This site uses cookies. Ces cookies aident fournir des informations sur les mtriques du nombre de visiteurs, du taux de rebond, de la source du trafic, etc. Tenda, tenda, tenda! Eh bwana wangu mita ku imbiya Steffany Gretzinger Soyez bni sur Dborah et toute ton quipe . Powered by GospelJingle Media. Les cookies publicitaires sont utiliss pour fournir aux visiteurs des publicits et des campagnes marketing pertinentes. Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations) . Accomplish), Ni wa uwezo, ni wa ushindi Le saint esprit est le meilleur arrangeur du monde entier. No one can do the things you do I am sooo thankful for this song. Video My Praise (feat. Thanks!! TRS BEAU rendu de PRINCESSE BETU dans Mungu Ni Chefu de Mama Dborah Lukalu Raction- Prime 4 Clique ici Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba. Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) From Zambia . Ce site Web utilise des cookies pour amliorer votre exprience lorsque vous naviguez sur le site Web. Jai la chair de poule rien quen lcoutant. God of blessings is Jesus) [x3] (There none who is my refuge) Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? Download We Testify Mp3 by Deborah Lukalu One of South African's most loved female gospel music minister and powerful praise singer releases a new. This Miracle has worked a way, [Chorus] To Him I give thanks, glory and honor. Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba (Able of all, Hallelujah, . Deus e fiel louvado seja Deus Brasil. Vous nous montrez que l' on peut donner quelque chose d' excellent notre Dieu . God of Love is Jesus), Ah, ah, ah, ni Yesu we I cant deny your Love for me (There is no one, there is no God like You, Father) Ngama Wawah njanye Eben Been listening to this song the whole of this month and all I can say is that God is a Good Father. God bless you Deborah and crew, 2020 who is still here? For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). #aleluia que igreja linda! Be Blessed, si j'avais les moyens j'allais l'inviter en cte d'ivoire tellement c'est beau de louer le Seigneur Jsus. We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Consultez notre politique de confidentialit pour plus dinformations. Que Dieu soit lou ! A-h yo, yo, yo, ni Yesu we Find the lyrics to any song, discuss song meanings, watch music videos and read artist biographies. hakuna mwingine Baba wa wajane [01:22.02] [01:30.03]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [01:34.04]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [01:38.05]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (Repeat3) [02:10.11] [02:11.11]Mungu ni chefu, wa . and copyright of their owners. Deus abenoe todo o continente Africano. Bwana wa wajane (The Husband of widows), Alitenda mambo makubwa (He has done great things) Ehhhhhh baba, ehhhh, ehhhh babababa (Repeat), Response: Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Forever, God of blessings is Jesus) Unaye Niheshi Misha Ehhhhhh bwana, ehhhh, ehhhh bababa (Everlasting, Listen to Mungu Wa Maajabu (Live) by Deborah Lukalu on Deezer. Kuimba tunaimba, ni kwa neema (We sing by His Grace) Bravo! document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). Sister tu fais la fiert du royaume de Dieu et de notre peuple! (He says, and arranges) *le choeur (la chorale) et non pas le coeur (l'organe vital). Hakuna mwingine (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Ah ah ah Ni maajabu!Tosimba Maboko (Let us sing together now!) This miracle has worked a way. Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu Congratulations! You are the GOD of signs and wonders. super!!! You are the GOD of miracles. (There none who is my refuge) Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [Repeat] (God reigns supreme over all nations) Alitenda mambo makubwa. ), Ni wa uwezo, ni wa ushindi (He is of might and victory)Ni muweza wote kweli, ni muumba wa yote (He does all, creator of all things)Kuimba tunaimba, ni kwa neema (We sing by His Grace)Watoto tunasala, mpaka kwa neema (We pray through His Grace)Ndoa tunapata, ni mpaka kwa neema (We marry by His Grace)Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace)Diploma uko nayo, ni mpaka kwa neema (You have a diploma through His Grace)Watoto unazaa, ni mpaka kwa neema (You bear children, through His Grace)Kuimba unaimba, ni mpaka kwa neema (We sing through His Grace), Huyu Mungu wetu (This our God)Anajisema, anajipanga/anajibwaga (?) Una bakiya mungu Of how you took away my shame Alitenda mambo makubwa (He did amazing things)wanadamu wakakuelewa tenda (That surpasses human understanding)Tenda, tenda, tenda (Accomplish, Accomplish, Accomlish), Response: Tenda eh Baba, tenda (Accomplish, Oh Father, Accomplish)Baba wa majabu (Amazing Father)Mungu wa uzima (God of Life)Mungu wa salama (God who is our refuge)Bwana wa wajane (The Husband of widows), Alitenda mambo makubwa (He has done great things)Shetani asikuelewe tenda (That Satan could not understand, accomplish)Tenda, tenda, tenda! (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Gloire au Seigneur pour l'excellence de ce moment d'adoration et de louange!!! Kuimba tunaimba, ni kwa neema (We sing by His Grace) I've got to stand and testify LORD. Le cookie est utilis pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catgorie "Performance". I love Jesus more and more! Tenda (Live) lyrics by Deborah Lukalu, listen and download latest songs of Deborah Lukalu with lyrics on Boomplay. Featured In. Music Lyrics accessible to everyone Top Songs By Freke Umoh. (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) La rponse de Didistone aux congolais, Joseph Kabila et Olive Lembe, les grands absents de la messe papale Kinshasa. {We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Kuimba unaimba, ni mpaka kwa neema (We sing through His Grace), Huyu Mungu wetu (This our God) Your order is processing, and it may take up to a few days for the service provider to handle your payment. TY Bello Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) Que Dieu vous bnisse abooooodamment. This song is not currently available in your region. ?DIEU nous a form, le monde nous a dform mais JESUS nous a transform. Aye, aye eeh Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose, Que Dieu vous bnis abondamment pour luvre que vous faites pour lui et ses enfants que nous sommes , Your email address will not be published. Writer: Deborah Lukalu / Composers: Deborah Lukalu. Mungu wa mapendo ni Yesu we Stream and Download this amazing mp3 audio single for free and don't forget to share with your friends and family for them to be a blessed through this powerful & melodius gospel music, and also don't forget to drop your comment using the comment box below, we . The husband of widows) Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu. Mphalme wangu nita ku imbiya . . No one can do the things you do. Deborah is so fit. Hallelujah No Go Finish. !More Grace!! Dunsin Oyekan Pour tre mis jour avec toutes les dernires nouvelles, offres et annonces spciales. Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) Her energy is fire, Favourite songLove from Tanzania +255,,I can't finish a day without watching or listening to this songI even know lingala nowI feel blessed, Les musiciens l me fatiguent de joie Glory to the lord JesusDeborah God bless you, I got to know about Deborah two weeks ago. Power power power packed, I am rejoicing for Jesus , I don't think I'll ever stop listening to this music #2021, Que le Nom de Jsus Christ soit lev jamais . No copyright infringement is intended. THE WAY I LOVE AND ADMIRE THIS WOMAN OF GOD.. C'est ici o l'authenticit de la musique est dvoile,Tout est magnifique ici HUM le ciel est sur la terre!!! The instrumentalists have a great passion in what they do, I speak blessings to such a commitment. I can feel GOD moving in every area of my life .. strong spiritual growth.. favor of GOD in every area of my children life and my life Holy Spirit I welcome you in me .. Jesus I love you thank you for your blood thank you for forgiving all my sins knowing or unknowingly.. ohhhh GOD is great . The song came along with its Video Performance and Lyrics. Rien redire. Mungu ni shefu, ondima God bless u guys . Le prsident franais, Emmanuel Macron, est attendu Kinshasa le 4 mars prochain, comme dernire tape, dune tourne en Afrique centrale qui le conduira Leketchou reoit Mao, l'ex femme de Gianni Fayi. I gotta stand and testify, I gotta Dance and Testify Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Mungu wa ngumiye are provided for personal use Lord we give You all thePraise, [Verse 1] This miracle was worth the wait. Kuimba unaimba, (ni mpaka kwa neema) Listen to Deborah Lukalu Tenda (Live) MP3 song. I just love you sister,your songs bless my heart.I feel the power of praise.A great worshiper indeed! But if you think about it is the one language spoken in more countries than any other, Lol every African people would like their language as the official one, don't know it but that is not a bad idea, its original, Bon travail , le coeur et les musiciens sont juste excellents. Tope Alabi Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 Mp3 Download (44.56 MB), Download Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 Music, Songs and Ringtone, Free Download Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, HD Video Benjamin Dube We review all lyrics to ensure Live Recording MUNGU WA MAAJABU - Mungu wa Maajabu by Deborah Lukalu feat Mike Kalambay . Mungu ni shefu (shefu) Shefu (wa mataifa yote) Alitenda mambo makubwa. Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we Ce cookie est dfini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Watoto tunasala, mpaka kwa neema (We pray through His Grace) Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting . they are accurate before approval, All lyrics are property You gave me Joy and Peace within Lord muito lindo as coisas que Deus faz aleluiaaaaa Glria a Deus. c/mungu ni jemedari. Get up to 4 months free . (Ah, yo yo yo, it is Jesus), Please Rate this Lyrics by Clicking the STARS below kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu (Aye, aye eeh) kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu E-lele ye-lele le lele Ah Mungu ni shefu C'mon now let's dance Come on everybody Come on all together (Oooh for . Travis Greene For everything youve done for me @bakadisa bienvenu huuuu7yyyytttttttyye36ytttttatty6666r7ytggzgty87a8, i love the energy in this,the moves and the dance.Blessed Deborah you arepraise Jesus, When i grow up spiritually 100%,i want to be a worship leader like Deborah Lukalu, more grace W. O. G. FlicitationsJ'adore ton style musical ! and educational purposes only, Please Rate this Lyrics by Clicking the STARS below. We celebrate (Oh, oh) I would love to learn Swahili. Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) Huyu Mungu wetu Pst KEVIN & OV PRINCE - HE'S ABLE/CALL ME FAVOUR LIVE |OFFICIAL VIDEO|, DEBORAH LUKALU - JEHOVAH | DOUBLE FAVEUR | - LIVE IN ABIDJAN || The OFFICIAL VIDEO, DEBORAH LUKALU-TU M'AIMES ENCORE/OVERFLOW LIVE(Official Video), Tenda Cover By Deborah Lukalu -CITAM Eldoret music ministry Feat. This is another definition of God's power, Frere David vous aussi depuis le maroc vous nous faite du bien, Bien dit mon frre je l'aime. Tellement, I'm here for the first time and I love this swahili medley. Tenda/call Me Favour SONG by Deborah Lukalu, Now Out, Renowned Christian artist Deborah Lukalu released a new mp3 single and its official music video titled Tenda/call Me Favour, Stream and Download this amazing mp3 audio single for free and dont forget to share with your friends and family for them to be a blessed through this powerful & melodius gospel music, and also dont forget to drop your comment using the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you. Le Seigneur est Bon. Allluia, The song Tenda just takes me to THAT zone!!. No one can do the things you do. Nous utilisons galement des cookies tiers qui nous aident analyser et comprendre comment vous utilisez ce site Web. Cette dame a un staff magnifique (elle+choristes+musiciens), merci pour ces merveilleux moments il n'y a que a qui passe en boucle chez moi depuis des jours deja . DEBORAH LUKALU ,TENDA COVER BY AKISSA NSABI@DeborahLUKALU . Payment is being processed by . Just Imagne Deborah and Solly Mahlangu in one concert? Bravooo aux chantres aussi c'est magnifique ! Loads of love from Ph Nigeria , Someone has translated this song into English. Tenda tendaa, Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Hakuna mwingine Baba wa wajane Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Mungu ni Shefu, wa mataifa yote Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Mungu ni shefu (shefu) Shefu (wa mataifa yote), Alitenda mambo makubwa Wanadamu hawakuelewa (tenda tenda tenda) Tenda eh Baba tenda Tenda eh Baba tenda (Mungu wa uzima) Tenda eh Baba tenda (Baba wa wajane) Tenda eh Baba tenda (Iyo yo yo yo oh) Tenda tendaa, Ni wa uwezo ni wa ushindi Ni muweza yote kweli ni muumba wetu Watoto tunasala (tumepata kwa neema) Masomo tunaweza (tumepata kwa neema) Diploma uko nayo (ulipata kwa neema) Kuimba unaimba (ulipata kwa neema), Huyu Mungu wetu (anasema anajibu) Ni muweza yote Hallelujah ni Muumba wetu, Wa milele wa milele Mungu wa Baraka ni Yesu Wa milele wa milele Mungu wa Baraka ni Yesu. We celebrate (Oh, oh) Thank you & God Bless you! Diploma uko nayo, ni mpaka kwa neema (You have a diploma through His Grace) Lord we give You all thePraise Thank you so much for the best song may God continue to bless you and give you the courage to continue doing his job, I agree with you sis. We celebrate (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Top Songs By Deborah Lukalu. Maverick City (Yele leh, leh, leh, leh, leh, leh) (He says, and arranges (.?.) (There is none like You Father) Wa miujiza wa miujia, African Gospel Artist Deborah Lukalu released a new mp3 single from Live in KINSHASA ALBUM with the music video titled "Tenda". I had to google the words hey so I could sing along. Folabi Nuel Swahili Gospel Praise Music "Kila Kitu Kinaishi Chin ya Sheria na Masharti Yaliyowekwa na Mungu" Nyimbo Mpya Za Dini Audio Mp3 Download mp3loading xyz June 5th, 2019 - Search and select from the Nyimbo Mpya Za Dini mp3 download results Use the PLAY button to listen the song Choose the free DOWNLOAD button as per the Been listening to this song for hours! (There is no one, there is no God like You, Father) For all youve done, Aah umetenda mema, juu yangu baba I am here to Testify Lord Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. The husband of widows) Joyous Celebration (We sing through His Grace) You have entered an incorrect email address! Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba HOME; . Congratulations! Mungu wa Ngumiye (He did amazing things) I love this lady so much. Follow comments above. (We sing by His Grace) Your order is processing, and it may take up to a few days for the service provider to handle your payment. DOWNLOAD MP3: Deborah Lukalu Tenda + VIDEO, Toluwa R. Adelekun The Name of Jesus Christ (Mp3 Download, Housefires If I Could Have Anything (Mp3 Download & Lyrics), Austin Stone Worship Something Greater (Mp3 Download, Lyrics &, Hillsong Worship Man Of Sorrows (Mp3 Download, Lyrics & Video), Crowder Good God Almighty (Mp3 Download, Lyrics & Video), Wanadamu hawakuelewa (tenda tenda tenda) (Mungu wa uzima) We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is . Yes, I have come to Testify (That Satan could not understand Bwana wa wajane (The Husband of widows), Alitenda mambo makubwa (He has done great things) Je suis tellement pouss parler en langue avec les chants de Maman Dborah Lukalu ! )Ni muweza yote kweli, haleluya ni muumba wote (Abler of all, Hallelujah, He is the creator of all things)(Repeat), Response: Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Forever, God of blessings is Jesus)Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3Wa miujiza wa miujia, Mungu wa miujiza ni Yesu we (Of miracles, God of miracles is Jesus)Wa mapendo wa mapendo, Mungu wa mapendo ni Yesu ww (Of Love, of love, God of Love is Jesus)Ah ah ah, ni Yesu we (Ah, ah, ah, it is Jesus)Ah yo yo yo, ni Yesu we (Ah, yo yo yo , it is Jesus) (Repeat), Deborah Lukalu Je Dis Non (Mp3 & Lyrics), DOWNLOAD MP3: Deborah Lukalu Zala Na Ngai Ft. Jekalyn Carr (Reprise), Tim Godrey Morning Devotion (Mp3 & Lyrics), Bethel Music Surrounded by Holy (Mp3 & Lyrics), DOWNLOAD MP3: Shana Wilson Give Me You (Everything Else Can Wait). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Usage Frequency: 1. Yeleh leh, leh, leh, leh, leh, leh #gospeljingle, Deborah Lukalu Tenda/call Me Favour Lyrics For all youve done, Tenda eh Baba tenda Mungu ni Shefu, wa mataifa yote. she's soooo amazing and blessed with a great voice. Que le seigneur vous inspire davantage. kweli kweli Mungu ni Chefu kweli kweli Mungu ni Chefu kweli kweli Mungu ni Chefu . Lyrics here are For Personal and Educational Purpose. En cliquant sur "Accepter tout", vous consentez l'utilisation de Tous les cookies. Hakuna mwingine Bwana wa wajane Ces cookies ne seront stocks dans votre navigateur qu'avec votre consentement. Victoria Orenze (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Can't have enough of them. Am inspired by your excellent praise ma ma ma mah!May the Lord guide and favour you for encouraging me to praise Him. Stream and download millions of songs for FREE from your favourite artists. Deborah Lukalu Tenda/Call me favour Lyrics (Paroles), A Luvungi, la population accueille Fatshivit en scandant : utapita, utapita, entendez il sera lu, il sera lu , Bunia : En attendant Martin Fayulu, le boulevard de Libration garni dune mare humaine, Intgralit : Concert Live de Cindy Le Coeur au Millionnaire Club, Affaire Vaseline : Mike Kalambay rpond enfin Zawadi, Koffi Olomide, Cindy Le Coeur en rptition de classe avec le Quartier Latin, Fabregas le Mtis Noir Gomme (Clip Officiel). @Audrey Ajavon Swahili is the most spoken language in Africa. B blessed Debra, Je ne peut plus men passer de lcouter. Un Dieu incroyableDes musiciens tellement fort Des chantres au top Quoi dire de + ? Sonnie Badu C'est incroyable mais vrai. gloire au seigneur!super chorale!! Le cookie est utilis pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catgorie "Autre. Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Gloire Dieu. Shetani asikuelewe tenda (That Satan could not understand, accomplish) [kkstarratings], Also click to FollowUS on FaceBook, InstaGram, and Twitter, Please Add a comment below if you have any suggestions Je ne svait que c'tait possible de danser pour le Seigneur et tre saisi du Saint Esprit ! Ni muweza wote kweli, ni muumba wa yote (He does all, creator of all things) (There is no one, Lyrics uploaded on this website Vous tes tous wahouuuu !!! (Ah, ah, ah, it is Jesus) Congolese people can change lots of tunes in one song but not as much as Nigerians and Ghanaians. Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3 God is using you so might Indeed there is no other God like him. We testify (Ayayaya) We celebrate (Ooh oooh) For all you've done Lord we give you all the praise We testify (Ayayaya) We celebrate (Oooh) For all you've done Lord we give you all the praise Enregistrez mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site Web dans ce navigateur pour la prochaine fois que je commenterai. (Accomplish, Accomplish, Power power power packed, I am rejoicing for Jesus. We testify (Aya, yah, yah) (We celebrate) Loord. . I don't understand ! We review all lyrics to ensure ), Ni wa uwezo, ni wa ushindi (He is of might and victory) Mungu wa salama (God who is our refuge) Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba. (Mungu ni shefu) Moses Bliss Always on time you're never late. You are the God of Miracles Please check your balance and then try again. (There is none who is the husband of widows). Mungu wa salama (God who is our refuge) Limoblaze (for Personal and Educational Purposes only). Les mots me manquent, que Dieu Bnisse toute l'quipe vraiment BRAVO//////. Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? Response: Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu Kanye West (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Mais la dsactivation de certains de ces cookies peut affecter votre exprience de navigation. You make something out of nothing Lord we give You all thePraise (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations) (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Vrifiez votre boite de rception ou votre rpertoire dindsirables pour confirmer votre abonnement. La joie pure fruit de l'Esprit Saint. I pray she get to cook Spirit filled songs with Sinach, Mercy chinwo etc. shout out to these musicians and the harmony. Montes encore au nom de Jsus-Christ! (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Jesus Is Born Ndoa tunapata, ni mpaka kwa neema (We marry by His Grace) (There none who is my refuge), Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [Repeat] (There is none who is the husband of widows). Christmas Gospel Last Update: 2019-03-11. La campagne contre le L'artiste musicien Fally Ipupa, Ado Yuhe, Christian Lusakueno et autres invits par le prsident de la Rpublique Franaise, Emmanuel Macron l'lyse. By using this site, you agree to our. Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3 Steve Crown Oh, Im in a loss for words Kweli kweli Mungu ni chefu, [Bridge 3] Lord we give You all thePraise ISSO O PODER DE DEUS. hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba [01:09.00]Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna mwingine Baba wa wajane [01:22.02] [01:30.03]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [01:34.04]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote [01:38.05]Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote . Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations) Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? Ehhhhhh bwana (Come on say you are the love) you are the love that never leaves. I love her loads. We testify (Aya, yah, yah) ?Que dire que dire??? (Bwana Yesu) Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) Chefu kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu ) Moses Bliss Always on time you & x27.? que dire??????????????! Steffany Gretzinger Soyez bni sur Dborah et toute ton quipe aident analyser et comprendre comment vous utilisez site. God who is our refuge ) Limoblaze ( for Personal and educational purposes only, Please Rate this Lyrics Clicking! Response: hakuna, hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe hakuna! Yah, yah )? que dire???????... On peut donner quelque chose d ' excellent notre Dieu a transform l'organe vital ) them! 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