A potted Russian sage offers a good way to enjoy this long-blooming plant in sunny paved courtyards or patios. Each of these branches is a raceme, with the individual flowers arranged in pairs called verticillasters. Brushing against the It is now best-known as a culinary herb for the dishes of Autumn, from roast turkey to sausage stuffing to pumpkin soup. It is said that where sage grows well in the garden, the wife rules and that sage will flourish or not depending on the success of the business of the household. Indigenous to central Asia, is reliably hardy in planting zones 5 through 9 and it often survives in zones 3 and 4 if you provide some minimal protection during winter. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Whether you are looking for spells for love, wealth, protection, or more, we can help you and solve your problems in a matter of days! The infusion of white sage is used in shamanic sweat huts to stimulate sweating and the expulsion of toxins.3 Add 20 grams of white sage leaves to the bath full of hot water. Leave it for nine days in the sun and take a bath with this mixture from head to feet. If you eat Sage leaves every day in May, you will be granted immortality. It is very suitable to spray an office with sage tea so that all the members have the great mental clarity to work and face projects. This is achieved by eating it (a little) daily. Shady conditions tend to make the plant leggy and prone to collapse. 3 cups per day) The infusion of white sage is used in shamanic sweat huts to stimulate sweating and the expulsion of toxins.3 Add 20 grams of white sage leaves to the bath full of hot water. If you must have it, try to grow it yourself; buying and selling sacred things is disrespectful. Smudge & Sage Incense Sticks; Mala Beads; Affirmation Candles; Blessed Herbal Candles; Blessing Kits; Motor City Hoo Doo Candles; Wicked Witch Mojo Candles; Shop Jewelry. . Since the Middle Ages it was used as a cicatrizing, and the women of the past, who had only the gifts of Mother Earth at their disposal to heal themselves and their beauty, used to rub a few sage leaves on their teeth, to make them white and sparkling. Therefore, people had to wash the plant very well before using it because leaves still had poison in them. A piece of sage root is placed under the bed to induce prophetic dreams. Heres an important rule when using sage. Russian sage is said to arrest diarrhea and soothe the stomach. Lets see then which are the best ways to activate sage and cleanse someone or some place. Welcome to Grove and Grotto! It has long been used in healing. Sage has been used to achieve long life. Excessive or extended consumption of the essential oil or leaves can be toxic. It is also awesome in various bean and pork dishes, like split pea soup and vegetarian bean dishes. Russian Sage, the Perennial Plant Association's 1995 Perennial of the Year, is a semi-woody perennial that provides color, fragrance, and texture all summer. Russian sage has an airy, see-through quality that works best when planted en masse, though it also can be an effective specimen plant in mixed borders. I have made sage candles, and I can say they work great. Its long thin branches and this plant is actually in the mint family, which is connected to Venus. Medicinally, it is also a fever reducer, anti-parasitic and a pain killer. Uploaded to Pinterest. This herb has been over-collected in the wild, so if you use it and you can grow it; do. Sage was used medicinally in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine. In fact, Russian sage thrives in dry soil and rarely needs watering once established. Russian Sage has long been valued for soothing upset tummies, reducing fever and helping alleviate symptoms of cold and flu. Young plants also tend to flop; you can use a peony ring to help it stand up if you want. Sage was used medicinally in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine. Add sage tomojo bags to promote wisdom and to overcome grief. The effect on each person can vary greatly depending on your bodys individual reaction, but generally it is not considered toxic. Rigid stems are square in cross-section, and are covered by an indumentum formed by stellate, or star-shaped, trichomes and oil droplets. Put seeds in moist soil or Jiffy-7s and keep at room temperature for 2-4 weeks, then bag and put in the freezer for 4-6 weeks, and plant out in cool weather, 41-54F/5-12C. Sage blossoms are good in salads or floated on top of soups. Free or royalty-free photos and images. Disclaimer: Any medicinal benefits given here are a product of my own research and as such should not be taken over the advice of trained medical professionals. This lovely perennial enjoys sun and well-drained soil. It can endure a wide range of soil pH, as well as exposure to salty conditions near oceans, 0.51.2 m (1 ft. 8 in3 ft. 11 in) tall, with occasional specimens reaching 1.5 m (4 ft. 11 in). In my experience, garden sage works just as well and grows quite easily just about anywhere. Email groveandgrotto@gmail.com. Aromatic scent of the sage also helps by having a soothing effect. Russian sage is a tough plant that needs little care. Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! It is also awesome in various bean and pork dishes, like split pea soup and vegetarian bean dishes. fuzzy flower buds open in late summer and fall. It is used as incense for cleaning and energy purification because its smoke has disinfectant properties. Russian sage ads an airy cloud of purple to the garden. Ok, we are stepping away from the soap-box now. To make a wish, write your wish on a sage leaf and sleep with it under your pillow for three days and then bury it. Sages reputation for wisdom, protection, and good luck cast it squarely into the bounds of Jupiter. Pinterest. Leave it for nine days in the sun and take a bath with this mixture from head to feet. I am sure you have heard about this herb before. Description. If you plant later, water frequently to keep the plants from drying out. 6 Magnificent Bay Leaf Magical Properties [DIY], Powerful Mint Magical Properties Explained [DIY]. Shes also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics. Below youll find Dawns thoughts on this topic as well. SagewortGrey With some varieties, this is almost unavoidable and the plants may require a hoop support or other means of staking to keep the plants more upright. Is it finding new love or making the existing one healthier than ever? According to the ancient theory of signatures, which sought similarities between the outward appearance of the plant and parts of the body, the Salvia, vaguely resembling a tongue, had the power to heal diseases of the mouth. Russian sage ads an airy cloud of purple to the garden. Sage essential oil is readily available. Native American shamans frequently burn dried sage stalks, thereby coming into contact with their spiritual guides and protective spirits. Watch. In these cases, it will be necessary to purify more often. Username or email address * Password * Remember me Log in. Sun plants often have sun-shaped flowers (daisies . Maybe youll find it interesting over 900 species of sages worldwide! When discussing any properties of sage, it's important to distinguish between species. Not to be outdone by its flowers, the plant's stems and foliage make a strong statement of their own, perhaps even outstripping the floral display as the chief reason to grow the bush, A graceful perennial with silver stems (so chalky in appearance they sometimes seem to be white) and feathery, silvery leaves, Russian sage plants can reach a height of four to five feet with a spread of three feet or greater if you do not prune them annually. Sage is a popular garden herb with a sweet and savory aroma. OnlySalvia officianalisis suitable for culinary use. It was also believed to strengthen the memory. This plant is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils. Russian sage is a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant sub-shrub often grown as a perennial. Linked to ancient traditions, sage is a great herb to have and use to create some magic. Linked to ancient traditions, sage is a great herb to have and use to create some magic. Its also famously useful for stuffing poultry. This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, andI'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. You need to crush a handful of sage and put whats left in a bowl with 2 liters of water. It burns real nice too. It is very suitable to spray an office with sage tea so that all the members have the great mental clarity to work and face projects. Medicinally, sunflowers can be used to reduce inflammation and to treat coughs. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Neither of these associations seem correct, though, because unlike Sage is a powerful magickal herb which has been used for hundreds of years a cleansing and purifying herb. Privacy Policy Is it maybe some positivity that would make your life flourish as you've never thought it could? The blue or violet blue petals are about 1 cm long. Its velvety leaves release their fragrance when rubbed. Magickally, Sage is associated with protection and the granting of wishes. However, both plants have a solid magickal pedigree, and many of their correspondences are similar. Or is it something unique that your life is missing?Spellcasting is an art that must NOT be taken carelessly. An old proverb says why should a man die who has sage in his garden?. Or, you can move the plant to a cold frame or unheated porch or garage until spring. At this point, the rooted cutting can be planted in its new garden location. Common Sage's Magical Properties. While once classified as Perovskia atriplicifolia, taxonomists reclassified in it 2004 through DNA testing as Salvia yangii, officially placing it in the sage genus. Sage is used in the magical world to foster wisdom, for healing and money spells, for protection and energy cleansing. Harvest sage lightly for the first year to allow the plant to get established. Dismiss. Burn sage atfuneraland remembrance ceremonies to help relieve the grief of the mourners. plant releases its sage-like scent. I am aware that there are reports by various bloggers that common sage is somehow more dangerous to burn than white sage but I have not been able to find anything but hearsay on this. Then large bunches can be harvested and hung to dry. Immediately plant this basal cutting in a small pot filled with a porous potting mix, such as a cactus/succulent mix, or in its new garden location. Shamans in their medicine bag always have white sage with them. Medicinal oils and secondary compounds in Russian sage has recently been . Calming tea can help sooth nausea associated with colds and flues. fragrant leaves:White It was used in the Middle Ages to treat fevers, liver disease and epilepsy. It can also be noted that in some places of the house or with specific people, smoking has a negative outcome. Basically, you wont see results overnight. Avoid during pregnancy. Posted by Michelle Gruben on Mar 17, 2017. Dawn created Witchipedia in 2006 as an online reference and collection of magical and spiritual information and resources for Witches, Pagans, Heathens, and anyone on a magical spiritual path.Since our websites merged, some of our articles also had to merge. At most, you might provide a light layer of compost in the spring. Burn sage atfuneraland remembrance ceremonies to help relieve the grief of the mourners. You have to find a stranger to do this job for you. Use one or two teaspoons of dried sage leaves to one cup of boiling water. The flavor is better if you freeze sage rather than dry it, though it does retain its flavor well when dried. Said to be a cross between ginger and cayenne. Rumors say that it is becoming rare due to overcollection but conflicting information says that it grows like crazy out there. P. atriplicifolia can thrive in sandy, chalky, or loamy soil, or heavy clay soil with sufficient drainage. Its velvety leaves release their fragrance when rubbed. If your plants aren't blooming the way you want, try withholding all feeding, even the light topdressing with compost that is normally advised. It is used in herbal medicine to soothe the stomach, treat fevers and help relieve cold or flu symptoms. Sage is also believed to help alleviate the sorrow of the death of a loved one. Plants are especially susceptible to wet winter soil. Thats why it had to be ALWAYS planted next to the rue. It is a plant to which considerable virtues have been attributed over time, even magickal, so much so that it is defined, in popular culture, as a plant of immortality and Salvia savior. Clarity: Drink the tea or smell a fresh sprig to promote mental clarity. The Gauls believed that this shrub could destroy everything evil, and perhaps not everyone knows that the Druids prepared a beer with healing powers, using sage as a secret ingredient. Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! New transplants need regular watering, but once established, Russian sage is very drought-tolerant. Terms & conditions Common sage (garden sage, culinary sage) gets woody and bushy and is really neat-looking. Skype: healthbenefit55. Too much fertilizer, or too little sun, can also make Russian sage plants leggy and prone to collapse. Combined with mint and five-weed grass in an amulet, it gives the wearer an image of leadership and wisdom. An Old World herb, Sage was brought to the Americas by colonists for use in their gardens and kitchens. Pass smoke along the houses walls, being careful not to skip the edges. Pineapple sage is good in fruit drinks, salads, and ham. The genus is named after a famous Russian general. The Dutch in the 17th century traded Sage forteawith the Chinese. Talk with your doctor before using Russian sage for medicinal reasons. Jul 28, 2012 - Russian sage smudge bundles from sagegoddess.com. Traditional uses and benefits of Russian Sage, https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=832843#null, https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/733/, https://pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Perovskia+atriplicifolia, https://www.cabi.org/ISC/datasheet/116217, http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=e540, https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=peat10, http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-150582, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perovskia_atriplicifolia. White sage grows only in warm, arid regions. How to Recognize if There is Negative Energy Nearby? The most commonly used sage in spiritual practice, white sage, grows only in the American Southwest and can be very difficult to grow indoors in other areas. Desert Sage shares some common nicknames with Blue Sage, and the two . This species is suitable for forming an internal decorative hedge of moderate height. page). Hiring a Professional Witch will save you time, money, and frustration! If you want to cut sage thats growing in your garden, DO NOT do it. Plants grown from cuttings do better than those grown from seed. CBG pioneers and constructs vibrant, award-winning multifamily and mixed-use developments. 18 Perennial Flowers That Bloom in Spring, Summer and Fall, How to Grow and Care for Dusty Miller (Silver Dust), 10 Best Deer-Resistant Shrubs for Landscaping, How to Grow and Care for Dwarf Flowering Almond, How to Grow and Care for String of Hearts, How to Grow and Care for Doublefile Viburnum Shrubs. Russian sage will not grow well in excessively wet, poorly-draining soil.. A piece of sage root is placed under the bed to induce prophetic dreams. Traditional uses and benefits of Spanish Cedar, Traditional uses and benefits of Asiatic Dayflower, Traditional uses and benefits of Climbing Dayflower, Traditional uses and benefits of Aquatic Rotula, Traditional uses and benefits of Hiptage (Helicopter Flower), Traditional uses and benefits of Blinding Tree, Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tibet, Oval nutlets, about 2 mm 1 mm (225 by 125 inch), Relieves Cold Symptoms, Fever Reducer and Relieves Indigestion, Deciduous, semi hardy, flowering herbaceous perennial plant and subshrub, Thrive in sandy, chalky, or loamy soil, or heavy clay soil with sufficient drainage. If not, bury the sage so that it cant cause harm. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Its magickal energies make it a great choice for protection spells and it's also powerful when used in money and abundance spells. It is being used in bathwater or burning incense, to help you with clarity, rationality, and excellent solvency to solve problems and conflicting circumstances. Among the myriad of energies Sage embodies, it is associated with protection, purification, immortality, and mourning, as well as wisdom and the granting of wishes. This herb has been over-collected in the wild, so if you use it and you can grow it; do. Sage aids in the digestion of fatty foods and is therefore good for seasoning meats, especially pork. Crystal Properties; Login (703) 689-0114; Login. Phone: 847-669-3421. These candles are used to do quick cleanings, passing them around the person and praying for them. Mary has been a Master Gardener for 30+ years and a commercial and residential gardener for 50+ years. Use it and you can move the plant very well before using it because still. Pedigree, and frustration days in the sun and take a bath with this mixture from head to feet sage... 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