On Wednesday, governors from across America will be right here in Maine as the National Governors Association summer meeting comes to Portland. Janet Mills in the spotlight as she faces reelection this fall. Group. Whether were talking about the issue of COVID or the issue of behavioral health, he said, there is a clear sweet spot where we can do a lot of work with our Governors and even more locally, with our Mayors, Supervisors, and Alderman.. Contact Bob Masciarelli to learn more. Association chair Arkansas Gov. WGA Policy Resolution 2023-03, Tax-Exempt Federal Lands and Secure Rural Schools. Mike Dunleavy's Victory . "This is probably one of the biggest lifts that we've done for the state police as far as the security detail," Maine State Police Maj. Scott Gosselin said. WASHINGTON The nations Governors will meet in Portland, Maine, to collaborate on bipartisan solutions to leading policy issues including computer science education/cybersecurity, economic recovery, infrastructure and youth mental health care.NGAs annual Summer Meeting is scheduled for July 13 - 15. "President Biden has tasked us with making sure that we strengthen our relationship with governors and there isno better place to do that than with the Western Governors Association and the Governors here today.. Vilsack and Sec. According to a spokesman for Mills, Maine pays annual dues of $60,700 to the NGA. WGA Policy Resolution 2023-04, Housing is Foundational to the . Members come to the association from across the political spectrum; the NGA declares itself as nonpartisan. Increases in funding for mental health care and maternal health care were also welcomed by the governors, Murphy said, noting that much of what the NGA works on is bipartisan. Gosselin said they would be providing strong security support to these leaders. 2022 State of Party Control With a majority of Republican governors in the states, millions of Americans enjoy the common sense conservative leadership and reform offered by GOP chief executives. Ms. Cottingham will discuss how the state has worked to constantly improve its equity outcomes in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grant fund and about the state offices comprehensive equity review of all recreation and conservation grant programs. The fees vary by state,. Dates: December 8 - 10, 2023 NLGA 2024 Business Meeting Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Hotel: TBD Dates: April 2024 Only individuals or entities with a specific relationship to NLGA are eligible to attend NLGA meetings. Registration, hotel information, a developing agenda, and sponsorship opportunities I know its a problem having to deal with all the money were sending you. Free and independent journalism is what keeps our public servants accountable and responsive to the people. Janet Mills, who formally invited the group . David Rubenstein, co-founder and co-chair of the Carlyle Group, talked bipartisanship with governors at the National Governors Association annual winter meeting in Washington, D.C. Report Video Issue. BDN writer Michael Shepherd contributed to this report. "The enforcement coverage that we have and the enforcement presence that we have in the area is well founded," Gosselin said. Spencer Cox, Utah and NGA Vice Chair. Oak Street between Free Street and Spring Street will be closed during the same time frame. There is no public, general, or student registration. Country music icon Dolly Parton will make a virtual appearance to talk to governors about early childhood development and child literacy. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Keynote II: Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra: Sec. Iowans value integrity in their government. Sessions will feature federal, state, local, and topical leaders to inform participants and lead a discussion-oriented meeting. Read More NGA 2021 Summer Meeting Thursday, July 27th Friday, July 28th | Washington, D.C. Monday, July 31st Wednesday, August 2nd | Colorado Springs, CO, Tuesday, August 1st Friday, August 4th | Universal City, California, Monday, August 14th Wednesday, August 16th | Indianapolis, IN, Wednesday, August 16th Friday, August 18th | Des Moines, IA, Sunday, August 20th Wednesday, August 23rd | Toronto, ON, Wednesday, September 6th Thursday, September 7th | Minneapolis, MN, Wednesday, September 6th Thursday, September 7th | Chicago, IL, Wednesday, September 6th Saturday, September 9th | Salt Lake City, UT, Thursday, September 7th Friday, September 8th | Chicago, IL, 2023 Elections Briefing with State Leaders, Wednesday, September 13th Thursday, September 14th | Washington, DC, Thursday, September 14th Friday, September 15th | Indianapolis, IN, Thursday, September 21st Friday, September 22nd | Jersey City, NJ, Monday, October 2nd Tuesday, October 3rd | Asheville, NC, Cannabis, Cyber, and Sports Betting Working Group Meeting, Wednesday, October 4th Thursday, October 5th | Boston, MA, Thursday, October 5th Saturday, October 7th | Newport, RI, Sunday, October 15th Thursday, October 19th | Lisbon, Portugal, Thursday, November 2nd Sunday, November 5th | San Antonio, TX, Friday, November 10th Sunday, November 12th | Scottsdale, AZ, Monday, November 13th Wednesday, November 15th | Orlando, FL, Wednesday, November 15th Thursday, November 16th | Boston, MA, Wednesday, November 15th Saturday, November 18th | Atlanta, GA, Saturday, November 18th Tuesday, November 21st | Amelia Island, FL, Wednesday, November 29th Friday, December 1st | St. Thomas, USVI, Wednesday, November 29th Friday, December 1st | TBD, Wednesday, November 29th Friday, December 1st | Scottsdale, AZ, Thursday, November 30th Saturday, December 2nd | Philadelphia, PA, Friday, December 1st Saturday, December 2nd | Phoenix, AZ, Legislative Leaders Advisory Board Winter Symposium, Monday, December 4th Tuesday, December 5th | Scottsdale, AZ, Wednesday, December 6th Thursday, December 7th | Las Vegas, NV, Wednesday, December 6th Saturday, December 9th | Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, June 12th Saturday, June 15th | Colorado Springs, CO, Monday, August 5th Wednesday, August 7th | Louisville, KY. Websites provided for those that are available. Event Date End. The National Governors Association's 114th annual Winter Meeting was January 28-31, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Governors met to discuss best On July 8, 2021 NGA held its Summer Meeting, in a virtual format, here are videos from the sessions. February 09, 2023. On Wednesday afternoon, a portion of Commercial Street will be closed to traffic from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. from Franklin to Pearl Street. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican who recently flanked his states attorney generalas she certified a law banning nearly all abortions, will lead Thursday discussions on computer science education and tourism. Two thousand municipalities do not have cyber and IT capacities We have an enormous opportunity before usto utilize the private and public partnership., Jason Hoyt, Operational Technologies Manager for Central Utah Water Conservancy District: Some of these water utilities only have two people (staffers), and most of them don't have any knowledge of computers, he said. Our nation's Governors are dedicated to leading bipartisan solutions that improve citizens' lives. On Friday, July 15, Dolly Parton will make a virtual appearance to join Governors in a discussion of early childhood literacy efforts, including Partons Imagination Library, a program that mails free books to children. Governors, it's truly to have a it's a . The G20 or Group of Twenty is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Teams with the Center for Best Practices host frequent meetings with other policy experts to develop and share innovative solutions to todays most pressing public policy challenges. It is not, it is run by the states and their local governments along with community entities that have taken on the task of being the call centers, the tribal governments have their call centers sites as well, as do some of the territorial governments. This session explores different programs Colorado launched during the pandemic that will help small outdoor recreation businesses including the CLIMBER Loan Fund Program administered by the state and the Energize Colorado Gap Fund that is using public CARES Act and private dollars to provide $31 million in loans and grants to help small businesses. -Read Full Dislaimer. ASDWA has reserved a block of rooms for March 20 - March 25, 2022. Those planning to go say the meeting is less about politics than connection, with Andy Hackman, a Maine-based federal lobbyist with the firm Serlin Haley LLP, saying he is not planning to attend representing any particular client, but to get a sense of how regional leaders are thinking about issues like climate change or health care. Phil Murphy, chair of the National Governors Association, said the laws represented game-changing investments in our country that the governors were in the midst of implementing. 2022-05-26 2021 WIR Conference in conjunction with NACo's Rural Action Caucus Symposium . September 17-21, 2022 | Louisville, KY. Mark your calendar to join colleagues and partners from across the country in Derby City this September for the GHSA 2022 Annual Meeting. The association's members are the governors of the 55 states , territories and commonwealths . Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy, Office of Health Care Affordability and Transparency. Thank you very much. Example video title will go here for this video. Biden typically meets with the governors when theyre in Washington, D.C., for their annual winter meeting. Free to members, our conferences, events, governance leadership forums, networks, webinars and podcasts feature the latest news and showcase best practice. Session videos from the National Governors Association Winter Meeting 2018 which took place February 24 & 25 in Washington DC National Governors Association Chair Virginia Gov. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Phil Murphy, New Jersey and NGA Chair, Gov. National League of Cities - Congressional City Conference. Keynote I: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Sec. The NGA is a non-partisan entity representing governors of all 55 states, territories and commonwealths. Phil Murphy, a Democrat eyed as a future presidential hopeful. 2023 NLGA Annual Meeting | August 16 - 18, 2023 Des Moines Marriott Downtown | Des Moines, Iowa Hosted by Iowa Lt. Gov. Paul LePage, her predecessor and 2022 opponent, will be using the meeting to campaign alongside Republican Gov. 1970 NGA Annual MeetingLake of Below are meeting notes from NGA's Annual and Winter Meetings held from 1964 to 1969. I think theres a certain pride that we have in the National Governors Association that notwithstanding our political parties or differences, we can consistently come together and disprove the narrative that politics has gotten completely divisive, Murphy said. If you do not wish to book your room online, you may contact Hilton directly at 703-647-2014 or their reservations line at 1-800-HILTONS. Governors Award CeremonyHonoring Gov. About 600 people, not including governors and staff, are expected to attend with many extending trips into a vacation, according to Visit Portland. There are a lot of resources out there, but these smaller utilities need help., Keynote: Secretary of Veterans AffairsDenis McDonough, Sec. The Spring Street parking garage will be accessible from the Center Street side, and Holiday Inn by the Bay employees and guests will be allowed access. 1990 NGA Annual MeetingMobile, Alabama Below are meeting notes from NGA's Annual and Winter Meetings held from 1980 to 1989. WASHINGTON - During the 115th annual Winter Meeting of the National Governors Association (NGA), NGA Chair New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy was joined by U.S. January 29, 2022 National Governors Association Winter Meeting Opening News Conference Governor Asa Hutchinson (R-AR), chair of the National Governors association, held a press. Portland initially won the 2020 summer meeting canceled due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting is expected to be about much more than just dining in Maine, however. WASHINGTON Governors from throughout the country met with President Joe Biden at the White House on Friday to hash out the best way to implement the billions of federal dollars flowing to their states from both bipartisan and Democratic legislation. Higher Education Collaboration: Spearheading the creation of a national consortium designed to support and coordinate industry-responsive research and program development at post-secondary institutions nationwide. National Governors Association. Wednesday through Friday, governors from across America will be right here in Maine as the National Governors Association summer meeting comes to Portland. "There may well be some informal discussions about a lot of those matters because those things are on people's minds. It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development.. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Jared Polis: More and more it is states on the front lines on these issues, he said. We are united across the west in the commitment to scaling up the restoration work. Sununu joined other governors . And, it's not just political leaders who will be in the spotlight at this event. This session will explore several policy approaches outlined in The Nature Gap report to ensure the benefits of nature extend to all people, including goal setting, coalition building, and allocating funding towards enhancing equity. NGA teams work side-by-side with state leaders to identify challenges and develop solutions. Event Location. Following the keynote addresses from Sec. Whether it was wildfire mitigation and restoration,mental and behavioral health care, or cybersecurity and the supply chain, bipartisanship and a willingness to work across state lines was the theme that permeated nearly every conversation atWGAs 2022 Annual Meeting in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. January 01, 2023. Those meetings include open plenary sessions and committee meetings, as well as closed-door private meetings for governors only. The meeting focus is association business and professional training. For RGA Conference Information: Please contact Meghan Holihan. U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris arrive to a meeting with governors visiting from states around the country in the East Room of the White House on Feb. 10, 2023 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images). The Summer Meeting is one of the two annual convenings of the National Governors Association, the bipartisan organization representing governors from the 55 states and territories. Paul LePage, her predecessor and 2022 opponent, will be using the meeting to campaign alongside Republican Gov. The meeting will put Democratic Gov. Her coverage areas include congressional policy, politics and legal challenges with a focus on health care, unemployment, housing and aid to families. (See our Email Privacy Policy for details.) MHA's Regional Policy Council hosted its meeting coinciding with the National Governors Association Winter Meeting on Friday, January 28, 2022. Access to the outdoors is increasingly critical to maintaining public health given the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 emergency. Speeches and Remarks. Copyright 2019 National Governance AssociationA Dreamscape Digital Solution, Copyright 2019 National Governance Association, Consultancy and external reviews of governance, 360 reviews for chairs and governance professionals, National Leaders of Governance (NLG) support, Leading Governance - development programmes, NGA, 36 Great Charles Street, Birmingham, B3 3JY, Charity Number: 1070331 | Company Number 3549029. Only individuals or entities with a specific relationship to NLGA are eligible to attend NLGA meetings. Speakers will discuss several case studies and highlight the town of Acton, Maine that partnered with Three Rivers Land Trust to Save Goat Hill from development pressure and expand outdoor access for the local community that is also American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. Boulder, Colorado The 2023 Annual Meeting, hosted by Colorado Gov. PORTLAND, Maine We talk a lot about what's going on in Washington, but many important decisions that affect our daily lives are made at the state level. There is a moral and financial responsibility to protect data at the state level States are stakeholders in protecting every aspect of a person's life from a data standpoint., Carla Heathman, Senior Power Systems Engineer for Idaho National Laboratory:Our critical infrastructure is older now, and we werent designed for these kinds of cyber security threats, she said. Brad Little, the host of this year's Annual Meeting,said in his opening statements. The WGA takes up issues using six basic strategies: Develop and Communicate Regional Policy The WGA enables governors to identify issues of regional concern, to formulate regional policy for those issues, and to take action that promotes Western interests. National Governors Association - Annual . Effective partnerships and collaboration are indicative of how we work to resolve problems in the West, IdahoGov. And Ive noticed we dont have people . New Jersey Democratic Gov. New Jersey Gov. Spotlight Register NOW and reserve your hotel room for the NLGA Federal-State Relations Meeting, March 22-24, 2023, in Washington, D.C.! Doug Ducey, Discussing Congressman Cardenas' 988 Implementation Act, Transitioning from Federal to State and Local Issues, Debbie Plotnick, Vice President of State and Federal Advocacy, Mental Health America, Roundtable with MHA's RPC Representatives, Live Q&A with MHA's RPC Representatives on Advocacy Strategies at the State and Local Levels, 500 Montgomery Street,Suite 820Alexandria, VA. 22314Phone (703) 684.7722Toll Free (800) 969.6642Fax (703) 684.5968. Doug Ducey: It is so impressive to see so many young people engaged in these issues., Colorado DelegateSamantha Mooney: This has been a really unique opportunity to dive deep into issues and learn what it takes to get things done., New Mexico DelegateBrandon Larranaga: We couldnt have asked for more or better opportunities to meet people and network with Governors and former Governors and sponsors and each other., ColoradoGov. Thats why Iowa Capital Dispatch, a nonprofit, independent source for quality journalism, is working every day to keep you informed about what government officials are doing with your money, your freedom and your safety. If we dont, we are going to lose our forests., Randy Moore, Chief, U.S. Forest Service, U.S.Department of Agriculture: Million-acre fires are becoming more common, fire seasons are turning into fire years, and our tools and teams just aren't designed for this scale of work. Access to the outdoors is increasingly critical to maintaining public health given the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 emergency. Its primary purpose is to help elect Republican governors by providing resources, campaign funds, strategy and voter contact. Jan 29, 2022 01/22. View NGA products below, filterable by content type and topic. National Governors Association - Annual Meeting. 27 were here. Event Date. Our nations Governors are dedicated to leading bipartisan solutions that improve citizens lives. Jared Polis at the legendary Boulder Theatre in Boulder, Colorado, will feature Western Governors and their special guests in public conversations about the most significant issues facing the region. Former Gov. November 30, 2022 21 Republican Governors Oppose President Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate Read More. The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is an IRS -designated 527, political organization that serves as a resource for Republican gubernatorial candidates and elected governors. Republicans across the country have eschewed membership in the dues-based organization, as LePage did in 2012by saying Maine was not getting enough for the $60,000 annual fee. The event will be happening in Maine for the first time in almost 40 years. The 2023 Annual Meeting, hosted by Colorado Gov. The Council of Governors met in Washington, DC for its 26th Plenary Meeting on February 10, 2023. Many of these governors are at the center of controversial issues like abortion rights and immigration, which are getting a lot of attention around the country. 2022 Annual Meeting | WGA 2022 Annual Meeting July 26-28, 2022 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho The Annual Meeting, hosted by Idaho Gov. This week, she only has to travel across the bridge to Portland. The National Governors Association (NGA) Outdoor Recreation Learning Network is hosting its second annual meeting for governors staff and outdoor recreation advisors. In a final plenary session Friday, Governors will announce the new Vice Chair and other NGA leadership for 2022 - 2023. One attendee from North Carolina said she is excited to try a lobster. By Eric Russell Staff Writer. If you are interested in covering the meeting, please email Jocelyn Rogers at jrogers@nga.org and Eric Wohlschlegel at ewohlschlegel@nga.org. Recent program and policy updates will also be summarized. Serve as a Leadership Forum Kim Reynolds, the Republican Governors Association chair, skipped the White House meeting. The bipartisan infrastructure law, the semiconductor manufacturing and science bill, and Democrats signature health care and climate change legislation, Murphy said, were all helping to boost jobs and address issues states had been facing. NLGA members may decline a sponsor or Partners Program application. Many cybersecurity professionals consider the Zero Trust framework the gold standard for implementing a strong information security practice. Gov. So we are partners with you in getting that stuff done and we look forward to working closely with you.. SAVE THE DATE: WGA Annual Meeting June 26-28 in Boulder, Colorado Meetings A recent report on The Nature Gap from the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) indicates nature benefits are not accessed equitably by low-income communities and people of color. AOM's commitment to virtual engagement in 2023 will be offered in part through an online meeting platform for viewing the Annual Meeting program and on-demand access to supplemental session materialsincluding videos, presentation slides, pre-recorded presentations, and select recorded onsite sessions. Are you ready to be a part of bipartisan problem-solving? Arnold Palacios, Northern Mariana Islands, Gov. "We're here to really give these folks a beautiful venue with some great food on the waterfront," Chris O'Neil, co-owner of Boone's, said. Lobbyist gatherings usually mean Robyn Schnaible has to travel out of state. The Western Governors approved three new policy resolutions at the 2022 Winter Meeting: WGA Policy Resolution 2023-02, States' Share of Royalties and Leasing Revenues from Federal Lands and Minerals. To conclude, a roundtable discussion occurred, followed by a live Q&A session about local advocacy efforts. The National Governors Association (NGA) Outdoor Recreation Learning Network is hosting its second annual meeting for governors' staff and outdoor recreation advisors. The National Governors Association's 2022 Annual Summer Meeting was held was July 13-15, 2022, in Portland, Maine. Meeting On February 25, 2021 NGA held a Virtual Winter Meeting. There is nothing that would please me more than seeing longer-term agreements for restoration., Homer Wilkes,Under Secretary for Natural Resources andEnvironment, US Department of Agriculture:Fire doesn't know boundaries, so we have to make sure we address the resource concern after a fire, he said. NEWS CENTER Maine could not confirm with the National Governors Association the exact number of governors coming to Maine for the next three days. Mainers might be surprised to see government officials poking into shops in the Old Port or taking a boat ride on Casco Bay. National Governors Association (NGA) Annual Meeting Wednesday, July 12th Friday, July 14th | Atlantic City, NJ Members Only National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) Annual Meeting Sunday, July 16th Wednesday, July 19th | Wilmington, DE Members Only GOPAC Ideas & Innovators Summit Maine will be hosting the National Governor's Association Annual Summer Meeting July 13-15, 2022. This new, five-year, competitive program funded by President Bidens historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is designed to assist at-risk communities, including Tribal communities, non-profit organizations, state forestry agencies, and Alaska Native corporations with planning for and mitigating wildfire risks. 2022); Fireside chat at Texas Bankers Association Annual Convention (May 19, 2022); Meeting with New York Bankers Association trade executives (Jun. We need to scale up in order to meet the change in conditions we see now, he said. New bill aims to sharply increase fines for distracted driving in Maine, Crash closes part of Route 1 in Biddeford, Maine snow totals: A town-by-town look at Tuesday's storm, Security to be tight, far-reaching for Governor's Association meeting, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tests positive for COVID-19, Beto O'Rourke crashes Texas Gov. Click on a state to learn more about their Republican governor: RGA NEWS November 30, 2022 Secretary of Health and Human ServicesXavier Becerraalso discussed the importance of state engagement with the rollout of the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. About the Office Half the NLGA Members preside over Senates. The National Governors Association's 2022 Annual Summer Meeting was held was July 13-15, 2022, in Portland, Maine. Through NGA, Governors identify priority issues and deal with matters of public policy and governance at the state, national and global levels. Becerra:One of the areas I hope that we continue to work together on is the recently launched three-digit national suicide prevention lifeline that is now in place as of July 16, he said. Governors Hold News Conference at DC Winter Meeting : CSPAN : January 29, 2022 10:04am-10:32am EST . Its not that often that we get the opportunity to showcase Portland, Schnaible said. National Governors Association - Winter Meeting. Read More NGA 2022 Winter Meeting The National Governors Association's 114th annual Winter Meeting was January 28-31, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Governors met to discuss best . Speaker: Chris Perkins, Fellow, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. Vilsack:We owe it to the Western Governors and those who work and raise their families in the western part of the United States to do what we can to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires, he said. I think every member of this group is committed to an honest and civil discussion of issues, challenges, and concerns that we have in common," Mills added. Phil Murphy (D), the new chair of the DGA who also heads the National Governors Association, was spotted Friday night dining at Herbsaint restaurant with his wife, top aides. The Annual Meeting, hosted by Idaho Gov. This conference will bring together all the U.S. Governors, their security, staff, and familiesas well as-approximately 600 additional attendees. The Council serves WASHINGTON The nations Governors were joined by Fortune 500 leaders to explore solutions to workforce shortages in a panel discussion Land Management, Agriculture, Wildlife, and Rural Communities, NGA Committees, Task Forces & Council of Governors, State Strategies to Address the Needs of Justice-Involved Youth Impacted by Collateral Consequences, Expanding Child Care for Student Parents and Training Pathways for Early Childhood Educators, Preparing for potential energy disruptions 2023 NGA Winter Meeting Task Force Meeting, Governors Collaborate to Speed Energy Infrastructure Construction, Webinar: State Support of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Technology and Energy Innovation 2023 NGA Winter Meeting, Academic and Career Success 2023 NGA Winter Meeting Task Force Meeting, Workforce Shortages And Opportunities 2023 NGA Winter Meeting, Strengthening Youth Mental Health 2023 NGA Winter Meeting, Council of Governors 26th Plenary Meeting, Governors, Business Leaders Discuss Workforce Shortages, Opportunities. www.NGA.org National Governors Association | Washington D.C. DC The plan is for Parton to sing a few songs afterward. Spencer Cox, vice chair of the NGA, noted that before Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris joined the meeting, the governors had a chance to talk with several Cabinet secretaries about federal programs and issues in their states. "That is invaluable, that kind of networking and talking among ourselves and with experts in the different fields," Maine Gov. Of networking and talking among ourselves and with experts in the area is well founded, '' Maine.! Will feature Federal, state, National and global levels for implementing a strong security! Session Friday, Governors identify priority issues and deal with matters of public Policy and governance at the,! 8Am-1Pm PST, some Services may be impacted from 1964 to 1969 Regional Policy hosted... United across the bridge to Portland this fall future presidential hopeful an intergovernmental forum comprising countries. 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