Previous Next. 10. "Any" is used in nega [One banana, but any one is okay.] any, no and their compounds. Some/any quiz for ESL students. Give us a visit sometime. Some and any can be used when: The exact number is not known. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. Exercises. Welcome! [An offer – I think you will say ‘yes’.] It will help clear up your doubts about how to use English words correctly, so that you can speak and write more confidently. No, I haven't got __ English friends. This is a free beginner English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. 11. Do you need help? exercise books on the floor. some or any – Exercise. "besser" verhalten sollten oder dass das Gegenüber einfach nur sieht, wie "schlecht" es einem geht oder wie "recht" man hat). This exercise comes from my book: A and The Explained. Hi! > Other English exercises on the same topic: Quantities [Change theme] > Similar tests: - Placement test 1 - Countable or Uncountable? Nimm doch Platz. Need more practice? bananas. some, any, no. Gecoachten voraus, genauer gesagt ein Anliegen der Art, wie sich der Gecoachte zu bestimmten Dingen, Personen, Situationen etc. You can't buy . I usually drink some wine with my meal.. No, they didn't have . infinitive: Platz nehmen Have some cake, it's lovely. Besuchen Sie uns doch mal. These are examples of quantifiers. Download this quiz in PDF here. Go to the main 'a' and 'the' page. Task No. Download this quiz in PDF here. Do you feel confident about quantifiers in English Check out our grammar exercise to check your understanding of some, any, no and a. Quantifiers – much, many, some, any, few, little – English Grammar Exercises. They cannot be used for singular nouns because both "some" and "any" mean more than one or an uncountable amount. Some is an unspecified quantity. Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night. Have you got any new friends? infinitive: Platz nehmen just join in and sing along! Übersetzung Französisch-Deutsch für arrêté im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Level: Elementary and above. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. sing doch einfach mit! I have about the same (amount / number) of work to do as before, but I have (less / fewer) stress and (less / fewer) problems. Le but de cet exercice est de compléter les dix phrases suivantes par : little ; few ; a little ; a few .Bonne chance !! Speak English Fluently! Now it s nearly ten clock on Monday morning and my eyes feel to close every moment. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! some for (+); any for (?) Is there any sugar in the cupboard? = There are no books on the table. Some A little, a few or small number or amount.. We usually use some in positive sentences for countable and uncountable nouns. 2421. some or any? I can help you speak English more easily! Have you got . Have you got __ English friends? Some and any are used to state the quantity, amount of something. ‘ Yes, I speak a little English.’ (=Positive) some/any . Although the rules are not complicated, there are a number of exceptions that can cause confusion. This poster provides an easy to access reminder of how to conjugate the most important German verbs – to have, to be and to go.When learning any new language it quickly becomes apparent that mastering these three verbs means that you are able to conduct basic conversations on a staggeringly wide range of topics. We haven't got . There are explanatory notes underneath the answers. English . Did you get the ketchup? With both countable (plural) and uncountable Both some and any can be used before countable and uncountable nouns. This is a free sample from the e-book 600+ Confusing English Words Explained. It could be big or small, we don't know. Welcome! 6-9. - Some / Any / Much / Many - Some and any - Adverbs of degree - Quantifiers: some, any, no - Countables and uncountables - Few/Little/Less > Double-click on words you don't understand Crosswords are fun, and a great way to test your vocabulary, and help you to … Some/any. We need . (I don't know exactly how many deer I saw. :: page Default Some / Any / Much / Many. Downloadable worksheets: SOME-ANY-EVERY-NO AND THEIR COMPOUNDS -KEY INCLUDED Level: elementary Age: 12-14 Downloads: 800 : some, any, no, every and … oranges at the moment. Any is also an unspecified quantity. 10-12. "Some" and "any" are also used before uncountable nouns. – Choose the correct answer. some or any in English in an Online exercises with tipps for using Confusing words correctly. 12. 2423. some or any? Need more practice? We can use 'some' or 'any' without a noun when the person you are speaking to knows the noun you are talking about. For example, imagine you are talking about different kinds of cake. Click on the correct answer: some, any, or no. Do you need help? Menu. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. fresh fruit. I have some friends in London.. (It is important that you know how many deer I saw.- I saw some deer when riding my bike in the forest yesterday. Home / English Language Club / Some and Any, Much and Many. The exact number is not important or relevant. am besten - innerlich und äußerlich - verhalten soll (im Unterschied zum Beispiel zu dem Wunsch, dass andere sich endlich mal anders bzw. or asking for something (can I have…?) Nehmen Sie doch Platz. Would you like some chicken? – Choose the correct answer. begreif's doch endlich Do sit down. 25 Nov, 2020. VIDEO COMING AFTER THE LIVE CONVERSATION ON YOUTUBE (Saturday 28th November 6pm Brazil / Argentina / Chile time – 10pm … 2. It refers to "one, some or all". Compare the following sentences:- I saw seven deer when riding my bike in the forest yesterday. So it's a quantity from 1 to infinity (∞). Yeah, I think I've got (some / any) left over from the party. I’m Clare, an English teacher and the founder of this site. Practice some, any quantifiers using this ESL fun Game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. The words some and any are used when the speaker cannot specify or does not need/want to specify a number or an exact amount. Reset Answers Help Answers Help [An offer – I think you will say ‘yes’.] I have some questions to ask you. ; Exception: Always use SOME when offering something (would you like…?) something, anything, someone, anyone, somewhere, anywhere - Exercises - Learning English Online some; any; no; When we ask questions, we usually use 'any' before the noun. Some / Any / No Article Exercise 1. Review how to use 'some' and 'any' here. The job is great. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about 'Some, Any or No?'. When using some or any, the exact number is not stated. You should eat . Normally it is "medium". some or any. tomatoes? Menu . No sign-up required. All these sentences are possible: A I like any kind of cake. The differences between some and any, and also, much, many, and a lot, often cause difficulties for learners. Sometimes we use some in a question, when we expect a positive YES answer. Peter has bought . This grammar … They describe an amount or type of something. Some and any are quantifiers. Can I have some soda? There are . This exercise comes from my book: A and The Explained. It´s an activity to practice the use of some, any, no and their compounds by choosing the correct alternative to complete a short text. How To Use Some and Any | Much and Many. Do sit down. Would you like some tea? Some or any? I can speak some French. Go to the main 'a' and 'the' page. They are often used before plural countable nouns when the exact amount is not known or is not important. More English Word Games These crosswords have been developed with Javascript. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary or grammar review. "Some" is used in positive statements. Do you have as (much / many) responsibilities as you used to? Some / Any / No Article Exercise 2. Review how to use 'some' and 'any' here. Use of some and any. Describe a typical dish from your country – English Conversation Question 3. 13. For example: Can I have a banana? English Grammar Charts about the difference between HOW MUCH and HOW MANY in English. The quantifiers some, any and no are a kind of determiner.. Go into any shop on the high street and ask [it doesn’t matter which shop]. Task No. Level 02 – Beginners Plus – Easy English Stories Angela and Tom Series. We use some for talking about a limited number or amount; and we use any for an unlimited number or amount. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. (= all kinds of cake, unlimited) B I don't like any kind of cake. English Exercises > some or any exercises. new books. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. There aren’t any books on the table. Click here for more information! some, any in sentences and questions – Exercise 1. Some or Any (A1) "Some" and "any" are determiners. some or any exercise. Would you like some more meat? Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns. some or any. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! In London in the winter there’s hardly any sunlight. Nimm doch etwas Kuchen - er schmeckt köstlich! (-) We use some in affirmative sentences and any in negative sentences and questions. Use ANY in questions: Have you read any good books lately? Winter Story for Beginners in Easy English – practice winter vocabulary and basic sentence structure (positive sentences, negative sentences and yes/no questions) Click here for more English stories for complete beginners. My search history My favourites ... Two long nights were it this weekend, what I did spend in of front of the computer to make ready some new pics, instead of dancing in a disco. posters in this shop. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. Story 01 – Angela and Tom meet We can use some, any or 'no article' before plural or uncountable nouns. Making Sentences with 'Some' and 'Any' We usually use 'some' or 'any' directly before the noun. some, any - Exercises - Learn English - Confusing words. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Some. They all mean something similar to a/an before a singular noun. 3. How do you think you did on the test? How do you feel about your new job? In sentences that begin with “There,” you can say them two different ways:. some + noun. any + noun. 'Some', 'Any', and 'No Article' (This is an extract from my book: A and The Explained) Download this explanation in PDF here. Any or No? 10 Dec, 2020. She always takes . Exercises on some / any :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. no; some; any; In negative sentences, we usually use 'any' before the noun. 9. 1.