You need to reserve a minimum 3 days in advance. My older son loves Escape Rooms and we’ve tried a few in the Zürich area. Events. When my boys reached 8 years old and started asking for more activity based parties, I was a little sad but also relieved. Wednesday afternoons, they run a special of CHF20 for 3 games, which is perfect for a party. Before we get to the fun stuff, just a quick note about some logistics. The birthday child bowls for free within 7 days of their birthday. You can also simply buy food from the cafe, but you’ll have to stand in line. Other Zürich … Hundreds of thousands of electro enthusiasts dance around the Lake Zurich basin during the Street Parade. Die hochkarätig besetzte Konferenz bietet Wissenstransfer, direkten Austausch und Networking mit nationalen sowie internationalen Experten. You can reserve by telephone between 16:00 to 18:30 at 044 740 07 31. We brought our own drinks and snacks, not sure what the official policy is. After the official Street Parade, there are parties in many clubs, and the legendary "Lethargy" is celebrated in the Roten Fabrik. Sechseläutenplatz und Stadthausanlage 8001 Zürich Anreise berechnen (Google route planner) Plaza Klub | Badenerstrasse 109, 8004 Zürich 15 OCT October 15th, 2020 Story Party Lausanne | Winter 2020. Escape Rooms are timed, so you have to solve all the clues and open the door within 60 minutes to “win”. Zürich, Switzerland Line Up: Tanz dich Frei ist Heute unser Motto ️ Welcome to our new Sunday Day Dance Edition! Back to Normality ? You can bring your own food or book a party package to have it all taken care of. If you don’t speak German, ask a German-speaking parent of one of your child’s friends to help you make the reservation (that’s what I did twice). We’ve been to bowling parties at several bowling alleys here, but we like Fun Bowl Stockmatt the best because it’s clean, friendly, and festively lit, really designed for families. It’s affordable for a large group and you don’t have to arrange transportation for your guests. I didn’t plan any extra activities. Schweiz. Oktober 2020. oder Registrieren → Passwort vergessen. Indoor party events with mostly several floors, not regulary dates, sometimes in club locations. Adjacent to the lab, they have a festive party room where you can do snacks, cake & presents. Cost: Birthday package CHF 37.50/person min 6 children, See more water slide parks in Switzerland. They don’t have birthday packages but on Wednesday afternoons, they run a special of CHF20 for 3 games, which is perfect for a party. But you need 1 adult to supervise every 2 children. Homeparty 23+ Best of Bravo Hit.. Kanzlei Club. Weitere Informationen. Zürich is the international metropolis of Switzerland, where culture, nature, business, and fun combine. We’ve done a couple ice skating parties and my boys have attended a few with classmates, always at the Dolder, which is easy to reach with public transportation or by car. Community in Zürich; User Wettbewerbe Pictures. It is the largest techno party in the world and an indisputable highlight of Zurich's event calendar. I’ve also used coupons from Migros Cumulus-Extra to reduce the fee. 27. We asked for help a couple times through the two-way speaker with the staff. Day Holiday; 1 Jan: Wed: New Year's Day: 10 Apr: Fri: Good Friday: 13 Apr: Mon: Easter Monday: 1 May: Fri: Labour Day: 21 May: Thu: Ascension Day: 1 Jun: Mon: Whit Monday: 1 Aug: Sat: National Day: 25 Dec: Fri: Christmas Day: 26 Dec: Sat: St Stephen's Day: Visit for the original release. Find your top party, secure your tickets, and watch the night turn into day! 07. Zürich. Club . Read more about ice skating at the Dolder. Alternatively, you can arrange party food ahead of time with Trampolino when you reserve so it’s all handled for you on the day. Bananaroof. Hard One, Zürich Sa. Das ist der Content Marketing Day. You need to reserve a table at least two weeks in advance and they will decorate it for you. You can reserve online, which is important if you want your group to be together for three games in a row. Falls Sie dazu keine Lust haben, schauen Sie sich die tolle Kürbis-Ausstellung an! So I usually don’t book a birthday party and simply pay per race, skipping the trophies. You need time to brief your group on the rules and get them set up with equipment. Candela Tropical Style abgesagt. We didn’t do an official birthday package but the Kletterzentrum now offers two birthday party packages. Cost: The activities below cost about CHF 10-40/person. Zürich, Switzerland Line Up: Tanz dich Frei ist Heute unser Motto ️ Welcome to our new Sunday Day Dance Edition! We had a small party with four kids, which I thought was perfect because most puzzles had 3-4 elements, something for each kid. Consider: Any other ideas for birthday parties venues? I need a small place which can accommodate 20 guests. ~ Pommie After a 10-day rail trip exploring the Baden-Wurttenburg area of Germany, I decided to hop across the border from Konstanz to Zurich and visit a whole new country- … During the Street Parade, hundreds of thousands of electronic and techno music fans dance around Zurich’s lake basin. Die besten Partys für Zürich, Luzern, Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Romandie und das Tessin. For more action (and also much more expensive), you can go to one of the indoor water slide parks. See my post about bowling with kids at Fun Bowl Stockmatt. Science workshop for up to 10 children CHF 295, Group price of CHF 150 for 1 adult and up to 7 kids. Zürcher Renntag 17.05.2020; Juni Renntag 19.06.2020 - nicht öffentlich; Summer Race Day 15.08.2020 ; Land Rover - Jockey Club Renntag, 27.09.2020; Herbstrenntag der Rennvereine Zürich, Maienfeld und Aarau, 11.10; Oktoberfest Renntag 25.10.2020; Pferderennen 2019. Comprehensive list of National and Regional Public Holidays that are celebrated in Zurich, Switzerland during 2020 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. About 100 mega- and smaller-scale parties are held in and around Zürich over the Parade weekend, from Friday evening right through to the early hours of Monday morning. More details here. A global insurer whose strategy focuses on providing the right general insurance and life insurance solutions for its individual, small business, medium-sized business and corporate customers. The birthday kid is free. Note: Thanks to X Labs for hosting our visit! I’d love to get to know you better, but alas I only had one day! It’s good for parties or just a fun family outing any old time. Zürich Openair is a Swiss multi-genre festival, which has steadily become one of the country's most reliable music festivals for showcasing a diverse lineup spanning rock, indie, pop, electronic, and hip hop's most globally admired stars. I have already tried Church places and Loogarten. But I don’t think you’ll need it. I’ve noted the rules below as I understand them, but best to call the venue beforehand to make sure. So bring your own cups. Clever urban explorers discover Zurich on a guided city tour. I think it’s good manners to arrange transportation for your guests, so I always have them meet at our house and I figure it out from there. One of my friends hired a breakdance instructor and had the kids learn some moves, then had a dance party. We did the pirate theme, which has an optional party pack with pirate themed decorations, music, and costumes so you don’t have to worry about sourcing stuff like pirate hats. Am Independence Day jagt DJ Franco ein Potpourri aus den besten All Time Hits in den Äther Mai 2019; Kids' Day - Race & Charity 17. oder Registrieren → Passwort vergessen. When local standard time is about to reach Sunday, March 28, 2021, 2:00:00 am clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 28, 2021, 3:00:00 am local daylight time instead. After the party, you return the suitcase and all puzzle elements. Start in the Lindenhof quarter in District 1, where you’ll find Münsterhof.. It’s the largest square in the old town and has a contemporary fountain as well as some very attractive medieval buildings housing boutiques and restaurants. Samstag 22. But it’s far from Zurich, so you’ll need to arrange a car pool to get all the kids there. Tu to Fri 13:00 – 18:30, Sat/Sun 6 holidays 10:30 to 18:30. Zürich . The Street Parade sparks an incredible party atmosphere with 30 love mobiles, hundreds of DJs and seven stages around the Lake Zurich basin. You can’t bring your own food here, so you’ll probably want the party package, which includes entrance free, cake or hot dog, a drink, and a small gift. Leider müssen wir die geplante Tropical Style ausfallen lassen. You can often buy 2 liter bottles of soda, which is less expensive than buying single serving bottles. Zurich really comes to life in summer. Authentisch, relevant und begeistert vom Leben mit Jesus. Mon – Sat 9:00 to 22:30, Sun 9:00 to 17:45. You’re too smart for that. The package includes an apéritif, 4-course dinner, drinks including red and white wine, a birthday cake and the festively decorated party room. °F. We brought our own drinks and snacks, not sure what the official policy is. Our kids loved it! Juni, mehrere Partys und andere Events sowie ein zweitägiges Straßenfest am 18. Die Lage dürfte weiterhin angespannt bleiben, auch wenn nicht mit einer breiten Entlassungswelle zu rechnen ist. More | Share | Tickets. There are no instructions just clues, so the kids have to be clever and try lots of different things to figure out the puzzles. HG F 69.3. Kürbisschnitzen auf dem Juckerhof in Seegräben – Zürich. These unique stores enrich Zurich’s Old Town. They gave us more detailed clues, not the answer, which usually simply redirected our efforts and stopped us overthinking the obvious. Here are Zurich’s event highlights at a glance. The birthday party package costs CHF 300 for 6 children. Zürich; Basel; Bern; Luzern; St. Gallen; Autologin . - 10. One of my friends always has parties at the pool and the kids love it. Older kids will probably want 2 rounds. So many options! Action World (from the Escape Rooms above) also offers laser tag, with birthday packages starting at CHF 28/person that include a reserved table, drinks, candy, and 3-5 rounds of laser tag. Pferderennen 2020. Sektor 11. Find live music near you. Festivalgelände. In August electronic sounds will make the city vibrate and hundreds of thousands will be dancing on the streets of Zurich. In case you get stuck, the game comes with a solution key with the lock codes. Der ultimative Veranstaltungs Kalender für die Stadt Zürich, mit allen Events, Partys, Theater, Ausstellungen, Konzerten, Kino am Mittwoch 20.01.2021 Die besten Partys für Zürich, Luzern, Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Romandie und das Tessin. The Tourist Information is currently closed. Juli 2020 ab 20:00 Typ: Party Musikstil: Hits Acts: DJ Franco. Hier klicken, um Kurse, die eine Mitgliedschaft erfordern, auszublenden. Für Akzeptanz und Toleranz DEMONSTRATION 19.06.2021. Am 16.10. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on Mar 28, 2021 than the day before. If we need to go by car, I usually arrange with another parent to help me car pool. Weitere Informationen. When I called to “reserve,” they told me that I could bring cake but I needed to buy drinks from the cafe. Sanapa - Saturday Afternoon Party. But as an extremely frugal person myself, let me tell you that it’s worth it! ... mehr. Der bedeutendste Bestandteil des Festival-Wochenendes. Last 2 weeks of weather Zum Jahresende stieg die Arbeitslosenquote im Kanton Zürich – vorwiegend saisonal bedingt – von 3,3 Prozent auf 3,5 Prozent. Verbandsmitglieder profitieren … Museums, concerts, theaters and festivals: in Zurich, culture fans are spoilt for choice. Your email address will not be published. Hier gibt es Spiel, Spass, Wettkampf und ganz viel Fachwissen und Neuheiten rund um das Velo. Im gesamtschweizerischen Vergleich wurde der Zürcher Arbeitsmarkt 2020 leicht überdurchschnittlich von der Corona-Krise getroffen. Alpamare is closer to Zürich and convenient with public transportation. Kicking off the event is the Pink Apple Film Festival, featuring movie screenings, podium discussions, concerts and much more besides. Basel . You can’t bring your own food here, so you’ll probably want the party package, which includes entrance free, cake or hot dog, a drink, and a small gift. Wir haben alles versucht aber unter den aktuellen Gegebenheiten ist es unmöglich ein vernünftiges Festival durchzuführen. Back to Normality ? 9 Jahre La Boutique Hiltl Club. It wasn’t too spooky and not at all gory, which some action rooms are. Live streams, video events, virtual dancing, Second Life parties.... all forms of open online events at a fixed time. Die Gespräche sind kostenlos und vertraulich. Enjoy yourself at Switzerland's best parties with We had six teens aged 13-16 and one adult, which I thought was a good number of guests, with plenty to explore for everyone. Mar 28, 2021 - Daylight Saving Time Starts. We’ve had a few go-kart parties at Kartbahn Spreitenbach. And with the kinds of parties below, you save so much time and avoid the clean up. Many schools will allow you to rent the gym (aka Turnhalle or Sporthalle) and use the sports equipment they have there. TICKETS. I’m Tanya and I want to help you enjoy the best of Switzerland! Day Public holiday CW Class; January 2020; 01.01.2020: We: New Year´s Day: 01: 2: 02.01.2020: Th: Saint Berchtold: 01: 4: February 2020; 14.02.2020: Fr: Valentine´s Day: 07: 5: March 2020; 29.03.2020: Su: DST start: 13: 5: April 2020; 05.04.2020: Su: Palm Sunday: 14: 5: 10.04.2020: Fr: Good Friday: 15: 2: 12.04.2020: Su: Easter: 15: 4: 13.04.2020: Mo: Easter Monday: 16: 2: 20.04.2020: Mo: Sechseläuten: 17: 4: May 2020; 01.05.2020: Fr: Labour Day: … Some require you to buy all the food from them, others let you picnic. Various companies, universities and applications are … With a larger group, you might need to help rotate the kids so everyone gets a turn solving something. Waterfalls EXIL. See Terms & Conditions. The clues are in German, so kids need to be able to read and understand German. Which burger restaurant is just a stone’s throw from the parade route, where camping is permitted in Zurich and surrounding region, in which clubs ravers can continuing partying after the parade, and where you can enjoy a lavish breakfast the next morning – you can find out all of this in the following tips. Oktober kann auch auf dem wunderbar gelegenen Juckerhof fröhlich am eigenen (Halloween-) Kürbis geschnitzt werden. Juli. Mi 21.Oktober 2020. mehr. With just 1 day in Zurich, the Altstadt, as the old town is known, should be your first port of call. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified. The Zürich Altstetten indoor pool is a easy and affordable choice. Our family has been living & hiking in Switzerland since 2005. Bye Bye 2020 Silvester feiern im Dolder Grand in Zürich Feiern Sie den Jahreswechsel im Dolder Grand – ob im exklusiven Ambiente bei einem 9-Gang-Dinner von Chef Fine Dining Heiko Nieder, bei einem entspannten 4-Gang-Menu im Restaurant Saltz oder ganz klassisch mit Käse-Fondue in winterlicher Atmosphäre in der Dolder Lodge. See our Top 10 Lists and read more about us…. ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH thus made it possible for the exhibitors to maintain the … Neues Konzertdatum: Sonntag, 11. 7 Years Streetbeats. Europe’s largest Latin festival creates a lively ambiance, with its South American music, cuisine and market stalls. I did not get a specific reserved table. Ob neue Lebensformen, ungewöhnliche Schicksale oder Coming-out-Geschichten – der Zurich Pride Podcast stellt die spannendsten queeren Menschen der Schweiz vor. The packages include one round of bowling and shoe rental, plus drinks, food and cake depending on which package you choose. The birthday child is free (within 7 days of their birthday). The kids all agreed that the puzzles were hard, but not too hard. This pool has a water slide, diving boards, and a bouncy platform in the pool on Wed and weekends from 14:00 to 17:00. If you added up all the time and money you spent on supplies for deco and activities for home parties (and wellness therapy afterwards), you would probably be spending a similar amount. This is for kids aged 6 to 13 and they don’t need any prior experience climbing. It costs CHF 37.50/person with minimum 6 children and max 2 adults. Nightmas shows you our favourite day parties in Zurich. On Mondays you get 3 races for the price of 2. Zürich; Basel; Bern; Luzern; St. Gallen; Autologin . Tel. April 2021, Kaufleuten Zürich. Nur Outdoor-Kurse anzeigen () Einige Kurse finden im Freien statt (z. They learned a lot of cool scientific information in fun, creative ways with 10 hands-on experiments. Birthday parties can be booked for any day between 14:00 to 18:00. Zürich, Switzerland Line Up: Tanz dich Frei ist Heute unser Motto ️ Welcome to our new Sunday Day Dance Edition! (sponsored) My younger son loves solving puzzles, but he doesn’t like the confined space and scary lights and music of Escape Room venues. 8092 Zürich. You are welcome to bring your own cake and set up your party at one of the tables inside the venue. Otherwise, we travel all together via public transportation, a cost I include in my party budget. Wir werden trotzdem nicht unseren Kopf in den Sand stecken, sondern - wie immer - das Beste daraus machen. Der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt! For 11 months we worked at full speed on the Street Parade 2020, now it fell victim to the virus. Story Party Zürich | Winter 2020. Events: All events in Zurich. It takes about 90 mins to 2 hours to solve all the puzzles. Juni 2020: 16.00 – 24.00 Uhr Samstag, 20. If you want additional bowling rounds, you pay the normal round fee per person. Colorful, loud and joyful – at Zurich Pride, the LGBT+ community demonstrate for their rights, with the widespread support of the people of Zurich. Be aware that they will fill all 24 slots during your game, so your party guests won’t be the only ones in the arena during the game. Four Rooms Plaza Klub. Seit über 100 Jahren bereichert das Haus das Zürcher Nacht- und Kulturleben mit einer Vielseitigkeit, die … This means that if you click on any of the links in this post (and make a purchase) I may receive a small commission at absolutely no cost to you.Each post is carefully crafted to (hopefully!) Here are the 10 most famous sights in Zurich. This is a great option if you want to invite a lot of kids from the neighborhood, like the whole class. Do you know any such places in Zurich ? Altstadt. Schon jetzt freuen wir uns wie verrückt auf die Zeit, in der die Normalität zurück ist und wir wieder mit Euch feiern können. They deliver a locked suitcase, which contains a series of locked puzzles to solve in order to find the ultimate prize at the end (in our case, a treasure chest full of candy). The kids love driving fast and competing with each other. Or reserve online. At the moment, membership is by invite only. Nelson Pub Zürich Beatengasse 11 8001 Zürich: Wann: Samstag, 04. Die besten Partys für Zürich, Luzern, Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Romandie und das Tessin. I just helped tie everyone’s skates, let them loose on the ice and had plenty of snacks on hand. Whether a meeting, creative workshop, convention, or office party: Zurich has the perfect venue for every event imaginable. All indoor playgrounds have birthday party packages, but the details vary. ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: Materialwissenschaft D-MAVT: Maschinenbau und … Porny Days ist ein Film Kunst Festival in Zürich: Filme, Debatten, Performances & Party – von Stummfilm bis Postporn. Work +41 But a few years ago, I paid less than CHF 100 for 3 hours. Laufradrennfahrer treffen auf Olympiasieger. Das Highlight jedes Zurich Pride Festivals ist der Demonstrationsumzug sowie Konzerte nationaler und internationaler Künstler auf dem Areal. October 20, – December 15, 2020. Required fields are marked *, Hi! Also, even though you are trying to unlock the door, you can always get out an emergency exit. You can reserve online, which is important if you want your group to be together for three games in a row. One time we set up a big obstacle course around the gym and timed the kids running through it. The kids did an intro bouldering course with an instructor, then they did the indoor ropes course. Prices start at CHF 600 for 5-7 kids, which is quite expensive. Feel free to scroll down if one of these already sounds interesting. Hard One, Zürich Sa. Entrance Adult CHF 9, Child 4 to 16 CHF 5, under 4 free, party on Wed afternoons or Sat/Sun 9:00 – 20:00. Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015 Community. Story Party Zürich | Winter 2020. 1. You can see public gyms that can be rented on the Zürich city Sportamt website. Alle aktuellen Veranstaltungen im Überblick, Ticketinformationen und Kontaktangaben. I hope we meet again to discover more of the best places to visit in Zurich. As the parent, you get a few instructions on how to set up the room and hide a couple elements for the game. Die Studienwahlberaterin/der Studienwahlberater der ETH Zürich berät Sie bei Fragen zu Ihrer Studienwahl und Studienplanung. Here are some of our favorite venues and activity ideas for older kids’ birthday parties in and around Zürich. More info about birthday parties at Trampolino. Februar 2020. Samstag, 12.12.2020, 23.00-05.00 Uhr BACK IN THE DAYS. Zurich produces delicacies to suit every taste. All collected data is publicly available for free. They only had single serving soda bottles, not larger bottles to share. I brought cake and they required that I buy drinks from the cafe. But last time I brought Capri Suns, bags of chips and gummy bears and no one said anything. We’ve done a couple parties at Trampolino. Zürich Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures. Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015 Community. KOSMOS Europaallee Zürich. We liked our experience at Action World the best, where we did the Grabkammer room (aka Tomb). ZBF 2020 - Abgesagt. Have you tried the community centers, aka Gemeindezentrum? Online. When my son turned 8, we took a couple of his friends to the Kletterzentrum climbing gym at Greifensee. The annual theater festival on Lake Zurich delights young and old, connoisseurs and amateurs. You need to reserve the birthday party in advance, so you can get two races in a row for all the guests. Ron Orp’s Mail bringt die Perlen des Alltags in deine Mailbox – inspirierend und überraschend. It can seem like a lot at first, especially if you’ve been hosting parties at home. Sweet? It includes two 8 minute races and trophies for the top 3 places. Alcoholic? Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, we have to cancel all our events for this semester. So if I take 6 kids and they each get 3 races, I’m paying CHF 16 per race, which costs CHF 288. hi..i want to celebrate my daughters 1st birthday with my friends. Rämistrasse 101. Since its beginnings in the 90s, diverse electronic music styles, e.g., House, Drum'n'Bass and Dubstep, have also set foot on the scene in addition to Trance and Techno. With the Zürich Card, you can enjoy Zurich in all its diversity – and save time and money too. NEWS. Live Konzert am Freitag 21.Februar 2020, Orchestra La Maxima 79 mit ihrem neuen Album "Resilienza". Online Zurich Beer Festival 2020. Beim Content Marketing Day 2021 trifft sich die Schweizer Branche, um die Marktsituation und relevante Trends im Content Marketing zu diskutieren. They offer three birthday packages from CHF 10-15 per person. Up-to-date information about exhibitions, customs, concerts, festivals, theatre, children & families, art, culture and much more. All opinions stated here are our own. So perhaps there is flexibility in the pricing or differences between gyms. All the information provided on is for general information and entertainment purposes only. has researched and published holidays and vacations since 2003. They don’t have a birthday package as far as I know. Nur Kurse ohne Mitgliedschaft anzeigen Je nach Ort ist bei einigen Kursen zur Teilnahme eine Mitgliedschaft Voraussetzung. Note: Logikoffer provided this game for us to test for free. The opinions stated here are my own. Just something to consider. +41 44 215 40 00WhatsApp[email protected]@ Zurich Main Station. Back to Normality ? ALL NEW UPDATE NEW DATE NEW LOC CANCELED. But you have to contact them for pricing, which depend on the number of participants and duration of course. You can bring your own cake. There were tables indoors but all busy, so we ate at an outdoor picnic table in front of the venue. You need to arrive 30 mins before your race time so you have time for instructions and helmet fitting. The rooms are designed for 2 to 8 people, at least one adult if some guests are under 16. For kids up to 13 years old, races cost CHF 20 each but you get a discount the more races you buy. März. You can easily use Google Translate for anything you don’t understand. You just need to pay for the entrance fee and skate rental for the kids. It’s also helpful for winter months, when you can’t count on good weather for outdoor games. The Zurich Film Festival presents the most promising new filmmakers from around the globe and promotes the exchange of ideas between established film workers, creative talent and the public. SwingFloor Party, ZH on Oct 17, 2020 in Zürich, Switzerland at Silbando. In winter, ice-skating belongs to Zurich just as much as tobogganing or skiing. Reports Photos Meeting Point Flyer. Then we set up the soccer goals and let them play until the party was over. They have a picnic area where you can bring your own cake and other food. See my post about about Minimum here. But it’s certainly a popular one for the kids. Zürich, Switzerland Line Up: Tanz dich Frei ist Heute unser Motto ️ Welcome to our new Sunday Day Dance You’ll have to ask when making the reservation. If it’s your birthday, you get 2 races for the price of 1. I think 2 races is too short. Day parties are becoming more and more popular. Authentic, relevant and excited about life with Jesus. Candela Blue Christmas abgesagt! ... Swiss Music Awards 2020 - Red C.. KKL. But you can request that your guests are on the same team/s. Below I talk about escape rooms, laser tag, go-karts, bowling, indoor swimming, ice skating, climbing gyms, and school gyms, in that order. With the most important highlights ranging from historical spots and natural escapes to food and shopping havens, this one-day guide will help you make the most out of your short but worthwhile stay in this vibrant and culturally rich city. For each gym, you can see what times are available for individual rentals (many days/times are booked yearly for classes) and link to an online reservation form or contact details for reservations. Each bowling lane fits up to 6 kids. Crafts event in Zürich, Switzerland by TCS Sektion Zürich and Oldtimer Party on Sunday, September 20 2020 with 616 people interested and 37 people going. My kids have gone to lots of parties at Laser Arena, which is conveniently located right in the city, near a tram stop and Zürich Enge train station. Neuste Party Pictures in Zürich; Sa. They ask you to buy drinks from the cafe and not bring other food. Zürcher Renntag 5. We’ll be offering membership packages soon. Or you could simply pay the entrance fee to use the bouldering walls without equipment, which is only CHF 9/child before 16:00 or any time on Saturdays.