Search by state, county and hunting types. Any properties avialable for lease will be posted here. Additionally, the county is picturesque as well as offers good hunting opportunities. Lease Details. While it might not be recommended to come here for the sole purpose of duck hunting, a hunting lease in Georgia for ducks is still a great addition to any hunt. We have an abundance of Deer,Turkey,Hogs and Ducks. Take advantage of your exclusive onX Hunt club member discount today. A privately owned long-term timberland owner with tracts in 13 counties in Georgia, two counties in South Carolina and in Okaloosa County, Florida. Management strategies such as timber thinning, harvest, burning, and fertilization applications are used to promote desirable wildlife cover and quality forages. Metal ladder stands, tripods, climbing stands, and shooting houses are encouraged. From 30 acres to 30,000 acres, and anything in between, our local experts . If you have questions about the licensing process or if you need help using the site, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. Click here for a list of Legacy hunting clubs who are looking for members. 95 acres to lease for hunting. You may also contact them via email directly from your clubs website. From there, all that is left to do is make payment and you're done. An imaginary line that runs from Columbus through Macon to Augusta. Macon County is the best place in Georgia for deer hunting there is also available land for lease. However, gates must be built to Westervelt specifications. Kingwood Forestry Services provides all of your forestry needs: Forest Management and Planning, Real Estate Marketing, Timber Sales, Timberland Appraisal, Timber Inventory, Investment Analysis and More
In terms of timberland ownership in the United States, Rayonier is the largest. These lands are ideal for hunters, fishermen and other nature lovers looking to get outdoors and into the forest. 00 per year, available immediately Acres 446 Zip 31815 County Stewart Type Annual Game We have the resources to move quickly through the acquisition process. If you are a serious hunter looking to fill your fridge, do it on a private hunting lease from a reputable company like base camp leasing. Depending on where they are in the state, hunters may find alligator, bear, deer, turkey, hogs, and small game within their sights. 70 ($30/Acre). Those numbers have gone down, and the amount of older bucks being reported in harvest has gone up. Check out our maps! Select a county on the map to view leases in that county. Stocked lake on property as well. Call me for further info!!! Every year more than 50,000 nonresident and resident hunters lease timber company hunting lands in this state for hunting and this contributes a heavy amount ofthe income of this state and also helps to boost the economic conditions of the state. We are full for the 2021 season. Gobblers feasting in fields before dusk. With a statewide duck harvest of 110,00 and 16,000 licenses sold annually, the state means business. Wood ducks are the most common type of duck you can find. Fully Researched Hunting Lands Save Properties for Future Hunts County EXCELLENT HUNTING PROPERTY, BIG BUCKS $15000 and above Beautiful property, hardwood drains, long leaf pine, clear cut areas, powerline, awesome hunting. Advertise With Us
- Whether you're looking for a place to hunt, fish or just enjoy the great outdoors. Lush property river frontage on Coosawattee river near Ranger and Chatsworth, GA. There. Thus, planned silvicultural activity maps are updated regularly and listed on each clubs webpage. Landowners will approve food plots if they have available game such as deer, turkey, waterfowl, rabbits, squirrels, and alligators. Who do I contact if I have a question about my lease ? We have also dedicated a minimum 1% of our ownership to permanent food plots that are maintained for wildlife. A hunting lease in Georgia would be the best way to really experience what the state has worked so hard to obtain over the last few decades. Country. The initial payment that is paid by the lessee is considered to be payment for thetimberstanding on the land as of the date of thelease. Located in Buckhead, GA which is prime BUCK territory. Dove field available as well!! Georgia is one of the most popular states for hunting, like that of its western neighbor, Alabama. Hence, every year more than 0.6 million people purchase hunting licenses in this state to hunt big and small game. If interested? Excellent deer and turkey hunting tract has been under strict QDM management for years. Has 80 acres of open land but it is rolling land with lots of terraces which makes great, Just over 100 acres on highway 82 for lease. Deer population has been carefully managed. Westervelt Hunting Land Lease and Hunting Clubs Services. LandWatch has 433 timberland properties for sale in Georgia. If available leases do not fit your needs, but you would like to be on a waiting list if any leases become available that meet your needs, contact one of our lease managers via email or phone. 29 acres in Meriwether, Georgia. No. In recent years the population of Deer has increased by 23% in this state which makes this place a great point of interest for the hunters. Whether you are looking for a property to hunt deer, turkey, hogs or small game, Legacy Wildlife Services has the perfect spot for you. 22 acres in Crawford County. We understand the importance of employing best forestry practices on our holdings which provide protection for wildlife habitat and other important ecosystem services. Weve provided all the details you need to help make your experience searching for a new hunting property that much easier. In 2012, deer hunting leases in Georgia were worth, on average, about $15.00 per acre (ranging from $10.00 to $30.00 or more). We have the resources to move quickly through the acquisition process. Macon County is the best place in Georgia for deer hunting there is also available land for lease. Come shoot your prize buck. The most popular ones being teal, scaup, ringnecks, and mallards. Will Westervelt harvest timber during hunting season ? One year lease. In Georgia, more than 630,000 hunters get a hunting license every year and hunt in public and private lands. This property has not been hunted since the, Hunting Lease: offering a hunting lease on 685. Do it right with a high-quality hunting lease in Georgia and leave the competition behind you. Property is leased as is and no refunds are granted. No commercial trees can be cut to establish shooting lanes. Box stands are in place! 60 acres of beautiful pines and hardwood among Cat Creek. Please provide information about who will be leasing and where you're looking for hunting property. Check this website to see current deals about Deer Hunting Land for Lease in Georgia. Check back to see if leases are available for 2018 19 or fill out the form below to let us know your interests. There are a lot of big pine trees and hardwood and bottoms throughout the property making it an ideal home for the largest. Yes, lease tracts may be posted. We typically lease our tracts from 1 to 5 years.
For more information about locating a Georgia deer hunting lease, check out the websites and resources mentioned in this article. Having managed industrial timberlands for a living, the largest contiguous holding I know about in central GA was around 34k acres in Worth County, and it had many in-holdings. Hence, every year more than 0.6 million people purchase hunting licenses in this state to hunt big game animals, especially Deer. Once a contract expires, the existing club has the first option for renewal before it is posted as an available lease as long as they have abided by the lease contract policies, been good stewards of the land, followed deer management recommendations, and have made lease payments on time. Home. We refund for unused days. Price $17,500. Property was clear cut about 10 years ago. Search properties currently available for leasing using a variety of search filters or . The dates are , Sept. 23-25, Sept. 30- Oct. 2, Oct. 7-9 and Oct. 14-16 . The vast majority of this land is also suitable for hunting. If you head to the south Carolina border, you can find more opportunities for waterfowl hunting like geese and multiple kinds of ducks. Excellent habitat includes patchwork of cover including oaks on upland sites, second thinned pines with understory browse, newly replanted pine stands, over a, Managed by Wildlife Cooperative, LLC. Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division. A Westervelt hunting lease permits you to use the property throughout the year. Can I lease just part of a Westervelt hunting lease tract ? Currently, Legacy has over 700,000 acres under hunting lease management. There are almost no alligators north of the fall line, so if alligators are on your list, you know where to go! QDMA county with lots of, I have 250 acre farm. We cut timber about 5 years ago . Weyerhaeusers Georgia hunting lease search engine can be found on their website.
When not working or outdoors, you can find him rooting for his sports teams. Find your next hunt with access to 3000+ hunting property owners, Secure a hunting lease in your area in 48 hours - Guaranteed. Each tract of land is mapped and individually designated as a Recreational Lease Unit (RLU) for identification purposes. Hunting leases in Georgia offer some great recreational opportunities. Our lease terms are flexible. Search for available hunting leases from our land base of over 700,000 acres across the southeast. LandWatch has 533 hunting properties for sale in Georgia. Georgias vast majority of forestland is privately owned. Keep the different regions in mind as you begin your search for a hunting lease in Georgia, as they will assist guide you in the appropriate direction depending on the type of game youre looking for. You cant offer me enough money to lease it, but if you have a beach house or condo within 200 miles or so of Americus Ga that you are, Hunting Lease: offering a hunting lease on 445. The American Alligator almost went extinct in the states back in the 1960s, but through serious conservation efforts by states like Georgia, their numbers have stayed strong! If you can get a hunting lease on land that mixes these two types of terrain, it makes for a fantastic hunting destination. Flooded timber areas and large lakes are commonplace in the state. Sample Bylaws. Touch base in February, 2020!! Camping site water and electricity. Overall, Georgia has some pretty solid chances for duck hunting. Farm is mix of open ground and timber. Search public hunting land. One of the best places to find hunting leases these days is on Facebook. |
For more information, please contact Jeremy Meares, 800-281-7991 or [emailprotected]. Coastal Timberlands Company leases hunting rights on its managed land through an online leasing program. Our on-line hunting land lease services make leasing and managing your hunting lease easy. The yellow property lines, however, only indicate Westervelt property lines and not necessarily the hunting lease boundaries. Leases run from September 1 August 31. Most of the land is in the state of Georgia. Our hunting clubs take an active role in managing the lands to maximize wildlife value and create exceptional recreational opportunities. You begin to see coastal plains as you move further south in Georgia, as the mountains and valleys in northern Georgia give way to coastal plains. 10 antlerless and 2 with. Copyright 2016 Westervelt Wildlife Services. Collectively, we manage nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases and clubs in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia.. Westervelt Wildlife Services is staffed with professional Certified Wildlife Biologists and hunting lease and hunting clubs managers that have . We are looking to, This property is leased. Numerous deer, turkey and some hogs. Farmhouse available as well. We are looking to buy any of the following: land and timber tracts, recently harvested tracts, and agriculture land. You can rake 12 deer per season. All members MUST have Georgia Hunters safety course. Price: $20,564. Once you are ready to 'pull the trigger' on a hunting property, simply click 'LICENSE NOW' then follow a few easy steps to create your License Agreement. We have twelve days here. Collectively, we manage nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. . - 70 acres timber land located in Decatur County, GA - 5 minutes to Bainbridge, GA; 45 minutes to Thomasville, GA; 55 minutes to Tallahassee, FL - 1,896 sq ft custom built home, 2 . Collectively, we manage nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases and clubs in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. Georgia Hunting Leases. Since Georgia is full of high-level hunting, it is no secret to the people who call this state home. Lease is, We are full for 2021 season. Whether you are looking for a property to hunt deer, turkey, hogs or small game, Legacy Wildlife Services has the perfect spot for you. Timber company leases or long term leases are those which remain long enough to allow planted or naturally regenerated seedlings to grow into a crop oftimber, generally from 25 to 99 years. Lease Term: October 1 - September 30 with option to renew annually. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Loaded w deer and turkey. With over 3,000 active leases we are always updating our site to bring you the best hunting we can find! Thank you! Leasing land from Westervelt is more than simply having a place to hunt. I will give, Land not for lease. Browse our Georgia timberland properties for sale, view photos and contact an agent today! 00 per year, available immediately. Check back to see what is available for the 2018 2019 season. Property has been hunted by family and close friends for over 25 years. You may contact us by e-mail with your preferences but we will not have any new leases before June 15, 2022. RV campsite. The timber is a mix of natural Pine and Hardwood that is approximately 20 years old with an internal road system consisting of primary roads that will accommodate a full-sized truck and [], Stephens Creek Farm is an incredibly diverse property with many desirable attributes including the multiple streams that flow year-round, fertile bottomland Hardwood, mature commercial pine plantations, beautiful oak ridges, cabin, and Pond. Credit Cards Accepted: The Hunting Lease Network connects landowners and sportsmen from all across the country providing an internet-based service for landowners and hunters to find quality hunting leases. Seasonal hunts in Jacksonville, GA Map Of Ownership Area.
Under no circumstances are cables, chains, or ropes to be used to restrict access due to potential safety hazards.
Small pond and creek. No fall hunting is exclusively for population management. This land has not been hunted very much over the past few years but we have seen lots of deer on cameras. . Hunting can be enjoyed on the southern slopes of the Appalachian Mountains and in the deep valleys. Recently harvested tracts, and anything in between, our local experts Sept. 23-25, Sept. 30- Oct. 2 Oct.! And website in this state home call this state to hunt excellent deer and turkey hunting tract has under... Of this land is in the state of Georgia you 're looking for members about deer hunting land lease... A question about my lease and individually designated as a recreational lease Unit ( RLU ) identification. Vast majority of this land is in the state of Georgia land lease services make leasing where... Chances for duck hunting your preferences but we have also dedicated a minimum 1 % of our ownership to food... Permits you to use the property making it an ideal home for the largest to access! 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