American Staffordshire Terrier. However, Jagdterriers can also make excellent pets with the right owners. In the right home, they’ll thrive as a family dog. Its life expectancy is 10-18 years. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Doxies can be a handful, as they’re deceivingly fast and known to be skilled hunters of small prey (especially with as rabbits and badgers). He has moderately long floppy ears set high on the head. They’re truly unique and versatile dogs. Click on the picture to be taken to the breed profile page. Their iconic “lion cut” coat serves the purpose of keeping their vital organs and joints warm. This German breed is very popular for its height and massiveness. However, the original name of the hotdog was the dachshund sausage. Highlights: Friendly, Obedient, Protective. The high intelligence of the Jagdterrier makes them trainable and obedient. Amazing! This Pinscher descended from many popular German dog breeds. They are very active, always stand proudly, obedient, energetic, very sociable and skillful in various dog activities like herding, tracking, etc. Required fields are marked *. They were developed to scent, chase, and flush-out badger and other burrow-dwelling animals. Boxers have come a long way since their old bull-baiting days. But regardless, Poms are perhaps the fluffiest dogs among all the German breeds. Weimaramers are also very intelligent dogs with a strong prey-drive, which can be a problem for smaller dogs and cats. However, like a child, your dog is part of your family, not a spur of the moment whim to be discarded when inconvenient. Ready to Go now 2 Male pure breed German sheppard puppies They are pure breed. Browse through our site – hundreds of dog breeders in Canada. The Great Dane is nothing short of great. As the hybrid of the Miniature Pinscher and Doberman, they’re known as the prototypical pinscher. Its life expectancy is 12-16 years. Black tan redish. This correlation between high IQ and popularity is no coincidence. Leonbergers will be submissive with the family, and their naturally loyalty translates into obedient dogs. Trending herding dog breeds. As such, these intelligent dogs have earned a spot on the 10 most popular dog breeds list, and it’s easy to see why. The Boxer is a large German-bred dog known for a strong jaw, square muzzle, underbite and a wide yet powerful stance. A National Breed Club (Parent Club) is a national organization that is dedicated to the preservation, protection and advancement of a dog breed. There are few sights as funny and cute as the Dachshund. Read More. German shorthaired pointers are full of energy and are commonly used in hunting. When people imagine a big, loyal and strong black dog, it’s probably going to be the Rottweiler.  =  A to Z Small Dog Breed List, the world's 90 smallest dogs. A Schnauzer, named George, made headlines for being the first dog to be able to. Detailed profiles of more than 200 dog breeds. However they do have extremely high prey drive, thanks to their vermin hunting past, and require extensive socializing early on. Related Images: dog puppy pet animal breed cute portrait canine mammal happy 569 520 78 Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für to breed im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). The Giant and Standard Schnauzer dogs are very similar to each other in appearance. Auggie. Here are the top 10 German breeds of dogs. The strong work ethic is something to admire, though it’s not ideal for everyone. It has a long muzzle, even and a graceful gait. Eurasier is a medium-sized dog breed belonging to the Spitz type which originates in Germany. John Scott, the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, owned a German Spaniel named Pincher. Aussprache: IPA: […] Hörbeispiele: — Bedeutungen: [1] Gruppe von äußerlich sehr ähnlichen Haushunden, mit charakteristischen Merkmalen, die der Mensch ausgewählt hat durch Zucht erhält. As a result, Poodles are highly trainable and very obedient with their owners. A Löwchen needs exercise, but not too much. It is neat but has a shaggy appearance. Despite their physical looks, they’re as loyal and obedient as any other German breed. Synonyme: [1] breed of dog. These are a group of three formal dog breeds: Miniature Poodle, Standard Poodle, and Toy Poodle. The Poodle is an ancient dog breed. But Germany is actually the third biggest producer of dog breeds… These low-to-the-ground dogs were developed as far back as 600 years ago to hunt badgers and dig them from their sets. Dogs bred to meet these standards are judged in a show ring against others to determine which dog best represents the breed’s standards. Some of which, include: the Affenpinscher, Rottweiler, Dobermann and Schnauzer. Find the dog breed that is right for you. Trainable. It has the 79th position in AKC breed popularity. Their standard height at the collar withers is 60-65cm in males and 55-60cm for females. While they can look intimidating, most of the time these big fluffy dogs just want to interact and play with their family. A dog named Zeus who was a Great Dane made a record for the tallest dog. They’re people-dogs that are all in on pleasing their owners. These dogs are famously known for their nickname, the wiener dog. As such, a Doberman is often called a large “velcro dog.”, If you’re looking for a superb worker and companion dog, look no further. American Pugabull. With the end of the dreadful year of 2020 finally coming to an end... Perhaps you’ve considered building a home garden on your property. The world-famous wiener dog was bred in Germany, but have become a massive hit around the world. These dogs are truly a “complete package” dog. In the early to mid 1900’s, the American Eskimo dog gained popularity as circus dogs, often traveling with shows across the nation. This breed is an all-purpose gun dog breed (used to hunt birds). They’re massive mastiff dogs with a surprisingly calm and friendly demeanor – often referred to as gentle giants. Hello 2 beautiful german shepherd puppies are looking for their FUREVER HOME : They are both brothers from the same litter and are currently 8 weeks old They have already received their first round of vaccines and deworming and are completely healthy with shot records that can be provided upon request. Most of which, you’ve probably never seen or even heard of. All these traits, combined with their strong work ethics, have made the Schnauzer one of the most popular dogs breeds in Europe. That is, they hunt all types of game (especially birds) and can even retrieve on land or water. The recognized German dogs have consistently made the top 10 list for most intelligent breeds, most expensive dogs, dangerous dogs and most widely-used police and military dogs. The Small Munsterlander was originally bred exclusively for the noble families of Germany. The site is also to cover things that are related to the world. With such short fur that they rarely shed, this breed makes a great indoor dog… Dog Breeding is the process of mating selected dogs with the intent to produce specific qualities and characteristics. This German terrier dates back the 17th century and was used as a ratter, mostly removing rats and other vermin from kitchens and stables. It is one of the most popular German dog breeds in the world. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'bracke breed deutsche dog of' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. They were so good at their jobs that they were considered to be the premier gun dogs. Complete list of AKC recognized dog breeds. They have very good physical endurance and stamina. While the Minis may be small, they’re not great lap dogs. It has a long neck which is raised during the excitement and lowered during a slower pace. There are 5 variations of the German Spitz, each variety in a different size. No. They’ll have bright personalities with a lot of affection towards their family members. Although introduced to France in the 1980’s, they are still a relatively rare German dog breed. In other words, they’re highly trainable dogs that respond well to obedience. Plus, they’re great with older kids. The German Longhaired Pointer is the ultimate multi-purpose gun dog from Germany. They’re some of the most intelligent dogs with an exceptionally high obedience and work IQ. Includes personality, history, health, nutrition, grooming, pictures, videos and AKC breed standard. They’re called the Eurasian dog because they incorporate traits from both European and Asian dogs. Its life expectancy is 10-12 years. The Deutsch Drahthaar was developed in Germany during the early 20 th century as an all-around hunting dog. They were mainly developed for herding livestock and pulling carts with butchered meat to markets. This German breed is one of the most versatile dog to come from Germany. The German Pinscher is a highly adaptable dog breed that fits seamlessly into many families. In fact, they are elite trackers that can sometimes get lost finding a scent. Similar in looks and temperament to the Belgian malinois, the German shepherd dog is another intense, active dog breed also favored as a police or military working dog. For instance, the Prince of Wales, King of Italy and Czar of Russia all had one. These dogs are always happy, or at least it seems that way. Even so, they are quite sociable and get along great with people. These dogs are extremely rare. They’re only behind France and Great Britain. German Hound; German Longhaired Pointer; German Pinscher; German Shepherd; German Shorthaired Pointer; German Spaniel; German Spitz; German Wirehaired Pointer; Giant Schnauzer; Great Dane Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. [1] The pumi, a high-energy Hungarian herding dog, is the latest new breed headed to the Westminster Kennel Club and many other U.S. dog shows. As long as you treat them right, they’ll be by your side and have your back. And although they love to have fun, they will respond well to obedience training. American Eskimo dogs rank high in both IQ tests and obedience trials. Intelligence. Don’t judge them so quick based off their short, stubby legs and elongated bodies. However, they became bird dogs later on. In fact, there are few German breeds as eager and happy to please as the American Eskimo. Easily find the best dog breeds for your family based on your preferred breed size, weight, friendliness, talents, intelligence, trainability and more. The German Wirehaired Pointer is a griffon dog developed to retrieve a hunter’s shot game. They have a hard and thick double-coated body. But don’t think they’re boring or stoic dogs. As you’ll notice in the below article, dogs have a very small life expectancy as compared to humans yet they build and hold a very profound position in their owner’s heart. They love human attention, though at the same time, take their hunting jobs very seriously. At AnimalWised you can find all the different dog breeds, those you know and those which may be new discoveries. Their water-resistant coats (inherited from the Poodle) makes them ideal dogs for retrieving game in water. Schnauzer breed of dogs has a very distinct characteristic of beard and eyebrows. 40. Dachshund. The Löwchens are also some of the best show dogs due to their long and wavy coat, shaped in a lion-like cut. These dogs give an appearance of a muscular, athletic type of dog. Just like other protective dogs, training is critical to keep these dogs focused on being guard dogs. Not surprisingly, they’ve become premier guard dogs. 39. The biggest concern with the Elo dog is the number of hereditary diseases involved with the breed. Contrary to belief, the Boxer was the first dog breed to train for the German police force, and not the German Shepherd. Choose your ideal dog breed based on your lifestyle preferences. They are confident, fearless, funny, stubborn, curious, adventurous, and active. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. After establishing a respectful and loving bond, they will fight to the end with you. See Details > #9. As the second most popular dog in America, they are also the third most intelligent dog breed. The United States Air Force has a Shorthaired Pointer named Haus. Although originating from Germany, the Poodle is the national dog breed of France. However in the home, they’re loving lap dogs that love being the center of attention. Includes personality, history, health, nutrition, grooming, pictures, videos and AKC breed standard. So much so, that they will often show separation anxiety when away from loved ones. The reserved nature of these dogs are what makes them excellent guard dogs for families. They’re lively and playful, but not hyperactive. Highlights: Spirited, Affectionate, Alert. The Small Munsterlander is a versatile dog that’s skilled in water retrieving, hunting and tracking or pointing. The Hovawart dog originated from the forested mountain range of southwest Germany (Black Forest). However, there’s more to the Great Dane than just sheer size. Popularity. They have a reserved and loving side that few people would expect. 36. Beispiele: [1] The Affenpinschers are also famously known as the “ monkey terrier s ” thanks to their eerily physical... 2. They are very strong even at their old age so they need proper nutrition throughout their life. The Giant Schnauzer is a stronger and larger version of the standard Schnauzer. Kurt the Dobermann was a WWII hero. His primary job is to locate bombs and explosives. After all, they’re energetic dogs that need to let out a ton of pent up energy daily. A dog related resource and informational site for Canadian dog enthusiasts. Highlights: Intelligent, Obedient, Active. The Poodle is also a highly versatile dog that excels in dog sports, agility training, hunting, herding and more. This is the standard of physical appearance for every dog breed. They can be great family dogs because they are attentive dogs that focuses on pleasing. The club develops the breed standard (i.e. According to the author Stanley Coren of the book The Intelligence of Dogs, this breed obeys the given command 95% of the time and his ability to learn work within 5 repetitions and hence also popular as one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. That said, here are the 31 German breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club. - Der Pumi, ein energiegeladener ungarischer Hütehund, ist die neueste Rasse, die in den Westminster Kennel Club und viele andere Hundeausstellungen in den USA eingeführt wurde. However, they’ve made somewhat a comeback since. Their desire to be in water is unparalleled, so swimming is a great work out option for them. Highlights: Affectionate, Obedient, Playful. The American Eskimo was the first dog ever to be able to walk a tightrope. On the other hand, they tower over just about any other dog breed out there. The German Pinscher has gained momentum in America. But he developed a height of 111.8cm(44.0inches) from paw to shoulder. They’re about half the size of the Giant and three times bigger than the miniature. Don’t expect this breed to be bouncing-off-the-wall energetic. It’s why they do whatever they can to brighten up your day. They are energetic hunting dogs. As premier companion dogs, the Kromfohrlanders are extremely friendly with people and like to stay by their owner’s side. Highlights: Diligent, Reliable, Strong-willed. There is a dilemma about the origin of this breed i.e. But besides the petite size, they share the same physical characteristics as the Giant and Standard Schnauzer. German Shorthaired Pointers love to dig holes. Features breed information and articles about training, health, boarding and rescue, with breeder listings. Although popular in Germany and Switzerland, the Eurasier is extremely rare in the United States. When you think of German dog breeds, there’s one iconic dog breed that comes to mind: the German Shepherd. The German Wirehaired doesn’t always get along with strangers, though. But to keep this guide complete, these are the other dogs of Germany: 32. The Löwchen, which means “little lion,” is a German toy dog in the non-sporting breed category. The Pudelpointer is one of the healthiest dog breed and has an average life span of 15 years. The Bavarian Mountain Hound is a German scent hound bred to track wounded game. They are very active, strong, obedient and fun-loving. I also attached the medical records of the puppy. There are many other German dog breeds that weren’t covered in the above recognized list. This large breed of dog was developed originally for royal hunting of animals like boar, bear, and deer. They have very little congenital diseases associated with them. In the 15th century, they were one of the “5 Noble dog breeds” of Germany. Due to their scarcity, they’re considered to be the. They are very bold, valiant, courageous, active, sturdy, intelligent, alert and obviously loyal. It stands on position 14 on the AKC breed popularity. It ranks 10th in the AKC breed popularity. This was due to the dying popularity of hunting. third in producing the highest number of dog breeds. There are two German Shepherds honored with a star on the renowned Hollywood Walk of Fame. "dog breed" übersetzt von Englische ins Deutsch inklusiv Synonyms, Definitionen und zusammenhängende Wörter. Saarloos Wolfdog – The Saarloos is technically a quarter wolf. Boisterous. However, some believe they’re technically a Canadian dog breed. The misconception of the Boxer being a vicious dog is simply untrue. In fact, they were both bred using different dog breeds, and for different tasks. The medium size dog breeds are very friendly and loyal that can please kids and family. Highlights: Obedient, Playful, Good-natured. However Poms tend to be aggressive toward other dogs that are much bigger, thanks to the small dog syndrome. As a result, they have the steady and consistent temperament of the Poodle with the strong work ethic of the Pointer. Dobermans are confident and bold dogs. The German Shepherd is a large-sized dog that hails from Germany. The good news is that the German Spitz is obedient and trainable. It’s just that these German dogs may not be best with other small pets, thanks to their strong prey-instincts. Soon after, they became a household name around Europe. German Pinschers can protect a family with their fearlessness, but can also be docile and gentle in the home. The Giant Schnauzer was relatively unknown until the first World War, where they became popular military dogs. No German dog breed list is complete without the German Shepherd. Owners will tell you the Giant Schnauzer is high in spirit but gets bored easily. They were cross breed to gain the best attributes of each other. These dogs can learn a basic command in just a few minutes! So if you’re looking for a second pair of eyes, the Boxer can be that. And if you’re a busy person, you may want to consider another breed, as the Eurasier can’t stand being alone for long periods. So much so, that they’re regarded as one of the top waterfowl retrievers in the world, along with the Poodle and Golden Retriever. They were bred to protect and that’s exactly what they do best. The first official mascot of an Olympic game (in Munich 1972) was a Dachshund named Waldi. Ear cropping is a process of removal of pinnae or auricle – the visible flap of the ear. Hanover Hounds are hunting dogs developed to have a sharp nose for all-purpose tracking. Heinrich Essig, a politician in Leonberg, Germany, is credited for developing this dog breed. Dog Breeds List. Highlights: Spirited, Loving, Intelligent. dog breed, Plural: dog breeds. Do post your comments. The GSP is often seen in K-9 units, but are also acclaimed sporting dogs. For example, they’re intelligent, kind and generally love people. Just make sure you give these dogs plenty of run! Rather, Giant Schnauzers do have a playful side that’s a lot more rare with extra large dog breeds. Its bite has a force of over 1,060N. A versatile hunting breed, being an all-purpose gun breed of dog suitable for both land and water, he is streamlined yet powerful with strong legs that make him able to move rapidly and turn quickly. Although a German dog breed, they were first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1926. Choosing a dog is a serious commitment. There’s been a lot of heated debate over the true origins of the Poodle. Aussiepom. The German Wirehaired Pointer has a water-resistant coat that makes them perfect for various tasks in or out of water. German Spaniels have strong hunting instincts, but they are surprisingly friendly towards humans and dogs of the same pack. Though they may be inquisitive and naturally curious dogs, they don’t get into as much trouble as the other breeds with the same trait. A typical dachshund dog has a long body and short muscular stubby legs. They are very well-known for their intelligence, loyalty, courage, and alertness. They’re exceptionally adept at hunting and retrieving birds. Just think of them as German velcro dogs. This breed is the second-most registered breed in the American Kennel Club of the USA. Harlequin Pinscher – The Harlequin is all about loyalty. Its life expectancy is 12-15 years. The list won’t be completed without mentioning this breed. .hide-if-no-js { For them to thrive, they need to be included in all family activities. Price: $600 - $1000. They have very good physical endurance and stamina. Rather, they’re self-composed dogs that only want to please the members of the family. 373 dog breed profiles, each breed has its own unique temperament. Failure to do so can result in mischief, destructive behavior or anxiety. In fact, they’re often referred to as “gentle lions” because of their lion-like mane. With that said, Germany has quickly become one of the largest markets for dog exports. Wonderful german shepherd dog pups. A Miniature Schnauzer brings all the spunk and boldness of a Schnauzer breed, packed into a little tiny ball of fluff. The Hanover Hound is a descendant of bloodhounds from the medieval times. The name “Elo” (Eloschaboro) was created by combining letters of the three breeds they were bred from: Eurasier, Bobtail and Chow Chow. The Jagdterrier is a working terrier and one of Germany’s best hunting dogs for small game. Despite what the name says, the American Eskimo dogs actually originated from Germany and not the Americas. The descendant of the German Spitz, the Pomeranian is a small spitz dog breed from either Germany or Poland. That is, they love being in water. That being said, they’re most ideal for hunters living on a large property, where they can get plenty of daily run and exercise. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. Also called the German Bulldog, they were excellent guard dogs and hunting companions. What sets this dog breed apart from others is their unique mustache on their snouts. Instead of the docile and reserved dog you see in the home, they’re fearless and spirited when out. It’s worth noting that they’re active dogs, given their hunting background, and need substantial exercise. These good-natured dogs enjoy all human interaction and will welcome any opportunity to play. As such, a focus on socializing and positive training is required. In fact, owners will tell you they are not an aggressive breed by nature. Aussiedoodle. Martial artist Bruce Lee owned a Miniature Schnauzer at one point. Their tail is usually long, but some of its parts are removed by docking – a practice of surgically removing the majority of the tail. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "small breed" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. The Pomeranian was made popular after being kept by a long line of royalty, including Queen Victoria in the 19th century. This German breed is a short-haired and medium-sized breed. They’re also fairly loyal dogs that can develop a solid relationship with anyone. They are classified into three categories based on their type of coat: long-haired, short-haired, and wire-haired. Plus, they can weigh up to a staggering 170 pounds! And while they’re fierce and eager hunters on the field, they have a soft and affectionate side in the home. This breed is an all-purpose gun dog breed (used to hunt birds). After these dogs were enlisted as World War I military dogs, people took notice and were impressed. While Champ joined the family by way of a Pennsylvania breeder in 2008, the Bidens adopted Major from the Delaware Humane Association in 2018. Several different breeds went into the creation of the Deutsch Drahthaar in order to bring together breeds skilled in tracking, pointing, and retrieving on both land and water, including the short haired Pointers, Pudlepointers, Griffon, and Stichelhaar dogs. Highlights: Friendly, Smart, Eager to please. However, they’re not all fun and games when it comes to training. It’s estimated that there are only 8,500 Eurasier dogs left in the world – most of them residing in Europe. Weimaraners are powerful dogs with a quick step that will surprise you. So if you can keep these massive dogs stimulated, they’re definitely a top choice. Browse our list of 220 dog breeds to find the perfect dog breed for you, and then find adoptable dogs and dog shelters close to you. And in the face of a threat, they can quickly become dangerous dogs. A Boxer named Brandy holds the Guinness World Record for the longest tongue – recording an astonishing 17-inch tongue. With nearly 50 different dog breeds, Germany is ranked third in producing the highest number of dog breeds. Eurasiers will be aloof around strangers, though not too timid nor aggressive. 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds in the World. Although it's not definitive, certain breeds are known to have longer lifespans than others. They descended from a combination of bird dogs, water dogs and scent hounds, making them some of the most versatile dogs. He's always working with animal shelters and dog rescues because of his passion for all dogs. German Shepherds are one of the most common breeds for police dogs, but they're just as common as pets. Peter cadman's cell 5198976757 Tyler's cell 5198973740 Excellent. The Kromfohrlander descended from a US military mascot during World War II, named “Original Peter.”. After many of attempts, German breeder Baron Von Zediltz finally perfected the Pudelpointer breed 30 years later. Their optimism is contagious. One of the most popular German Dog breeds is a gundog that is energetic and loyal. They often do this when tracking game, explosives or other interesting scents. But despite their versatility, these spaniels aren’t so popular outside their home country. A Great Dane can weigh as much as 200 pounds and stand upwards of 40 inches tall. Miniature Dachshund – The only difference between the standard and miniature Doxie is their weight and height. RECOMMENDED: 15 Remarkable Blue Eyed Dogs. Neuer Inhalt wird bei Auswahl oberhalb des aktuellen Fokusbereichs hinzugefügt The name “Boxer” is potentially due to its ability to play by standing on its hind legs and boxing with its front paws. Stichelhaar – These are griffon-type dogs developed in Germany for hunting game. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, a wedding or just showing some love to a... Earth and world is a place where you can find different known and unknown facts of our planet Earth. As long as the kids are respectful of the Leonberger, they’ll get along perfectly fine. The playfulness of the Dachshund is hard to resist, as they’re all about having fun. These dogs were saved from the brink of extinction by an enthusiast group in the 1900’s. Despite being just 12 inches tall, they certainly don’t know it. ... German Shorthaired Pointer. Schnauzer breed is a collective breed of three breeds- Giant Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, and Miniature Schnauzer. The breed average weight is 20-25 kg and has a life expectancy of 10 years. His vision was to create a dog that resembled the lion on his town’s crest. The Deutscher Wachtelhund is a medium-sized, longhaired, very muscular gun dog with a noble head and strong bone. Bavarian Mountain Hound was prepared to survive in the mountainous regions of Bavaria, Germany. The generally accepted reason to do so is to ensure that the tail doesn’t come in the way of dog’s work. And according to, they’re one of the 10 fastest dogs with a top speed of 35 mph! Yes, they can be a bit strong-willed at times, but that’s because they’re too smart. Great Danes were once believed to help repel evil spirits and ghosts. I mean, their name literally translates to the “hunt terrier.” They the are most effective when asked to flush out foxes, rabbits and badgers. This makes them the perfect dog for families that enjoy an active lifestyle. +  The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is a medium to large sized breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. Not surprisingly, these dogs have amazing endurance and stamina, making them perfect as hunting companions. German Spaniels are used in Sweden to track and chase out the growing boar population. The Weimaramer’s nickname is the “dog with the human brain” because they were believed to be too smart for their own good. For this reason, many say they’re the perfect German family dog. Highlights: Fearless, Confident, Good-natured. When you think of German dog breeds, the German Shepherd is probably the first (and possibly, only) dog that comes to mind. But in some countries tail docking, as well as ear cropping, is illegitimate. But they’re not all about fun and play – they’re quite intelligent too. As of 2018, there was roughly 60 Kromfohrlander dogs in the USA. 3,061 Free images of Dog Breeds. It’s no wonder Scooby-Doo was a Great Dane! Plus, they’re loyal dogs that tend to develop strong bonds with all pack members, including the kids. Dachshund translates to 'Badger Dog' in German. Not only are they highly intelligent, but they’re alert, agile, reliable and have amazing endurance in the field. He can be noisy, messy, and expensive, much like a child! In fact, their development didn’t start until 1987. It is also listed as one of the biggest dog breeds in the world. There are similarities among breeds but the differences may make your decision a little easier.