- S. 351 - 354. General information: The Aarhus University consists of 27 departments within four faculties.
Aarhus University (AU) 180: Economics and Business Administration - Finance: Economics, commerce, management and accounting: Master (2 years) of Economics and Business Administration (Finance) Aarhus University (AU) 120: Economics and Business Administration - Special Programmes for AP Graduates: Economics, commerce, management and accounting Korte kompetenceudviklingsforløb for gymnasielærere, Lad universitetets studerende og forskere overtage undervisningen for en dag, Brug for en ekspertudtalelse eller en kommentar fra ledelsen? Ved du allerede, hvilket fagmiljø du vil samarbejde med? Tlf: 8715 0000, CVR-nr: 31119103
Admissions area number: 22419. The IT University, established in 1999, is a specialized university with a focus on IT. DTU, Technical University of Denmark, is the largest and the leading environment in Denmark for training engineers and for technical scientific research. Aalborg University provides high-quality research within the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering and health sciences and focuses on strong national and … Studying. Accessibility Statement. Privacy Policy
Aarhus University logo / Aarhus Universitets logo. You can learn more about some of these projects here. Læs om projekterne her - og find AU's ekspertliste om coronavirus. See the full list of programmes below – or find relevant programmes according to your areas of interest. Retsmedicin, rusmiddelforskning og meget mere. Ein architektonisches ”Must See” Die Aarhuser Universität ist eine architektonische Perle von Weltklasse, die häufig zu den schönsten Universitäten der Welt … Vi skaber banebrydende viden om levende organismer og deres funktion og interaktioner med miljøet, og vi deler vores viden gennem uddannelse og rådgivning. Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag. Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag Tuition fees & Scholarships. Institut for Kultur og Samfund beskæftiger sig med uddannelse og forskning i samspillet mellem kultur og samfund i tid og rum igennem historien fra de ældste tider til de helt aktuelle problemstillinger og fra de lokale spørgsmål til globale udfordringer. På bachelor.au.dk får du hjælp til at træffe dit studievalg: læs om vores bacheloruddannelser, find frister, få vejledning og mød andre AU-studerende. Aarhus_2019/20. A community of Danes and internationals As an international student at Aarhus University, you will never be alone. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Die Universität Aarhus bietet einzigartige Möglichkeiten für Forschung und Lehre in den verschiedensten Richtungen – zum Nutzen der Studierenden, der Forscher, der öffentlichen Hand und der Unternehmen. På Aarhus Universitet arbejder vi for at fremme den bæredygtige udvikling – både i vores uddannelser, i vores forskning og i den daglige drift. Privatlivspolitik
Several of Aarhus University's researchers have launched research projects to combat the coronavirus crisis and understand about its effects on society. Nordre Ringgade 1
Moderation. Größte Universität in Dänemark: Aarhus Universitet mit 38000 Studenten. Guidance Center AU is open. Gå direkte til fakulteternes erhvervsportaler og find frem til den rette kontaktperson. 1993. Sie wurde 1928 als Privatuniversität gegründet und 1970 in eine staatliche Hochschule überführt. Aarhus is a small town characterised by its cobblestone streets, cosy cafes and love for biking. Find den lokale medarbejderportal for dit institut eller område. Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution. Aarhus University, Dänemark (S/F/D; Englischsprachiges Lehrangebot, Mindestsprachniveau: Englisch C1) Department of Theology; Theology is concerned with the exploration of Christianity - and its interaction with culture and society - past and present. In the cognitive science programme, you are introduced to fundamental theories of cognition. Gennem et stort og alsidigt aktivitetsudbud bidrager universitetet til et stærkt samarbejdet med gymnasierne. Se ledige stillinger. Check out some of the top reasons to come work or study with us. Here's the quick guide to all you need to know about tuition fees and scholarships September, bei der auch Königin Margrethe II. I kraft af sin størrelse og faglige tyngde som et forskningsintensivt … University of Southern Denmark in Odense is the university’s largest campus and at the same time the largest educational institution of the Region of Southern Denmark. University of Southern Denmark in Odense is the university’s largest campus and at the same time the largest educational institution of the Region of Southern Denmark. People . AU arbejder for at være et toneangivende, globalt orienteret universitet med højeste kvalitet i uddannelse og forskning og et stærkt engagement i samfundsudviklingen. ERASMUS Dänemark. With its excellent educational and research programs VU University Amsterdam brings together talents in a wide range of disciplines from many different countries. Emnebaseret indgang til universitetets forskere. The department carries out research and teaching within all important fields of politics and public administration, and the researchers collaborate closely with Danish as well as international peers. 2018 9 måneder. With its 5,000 researchers and 39,000 students, the University boasts an international research and study environment and is highly ranked on the leading ranking lists … Die Aarhuser Universität ist mit ihrer internationalen Orientierung auch ein Magnet für Forscher und Studierende aus dem Ausland. The University; University Board; Facts and Figures; Equal Opportunites; Family-Friendly University Die Universität Aarhus, Dänemark, hat Prof. Dr. Bernhard Lang, Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Katholische Theologie, die Würde eines Ehrendoktors (Dr. theol. Tel: +45 8715 0000
Aarhus University, Dänemark (S/F/D; Englischsprachiges Lehrangebot, Mindestsprachniveau: Englisch C1) Department of Theology; Theology is concerned with the exploration of Christianity - and its interaction with culture and society - past and present. With its excellent educational and research programs VU University Amsterdam brings together talents in a wide range of disciplines from many different countries. Moderation. It has a long tradition of partnerships with some of the world's best research institutions and university networks. This close contact makes the learning environment in Aarhus particularly practice-oriented, but it also places a emphasis on new talents and the exchange of knowledge. Studying at the UP; What to Study; Application and Enrollment; Studying; Advising and Services; Dates and Deadlines; Research. We are part of Faculty of Technical Science at Aarhus University. Aarhus University has more than 33,900 Students which include 17,504 Undergraduate students, and 16,395 Graduate students. The school has cooperative agreements with well-known research institutes and focuses on cooperation with actors of the state, civil society, and the economy. … Tilgængelighedserklæring, Ansvarlig forskningspraksis og forskningsfrihed, Telefon, e-mail og adresser for alle ansatte, AU's profil inden for forskning, uddannelse og samarbejde. Aarhus_2017/18_2. The University of Copenhagen offers a wide range of Master's degree programmes (MA/MSc) taught in English. ERASMUS Denmark. Forskere og studerende fra AU kan kvalificere projekter og bidrage med viden til kommunens udvikling. Among other things, you learn about the statistical analysis of the data and … Besøg Aarhus Universitet og oplev museerne, arkitekturen, universitetsparken og det pulserende studieliv. 21 Sep, 2020: Nouvelle édition deWorld University Ranking 2020 - Europe .Aarhus Universitet en position #25 . Det du har brug for og alt det sjove. Research at the UP; Profiles, Programs and Projects; Research Funding; Research Data; Cooperations and Partnerships; Young Academics; 71,841 likes. Page Transparency See More. Find out more about opening hours. Aarhus_2019/20. Read about the application procedure. Aarhus Universitet, 1928-1953 by Andreas Blinkenberg ( Book ) Aarhus Universitets bygninger by C. F Møller ( Book ) Knud Faber og Aarhus Universitet : et virke i fortid og nutid : Til firsaarsdagen den 29. Samarbejde mellem erhvervslivet og universitetets studerende og forskere bringer ny viden i anvendelse til samfundets gavn. Antropologer fra Aarhus Universitet har i fire måneder været bosat i Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune for at undersøge, hvordan man forankrer udenlandsk arbejdskraft i kommunen. Related Pages. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. With its 5,000 researchers and 39,000 students, the University boasts an international research and study environment and is highly ranked on the leading ranking lists of the world's best universities. Europe, the Own Nation and Germany in Current Swiss, Danish … Aarhus University has a wide range of admission opportunities for international students. Nearly all the university’s programmes are represented here, and the buildings at Campusvej 55 accommodate about 23,000 students and 3,200 employees. Corona/covid-19. Aarhus University is more than just a Top 100 university with research-based teaching and numerous programmes in English. : Hans Andersson ... - Stockholm, 1993. Aarhus University (AU) offers interdisciplinary study programmes within a wide range of academic fields, covering basic research, applied research, strategic research and research-based consultancy. Aarhus, Midtjylland, Dänemark Universität Kassel 7 år 7 måneder Postdoctoral Researcher Universität Kassel feb. 2018 – okt. Roskilde University's primary objective is to contribute to experimental, innovative research, learning, and problem-solving that contribute to the development of society. Guidance Center AU open. We compare the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University to help you decide. We create groundbreaking knowledge of living organisms and their function and interactions with the environment, and we share our knowledge through education and counseling. Seit September 2013 ist Irena Sailer Vorsteherin der Division für festsitzende Prothetik und Biomaterialien an der Universität Genf. Få kontakt til universitetet og forskerne, 11.500 videnskabelige og administrative medarbejdere (svarende til 8.000 årsværk) arbejder hver dag for at levere høj kvalitet i uddannelse og forskning. It is a community. 71,841 likes. DTU, Technical University of Denmark, is the largest and the leading environment in Denmark for training engineers and for technical scientific research. Zwischen Wissenschaftsorientierung, Transdisziplinarität und Arbeitsmarktbefähigung: Germanistikstudiengänge an der Universität Aarhus / Dänemark. Universität Aarhus (Dänemark) Website der Universität Aarhuus. 26,612 visits. procedure and application form. Zahlen für 2004.Die finanziellen Aufwendungen an dänischen Universitäten beliefen sich im Jahr 2005 auf insgesamt 1,9 Mrd. Europe, the Own Nation and Germany in Current Swiss, Danish and … University Aarhus. Master's … I find that there are many similarities between Danish … Aarhus_2017/18_2. Studium der Archäologie des Mittelalters an der Universität Aarhus, Dänemark Ericsson, Ingolf In: The study of medieval archaeology / ed. Zwischen Wissenschaftsorientierung, Transdisziplinarität und Arbeitsmarktbefähigung: Germanistikstudiengänge an der Universität Aarhus / Dänemark. Das SNI übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Inhalte, die sich auf den externen Seiten befinden. 10 Oct, 2020: Nouvelle édition deNTU Europe .Aarhus Universitet en position #28 . h.c.) verliehen. Aarhus Universitet, Århus, Denmark. Page created - June 11, 2009. The university has more than 11,550 Faculty members. Studievejledning til potentielle bachelorstuderende, U-days og andre arrangementer. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Information for Master's degree applicants about admission in relation to the current corona situation. Die Universität Aarhus (dänisch Aarhus Universitet, lateinisch Universitas Arhusiensis) ist mit knapp 45.000 Studenten die größte Universität in Dänemark und hat ihren Sitz in der Stadt Aarhus. Kort over Universitetsparken og andre lokationer på universitetet, Besøgstjenesten tilbyder gratis guidede ture på universitetet for grupper, Aarhus Universitets bygninger og park er udvalgt som et af Danmarks 12 arkitektoniske mesterværker. Students applying for exchange study at the University Aarhus must apply using the online form. Universités. Zwischen Wissenschaftsorientierung, Transdisziplinarität und Arbeitsmarktbefähigung: Germanistikstudiengänge an der Universität Aarhus / Dänemark. CDEU har siden kontorets start haft et tæt samarbejde med Aarhus Universitet, AU, som i 2017 trådte ind i ejerkredsen bag kontoret. Driven by intellectual creativity and critical thinking since 1479, researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen have expanded horizons and contributed to moving the world forward. Se hvilke muligheder, din virksomhed har for at indgå samarbejde med de studerende på Aarhus Universitet. A staggering 13 percent of the 315,000 residents in Aarhus are students, making it Denmark’s un-official “youth capital”. Language: English | Place of study: Aarhus | Commencement: Week 35: Introduction. Studying. Top Universities in Denmark 2020. Velkommen til Aarhus Universitet. Universität Aarhus (Dänemark) Website der Universität Aarhuus. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. In einer Feierstunde am 12. 8000 Aarhus, Email: au@au.dk
Die Universität Aarhus kombiniert Qualität und Vielfalt – eine Vielfalt, die intensive Kontakte zu allen wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren garantiert. Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution. Seit 2019 ist Irena Sailer „Editor in Chief“ des International Journal of Prosthodontics… Bevægelsen fra gymnasierne til universitetet og tilbage igen skal være så smidig og udbytterig som muligt. Aarhus University provides scholarship opportunities to the students on the basis of academic excellence. Application. Aarhus University is in the top 100 on some of the most influential university rankings - out of over than 17,000 universities worldwide. Find information about international programmes and how to apply. AU has a strong commitment to the development of society that is realised through its collaboration with government agencies and institutions and the business … You can reach us by phone or email. 03.12.2020 | Forskning. Aalborg University Copenhagen (AAU CPH) offers innovative programs and research on principles of interdisciplinary, PBL and business collaboration. Overview; Internationalization; Partnerships; Faculties International; Code of conduct The school has cooperative agreements with well-known research institutes and focuses on cooperation with actors of the state, civil society, and the economy. Seit 2018 ist sie zudem Honorarprofessorin an der Universität Aarhus, Dänemark. Driven by intellectual creativity and critical thinking since 1479, researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen have expanded horizons and contributed to moving the world forward. University Aarhus. IT-Universitetet i København #3. This close … Projektets studier og anbefalinger er netop offentliggjort. Located on Denmark’s eastern coast, the city of Aarhus is one of the happiest and youngest cities in all of Europe. This page was last edited on 17 June 2020, at 12:45. Stor forskningsinvestering fra Carlsbergfondet til IKS . 10 Oct, 2020: DernierNTU Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers deNTU ranking .Aarhus Universitet à la place #87 . Københavns Universitet er med cirka 40.000 studerende og 9.000 medarbejdere en af Nordens største forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Studium der Archäologie des Mittelalters an der Universität Aarhus, Dänemark Ericsson, Ingolf Bamberg : OPUS, 2015. p. 1 pdf-Datei (264 KB) To be eligible for admission to this degree programme, you must fulfil the following requirements: A qualifying examination as well as the following specific admission requirements (A, B and C refers to the subject level in the Danish upper secondary school with A being the highest level possible):. Media in category "Aarhus University" The following 65 files are in this category, out of 65 total. Aarhus … Cookies at au.dk
Odense is the main campus of SDU, and nearly all the university’s programmes are represented here.