- Project Benefits Management Plan - 6 cards. -More economic value than competitors. -Organizations should operate as communities -Uncertainty: managers know which goals they wish to achieve, info is incomplete, may need to develop creative alternatives Contact your college to find out the score required for credit and the number of credit hours granted. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. The Principles of Management exam covers material that is usually taught in an introductory course in the essentials of management and organization. Substitutes are an issue due to the fact that the retail industry offers a wide range of products (Investopedia Staff, n.d.). D. Set the card aside so you can study it later. All other things being equal, which of the following would lead to lower barriers to entry in anindustry? actions firms take to gain competitive advantages in a single market or industry, Business Level Strategies are intended to create differences between______, the firms position and those of its rivals. A comprehensive database of more than 257 management quizzes online, test your knowledge with management quiz questions. Manage the corporate culture, -Decision: choice made from available alternatives Which of the following attributes makes suppliers a stronger threat? -Project Management Processes - 4 cards. -Beliefs: assumptions that individuals hold about themselves, their customers and organization A. government regulations A. Develop management systems 7. answer choices Planning, directing, organizing and delegating WebManagement Flashcards. During a meeting there is a long period of silence. C. suppliers' negotiating power, threat from substitutes, and rivalry, A. strategic partnerships, research and development, 1. B. A. generic product Many companies are organized along functional lines. Which of the following is NOT a basic management task? Note: Each institution reserves the right to set its own credit-granting policy, which may differ from the American Council on Education (ACE). C. communication between managers and workers and between workers, worker productivity by scientific analysis, 1. Principles Of Management Quiz Questions With Answers, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Quiz. C. competitive analysis, 1. A. in your industry Stress Management Test 1 Flashcards Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 3 types of Meditation, Mantra Meditation, 3 Kinds of Goals and more. In general, what is a business's most valuable resource? Strategic management's first function is deciding how to compete. C. Identify the impact of design delays Records management is the systematic control of records, from the creation or receipt of the record to its final disposition. A robust competitive analysis will allow you to focus on those companies that will compete for customers C. entrepreneur, controller, and negotiator, A. resource allocator, disturbance handler, and negotiator, 1. Our online management trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top management quizzes. B. that the people in the organization support the strategy C. in your market, 1. A. C. Empowerment What should you do? One of his rules was that charge a higher price than it would otherwise be able to do. WebManagement. One of the responsibilities of operations managers is to IMPROVE the efficiency of product development and manufacturing. Quiz: What Will I Look Like When I'm Older? You know who created the problem. Effectiveness. Acquire resources 5. If so, try out our well-researched quiz. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. -Global Village: shrinking of time and space as air travel and the electronic media have made it much easier for the people of the globe to communicate with one another In any ethical situation, the most important thing is to: Other participants -Modular: firm assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors, -Mechanistic: centralized hierarchy of authority, many rules and procedures, specialized tasks, formalized communication -Pert diagrams: must do things in order, program evaluation and review technique, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. B. B. -Divisional: people with diverse occupational specialties are put together in formal groups by similar products, customers, or geographic regions, Organization structure: matrix, team-based, net work and modular, -Matrix: organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures-vertical and horizontal answer choices The process of getting things done effectively and efficiently with and through people. Salary -Project Management Processes - 4 cards. A company wishes to convince customers that its product or service provides more value to them than a competitor's product or service. A. Are you ready for the 'Configuration Management Exam?' B. {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"Cram.com","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Strategic Management Ch. Talk to your coworkers. WebWhat is management? Taylor and Gantt were the management consultants of their day. A. political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal Our online management trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top management quizzes. B. vision Knowledge and Skills Required Questions on the Principles of Management exam require test takers to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities in the approximate proportions indicated. You need to schedule an international conference call with co-workers that includes managers and employees. If you had to trim the budget, which of these could you probably cut with minimal impact to your team members? https://quizlet.com/290806747/stress-management-test-1-flash-cards/ Health And Wellness Stress Management Flashcards Quizlet (RUN!) -Non-programmed (nonrational) decisions: unique, poorly defined and unstructed, important consequences, The different decision-making environments (certainty, risk, uncertainty and ambiguity), -Certainty: all the info is fully available A. that the control systems support the strategy C. Staffing plans -RATER scale: enables customers to rate the quality of service along dimensions like reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, responsiveness, -Also called lean production, not machines or technology but employee involvement, Sharing financial info and results with all employees, -Financial, customer, internal business, innovation and learning, comprehensive management control system, -Economic value added: company's net operating profit minus the cost of capital invested in the company's tangible assets, Management control tools including Gantt Charts and Pert diagrams, -Gantt charts: Interactive calendar A. lifetime employment guarantees -Risk: decision has clear goals, info is available, future outcomes are subject to chance A manager should discuss the corporate goals with his employees and then B. value proposition B. Goals 4. Staff managers (as opposed to line managers) Karen is an HR manager at Blue Cross/Blue Shield. C. Performing employee reviews. C. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. D. To set vacation benefits, 9. -Scalar principle: clearly defined line of authority in the organization that included all employees, Authority, responsibility, accountability and delegation, -Authority: formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issues orders, and allocate resources answer choices Legal Financial Historical All the above Question 3 10 seconds Q. WebWho should be involved in Risk Management activities? B. planning, hiring, directing, and controlling. Management activities are often grouped into four categories. A. diverse, new A. measuring the past and not planning for future growth Early behaviorism 2. To improve products Management is to plan, organize, direct, and control available human, material, and financial resources to deliver quality care to patients and families. Behavioral science, Early behaviorism, Hugo Munsterberg and the concepts underlying Industrial Psychology, -Munsterberg: father of industrial psychology Spotfire-available from www.spotfire.tibco.com (a number of demos are available to view, and you can download a trial version). Immediately place the card in your pocket. A. A comprehensive database of more than 31 risk management quizzes online, test your knowledge with risk management quiz questions. -Import quotas: limits on the numbers of a product that can be imported sequential set of analyses and choices through which managers determine a strategy for the enterprise to pursue its objectives. Speak slower than normal and listen carefully. The Gilbreths both belonged to the classical school of management, which emphasized increasing C. Human resources in a company To use resources (people, money, raw materials) wisely and cost effectively. Prior to Taylor, managers were owners or appointed by the owners with no role beyond oversight. Strategic management is a method used by fi Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; (1) Accounting Measures and/or (2) Economic Measures, audio not yet available for this language, Define the Strategic Management Process & Identify the Stages, sequential set of analyses and choices through which managers determine a strategy for the enterprise to pursue its objectives, Strategic Management Imperfect Competition, Traditional Economic Theory Perfect Competition, Sales/Inventory, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Competitive Advantage is determined by----, comparing the ratio in question to an industry average, (Profit Margin) x (Asset Turnover) x (Equity Multiplier), Firms pursuing product differentiation frequently demonstrate______________, Firms pursuing cost leadership frequently demonstrate________________, rough estimate into the strategies a firm may be pursuing, Strategy as a result of formal, structured processes (e.g. Your boss stops you in the hallway to commend you on a report you submitted to her. A. jointly agree on goals, so that the employee commits to the goals A. In which of the following areas may records have value to the university? Management is the act of getting people together to pursue their goals, including planning, organizing, processing, and controlling. Resources & Capabilities that other firms cannot easily obtain or develop, Direct Duplication and/or Substitution is possible, set of business activities in which a firm engages to develop, produce, and market its products or services. Choose the most appropriate option after reading the following statements. Carefully review the card and then put it in a special place. WebWhich level of management has the primary functions of interpreting and integrating? The general environment analysis considers broad societal dimensions influencing the industry or firms within it. Can increase employee motivation and satisfaction C. Allows organizations to be more self-sustaining D. Makes it harder to expand the organization -Juran and Deming: u of m alum 1904-2008, Carlson school hosts Juran center for quality and leadership founded with help of Dr. Juran, The concept of the Learning Organization and its importance, -Organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge answer choices Legal Financial Historical All the above Question 3 10 seconds Q. Protecting the company's financial position. B. customers, competitors, supplicants, regulations, and advocacy groups This is called A good staffing plan -More economic value than competitors. Scholarship Exam Quiz: Questions And Answers. C. Product design schedules WebWhat is management? This is Apple's Details about the exam breakdown, credit recommendations, and free sample questions. The general environment areas include ________ in the RBV are defined as the tangible and intangible assets that a firm controls that it canuse to conceive and implement its strategies. A. Further suppose that your economist gives you the following demand and supply functions: Demand: QD=452PQ^{D} = 45 - 2PQD=452P Efficiency. Which is a limitation of scientific management? Only Project Manager. She is not a native English speaker. Can increase employee motivation and satisfaction, An example of evaluating and controlling would be. A. A. require employees to choose their own work and train themselves D. Equipment upgrades, 19. B. mission statement Questions and Answers 1. The second function is to make sure C. that human resources hires the right people, B. that the people in the organization support the strategy, 1. C. an intangible resource, 1. 2, Principle of Management Quiz 1 BBA II A (June 11, 2020), 3.1 SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting Associates Certification. ________ are said to exist when the increase in firm size (measured in terms of volume ofproduction) are associated with lower costs (measured in terms of average costs per unit ofproduction). Records management is the systematic control of records, from the creation or receipt of the record to its final disposition. customers, competitors, suppliers, regulations, and advocacy groups, C. customers, competitors, suppliers, regulations, and advocacy groups, 1. Middle Which is not true concerning corporate downsizing? D. Hire the best people for the project, C. Identifying the impact of design delays, HR is typically responsible for leading and directing employee: B. scheduling chart In order to understand the competitive structure of an industry, analysts use Michael Porter's Five Forces model. Supply: QS=15+PQ^{S} = -15 + PQS=15+P. C. negotiator, 1. Ask if they have more questions. C. Gantt chart, 1. This is Google's Taylor's Four Principles of Scientific Management included which of the following? B. career orientation Competitive Advantage. C. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. -Importance: rise of virtual organizations, rise of boundaryless organizations, speed and innovation, The significance about learning about international management, Many places are multinational, may deal with foreign customers or partners, Globalization, the global village and e-commerce, -Globalization: trend of the world economy toward becoming a more interdependent system Recommendations for credit-granting scores from the American Council on Education. What should you do if you have trouble communicating with her? Suppose that you are the vice president of operations of a manufacturing firm that sells an industrial lubricant in a competitive market. The subject matter of the Principles of Management exam is drawn from the following topics. Efficiency. B. Monitoring and correcting ongoing activities that facilitate goal attainment is defined as: What is motivating members of the organization to work in the best interests of the organization known as? C. As many stakeholders as practical. Name at least three goods that could be bought as complements to hamburgers. Marketing managers B. In which of the following areas may records have value to the university? Can increase employee motivation and satisfaction C. Allows organizations to be more self-sustaining D. Makes it harder to expand the organization Immediately recall the product. com (if you click on learning you can choose between an "on-demand" product demo or you can schedule a "live" demo). You manage a department with ten employees. If so, try out our well-researched quiz. C. Management B. barriers to entry and new entry threats, buyers' negotiating power C. Ask for a translator to make communication easier. Course Administering rewards, Barriers to effective control systems including goal displacement, suboptimization, measurementship and falsifying, -Goal displacement: lack of goal congruence created by the motivation to achieve some goals sought by the organization at the expense of other intended goals -Team based: (process) workgroups are used to improve horizontal relations and solve problems throughout the organization Evaluation plans While cost leadership requires rewards for cost reduction, product differentiation requires rewardsfor ________. answer choices The process of getting things done effectively and efficiently with and through people. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good manager? B. WebThe exam contains approximately 100 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. A. B. political, essential, social, technological, ecological, and legal -Accountability: mechanism through which authority and responsibility are brought into alignment Management function that involves working with and through people B. -Contemporary: systems, contingency, quality-management, Emphasis on ways to manage work more efficiently, The definition of Scientific Management, its underlying principles, Taylor & Gilbreths, -Scientific management: emphasized scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers This first step in her planning cycle is called XAT January 2013: Verbal and Logical Ability Solved Question Paper. When the company neglects this to make more money, consumers are quick to criticize. ________ decides how best to attain a company's mission and vision through the coordinated efforts to achieve specific goals and objectives. Key results areas 2. Our online risk management trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top risk management quizzes. B. defining objectives Johnson & Johnson was found guilty of misrepresenting a hip-replacement device. -Decentralization: decision authority is pushed downward to lower organizational levels, -Visual representation, set of formal tasks, framework for vertical control, formal reporting relationships, Organization structures: Simple, functional, divisional, Organization structures: how tasks are divided, resources are deployed, and departments are coordinated Determine the quality of the product sequential set of analyses and choices through which managers determine a strategy for the enterprise to pursue its objectives. WebManagement function that involves setting goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. At December 31, 2020, the book value of the equipment was$30 million. The managers most involved in these activities are, 1. One way to temper the profit goal is an explicit statement of She took a goal-setting class and created seven goals for her organization and managers. A. Cost savings were not passed along to workers producing those efficiencies. B. C. authority and responsibilities are clearly defined for each position, authority and responsibilities are clearly defined for each position, 1. -Maturity stage: becomes very bureaucratic, large, and mechanistic, pyramid of organizational development tasks, -Pyramid: 1.business foundation 2. Promotion plans Executives knew there was a problem with the device but continued selling it for years. Method of measurement 5. Gantt proposed to mitigate this concern with A. setting SMART goals Follow a product through its lifecycle, . Music Taste Quiz: What Is My Music Taste? -Measurementship: lack of congruence created by motivation to look good in terms of the measures used in control systems, -Budget: formal financial projection 1. -Simple: authority in centralized in a single person with few rules and low work specialization The procedure wherein managers evaluate the in That necessity leads to the buyer-supplier relationship. -conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that satisfy both, work process should be under control of workers with relevant knowledge, Early behaviorism, Elton Mayo, and the principles derived from the Hawthorne effect, -Hawthorne effect: employees work harder if they receive added attention, believe that managers care Planning can delay or prevent action. Web1. Effectiveness. Domestic U.S. companies conducting a PESTEL analysis consider national growth, employment, inflation, and interest rates. Buildings Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! What is the four functions of management? Yes, it is best to do what you know will work. A firm's ________ is really no more than a socially complex relationship between a firm and itscustomers and can serve as a basis for product differentiation. Individualism/collectivism 2. Which of the following is needed to help accomplish this task? -Behavioral: supportive, likes suggestions, show warmth, likes verbal instead of written, low tolerance to ambiguity, Ineffective responses to a decision situation: Relaxed avoidance, relaxed change, defensive avoidance and panic, Relaxed avoidance, relaxed change, defensive avoidance, panic, Three effective reactions and Steven Coveys Urgency Importance matrix, -Availability bias, confirmation bias, representativeness bias, sunk cost bias, anchoring and adjustment bias, escalation of commitment bias, -Greater pool of knowledge, different perspectives, intellectual stimulation, better understanding of decision rationale, Groupthink, satisficing and goal displacement concepts, Vroom-Jagon diagnostic questions pertaining to decision making, -Helps gauge the appropriate amount of participation for subordinates in process, -Listen to all ideas, no criticism, build on others ideas, -Adapt to change and uncertainty, discover errors, reduce costs, increase productivity, complexity, Three types of control: Feed forward, concurrent and feedback control, -Feed Forward: preliminary or preventative control These are pretest questions that will not be scored A. measuring the past and not planning for future Early. 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