Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? An Asian American pastor in Illinois was reinstated to ministry in spite of doubts on his character due to sexual abuse accusations. The report doesnt offer explicit details of the incident, but states that the touching was in a way that could be constituted as sexual assault under Illinois law. position: absolute; } During the subsequent year, the SOLA Council learned that: Furthermore, in recent weeks, it has become public knowledge that Min Chung was found guilty by the Korean Central Presbytery (KCP). Last summer, Kim, writing on behalf of the Oversight Board, promised that CFC would release a full report at the conclusion of GRACEs investigation. In much of Asian culture, you never want to look bad in front of the community and you never want to be the cause of someone else being shamed, said Frank Mesina, a former CFC member. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-total { Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. To make a donation,click here. Chung showed Minari to his parents around Thanksgiving 2019, a couple of months before its Sundance premiere. But TRR said that the ruling may still be appealed to the Standing Judicial Commission of the PCA's General Assembly. In a situation like this, we believe real accountability, discipline, and repentance are required. A year later, the group of 14 whistleblowers submitted their report to the PCAs Korean Central Presbytery and called for the KCP to investigate Chung, arguing CFC associate pastors had failed to discipline him, said Park. Many CFC members are students there who hail from the Chicago area. You have entered an incorrect email address! says that as of July 2021, CFC is under the leadership of Reverend KJ Kim and a lay oversight board and is in the process of particularizing or becoming a fully organized church with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). It serves as a digital platform for evangelical leaders, writers, speakers, and bloggers who share the same values of faith to provide Gospel-centered resources.View all posts by SOLA Network, This week we continued sharing our content from SOLA Conference 2021. The churchs website says that as of July 2021, CFC is under the leadership of Reverend KJ Kim and a lay oversight board and is in the process of particularizing or becoming a fully organized church with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). 6 min read. Join with thousands of others to keep this important public media-based resource available to all. The timing of thisso close to the finish of the assessmenthas raised a lot of questions and suspicion among former members, said Pinyo. text-align: left; } CFC had been regularly updating the church on GRACEs investigation. Toll free: (866) 364-9980, Florida Youth Pastor Arrested for Attempting Sex with Teen Student, Cedarvilles Plan to Save Anthony Moore Abandoned its Students and Moore, Missouri Church Leaves Presbyterian Church in America Over LGBT Issues, Archbishop Resigns from Anglican Church of Canada over Sexual Misconduct, Cedarville Reinstates President White After Misconduct Investigation. It is because we believe in the power and sanctity of the gospel that we are publishing this statement. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He said, Your parents are well-respected members of their church, your fathers an elder [at their church], Rhee recalled. Eventually, that group reconsidered and completed the assessment. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-hovered, Chung also was accused of covering up sexual abuse committed by a fellow local pastor. Attorney Laura Dunn, a contracted institutional response specialist with GRACE, said many of the people with whom she spoke struggled to get through their interviews, some of which took three to four hours. I talked to him about it. The Austin-area congregation declared itself open to LGBTQ persons on staff and that the church building would be available to host same-sex wedding ceremonies. Under the previous structure, CFC was an independent church, with just Chung and the associate pastors, as individuals, belonging to the Korean Central Presbytery (KCP), one of the regional bodies within the PCA. We remind him to abide by the BCO (Book of Church Order), and we believe that he should return to ministry.. The cost has been high for the whistleblowers, said Amy Han, one of the whistleblowers who submitted the report. Ministry Watch 2022 All rights reserved. As a whistleblower, its traumatic as well, because there are so many places of pain and injustice along the way, Park said. 6 min read. Regarding recovery, the pastor reconciled with his victim, and regarding his relationship with God, he recognized his sin before God and relies on the blood of Christ, Rev. If they found out, they would be devastated and you know how people talk, and I wouldnt want them to have to go through that. . Sources, including Singer, told WBEZ that CFC was concerned the information-gathering process was biased and that it dug too much into Chungs case, which the church deemed outside the scope of the assessment. Korean Christians have had such a tremendous and positive impact over the last few decades on local communities and believers, its difficult to overstate. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. If you think that is bad, consider this; We have a PCA pastor, Kiernan Stringer in Toronto, Canada who admits in writing a letter to us and his congregation to breaking the 7th commandment ( You shall not commit murder) and the 9th commandment ( You shall not bear witness against your neighbour), refuses to repent and everyone in the PCA hierarchy refuses to anything about it. Over the course of the past few years, the leadership of Covenant Fellowship Church has sought to investigate claims of abuse regarding our founding pastor, Kim wrote in a statement to TRR. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-float-current, We are accountable to our congregation and the denomination that has charge over its leaders and we believe that this is best for our church and its future. So they think that they can have some level of control of the process some access to information before they get to the final product, Singer said. But that system broke down: Oversight entities had limited power and the denominations governing rules proved to be inadequate for addressing the issue of abuse in the church. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! It was very much like, Why do you think you got into this relationship? Charles Zimmerman has been a speaker at One In Love, which Chung founded, and theyve both been main speakers at Global Kingdom Young Adult Missions Festival, where Chung was a board member. According to the report, Kim was initially more interested in stopping the spread of gossip and keeping Chungs sexual misconduct private than holding Chung accountable or protecting victims. Last summer, amid the outcry that resulted from the revelations by an Instagram account called @letters_from_rahab, CFC said it would cut financial ties to the pastor and hire a third-party group to do a full investigation. It contracted with an organization called Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) to assess the church and its response to allegations of abuse. Pastor KJ Kim acknowledged that Chung has been accused of a pattern of abusing his authority. But theres, of course, a lot under the surface as well, he added. At the time, the SOLA Council placed trust in the proper processes and authorities of his local church and denomination to conduct an investigation and hold Min Chung accountable. He cited an example in the Bible, in the book of Luke, where Jesus tells the story of a woman and an unjust judge. The presbytery is a ruling body of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the denomination that ordained Chung. These include the SOLA Network, a group of Asian American pastors, and the Joshua Generation, a high school ministry that the minister also founded. On December 4, 2022, CFC became a particular church within the Presbytery of CFCs current senior pastor, KJ Kim, was also accused of aiding in the cover-up of Min Chungs misconduct in a report compiled by a team of whistleblowers. Now, more than a year after WBEZ broke the story, former members and others familiar with the church say CFC is quietly reversing course. The SOLA Network, for the gospel-centric reason outlined in the introduction, feels it is necessary to articulate that: We grieve the fact that ministers of the gospel, those who are to represent Christ himself, have sinned against their own sheep, denied the biblical call to repentance, and failed to seek justice. Pastor KJ shows no signs of remorse, shows no sign of pastoral care, only concerned with keeping us quiet.. WBEZ emailed CFC lead pastor KJ Kim and the churchs Oversight Board with questions about why the church terminated its contract with GRACE, as well as CFCs plan for any long-term changes in the wake of last years events. The woman pastor at the center of the Southern Baptist Convention's decision to oust Saddleback Church the California Several CFC Survivors came forward to tell their stories on an Instagram account, @letters_from_rahab. UIUC officials told WBEZ that CFC has chosen not to renew its status as a registered student organization for the coming year, meaning it cannot recruit new students at a back-to-school event or reserve space on the campus for meetings. Former members of Covenant Fellowship Church say Chungs abuse is part of a larger pattern of abuse and silencing at CFC and affiliated ministries. J-Gen canceled its summer retreats to grieve and reflect.. 2nd Peter 1 : 2 ~ 3, by pastor Minho Chung } Even the pastors, I would say, do a good job at that. /*Custom svg icon height fix*/ } Whistleblowers say theyre disappointed, but not surprised, with the ruling. height: 90px; top: 0; Though disappointed, the whistleblowers said that they were not surprised with KCP's ruling, citing the environment at CFC where Chung leads and the congregation's high regard for the minister. The victim did. WBEZ confirmed with Justin Coverstone, the stated clerk of the Presbytery of Northern Illinois, that CFC was in the process of joining that regional body as of early September. Those who looked deeper discovered sexual misconduct and abuse of power by Chung, former long-term church members, pastors, and leaders state in a 67-page report released to The Roys Report (TRR). Chung is also accused of covering up accusations of sexual abuse against a fellow pastor as well as admitting to inappropriately touching a female congregant for a I am probably going to get myself in trouble making this next statement but the context was always a sense of Hyper-Complimentarianism or some hybrid form of it because the Denomination that I refereed of believed in women Pastors but the culture was steeped with this type of theological thinking. The CCG called the allegations against Min Chung an inappropriate moral failure between Min Chung and a woman. There are 300+ professionals named "Min Chung", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal-volume-total, In this case, Id say this is the logical result of Korean Cultures Confucian-infused hierarchy: father-son, king-subject, husband-wife, elder-younger, friend-friend (where one is above the other in rank). In September 2019, a member of the new leadership team, Pastor KJ Kim, said Chung had admitted to touching a female over the clothing for a brief moment about 20 years ago but had immediately stopped when she asked him to, per a recording obtained by WBEZ. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-float-corner, Last weekend a sermon by Evangelical pastor Francis Chan went viral, as in the sermon Chan shared about Communion and his discovery of the scriptural and historical basis for transubstantiation - that the bread and the wine become the literal Body and Blood of Christ. I actually had gotten to the point where I was naively thinking that [the GRACE assessment] was the one thing that was finally going to [lead] CFC to take a true, humble look at themselves.. fostered a misogynistic environment that included sexual mistreatment and We know this may cause pain for many people, and we deeply regret that CFC has chosen this path.. But Chung got upset that the victim had told someone and told her to keep the incident quiet between the two of them, the friend said in the report. However, CFC has made some changes. Learn how your comment data is processed. .grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; } "Regarding recovery, the pastor reconciled with his victim, and regarding his relationship with God, he recognized his sin before God and relies on the blood of Christ. More than a dozen former CFC members, leaders, and volunteers came forward to TRR. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. CFC, located in Champaign-Urbana, hired GRACE to evaluate the churchs practices, policies and culture for risks relating to emotional and spiritual abuse, after many in the Asian American community called for reform. .elementor-widget .elementor-icon-list-icon svg { Shame is worse than embarrassment. Min committed sexual misconduct against a female young adult whom he was pastoring. Theres a picnic. There are Walmart runs. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Because of the trust that had been damaged and the pain that had been caused, he said, the church board voted unanimously May 27 to separate from Chung. In February of 2019, Park said she reported the matter to Kim and urged him to allow a third-party investigation, but Kim refused. She bangs on his door all hours of the night until he finally comes and gives her justice, LeCroy explained. border: 0 none; For us, Pastor Min is more than just a gifted pastor and teacher. We, as a collective voice of Asian American leaders, implore Min Chung to cease all public ministry at least until a new investigation is conducted and proper AsAmNews is a community of users interested in reading, learning and commenting on news, events, people & issues in the Asian Americans and Pacific Islander communities. The SJC decision stated there can be no reasonable hope of just proceedings with no cooperating victim, although Chung himself had admitted to sexual misconduct. An arm of the Presbyterian Church in America is allowing Min Joshua Chungarguably the nations most prominent Korean-American pastorto return to ministry despite allegations of sexual misconduct and cover-up. We remind him to abide by the BCO (Book of Church Order), and we believe that he should return to ministry," Sungwoo Nam of KCP stated. Another woman reported to Chung that she had been raped repeatedly. In May 2021, CFC cut ties with Chung. Frank Barker, whose 4,000-member Briarwood Presbyterian Church grew from a Birmingham, Alabama, storefront before he helped found the conservative Presbyterian. For investigators at GRACE, CFCs decision to terminate the assessment is a highly unusual move. We are personally reflecting on where we may fall short and how we can be proactive in preventing abuse and cover-up, instead of just reacting to it. Go to our Twitter feed and Facebook page for more content. The church followed the report with a letter apologizing for several wrongs. According to a lengthy investigation by National Public Radio station WBEZ in Chicago, Covenant Fellowship Church and its former head pastor Min Joshua Chung for years fostered a misogynistic environment that included sexual mistreatment and oppression of women. The friend urged the victim to tell Chung she hadnt consented to his touch. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Chung reportedly abused a number of congregants at CFC. How Tragic. Ive been very hesitant for some while about getting really committed and really involved and back to serving with a church, but I feel like my appetite is coming back, he said. Front-runner for Oscar. We prefer to style these with the main accent color of our theme */ The SOLA Network exists to influence the emerging generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Former CFC member Janet Park said that when she confronted Chung in 2009, he told her that he kept the matter a secret because the victim had insisted on doing so. In the wake of last years scandal, CFC also chose not to renew its status as a registered student organization, or RSO, at U of I last academic year. We extend an invitation to worship with us if you are ever in the Champaign area.. CFC also took steps to join the Presbytery of Northern Illinois and move its pastors credentials from the KCP to the Presbytery of Northern Illinois. to conduct a third-party investigation. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time { /* Reduce height of the progress and audio bars */ However, the gospel also demonstrates that mercy is not given at the expense of justice and vice versa. He received disciplinary measures that included temporary leave from the pulpit and acknowledgment of previous personal acts of piety as self-imposed discipline. Chung continued to speak elsewhere during this time. height: 3px; The city of Detroit is suing a pastor and his church over the stalled development of a new mega-church at 7 Mile and Woodward Avenue, saying blight has emerged as a result, according to court documents. Mayor Lori Lightfoot was handed a stunning defeat, the first time in 40 years a sitting mayor was not reelected. Pastor Kim did not respond to a TRR inquiry about the audit. Chung preached messages urging congregants to submit to leaders and forgive them and calling victims to forgive their abusers. The motion to rescind the KCP decision needed a two-thirds vote in favor. Pastor Chung holds a Korean-American identity. On January 17, 1990, the couple welcomed their first child, Tucker Stephenson. Since there is no room in the culture for open candor, exchange of perspectives, and helpful permissive dissension, there is only a cycle of abuse that continues at all levels of leadership.. } WebPastor Min Chung (@pminchung) Instagram photos and videos pminchung 119 posts 1,287 followers 21 following Pastor Min Chung This Account is Private Already follow However, theres nothing on CFCs website about CFCs recent decision to terminate GRACE. The investigation, which began last summer, came after multiple allegations that CFC had silenced and intimidated those who reported sexual misconduct by the churchs former well-known pastor, Min Joshua Chung. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. font-size: 10px [They] are literally re-traumatizing [themselves] by speaking to us, so the least the other side could do would be to hear those pieces of information, Dunn said, adding that current church leaders, including KJ Kim, were the only remaining people GRACE had left to interview. right: 0; The decision to return Chung to ministry may be appealed to the Standing Judicial Commission of the PCAs General Assembly. margin-top: 18px Its time to move on.. And I say that as someone who believes the Bible clearly uses language from both spectra, not just one or the other. Chung discouraged her from reporting the incident to police. Pete Singer, GRACEs executive director, called the cancellation very rare, adding he is aware of just one other organization that has done the same. To donate, Presbyterian Church (USA) Will Gather Nonbinary/Genderqueer Membership Statistics, Virginia Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Girl During Church Sleepover, Whistleblowers Say Leader of Network of Churches Hid Sexual Crime for 36 Years, Former Pastor Accused of Rape Resigns from Churchome After TRR Investigation; Church Official Makes False Claims, Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, Bishop Scott Jones Moves from Extreme Center of UMC to Global Methodist Church, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including A Pot Farm, Bank and Airline, 2 Megachurches Rocked by Allegations They Allowed Pastor Guilty of Clergy Sexual Abuse to Re-Offend, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. /* Player background */ Heartland Greenway LLC refiled its application with the Illinois. As reported by The Roys Report (TRR) last year, Min Joshua Chungarguably the nations most prominent Korean-American pastorwas accused by multiple witnesses of sexual misconduct and decades of cover-up and intimidation. Nothing was ever followed up on with me. Biblical discipline, especially of a pastor or elder in ordained office, cannot be conducted in solitude by the offender. We grieve the fact that our churches have both knowingly and unknowingly created environments where abuse could happen and be kept in the dark. We are sobered and shudder at the human propensity for sin; we seek Gods grace so that we can be committed to keeping the church protected and honored as the Bride of Christ. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-button > button { /* Progress and audio bars */ } Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. And he bullied . Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Kim would not agree to an interview but wrote back: We at CFC continue to seek the Lord in the work of the church and we are grateful to God for the way He is leading our congregation and this is our focus right now. Marco Morante was eliminated in episode 8, Military, since the judges werent impressed by his outfit with a military motif. CFC came under fire last summer for its alleged mishandling of sexual misconduct by church founder and former head pastor Min Joshua Chung. To Thyatira: Hold Fast What You Have Until I Come | Revelation 2:18-29 (Pastor Min Chung) joe 2019.02.19 43. CFC added that while the CFC Oversight Board would see the survey ahead of time and GRACE would accept input, GRACE would make final decisions on which survey questions to include. WBEZ uncovered multiple other allegations against CFC, including pastors at the church making sexual comments to teen girls, church officials brushing off women who were sexually assaulted who went to them for help, and an overall culture that diminished women. To Thyatira: Hold Fast What You Have Until I Come | Revelation 2:18-29 (Pastor Min Chung) joe 2019.02.19 43. The Council believes sexual sin against a member of the congregation and failure to properly confess or be held accountable are reasons to disqualify a pastor/elder from office. WebDr. Influencing the emerging generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. WBEZ first reported the allegations against Chung and the crisis unfolding at CFC as the victims of sexual and spiritual abuse shared their stories online. .wp-caption p.wp-caption-text { color: #888888; For the sake of the churchs purity and healing, we desire for there to be a thorough, fair, and independent investigation completed regarding the incident and the aftermath. Former church members expressed dismay over CFCs apparent about-face. I really did not see this coming, she said. Many people were waiting to see what came out of this and then what their response would be to that, Pinyo said. The group said that though the was guilty, what he did was already enough for his reinstatement and that his hiatus from preaching was also enough to discipline him for the sin. Nothing was put in place, to my knowledge, to keep me safe from him. Many other ministries have removed Chung from their boards and speaking schedules. My heart breaks. TRR reached out to Min Chung for comment, but he did not respond. The mainline Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announced this week it will change the way it reports statistical information about the denominations membership to, The pastor of a Baptist church in Virginia is in jail on child sex abuse-related charges, the Washington County (Va.) Sheriffs Office, Steve Morgan, founder and president of a group of 26 evangelical-charismatic churches known as the Network, has been hiding a disqualifying sexual. .Elementor-Icon-List-Icon svg { Shame is worse than embarrassment time in 40 years sitting! Keep me safe from him elder in ordained office, can not conducted. Surprised, with the Illinois them and calling victims to forgive their abusers said Pinyo under... Book of church Order ), and volunteers came forward to TRR / * Player background * }... That she had been raped repeatedly still be appealed to the Standing Judicial Commission the! 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