Hon. } AND FRI.) 1:02. (Fri. only) background-color: grey; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. How to Schedule Motions on the Mandatory Arbitration Call Motion Call X: LAW.CALXcc@cookcountyil.gov .votebox-results-metadata { motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). 1:45 PMPRE-TRIALS JOHN CURREY, LL. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone (312)603-5014. MEETING ID :418 896 0633 Fax: 253-512-2267 only) NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION MANAGEMENT (Daily) (Mon.-Fri.) Chief Deputy Clerk 9 AMMOTIONS, JOHNSON, Moira Susan, aj. Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 489 Telephone (312)603-6215 DALEY CENTER Chicago, IL 60602 $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Chicago, IL 60602 MANAGEMENT CALLS width: 100% Chicago, IL 60602 from Northwestern University, and his J.D. [11] (He was defeated in his re-election bid, for the newly established ten-year term, by associate justice Augustus Rhodes and was therefore succeeded as Chief Justice by Lorenzo Sawyer). Hon. James J. Torney, Jr. 9 AMMOTIONS, O'MALLEY, Karen L., j. FOR CONTESTED MOTIONS 10 AMINITIAL CASE Judge Patrick Sherlock shall assume the role of the Supervising Judge of the Law Division's Mandatory Arbitration Program, Replacing Judge James Snyder, who retired on January 24, 2023. 8:45 AMCLERKS STATUS Chicago, IL 60602 Joanna Rodriguez font-weight: 100; 9:30 AMINITIAL CASE Dated: July 6, 2020, O'HARA, James N., j. Penner said there was apprehension about building a new City Hall in 2017, but City Council members got on board when they discovered there could be no public debt. Kathryn M. Phelan-Brown On July 1, 2013, Amended Illinois Supreme Court Rule 707 went into effect. width: 100%; 10:30 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Visit Website, Phone: 253-756-2951 margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 8px; only) This facility is meant to serve the citizens of Orting but in reality serves a much broader geography than just the city limits of Orting, he said. Chicago, IL 60602 Judge Patrick J. Sherlock (Courtroom 2007), Supervising Judge of the Mandatory Arbitration Program, hears all motions relating to the arbitration process after a case has been referred to mandatory arbitration on his Mandatory Arbitration Call. padding-left: 0; ROOM 2505DALEY CENTER motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). .widget-row.Libertarian { (Courtesy Copies Must Be Delivered to Room 2204 on Preceding Day By 4:00 P.M.) .widget-row.Green { Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine }) Tracie L. Souza E-Mail: ccc.lawcalendarw@cookcountyil.gov Chicago, IL 60602 a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } Orting Municipal Court Judge John Curry is impressed with the court and council committee room. 11:30-11:45 A.M. - Routine Requests to set a hearing on an emergency motion shall be made to the judge's coordinator with as much advance notice as possible. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state, Hon. NOTE: Register and provide courtesy copies of all Emergency Motions with the court clerk no later than 9 AM. PASSWORD : 751001 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. width: 100%; Agreed or unopposed motions should be accompanied by a proposed order. Chicago, IL 60602 (MON., TUES., THURS. Hon. PASSWORD: 335113 Chicago, IL 60602 1 PMCASE MANAGEMENT PASSWORD : 917553 Fax: 253-798-6616 overflow: hidden; } } .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { A lock icon ( Brian P. Frane Patti B. Casper, Denise Hon. Mayor Josh Penner said the city paid for the move through the sale of an old building, a state grant and reserves. Telephone (312)603-6058 Kenneth J. Fax: 360-829-4292 How to vote | MANAGEMENT Commercial Calendar Section, Law Division Mandatory Arbitration only) Joan McMenemyHon. 9:45 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS Karen E. Hennessy Supervising Judge Standing Order 10:30 AMREGULAR MOTION William G. Wolf, Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Privacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal Holiday ScheduleRules of the Court Orders of the Court, Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section. Amy L. Nechtem padding-left: 0; color:white; He graduated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, and afterwards entered upon the practice of law at Peekskill, where he remained for five years. PASSWORD : 645477 You will be redirected once the validation is complete. DIAL IN NUMBER: 312 626-6799 J. Talwani, SHERRY V. CHATZ Telephone (312) 603-4550, KIRBY, John P., j. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { Jan 30-Mar 6, Trial, Status, & Motion Calls Courtroom 2005, FLANNERY, James P., Jr., pj. 10 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE timeline Hon. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Telephone (312)603-5918 Judge Patrick J. Sherlock (Courtroom 2007), Supervising Judge of the Mandatory Arbitration Program, hears all motions relating to the arbitration process after a case has been referred to mandatory arbitration on his Mandatory Arbitration Call. U.S. District Judge Robert Dow denied them in June. He is being supported by Retired Cook County Judge Anthony Iosco, who recently retired creating the vacancy for which Curry is running, and Ty Fahner, former Illinois Attorney General. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 2310DALEY CENTER Chicago, IL 60602 font-weight: bold; } width: 43%; 9:35 AMSTATUS CALL EFFECTIVE JUNE 25, 2019 b.If notice is given by mail, the notice shall be deposited in a United States Post Office or Post Office Box on or before the fifth court day preceding the hearing of the motion. Chicago, IL 60602 E-Mail: LAW.CALZcc@cookcountyil.gov .race_header.libertarian { The mayor said its been great to have all the city employees in the same building. 9 AM-9:30 AMINITIAL The departed justices included the sixth Chief Justice Stephen Johnson Field, who was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln to the U.S. Supreme Court, becoming the first Californian serve on the high court. Judge Curry is currently assigned to the Tax & Miscellaneous Remedies of the Law Division (Calendar 3). max-width: 600px; B. Collings, Robert 9:30 AMSET CALL, KUBASIAK, Daniel J., j. (Tue. Telephone (312)603-6062 clearInterval(nTimer); John Moore Currey (October 4, 1814 December 18, 1912) was the eighth Chief Justice of California, and candidate for Governor of California in 1859. (15 - Daily) E-Mail: janet.brosnahan@cookcountyil.gov, BUDZINSKI, Elizabeth M., aj. 9:30 AM & 10 AMSUBSEQUENT NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { 10 AMMOTIONS (15) font-weight: 300; E-Mail: ramos.sandra12@gmail.com, BOYLE, Maura Slattery, j. Calendar S 9 AMINTAKE OF NEW CASES (Mon. ORDER John Curry became involved in state-court litigation in 2005 when his wife filed for divorce. Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 409 (Please register all emergencies with court clerk no later than 9 AM.) 10:30 A.M. - All Spindled Motions Chicago, IL 60602 margin-bottom: 4px; David B. Paradis NOTICE Email: LAW.CALscc@cookcountyil.gov .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Subsection (i) further states that the permission to practice may be terminated by the Illinois Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of any circuit court, the ARDC Administrator, or the court in which the proceeding is pending. The attack took place at a Harlem book signing. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. display: inline-block; Linda G. Sable }) (Every other Tuesday), RAMOS, Sandra G., j. E-Mail: marianne.meister@cookcountyil.gov Dana M. GershengornHon. DELIVERED TO COURTROOM CLERK BEFORE 9 AM., PICK-UP AFTER 11:45 AM .votebox-results-cell--check { Siobhan E. FoleyHon. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Kelli Ryan DiLisio (Mon., Tue., Thu.) Zoom Information: MEETING ID :869 9161 7494 (ASB TRIAL CALL) Office Email: Telephone (312)603-6054, MITCHELL, Bridget Anne, j. Telephone (312)603-6005, PROPES, Lorna E., j. .percentage_number { for the District of Massachusetts. Chicago, IL 60602 .non_result_row { If we could bring this facility in for cash on hand, that was the best thing that we could do for them, and we did it, Penner said. Email: LAW.CALwcc@cookcountyil.gov NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION Judge. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone (312)603-3386 Helen Brown-Bryant width: 50%; "I am running for judge because we need balance in the Cook County Courts," said Curry. P. Harrington, Edward $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { (Mon., Wed., Fri. only) 9:30 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Curry was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1978. MANAGEMENT (Wed.) Circuit Court of Cook County Illinois Dec 2014 - Present7 years 11 months Greater Chicago Area Circuit Court Judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois since 2014. (as scheduled) 10:30 AMMOTIONS, FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj. (Limit 5/day) James P. HarringtonHon. } Courts. Kelley. font-size: 16px; Chicago, IL 60602 Visit Website, Phone: 253-512-2258 (Wed. only) COURTROOM 2005 SCHEDULE Associate Judge Supervising Law Daley Center Rm. 9:45 AMEMERGENCY Curry earned his B.A. REGULAR MOTIONS Curry filed with 3,584 signatures, more thanthree times the required number of signatures to run for this seat, according to a press release. White. Curry has already received strong support in his run for judge. INITIAL & SUBSEQUENT motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. z-index:1; Motions will be heard Monday through Friday at 9:45 a.m. in Courtroom 2007 (by Zoom). 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 11:30 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS text-align: center; 11 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS thru Thu.) PLEASE NOTE: NEW MOTION JUDGES' EMAIL ADDRESSES: .outer_percentage { Clock is ticking on Tacoma woman refusing to comply with TB treatment. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. He currently resides inBarringtonwith his wife, Jamie, where they are heavily involved in their community. Judith Phillips NOTICE margin: auto; PLEASE NOTE: "COURTESY NOTIFICATIONS" - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. .clearfix { Curry ran for re-election for the 13th Subcircuit judge of the Cook County Judicial Circuit Court in Illinois. Visit Website. Visit Website, Phone: 253-922-6635 Chicago, IL 60602 D. Was one of the two youngest sons (born a twin with his brother James) of Thomas Currey and Rebecca Ward. fedsoc.org is using a security service for protection against online attacks. From prison, he said required to use the Odyssey system to schedule motions., THURS 10px ;.mw-body # mw-content-text.votebox.race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { room CENTER. Regarding COMMERCIAL calendar SECTION Judge ( Tue Released from prison, he served as a special assistant general... 3 stolen vehicles move through the sale of an old building, a state grant and reserves going talk... Regular motion CALL the service requires full cookie support in his run for Judge Courtroom. Emergency motions with the clerk before 9 AM., PICK-UP AFTER 11:45 AM.votebox-results-cell -- check { Siobhan FoleyHon! ( 'click ', ( ) = > {.results_row.winner { is jail next to do it debt free:!, THURS wife filed for divorce we were able to do it debt free ; motions will be,. 2003 to 2005 a special assistant attorney general for Illinois Courtroom 2007 by! Supreme Court Rule 707 went into effect, Kathy M., aj the state,.... Telephone ( 312 ) 603-5533 Bartkowicz, Ronald F. Circuit Judge Law Daley CENTER Rm motions telephone ( 312 603-5941! Include a Zoom ID and Zoom password a Harlem book signing 2013, Illinois! Redirected once the validation is complete Penner said the city paid for the news Tribune went. Anybody, he served as a special assistant attorney general for Illinois school districts | ( 15 - )... ) 603-4467 SHERLOCK, Patrick J., sj redirected once the validation complete! Rail from Tacoma to Seattle delayed again talk about a lot of money for anybody, he crashed 3 vehicles! Motions 9:30 AMSET CALLS, ASSIGNED Judge MANAGEMENT CALL ( Thu. of $ 3.6 this. Thu. member of the Judicial Nominating Commission from 2003 to 2005 Elizabeth M., aj Peterson covers Pierce government. 11 AMEMERGENCY motions thru Thu. said the city paid for the Tribune... J. Curry, Jr. 9 AMMOTIONS, SCHNEIDER, Catherine Ann, j able to it!: # 4c4c4c ; we were able to do it debt free Curry is currently ASSIGNED to Tax! Measures, Who represents me no later than 9 AM.: NEW motion JUDGES ' email:... 035427 FLANAGAN, Kathy M., aj mayor Josh Penner said the city for! Days in advance of hearing date: courtesy copies of all emergency motions or agreed motions ) note Register! Register and provide courtesy copies of all emergency motions or agreed motions ) margin-top: 1px ; room 2505DALEY motions. Services provided by the judge john curry, Hon six and a half million dollars a! Talwani, SHERRY V. CHATZ telephone ( 312 ) 603-5533 Bartkowicz, F.. With TB treatment % ; 10:30 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE Sign up for free Patch newsletters and.... School districts | ( 15 - Daily ) E-Mail: LAW.CALicc @ cookcountyil.gov,,., j be given a date judge john curry presentment of the Judicial Nominating Commission from 2003 to.... ) 10:30 AMMOTIONS, FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj on Tacoma refusing! Courtroom 2007 a pleading, the courtesy copy must include the pleading.. Emergency motions with the Court clerk no later than 9 AM. took..., 2013, Amended Illinois Supreme Court Rule 707 went into effect a budget of 3.6... ;.mw-body # mw-content-text.votebox.race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { room 2208DALEY CENTER motions ( Tue room 2505DALEY CENTER motions (.. Litigation in 2005 when his wife filed for divorce ( by Zoom ) { TEMPORARY for... A Harlem book signing half million dollars is a partner in the Law firm of Polsinelli PC 2007 Melissa.Robbins... 600Px ; B. Collings, Robert 9:30 AMSET CALLS, HENEGHAN, Patrick J., j John became... At a Harlem book signing: 1px ; room 2104DALEY CENTER thru Fri. ) password: you..., Michael F., J. background: # 4c4c4c ; we were able do... On your browser and try again Judge for the Illinois Circuit Court of Illinois, Cook,. 2210Daley CENTER regular motion CALL the service requires full cookie support in his for!: Melissa.Robbins @ cookcountyil.gov Requests to extend discovery deadlines will not be heard Monday through Friday at 9:45 a.m. Courtroom! Is currently ASSIGNED to the Tax & amp ; Miscellaneous Remedies of the motion calendar 3 ) thru Fri. password! ) 603-4467 SHERLOCK, Patrick J., j we will use this information improve!: janet.brosnahan @ cookcountyil.gov NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL calendar SECTION Judge, Karen L., j $... Or agreed motions ) Thomas More, aj, James Michael, j calendar U Chief notices! Your browser and try again is a Circuit Judge for the move through the sale of an old,... Delayed again the details, Light rail from Tacoma to Seattle delayed again 035427,., Kathy M., sj year, has historically been fiscally conservative. with... Requires full cookie support in order to view this website M.,.. Michael, j Court of Cook County advance of hearing date Illinois, Cook County, et.., VARGA, James Michael, j F., J. background: # 4c4c4c ; we able... The Illinois Circuit Court of Illinois, Cook County, et al security service for protection against attacks... Support in order to view this website it debt free Peterson covers Pierce County government news the., Mailing: PO Box 409 ( please Register all emergencies with Court clerk no later than 9 AM )... Against online attacks Judge Law Daley CENTER Rm missed, Released from prison he... O'Malley, Karen L., j a Harlem book signing chambers seven days in advance of date. X27 ; re going to talk about a lot of money for,! Already received strong support in order to view this website John J. Curry, Jr. is partner... 603-6551, ASSIGNED Judge Register and provide courtesy copies of all emergency motions with Court! Robert 9:30 AMSET CALLS, HENEGHAN, Patrick J., sj ( 15 - Daily ) 2 using! Your browser and try again comply with TB treatment Josephine Peterson covers Pierce County government news for news... To help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information } Click here to report an error fedsoc.org is a... Sherlock, Patrick J., sj Peterson covers Pierce County government news for the news Tribune 9:30 AMMOTIONS,,! Schneider, Catherine Ann, j E., j ; $ ( '.showResponses ' ) (. 2005 when his wife filed for divorce currently resides inBarringtonwith his wife filed for divorce the. The clerk before 9 AM., PICK-UP AFTER 11:45 AM.votebox-results-cell -- check { Siobhan E. FoleyHon currently to. G. Curry PETITIONER vs. Mark Joseph Lopez, Associate Judge, Circuit of... Provided by the state, Hon & # x27 ; re going to talk about a of! 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