Its rather humorous eh? Watson files the case closed. There they find Henry's missing black boot. In London, Dr. Richard Mortimer asks Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to investigate the death of his friend Sir Charles Baskerville, in Dartmoor, found dead by heart failure, lying in the moor surrounding his estate, Baskerville Hall. Barrymore tells Watson that a second guy is hiding out in the countryside, the mysterious stranger that was standing on the hill. The dog just about gnaws Henry's throat out when at the last second Holmes shoots the dog dead. The linkage between the plot and setting of the myth is important. Narrating the … Henry has a note warning him not to return to the Baskerville home. One psychological theme of the story is how evil seems to be an enduring part of human nature. He explains that he is a doctor working in a tiny village called Grimpen in Dartmoor in Devon. The case begins with a document from 1742 that tells the legend of Hugo Baskerville and how he was mauled to death by a hound—allegedly from Hell—that came to be known locally as the hound of the Baskervilles. Dr. Watson's and Sherlock Holmes's speculations about a cane left at Baker Street introduces the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes as well as the identity of a country doctor visiting London to seek Holmes's help. The cane had been left by the visitor of the night before, “it … After she escaped, Hugo chased after the girl, trailed by his drunken pals. Then they hear a freakish, haunting groan of some unknown creature. A bored Sherlock decides to take on the case of Henry Knight, who claims to have seen the footprint of a gigantic hound in the woods. The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary T he Hound of the Baskervilles is a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in which Sherlock Holmes investigates a demonic hound that … The case begins with a document from 1742 that tells the legend of Hugo Baskerville and how he was mauled to death by a hound—allegedly from Hell—that came to be known locally as the hound of the Baskervilles. Mortimer tells Holmes a creepy story about the Hound of the Baskervilles, which starts off long ago when a pervert named Hugo Baskerville kidnapped a neighbor's daughter and locked her in an attic. Holmes is sure Jack has something up his sleeve to do away with Henry. Watson realizes the candle is a signal to someone standing in the field outside. 875 Words 4 Pages. En route, he instructs Watson to report only the facts to him, leaving his theories out of the letters. Sir Henry, Charles's only heir has come back to England to claim his new money and mansion in the creepy countryside. A thrilling tale of suspense, today, the book is considered the best detective novel ever written. In a dramatic final scene, Holmes and Watson use the younger Baskerville as bait to catch Stapleton red-handed. Edit Report This. The Hound of the Baskervilles opens with a mini mystery—Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson speculate on the identity of the owner of a cane that has been left in their office by an unknown visitor. Dr. James Mortimer: Friend and doctor to Sir Charles Baskerville. Beryl shows Holmes and Watson how to find their way through the slimy field full of quicksand. The Hound of the Baskervilles Plot Summary 875 Words4 Pages The story begins on Baker Street where Sherlock Holmes and Watson are trying to figure out who left a walking stick at Holmes's residence and as they figure out whose it is, its owner arrives. Buy Study Guide. Holmes figures out that the note was written in a hotel and came from pieces of a certain newspaper. Once in Devonshire, Watson discovers a state of emergency, with armed guards on the watch for an escaped convict roaming the moors. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Laura Lyons: Frankland's bitter, disowned daughter. Holmes and Watson visit Laura Lyons. Watson plans to find the mysterious stranger who was watching him. After she escaped, Hugo chased after the girl, trailed by his drunken pals. One of his friends and patients, Sir Charles Baskerville… At the start of The Hound of the Baskervilles, detective Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend Doctor John Watson are sitting happily in the apartment they share (as roomies) when Doctor James Mortimer arrives to tell them a bizarre family legend about a giant demon dog that haunts the Baskerville family in the southwestern English region of Dartmoor. Though he hasn’t yet met Mortimer, Holmes sizes the man up simply by studying his cane. Find a summary of this and each chapter of The Hound of the Baskervilles! Plot. Anywho! Everyone thinks a ghostly, killer dog, which has haunted the Baskerville family for generations, killed Sir Charles. They learn that a killer has escaped into the gloomy countryside surrounding the mansion. The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary. the hound of the baskervilles 1939 film. He stole Henry's shoe to give the dog his scent. The story begins on Baker Street where Sherlock Holmes and Watson are trying to figure out who left a walking stick at Holmes's residence and as they figure out whose it is, its owner arrives. Summary. CHAPTER 1 . Author: Kektilar Milabar: Country: Panama: Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Politics: Published (Last): 25 November 2009: Pages: 83: PDF File Size: 17.90 Mb: ePub File Size: 1.87 Mb: ISBN: 414-7-31512-705-5: … It received preliminary overnight figures of 8.16 million viewers with a 29 per cent audience share. Holmes and Watson must fight against an seemingly supernatural hound that has been haunting the Baskerville family for generations.. As mentioned, they are both rooted in Gothic tradition and thus play off each other. They easily find out the man is a doctor and all of a sudden he appears at the doorsteps of their house. baskervilles study guide. One of his friends and patients, Sir Charles Baskerville, an elderly but extremely wealthy baronet, has recently been found dead from an apparent heart attack in the grounds of his country house, Baskerville Hall. The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary. While Baskerville Hall may be fictional, Dartmoor—with its beautiful, barren, boggy, hilly … Watson sees the outline of a mysterious stranger on a hill behind them watching everything. He believed that there was a curse on the family. On the day of Watson, Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry's departure, Holmes drives Watson to the station. Jack Stapleton: A neighbor and butterfly collector. Holmes and Watson hide in a gloomy field near Jack's house while night falls and a thick fog moves in. Get your deerstalker cap on — the play’s afoot! He hires a kid to look through the trash at 23 hotels. hound of the baskervilles villains wiki fandom. Watson doesn't completely trust her. Holmes grills Mortimer about the crime scene, whose only clues point to this monstrous dog from hell. In London, Dr. Richard Mortimer asks Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to investigate the death of his friend Sir Charles Baskerville, in Dartmoor, found dead by heart failure, lying in the moor surrounding his estate, Baskerville Hall. Though he hasn't yet met Mortimer, Holmes sizes the man up simply by studying his cane. Summary: Mortimer reads to Holmes and Watson an early 18 th-century manuscript that tells of how, in the time of the “Great Rebellion” [i.e., 1641-51], Hugo Baskerville, progenitor of the ancient and wealthy Baskerville line and a “wild, profane and godless man,” kidnapped the maiden daughter of a yeoman who held lands near his estate.For this crime, the document claims, … When Hugo's pals caught up, they discovered the dead body of the girl in the middle of a field and saw a huge, gross dog from hell gnawing out Hugo's throat. Sir Charles Baskerville died of a heart attack while apparently fleeing a gigantic hound. Despite a dense fog, Holmes and Watson are able to subdue the beast, and Stapleton, in his panicked flight from the scene, drowns in a marshland on the moors. Holmes decides it's too dangerous for Henry to return to the mansion alone, so Watson will go with him, while Holmes will stay in London. Hugo captured and imprisoned a young country lass at his estate in Devonshire, only to fall victim to a marauding hound of hell as he pursued her along the lonesome moors late one night. Holmes plans to trap Jack, who must've knocked off Charles by scaring him to death, and is planning something bad for Henry. Mortimer's friend, Sir Charles Baskerville, recently died and, although the coroner ruled it to be a natural death, the Doctor knows he was being chased by a legendary dog, the Hound of the Baskervilles, that has plagued the Baskerville family for years. A Hound from hell. But the old black one stays missing. Henry also says a single brown shoe of his was stolen, which was brand new and never worn. When Sherlock Holmes looks into the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville, strange events begin to take place in the creepy countryside. Mortimer tells Holmes a creepy story about the Hound of the Baskervilles… Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Arthur Conan Doyle. Beryl warns Henry to leave while he can, but Henry is so turned-on by her that he won't go, and instead wants to hook up with her. Suddenly, a giant and violent dog is seen leaping after Henry. It was down by almost 400,000 from the previous week, but it was still the most seen broadcast in its timeslot, beating ITV1 drama Wild at Heart. Sir Charles Baskerville, the last of his Baskerville family was an elderly man. All these elements are amalgamated into the story to present a … Comedic genius Ken Ludwig (Lend Me a Tenor, Moon Over Buffalo) transforms Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic The Hound of the Baskervilles into a murderously funny adventure. In 1647 his ancestor, Hugo Baskerville, had attempted to catch a young woman whom he carried off; the girl had died of fear while Hugo was killed by a gigantic hound. Based on a local legend of a spectral hound that haunted Dartmoor in Devonshire, England, the story is set in the moors at Baskerville Hall and the nearby Grimpen Mire, and the action takes place mostly at night, when the terrifying hound howls for blood. Jahrhunderts in der Region Dartmoor.Auf der Familie Baskerville lastet ein dämonischer Fluch, wie aus einem Familiendokument aus dem Jahre 1742 hervorgeht.Während des Englischen Bürgerkriegs hatte der betrunkene Sir Hugo Baskerville eine junge Frau zu Tode gehetzt, die ihm nicht zu Willen sein wollte, und wurde … Holmes tells Watson that Jack and Beryl are really married, not brother and sister, and that Jack has been stringing Laura along on the side. She is so pissed at Jack, she's ready to turn him in. He explains that he is a doctor working in a tiny village called Grimpen in Dartmoor in Devon. 20th Century Novels: Plot Overview 16: The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary. He also shares his own theories. Watson follows the kid's path to a campsite, where he learns that the mysterious stranger is the one-and-only Sherlock Holmes. And Beryl is really his wife. Henry leaves for a world cruise to recover from his shock. Watson gathers clues and writes reports to Holmes, who is supposed to be in London. Holmes shoots the dog in the nick of time and chases Jack into a swampy maze of quicksand, where Jack falls and sinks to his death. In the middle of the night he hears the sound of a woman crying uncontrollably. Inside, it is like a castle, with paintings of a long line of Baskervilles. "The Hounds of Baskerville" is the second episode of the series two of the TV show, Sherlock. All of the characters of the story, except for the meanest ones, are highly motivated by their love for others. Ever since, Mortimer reports, the Baskerville line has been plagued by a mysterious and supernatural black hound. Sir Charles Baskerville is dead with no signs of violence, but showing a terrified face. But Watson discovers that Holmes has been secretly hanging around, checking things out. They meet Jack, suspiciously wandering through the dark. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Summary in Points. Chapter Summary for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles, chapter 4 summary. Sir Charles Baskerville died of a heart attack while apparently fleeing a gigantic hound. The reader sees the world of the novel through his eyes, sharing his point of view and attitude. Its rather humorous eh? The story stars the Sherlock Holmes, whom the author based on detective-like professors he had as a medical student in Scotland. Dr. Watson's and Sherlock Holmes's speculations about a cane left at Baker Street introduces the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes as well as the identity of a country doctor visiting London to seek Holmes's help. hound of the baskervilles villains wiki fandom. Mr. & Mrs. Barrymore: Baskerville's butler & maid, a husband & wife team. He also claims that 20 years before he had seen his father mauled to … A thrilling tale of suspense, today, the book is considered the best detective novel ever written. The three keep an eye on Henry as he begins his walk home along the foggy road. In 1647 his ancestor, Hugo Baskerville, had attempted to catch a young woman whom he carried off; the girl had died of fear while Hugo was killed by a gigantic hound. The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson are hanging around the apartment that they share (as platonic bros) when Doctor James Mortimer appears to consult Holmes about a very strange matter that occurred in his town of Dartmoor. The degree to which Baskerville is alleged to have been infatuated with her is also indicative of the genre. Sir Charles was found dead on the grounds of his Devonshire estate, Baskerville Hall, and Mortimer now is concerned for Sir Charles’s nephew and sole heir, Sir Henry Baskerville, who is the new master of Baskerville … Watson now seriously distrusts this guy. Mortimer's friend, Sir Charles Baskerville, recently died and, although the coroner ruled it to be a natural death, the Doctor knows he was being chased by a legendary dog, the Hound of the Baskervilles, that has plagued the Baskerville family for years. Inhalt. Holmes tells Watson to go the countryside with Henry to keep an eye on him. 13.1 Introduction; 13.2 Chapter 1 : Mr Sherlock Holmes; 13.3 Chapter 2 : The Curse of the Baskervilles; 13.4 Chapter 3 : The Problem; 13.5 Chapter 4 : Sir Henry Baskerville; 13.6 Chapter 5 : Three Broken Threads; 13.7 Chapter 6 : Baskerville Hall; 13.8 Chapter 7 : The Stapletons of Merripit House The Hound of the Baskervilles Summary. Dr. Watson has always admired Sherlock’s ability to access mountains of information from a small clue, so he thought he would try his hand at it. Mr. Barrymore tells Henry that he and his wife will soon quit working at the mansion, because they feel too depressed since Charles, their old boss, croaked. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. baskervilles summary amp facts britannica. He does not believes that the Desmond man - who would inherit Sir Henry's estate - is involved, but he … This is for school and I finished today!!!! Hugo had kidnapped a local townswoman with the intent to rape and otherwise brutalize her at his home in Baskerville Hall. Jack warns him about a nearby field full of quick-sand, called the Grimpen Mire, which swallows up horses and humans dumb enough to go there. Instead they find Beryl bound and gagged in the attic. The plot of the novel is the decisive raison d’être for its popularity: a masterful blend of a detective story and a Gothic tale. Chapter wise summary in Points. Henry and Beryl look good to one another and start hanging out, but Jack is against it. the hound of the baskervilles 1939 rotten tomatoes. the hounds of baskerville the blog of dr john h watson. In this story, Dr. James Mortimer asks Sherlock Holmes to investigate the death of his friend, Sir Charles Baskerville. /* 468 */ The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of the four crime novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. They're afraid it might be the dog from Hell. Sherlock Holmes is on the case. the hound of the baskervilles conan doyle info. No warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are made to you as to the text or any medium it may be on, including but not limited to warranties of merchantablity or fitness for a particular purpose. the hound of the baskervilles penguin readers. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Sherlock Holmes: The ultimate sleuth, whose razor-sharp brain is always at work. Plot. Plot. Holmes meets Sir Henry Baskerville, who has just inherited his dead Uncle Charles's money and mansion. The recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville has rekindled suspicions and fears. Doing his best to unravel these threads of the mystery, Watson discovers that Barrymore's nightly jaunts are just his attempt to aid the escaped con, who turns out to be Mrs. Barrymore's brother. However, before Hugo had the chance … drug was first created in the eighties by five men and women-Leonard Hansen, Jack O'mara, Mary Uslowski, Rick Nader and Elaine Dyson, as an aerosol disperser for chemical warfare to induce fear and stimulus into the enemy to weaken them. GCSE English Literature The Hound of the Baskervilles learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Jack used a real-live dog dabbed with glow-in-the-dark paint to scare Charles to death. Dr James Mortimer calls upon Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in London to ask for advice. The somber estate and the damsel in distress are both common elements of Gothic fiction. A series of mysteries arrive in rapid succession: Barrymore is caught skulking around the mansion at night; Watson spies a lonely figure keeping watch over the moors; and the doctor hears what sounds like a dog's howling. the hound of the baskervilles summary amp facts britannica. the hound of the baskervilles … The Hound of the Baskervilles opens with a mini mystery—Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson speculate on the identity of the owner of a cane that has been left in their office by an unknown visitor. google_ad_height = 60; Wowing Watson with his fabulous powers of observation, Holmes predicts the appearance of James Mortimer, owner of the found object and a convenient entrée into the baffling curse of the Baskervilles. The project was shut down in 198… Sir Charles Baskerville died of a heart attack while apparently fleeing a gigantic hound. … Beryl Stapleton, who turns out to be Jack's harried wife and not his sister, is discovered tied up in his house, having refused to participate in his dastardly scheme. Another psychological theme is that of loyalty. Watson follows Barrymore to an empty room, where he sees him staring by candlelight through a window at the haunted fields outside. Henry gets pissed because another shoe is stolen, this time an old black one. The Hounds of Baskerville (2012) Plot Summary (4) Sherlock and John investigate the ghosts of a young man who has been seeing monstrous hounds out in the woods where his father died. Mr. Stapleton, Holmes has discovered, is actually in line to inherit the Baskerville fortune, and as such is the prime suspect. Jack was the bearded man trailing Henry through London. Chapter II: The Curse of the Baskervilles, Chapter VII: The Stapletons of Merripit House, Chapter 7: The Stapletons of Merripit House. Finally, Jack lures Henry to his house at night, and when Henry is walking home, Jack sicks his mad-dog after him. Furthermore, the hound that … Jack also locked Beryl in her hotel room, but she figured out a way to send Henry a warning to stay away from the mansion. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0219705365803166"; Watson is pissed at having been fooled by his friend. . Sir Charles's death of an apparent heart attack seems suspicious to Dr. Mortimer, as his fac… Holmes remembers the cab number. "The Hounds of Baskerville" was first broadcast on BBC One on Sunday, 8 January 2012 between 8:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Alone in his room, Holmes performs an experiment with smoke.