Volle Kontrolle mit dem Gira Tastsensor 4: Der individuell belegbare Schalter mit Status-LEDs für Ihr KNX System. The HomeServer links the KNX system’s electrical installation to the computer network and the internet, thereby allowing intelligent building technology to be controlled centrally via a large number of operating devices, regardless of the user’s location. Occupants don’t only enjoy the advantages of mobile technology control, but rather the full Gira experience with maximum convenience, security and energy efficiency. You speak, Google Assistant does. Gira … In eNet, an alliance of leading suppliers has developed an industry standard covering all manufacturers that is already proving its worth in many homes. Upgrading is possible if an eNet server has firmware version 1.3 or higher. These clever products will make your home office more comfortable & efficient. Senden Sie uns Ihre Fragen über unser Kontaktformular! Swift, space- saving installation of the Gira X1 and the little effort involved in its start-up and configuration make opting for a smart home easier. Das intelligente Konzept zur Vernetzung und Steuerung von Gebäudetechnik erhöht spürbar den Wohnkomfort und … Suitable both for new builds and modernisation projects, eNet is the future-proof wireless system for smart networking and building technology control in family homes or rental apartments of up to 140 m2 in size. Gira smart home; KNX IP Interface; The connection works similarly with other smart home servers. Das Gira KNX System ermöglich komfortables Wohnen im Smart Home. Benefits that people don’t want to miss out on at home. The Gira smart home products fulfil every wish for a networked home, regardless of whether you live in an old building or are … With their large numbers of rooms and upscale furnishings, large residential buildings such as villas place special demands on intelligent building technology. Dirigieren Sie Licht, Jalousie und Heizung bequem mit dem Gira System 3000. There are six different control options for the Gira eNet SMART HOME system. Gira Smart Home – Die Gebäudetechnik von unterwegs steuern Gira ist einer der führenden Anbieter in der Smart Home Branche und bietet verschiedene Lösungen für die … The description of Gira Smart Home The user-friendly interface of the Gira Smart Home app visualises the KNX installation of a single-family home and makes its functions … Download Gira Smart Home and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Modern cars can no longer function without intelligent technology either – from keyless entry via the navigation system to cockpit settings customised to the driver. Download Mehr Komfort für Ihr Zuhause! eNet SMART HOME ist für Nachrüstung und Neueinrichtung in Alt- und Neubauten gleichermaßen geeignet. Download. With the aid of the Gira HomeServer, a wide variety of functions can be seamlessly integrated into the background atmosphere and provide a sense of wellbeing throughout the entire home. Smart-Home-Planung in weniger als zehn Minuten: Beantworten Sie unsere Fragen und wir zeigen Ihnen Ihr persönliches Smart Home. Gira X1 – The cornerstone of the Smart Home Switch lights on and off, raise and lower blinds, optimise your home temperature settings – throughout the building and on the go: the new Gira X1 server with KNX system makes automating and visualising a single-family home simpler, more convenient and more economical than ever before. 2019 // GIRA Imagefilm „Smart Home“, tremonia Media Produktion, R: Tommy Scheer Gira Smart Home 4+ Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co KG Gratuit; Captures d’écran. Order No. The various products from Gira offer suitable solutions for any home or construction situation. All pages: 3; 5; 6; 7; 9; 10; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 34; 35; 36 Vereinen Sie die Licht-, Heizungs- und Jalousiesteuerung sowie die Steuerung der Audiogeräte in einem System. Existing switches or buttons – for example from the System 2000 range for lighting or blind control – can be easily replaced with Gira eNet wireless operating top units. Download Gira Smart Home and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In Verbindung mit dem Gira HomeServer oder Gira X1 Mini-Server gewährleistet das Modul Gira S1 einen datensicheren Fernzugriff auf Smart Home Installationen. All the functions of the eNet system can be easily and intuitively controlled using voice commands via Alexa or … Product Information 03/2019. Accès à distance sécurisé via l'application Gira Smart Home, l'application HomeServer et l'application du système de sécurité Gira pour iOS et Android. Treten Sie ein in die vielfältige Welt zwischen An und Aus und entdecken Sie spannende Anwendungsbeispiele für Ihr Smart Home. It's so easy you can set it up in minutes! Intelligent control by the Gira FacilityServer guarantees ideal work conditions at all times and helps take the burden off staff. 18529 99. Control your lighting and blinds manually or configure a vast range of individual, independent settings: Set brightness levels for switching the lights on and off, or instruct your blinds to raise and lower themselves automatically in response to sunrise and sunset. Control Nanoleaf with your smart assistant in 1, 2, 3 Control Nanoleaf with Amazon Alexa. Connect your Gira Smart Home to hundreds of other services. The bidirectional wireless Gira eNet Smart Home system allows house builders and renovators to conveniently control and monitor everything from heating, lighting and appliances to security and safety features via smartphone - and always with absolute data security. Camera images can also be accessed “live”. Ein futuristisches Wohnhaus inmitten wilder Natur. The answer is simple: with KNX and/or wireless technology, which efficiently networks the desired smart home devices. Mithilfe von Gira eNet SMART HOME lassen sich einzelne Wohneinheiten eines Mehrfamilienhauses problemlos mit einem Smart Home System ausstatten. Gira has updated its eNet server so that it is now possible to use voice … Keep in mind not to use this service for security-relevant features. Apprenez-en plus sur les cookies que nous ou des tiers utilisons et sur vos possibilités de les désactiver dans notre déclaration de protection des données . Steuern Sie Ihre Lampen, Heizung und andere smarte Geräte von zuhause oder unterwegs. This enables it to store considerably larger volumes of data and to generate more complex visualisations. Gira Smart Home Windows Client 64 Bit. Version: 3.3.87. ZIP, 70.570 Kb. Sie benötigen Hilfe? Experience; How it Works; Happy 2021 Shop ; Blog; Login; Google Assistant for Gira Smart Homes. Control your entire home technology with just one touch. Gira Smart Home App für Windows PC. Light & Building: Neuer Termin vom 13. bis 18. Steuern Sie Ihr Gira eNet SMART HOME per Sprache. Controlling buildings via app – at home and while away The user-friendly interface of the Gira … The Gira eNet SMART HOME system can be easily and intuitively controlled using various operating devices. Connect your Gira Smart Home with IFTTT. 18138 10. Start your free trial on our Dashboard. Digital connectivity shapes our everyday lives. Camera images can also be accessed "live". PDF, 707 Kb. More information about the Gira Smart Home is available at www.gira.com. The central control of lighting, blinds and heating, design of room scenes, requirements-based single- room ventilation and heating control, fully automatic garden sprinklers, multimedia entertainment in all rooms, and much more. {{ $t('footer.map.error.noResults', {searchQuery: searchQuery}) }}. Gira Smart Home App for Windows PC. Gira eNet SMART HOME - Haussteuerung per Funk Ob für den Neubau oder die Modernisierung – eNet SMART HOME ist das zukunftssichere Funk-System für die smarte Vernetzung und … Gira utilise des cookies pour les sites Internet du domaine gira.com.En utilisant notre site Internet, vous acceptez que des cookies soient activés. The Gira Smart Home allows you to easily control any of the building technology functions from a single master device. The frame variants in the Gira System 55 design line create a consistent aesthetic for all of our switches, socket outlets and electronic operating units. Customisation options, such as personalising the home screen, are also available. Gira Smart Home offers a wide range of devices whose premium design and simple, intuitive use make them truly cutting edge. All functions can be conveniently operated by touching or gesturing at the brilliant multi-touch display. 18404 90. Gönnen Sie sich mehr Luxus. These enable existing functions to be integrated into the Gira eNet system, networked, and controlled using wireless wall-mounted or hand-held transmitters. The user-friendly interface of the Gira Smart Home app visualises the KNX installation of a single-family home and makes its functions available: dimming, switching, shutters, blinds, heating control, value transmitter, scenes, timer and much more. Sprachen: DE EN. Besuchen Sie uns stattdessen auf eine der anderen diesjährigen Veranstaltungen. Leider können aktuell keine Suchanfragen bearbeitet werden. For users and occupants, this means greater convenience and security. Product Information 03/2019. Bitte erlauben Sie die Verwendung von funktionalen Cookies um Ihre gewünschten Informationen anzeigen zu können. Recurrent sequences can be automated, and processes optimised. Ausbaustufen des Gira System 3000. Gira X1 App for iOS devices. Ganz einfach mit Amazon Alexa und dem Google Assistant. Gira has released a new video highlighting the benefits of a KNX Smart Home by Gira, smart building technology that is convenient, secure and economically future-proof.. Mark Booth, Managing Director, Gira UK says: “Everyone seems to know the term ‘smart home’, yet the mainstream is still grappling with the true meaning of this ever-expanding market. Die Smart Home Systeme von Gira sorgen via Funk oder Kabel für mehr Komfort, Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz in Ihren 4 Wänden. Für ein besseres Nutzererlebnis aktivieren Sie bitte Javascript im Browser. Expanding the KNX system with the Gira HomeServer offers numerous advantages: occupants don’t just enjoy the advantages of mobile technology control, but rather the full Gira experience, … Erfahren Sie mehr zu den von uns oder Dritten eingesetzten Cookies und Ihren Möglichkeiten diese auszustellen in unserer Datenschutzerklärung . Ein Smart Home von Gira hat für seine Bewohner zahlreiche Vorteile – von höherem Wohnkomfort und mehr Sicherheit über eine bessere Energieeffizienz und einer Wertsteigerung der Immobilie … Here we present application examples for the Gira HomeServer and the Gira X1 Server, as well as wireless networking with Gira eNet SMART HOME based on concise application examples. Intelligent building technology from Gira makes living more convenient and pleasant – with functional refinements that are precisely adapted to occupants’ individual desires and needs. Switching lights on and off, raising and lowering blinds, setting your preferred temperature – throughout the building, even remotely. 4- لأن GIRA تحتوي على أكثر من 100 فيش متخصص للميديا كـ HDMI, Aduio Video - USB 5- لأن GIRA تحتوي على مفاتيح سمارت تعمل على نظام KNX Smart Home System أو eNET Smart System GIRA | Modular Outlet =---جميع أنواع الافياش والمفاتيح ممكن تيجي من 1gang الى 5gang امكانية التوريد لجميع مناطق المملكة ,, للطلب ,, م/ علاء الاشقر 05496 For users and occupants, this means greater convenience and security. Die Weltleitmesse für Licht und Gebäudetechnik fällt dieses Jahr aus. Contact Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co KG More literature from Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co KG View all literature (19) Gira New products in System 55 2096 00. Einige von ihnen sind essenziell, während andere uns helfen, diese Website und Ihre Erfahrung zu verbessern. In order to be able to update from eNet to eNet SMART HOME, it is necessary to update the eNet server to Version 2.0 and then update the installed eNet devices. Yourself. Gira Smart Home App for Windows PC. It can be used to monitor, control, and programme the entire KNX installation and to network all parts of the building to one another. Gira eNet SMART HOME UK. These devices replace the conventional switches and send control commands to lights, blinds, music systems, and other KNX- enabled devices. Datum: 06.05.2020. From intelligent central control units with touchscreen through automatic sensors and manual pushbutton switches to smartphone and tablet applications - with the Gira KNX operating devices you have your entire building technology at your fingertips at all times, whether you are at home or on the move. Combine lighting, heating, blinds and audio control in one system. The Gira X1 server makes automating and visualising a single-family home with a KNX system more simple, convenient and economical than ever before. the smart home A smart home with Gira offers enhanced living comfort, security, and energy savings. PDF, 707 Kb. Download You can even operate the building technology using your smartphone … Oder rufen Sie uns an: +49 2195 602 6996 Wir beraten Sie gern. Die Casa em Monsaraz ist das Building of the Year 2020. The Gira Smart Home App is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Das ist bequem und stromsparend. Gira eNet SMART HOME - Einfach nachrüsten Das Seminar erleichtert die ersten Schritte bei Planung und Programmierung des eNet SMART HOME Systems. Gira DCS mobile – mobile door communication system Gira DCS IP data interface Gira Project Assistant (GPA) Order No. Bestell-Nr. Und sollten Sie einmal das Lichtlöschen vergessen haben, können Sie dies einfach per Smart Home App von unterwegs nachholen. Powered by Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG Dahlienstraße 42477 Radevormwald - Deutschland Smart Home-Ideen & Inspiration direkt in Ihr Postfach Sichern Sie sich Ihren Wissensvorsprung … Interactive Smart Home. Die Gira Smart Home Produkte erfüllen jeden Wunsch nach einem vernetzten Zuhause, unabhängig davon, ob Sie im Altbau wohnen oder einen Neubau planen. Nowadays, it’s a matter of course for us to be constantly online with our smartphones, tablets, or laptops, wherever we are. Finden Sie Elektropartner & Showrooms in Ihrer Nähe. Networking the KNX system with the Gira HomeServer allows all intelligent functions to be controlled remotely (as well as using switches, buttons, etc.). Camera images can also be accessed "live". News on Gira's door communication system. The user-friendly interface of the Gira X1 app visualises the KNX installation of a single-family home and makes its functions available. Gira HomeServer – greater convenience in large residential buildings. Es geht aber noch besser: Neben der Gira Smart Home App vereinfacht auch die Gira TKS mobil App Ihren Alltag erheblich. Download. PDF, 3.381 Kb. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut. 18529 99. Download. Die Smart Home Systeme von Gira sorgen via Funk oder Kabel für mehr Komfort, Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz in Ihren 4 Wänden. Gira Smart Home Windows Client 64 Bit. Der Server Gira X1 ist besonders für kleinere Wohnobjekte mit KNX Installationen geeignet. This gives you an interactive insight into possible functions and scenarios of the Gira Server. Gira – Flexible Gebäudetechnik. Be smart with 1home: Bring new era features to your KNX, Loxone or Gira smart home No professional help needed Try for free and start today! The Gira wireless systems provide a fast, straightforward and inexpensive means of extending or modernising electrical installations in existing buildings. 18404 90. eNet SMART HOME ist ein funkbasiertes Smart Home-System, das von einer Allianz deutscher Marken stets weiterentwickelt wird. The update from eNet to eNet SMART HOME brings numerous changes. Gira eNet Smart Home: now with voice activation. 10. Our co-ordinated colour options enable you to create a harmonious look that matches your Gira Smart Home … Alles ist möglich – und mit der Funktion „Zentral aus“ auch mal das Nichts. PDF, 3.381 Kb. Bitte geben Sie den Ort oder die Postleitzahl ein um die Suche zu starten. Steuern Sie Ihre gesamte Haustechnik mit nur einem Fingertipp. Installing the Gira HomeServer app is all that’s required for this purpose. Language variants. SMART HOME/ SMART BUILDING | PUSHBUTTON SENSOR 3 | COLOUR ALUMINIUM - Systèmes KNX design de Gira toutes les informations images à haute.. Experience; How it Works; Happy 2021 Shop; Blog; Login; Upgrade your KNX or Loxone smart home. News on Gira's door communication system. Control all aspects of your Gira eNet SMART HOME with the Gira G1. Switching and dimming lights, controlling temperatures, and opening and closing blinds and shutters, either manually or according to the degree of sunlight: with Gira eNet components, everything can be controlled wirelessly – either individually or networked into so-called scenes, based on the situation or the user’s needs. It also functions as a gateway for other facility systems, to which it provides consumption and operating data. Bitte beachten Sie dabei besonders die Pflichtfelder, 2096 00. Many functions can be remotely monitored and controlled when they are away from home. 1 Gira Smart Home Vorteile. Experience the different Gira systems for operating and controlling your home on the Web. The system’s intelligence is located in the pushbutton sensors or central control units. Reliably and securely. Order No. Gira X1 App for Android devices. GIRA SMART HOME / KNX. The new Gira X1 server makes automating and visualising a single-family home with a KNX system more simple, convenient and economical than ever before. Gira DCS mobile – mobile door communication system Gira DCS IP data interface Gira Project Assistant (GPA) Order No. Für Ihr smartes KNX Haus bietet die Steuerzentrale HomeServer, mit seinem prämierten Interface für jeden Bildschirm, die umfangreichste Funktionspalette der Gira KNX Systeme. Gegründet im Jahr 1905, gehört Gira zu den führenden mittelständischen Unternehmen der Elektroindustrie und ist Hersteller von Produkten und Lösungen für unterschiedlichste … Vous cherchez Smart Home de Gira? A smart home cannot be any smarter. Gira eNet SMART HOME UK. The Gira smart home products fulfil every wish for a networked home, regardless of whether you live in an old building or are planning a new-build. Gira Smart Home Windows Client 32 Bit. Smart Home System 24 يناير 2019 2019-01-24T11:06:00+03:00 2020-12-14T02:53:16+03:00 أجود وأرقى شاشات وكيبادات السمارت KNX Smart Home System 1- G1 GIRA Screen 6" The all-rounder for building technology The Gira G1 is the smart …