Badr Hari heeft gisteravond tijdens zijn gevecht met Benjamin Adegbuyi zijn neus op twee plekken gebroken. Karim Ghajji by TKO (punches, R3 at 1:30) – retains GLORY welterweight title Badr Hari returns to action tonight (Sat, Dec 19) when he takes on Benjamin Adegbuyi in the heavyweight title eliminator headlining GLORY 76 (start time here).Ahead of the event check out the video up top, featuring K-1 vet in his previous bout a year ago, when he faced the current heavyweight champion Rico Verhoeven in the rematch. Benny vs Badr Hari a fost reprogramat; Meciul are loc pe 19 decembrie; Cine câștigă luptă pentru centură; Benny și Badr Hari trebuiau să lupte în luna noiembrie a acestui an, dar marocanul s-a îmbolnăvit de Covid și confruntarea a fost amânată. Among the best fights of Benny Adegbuyi we suggest three fights all ranked in the top 10 Users’ kickboxing Fight of the year: two in 2013 Pavel Zhuravlev vs Benjamin Adegbuyi 2 and Ismael Londt vs Benjamin Adegbuyi, and one in 2017 Benjamin Adegbuyi vs Anderson Braddock Silva. A prins o stanga devastatoare, arbitrul l-a numarat pe Badr Hari, care nu a mai putut continua. We will be paid a commission, with no extra cost to you, if you use those links to make a purchase. Benjamin Adegbuyi was first to weigh-in, showing 117.1 kg. If I had to bet, I'd still bet on Badr. Wonder 76 PPV cost has been set for €12.99. Fans can watch GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny live stream on FITE. De onofficiële koning van Marokko. Gevecht Badr vs Benny: ‘Zet de rolstoel maar klaar’ ... ,,Badr Hari wil geen littekens alleen geld, zal wel weer een smoesje klaarliggen. Badr Hari ocupă locul 3 în clasamentul GLORY. Knowledge Base Badr Hari weighed-in at 109.3 kg, which is 7.8 kg lighter than his opponent. If you have enjoyed this website for the past 10 years, today we ask you for a little help: Since 2011, more than 21,700 fights rated and more than 96,000 votes collected!! If you like to look at Badr vs Benny Full Fight Highlights then Roar tube is the best place. Het is onbekend waar de partij vanavond gespeeld zal gaan worden. HELP US!!! Badr Hari (109.3 kg, 106 zeges, 92 op ko). UPDATE 00:09 - Repriza 2 Benny Adegbuyi numarat cu 43 de secunde ramase din aceasta repriza. © Copyright 2021 - FIGHTMAG ® Other transmission accomplices are yet to be officially reported. Badr vs Benny live stream on YouTube, Facebook & Reddit Nowadays, have many ways for watching sports events live to stream, in that’s social media is another favorite way now like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, etc. De man die je niet wil tegenkomen in een donker steegje in de Amsterdam ArenA. Benjamin Adegbuyi def. In Australia the date and start time converts to Sunday, December 20 at 7 am AEDT. Not long ago the advancement declared its new organization with Spike Netherlands, giving Dutch kickboxing fans an organization to watch Badr versus Benny live. Benjamin Adegbuyi vs Anderson Braddock Silva, 2020 BOXING fight – Michael Hunter vs Shawn Laughery – full fight Video, 2020 K-1 MUAY THAI fight – Cedric Doumbe vs Karim Ghajji – full fight Video Glory 76, Privacy Policy – Legal Notices – Terms of Use. En hebben we het natuurlijk niet over Benny Nogwatdinges, want de knokpartij Badr vs. Dinges draait natuurlijk maar om één man. Also on the card a one-night four-man heavyweight tournament. badr hari vs bennylive stream badr hari vs benny banjamin adegbuyibadr army instagram badr hariglory 76badr hari 2020badr haribenny adegbuyi E numarat a doua oara marocanul. Toch ging Benny er met een overtuigende winst vandoor toen hij Badr … We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features, to analyse our traffic and to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Links to streaming or pay-per-view platforms provided on this page, if any, are affiliate links. Before this bout he faced Hesdy Gerges but the bout ended in a no-contest (originally a decision win for Badr but then changed since both fighters tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, Badr Hari vs Hesdy Gerges 2). Badr Hari and Benjamin Adegbuyi square off in the heavyweight title eliminator at studio location in Rotterdam, Holland on Saturday, December 19. Badr Hari vs Benny Adegbuyi. Cine e favorit la pariuri. "Mă simt grozav! 20 likes. GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny Badr Hari and Benjamin Adegbuyi square off at an undisclosed studio location in Rotterdam, Holland on Saturday, De... Badr Hari vs … Marciano Bhagwandass by KO (punch to the body, R2 at 2:42) – wins tournament semi-final A, Tony Jas def. Kickboxing. Benny vs Hari, Glory heavyweight championship eliminator, is the main event of the Glory 76. Main Card. Full video of Badr Hari vs. Hesdy Gerges from the GLORY 51 Rotterdam main event.Watch Badr return to the ring at GLORY 76, December 19th on PPV. GLORY heavyweight contender Benny “Mr. De wedstrijd en het evenement vond plaats achter gesloten deuren. Am făcut o greșeală, m-a costat, a fost puțin dramatic, dar am reușit. Karim Ghajji by TKO (punches, R3 at 1:30) – retains GLORY welterweight title, Levi Rigters def. Watch Badr vs Benny live Stream on TV Channel. UPDATE 00:00 Cei doi sportivi sunt în ring. is a popular and trusted streaming platform of a … Last night in Rotterdam, Netherlands at an audience-free event, Adegbuyi battled back from a second round knockdown to knock out Moroccan legend Hari in the third and final round. Ook de toekomst van het kickboksen lijkt van hun gevecht af te hangen. Jos van Belzen by unanimous decision. Dit kan dan weer wel. Review by 2020-12-19, exciting back and forth fight thanks to a great performance by both fighters: His opponent, the former SuperKombat champion Benjamin Adegbuyi, has a record of 34-6-0 (19 knockouts) and he entered as the No.3 in the same weight class. Gentleman” Adegbuyi says pre-fight trash talk from Badr Hari gave him extra fuel for their GLORY 76 showdown. Benny Adegbuyi pornește cu a doua șansă în disputa cu Badr Hari. It's fine. UPDATE 23:00 Benny și Badr Hari se pregătesc să intre în ring. Badr Hari heeft bij zijn rentree in de ring niet kunnen winnen van de Roemeen Benny Adegbuyi. Since the CORONAVIRUS pandemic started, has struggled to survive! GLORY 76 BADR VS. BENNY main card à partir de 21h (disponible en pay-per-view à 12.99€ ici):Badr Hari vs. Benjamin Adegbuyi Cedric Doumbe vs. Karim Ghajji Finale du tournoi : gagnant demi-finale A vs. gagnant demi-finale B Meciul începe în câteva clipe. Se ridica si continua, dar Badr Hari e in control. Badr Hari vs Benny Adegbuyi Rolstoel voor Badr Hari maar weer klaarzetten. De dubbele neusbreuk bevestigt Glory-topman Scott Rudmann aan het AD. Get GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny results below. Watch the video and rate this fight! Benjamin Adegbuyi Stops Badr Hari. Eindelijk was daar het moment dat het kickboksen in Nederland zijn rentree maakte. Benny Adegbuyi vs Badr Hari. Sportscholen zijn dicht, maar gevecht Badr Hari gaat zaterdag door”, schrijft een ander. Two judges gave Hari the first round in which it could have easily been a sweep for Adegbuyi. GLORY 76: BADR Hari vs. BENNY Adegbuyi [Dec. 19, play-by-play] ... Benny seems calm, Badr seems nervous or uneasy. Watch-Badr Hari vs Benjamin Adegbuyi Live Stream 2020 December 19 GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny Badr Hari and Benjamin Adegbuyi square off at an undisclosed studio location in … Pus la podea in a doua runda de marocan, Benny a reusit sa incheie in picioare, iar in a treia runda a riscat cu noroc! If Benny comes ready with his head in the right place he has a very real chance of winning. Benny Adegbuyi vs. Badr Hari. ISSN 2652-5097. Badr Hari. UPDATE 00:06 - Repriza 1 O runda dominata de Benny, cu Badr Hari trimis de trei ori la pamant. You can support FIGHTMAG with a contribution of any size. Antonio Plazibat by split decision (extra round) – wins heavyweight tournament semi-final B, Levi Rigters def. Desi nu era favorit, Benny Adegbuyi a reusit sa il invinga pe Badr Hari in unul dintre cele mai importante meciuri ale carierei sale! De partij Badr Hari – Benjamin Adegbuyi word niet live op televisie uitgezonden. Nordine Mahieddine by KO (body kick, R1 at 1:49) – wins heavyweight tournament final, Nordine Mahieddine def. Hari bounced back in Round 2, when he dropped Adegbuyi and then landed a flurry of shots that appeared to have “Benny” hurt badly. Kickboxing. Where: Undisclosed Studio, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Division: heavyweight (over 210 lbs, 95.5 kg). Cedric Doumbe def. GLORY Collision 2: Injury Ends Verhoeven vs. Hari (Again) 1 year ago December 21, 2019. GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny results. Badr vs Benny livestream. But in the ring i think the chances of Badr knocking Benny down is quite big. Of in een donker steegje in een club. Welterweight champion Cedric Doumbe was 75.8 kg for his title defense, that co-headlines the event. Așadar, experiența este în mod cert de partea marocanului, acesta fiind probabil unul dintre principalele motive pentru care casele de pariuri consideră că românul pleacă cu șansa a doua în lupta de la Rotterdam. Are o cotă de 4,00 pentru a-l învinge pe marocan, dar Cătălin Moroșan are încredere în calitățile lui. GLORY 78: Badr Vs. Benny Postponed 9 months ago April 17, 2020. Badr Hari by TKO (body kick, R3 at 0:50) – wins GLORY heavyweight title eliminator | report and video highlights, Cedric Doumbe def. The start time is scheduled for Saturday, December 19 at 9 pm CET in Holland, France, Germany and the rest of Western Europe, 8 pm GMT UK time and 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT in the United States. Gongul de final il salveaza pe Benny. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The pair battles it out in the main event of GLORY 76 live on pay-per-view. Via Spike kun je online een ticket kopen om naar de partij vanavond te kijken. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. The full card can be found below. GLORY 76 has been postponed on November 7 after Badr Hari COVID-19 positive test The GLORY 76 kickboxing, which was booked for November 7, will be delayed. Thank you. Badr Hari was up on all three judges scorecards going into round 3. Alongside the... Dustin Poirier goes up against Conor McGregor in the rematch, headlining UFC 257 fight card live on pay-per-view from Etihad Arena on Yas Island... Former featherweight and lightweight champion Conor McGregor is back in action on January 23 in the US and January 24 in Australia, when he... Rade Opacic is back in action this coming Friday, January 22 in Singapore, where he faces Bruno Susano in a three-round kickboxing bout on... Conor McGregor vs Dustin Poirier 2 full fight video highlights from UFC 257, Watch: Higher by Eminem music video – Dana White on SportsCenter, Conor McGregor and other UFC stars, Michael Chandler makes knockout Octagon debut – stops Dan Hooker in UFC 257 co-main event, UFC 257 post-fight press conference video – Poirier vs McGregor 2, Full Fight Video: Michael Chandler scores first-round knockout of Sidney Outlaw at Bellator 237, UFC Full Fight Video: Dustin Poirier dominates and secures fourth-round stoppage win over Justin Gaethje, UFC Full Fight Video: Conor McGregor knocks out Eddie Alvarez to become double champ, GLORY 77 fight card finalized – Rico Verhoeven vs Hesdy Gerges 3 kicks off tournament, Rico Verhoeven gets new opponent for GLORY 77 – must win two fights in one night, Rico Verhoeven vs Jamal Ben Saddik on Jan 30 off due to serious injury – GLORY 77 still on, UFC 257: Poirier vs McGregor 2 results – full fight card, UFC 257 results: Marina Rodriguez leaves letting Amanda Ribas get up – returns and finishes on the feet (video), Full Fight Video: Rade Opacic lands devastating head kick – knocks Ondrej Hutnik out. Badr Hari numarat cu nasul spart. Cei doi sunt filmați la vestiar cum fac ultimele mișcări de încălzire. Hopefully Benny can get the win though. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Kanka Black Belt. Niet alleen de winst staat op het spel. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (Free embeddable video hosted on Youtube or Dailymotion or Facebook and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights), 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Benjamin Adegbuyi def. O prestație extraordinară. Breaking News And Highlights Around Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing, Martial Arts and more! The former K-1 world champion Badr Hari entered this fight with a pro kickboxing record of 106-15-0 (92 KOs=87%) and he is ranked as the No.4 heavyweight in the world but he comes off the loss against current #1 Hw Rico Verhoeven, fight ranked in the top 10 Users’ kickboxing Fight of the year 2019 (Rico Verhoeven vs Badr Hari 2). Badr Hari en Benjamin Adegbuyi stonden vanavond recht tegenover elkaar tijdens het GLORY 76 Badr vs Benny. If you want to watch Hari’s best fights, here are two bouts ranked in the top 10 Users’ Fight of the year, in 2013 and 2015, Badr Hari vs Zabit Samedov 3 and Badr Hari vs Ismael Londt. The prelim show starts one before the PPV action, and is available here. Het was GLORY Kickboxing gelukt om een topsportstatus te verkrijgen via het NOC*NSF. Challenger Karim Ghajji came in at 76.8 kg. BADR VS BENNY: ‘Het uur van de waarheid voor het kickboksen’ Sean van Dinter 19 december 2020 Nieuws. Badr Hari en Benjamin Adegbuyi staan vandaag voor een zware taak. Benjamin Adegbuyi def. To refresh click here. De partij verliep in de eerste twee rondes voorspoedig voor Hari, maar in de derde ronde ging het mis. Get GLORY 76: Badr vs Benny results below. Glory 76: Badr Hari vs Benjamin Adebguyi, Doumbe vs Groenhart (November 7) Discussion in 'Muay Thai and Kickboxing' started by Kanka, Sep 14, 2020. Vanavond kun je via de livestream kijken naar Glory 76 kickboxing met de partij Badr vs Benny. The co-main event is a welterweight title bout between defending champion Cedric Doumbe and challenger Karim Gahjii. Salut Oameni Buni ! He lost to Jamal Ben Saddik in 2018 but he came back to win against D’Angelo Marshall in 2019. Cătălin Moroșanu și-a ales favoritul „Benny nu mai are nevoie de vreun cuvânt din partea mea. Review by 2020-12-19, exciting back and forth fight thanks to a great performance by both fighters: Badr Hari vs Benjamin Adegbuyi is one of the best kickboxing fights of the year 2020 and it gets four stars (take a look at our ranking of the best kickboxing fights of 2020). Badr was de favoriet, Benny de underdog. Moreover this match took second place in the ‘Top 5 Kickboxing Fights of the Year 2020‘ (ranking generated by our users). Badr Hari (TKO at 0:50, round 3). Badri Hari (36) nam het vanavond op tegen de Roemeen Benjamin - Benny - Adegbuyi. Badr Hari by TKO (body kick, R3 at 0:50) – wins GLORY heavyweight title eliminator | report and video highlights. page title : BADR VS BENNY – Badr vs Benny Live Stream Your page title does not exceed 60 characters. The new music video for Higher by Eminem hit the stream today, during the UFC 257: Poirier vs McGregor 2 pre-fight show. GLORY 76 BADR VS. BENNY main card à partir de 21h (disponible en pay-per-view à 12.99€ ici):Benjamin Adegbuyi bat Badr Hari par TKO au 3e round Cedric Doumbé bat Karim Ghajji par TKO au 3e round Finale du tournoi : Levi Rigters bat Nordine Mahieddine par TKO au 1er round