Die Goldene Palme 2018 geht an Shoplifters von dem japanischen Regisseur Hirokazu Koreeda. Malika Favre’s sexy Kama Sutra alphabet is now available in book form. Here, ad creative Marta Morientes – an avid chess player in her youth – explains how the game has helped her to be a better creative. MEMÓRIA 2013 ... Cannes 2018. Cannes 2018: os filmes da seleção oficial Foram conhecidos esta manhã os filmes que farão parte da seleção oficial do 71º Festival de Cannes. Adweek’s 2021 Outlook for Media, Marketing and Tech. LadBible and AMVBBDO’s Trash Isles campaign won the Grand Prix in both the Design and PR Lions. Copyright © 2021 Centaur Media plc and / or its subsidiaries and licensors. Die Gewinner der 10. But while the festival, the parties and the meetings are now an integral part of the Cannes experience, the measure of the year still comes in the award-winning work. Stink Studios’ James Britton hopes not, The illustrator’s 26 saucy letters have been immortalised in print, thanks to a glossy hardback book from Counter-Print, Ben & Jerry’s global social mission officer Dave Rapaport talks to Anna Burzlaff, head of cultural insights and strategy agency Truth, about the brand’s approach to activism, and what it takes to make credible change in the world today, Hospitality has been hit hard by the pandemic, but in the midst of increased restrictions restaurateurs are finding creative ways to reach hungry punters at home. Die Gewinner in Cannes 2018 Ein Beitrag von Katrin Doerksen Wir haben live die Verleihung der Goldenen Palme 2018 in Cannes verfolgt und fleißig für euch mitgeschrieben, was die Jury unter Cate Blanchett in diesem Jahr entschieden hat. 19 Mai, 2018. Digital Craft – Aeronaut VR, Billy Corgan. Alle Gewinner der 72. Can creativity save restaurants from Covid-19? Titanium Grand Prix, Sustainable Development Goals and Direct Grand Prix – The Palau Pledge, Palau Legacy Project. The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival was held from 8 to 19 May 2018. The test for the festival will be in whether this continues into next year, when Publicis will have ended its embargo on awards entries (via its agencies – there was still plenty of Publicis presence among the winners this year, via sideways entries from clients and collaborators) and returned to the party. AMV BBDO’s Blood Normal spot for Libresse/Bodyform, the first ad for period products to feature red blood rather than blue, won the Glass Lion: The Lion for Change Grand Prix. Mediacom London and BBH London picked up the Media Grand Prix for its series of ‘food love stories’ films for supermarket chain Tesco. So let’s get on with it: here’s the 2018 Grand Prix winners. The Product Design Grand Prix went to Ogilvy Colombia for its work with King, a startup that supplies prepaid solar energy kits to communities that have no access to mains electricity. Die Goldene Palme ging an den Film „Shoplifters“ des japanischen Regisseurs Hirokazu Koreeda . 19. Das asiatische Kino zeigte sich bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes besonders stark: Ein japanischer Film erhielt die Goldene Palme, ein koreanischer die besten Kritikerbewertungen. After premiering at the world's most prestigious film festival, these films have become classics and inspired generations of directors. Of the festival itself, this was a leaner year in many ways, with a shorter festival (a neat five days) and much talk of how much quieter it all was this time around. Unlike in recent years there was not one winning campaign that got everyone talking, and instead there is a spread of over 25 pieces of work picking up the top gongs. Cannes 2018: proibição das selfies, exibição de "filme maldito" e desacordo com a Netflix Muitas polêmicas movimentam os bastidores do Festival de Cannes 2018, maior reconhecimento do cinema depois do Oscar. Cannes Lions, arguably the ad industry’s most significant global awards festival, has wrapped for another year, and all the Grand Prix winners are listed below. The Beach Bum. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming … Die Australierin gilt als eine der erfolgreichsten Schauspielerinnen der Gegenwart. 19 de maio de 2018. Alle Preisträger der 71. It aims to help paralysed patients to communicate by using 50 simple eye movements to convey what research told them were the most commonly-needed messages. Today at Apple won the Grand Prix in Brand Experience and Activation. O Estadão é representante oficial de Cannes Lions no Brasil e aqui no Brasil, o esquenta para o Festival começa no Cannes Preview , também realizado pelo Estadão e se encerra no Cannes Winners 2019 que este ano será realizado junto à PS Carneiro. News | DIE GEWINNER IN CANNES 2019. LADbible wins PR Grand Prix. Mai 2018, 22:58. Cannes 2018 "Todos Los Saben", de Asghar Farhadi, será o filme de abertura do festival (Foto: Divulgação) Na manhã desta quinta-feira, 12 de abril, o Festival de Cannes divulgou sua seleção oficial para a edição de 2018, que acontece entre os dias 8 e 19 de maio. How 4 DTC Disruptors Use Digital Best Practices to Succeed on TV, Choosing a CDP Doesn’t Need to Be So Hard, First-Party Identity Is a Strategic Imperative in the Cookieless World, By Michael Fuchs, SVP, Merkury Solutions, Merkle. 73 Jahre nach der Gründung der Filmfestspiele von Cannes bleibt die begehrte Goldene Palme eine der höchsten Auszeichnungen der Branche. The other went to Comedy Central New York for The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library, an installation displaying both printed and live feeds of Presidential tweets. Sie fühle sich geehrt, das Amt der Jurypräsidentin zu bekleiden und verwies nicht nur auf ihre vergangene Teilnahme als Schauspielerin a… The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival was held from 8 to 19 May 2018. Asghar Farhadi's psychological thriller Everybody Knows, starring Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Ricardo Darín, opened the festival and competed in the Main Competition section. Unlike in recent years there was not one winning campaign that got everyone talking, and instead there is a spread of over 25 pieces of work picking up the top gongs. Die Gewinner der 9. Começam a surgir as notícias sobre a 71ª edição do Festival de Cannes. Australian actress Cate Blanchett acted as President of the Jury. Although Nadine Labaki’s lauded Capernaum was a … What will British branding look like post-Brexit? Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2019: Grand Prix Traditional craftsmanship meets contemporary design DE 'Trash Isles,' an effort to create a new nation from giant floating garbage fields, even has it own currency. News | Die Gewinner in Cannes 2018. Cannes 2017: As campanhas mais premiadas do mundo. What—and Who—Is on Marketers’ Minds for 2021? Creative Data – JFK Unsilenced, The Times. Na sequência estão na lista a David e a Wieden + Kennedy, com suas campanhas “Anúncio grelhado”, para o Burger King (9 Leões) e “O filme infinito”, para Old Spice (3 Leões), da P&G. Brand Experience and Activation – Today at Apple, Apple. O Estadão está trazendo uma nova edição do Cannes Winners, que acontecerá no Unibes Cultural em São Paulo no próximo dia 27. The female-focused title created by Leticia Dolera, from Movistar+, took home the Best Series award. Cannes 2018. The 2018 Official Selection Separate addresses with a comma Please email me a copy I wish to receive the Festival de Cannes newsletter * * * Required fields Official Selection 12.04.18 Creative eCommerce – The Fanchise Model, Xbox. Terça-feira, 26 de Março de 2018, Nº 54 161. LEIA TAMBÉM. Wieden + Kennedy London’s storming ad for Nike (and in many ways the city of London itself) picked up the lone Grand Prix in Social & Influencer. Der große Gewinner ist einer unserer Lieblingsfilme. Im Bild: Alice Rohrwacher, Nader Saeivar, Bestes Drehbuch ex-aequo Credit: Unabhängige Fotoagentur/Alamy leben Nachrichten - MNWDPH aus der Alamy-Bibliothek mit Millionen von Stockfotos, Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken in hoher Auflösung herunterladen. Campanha que destaca as novidades do 5º Prêmio Desafio Estadão Cannes promove duelos medievais entre agências. Wir haben live die Verleihung der Goldenen Palme 2018 in Cannes verfolgt und fleißig für euch mitgeschrieben, was die Jury unter Cate Blanchett in diesem Jahr entschieden hat. If you continue browsing, we assume that you consent to our use of cookies. Read more insights from the advertising industry and our Cannes Lions coverage here, Black and white lettering stretches 88ft high in the designer’s biggest artwork so far, which adorns the end of a historic canal-side building in the city, With the uncertainty and challenges of 2020 following us into the new year, we talk to a number of industry experts about the ways that creatives can survive – and even thrive – in 2021, Tech firms once claimed they could set us free. Ogilvy Cape Town’s Soccer Song For Change, which adapted the lyrics of a popular football song in South Africa to tell the story of a woman who is beaten by her husband after his team loses a match took the Radio Grand Prix. Xinmei Liu’s images are inspired by old Chinese propaganda posters, The BakeKing’s hyperrealistic cake creations, Oxford Circus’s tube signs are now PlayStation-themed, Teenagers dress for proms that never happened in Alys Tomlinson’s Lost Summer. Registered office at Floor M, 10 York Road, London, SE1 7ND, Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience. Mit dem Film „Everybody Knows“ von Asghar Farhadi werden heute die 71. As we reported here, the campaign for The Plastic Oceans Foundation applied to the United Nations to have a mountain of trash in the North Pacific Ocean recognised as an official country, with Al Gore as its first citizen. O Estadão, representante oficial do Cannes Lions Festival Internacional de Criatividade, realizará, no dia 28 de agosto, o Cannes Winners 2018. Grande Prêmio do Júri “Black K Klansman” de Spike Lee. Here, we get an insight into its visual branding and what being a responsible chocolate brand means, Modern Love illustrator Brian Rea recounts a childhood filled with stories, shares the struggles of embracing his style and tells CR why words have gained a new importance for him later in his career, Ben Cullen has built up a cult following for his mesmerising illusion cakes, which have appeared everywhere from Slowthai’s recent music video to Jurgen Klopp’s birthday party. Mas uma parte fundamental do festival é o legado criativo, inspirador, que mostra que é possível ir além em muitos aspectos – como negócio, como solução de problemas sociais, como serviço público e muito mais. Cannes 2019: Die Gewinner Bong Joon-ho gewinnt mit Parasite als erster Koreaner die Goldene Palme. Mai 2018 an der Cote d’Azur in Südfrankreich stattfanden, wurden verkündet. With a cast boasting such diverse wonders as Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club), … Grand Prix in the Health & Wellness Lions went to Corazón, from John X Hannes for the Montefiore Hospital. The Grand Prix for Creative eCommerce went to McCann London’s Xbox Design Lab Originals: The Fanchise Model, a store where gaming fans could customise their Xbox controllers. Confira lista de prêmios em Cannes 2018. Cannes 2019. [2] [3] O filme The Dead Don't Die, dirigido por Jim Jarmusch, abriu o festival. Cannes 2018: Diese Filme kämpfen um die Goldene Palme. Entertainment Lions for Music – Welcome Home, Apple; Smile, Jay-Z. Gestern Abend haben Vertreter der Cannes Lions und der Schweizer Festivalrepräsentant Weischer Media die erfolgreichsten Schweizer Werbekampagnen und ihre Macher mit den Cannes … Movies. Soeben wurden die Preise für den Wettbewerb des Festivals in Cannes … Mai ist die Croisette wieder der Nabel der Filmwelt. Dieses Stockfoto: Cannes, Frankreich. It was the … Xeim Limited, Registered in England and Wales with number 05243851 On Wednesday 3 June at 6:00pm, Pierre Lescure and Thierry Frémaux have announced the line-up of the 73rd edition of the Festival de Cannes, live from the UGC Normandie in Paris. Em 2018 o Festival de Cannes tinha atribuído a Palma de Ouro a um filme asiático, a “Shoplifters”, do japonês Hirokazu Koreeda. This year, in order to connect to young people, N=5 created a fictional vlogger, EVERT_45, to use Instagram and YouTube to tell stories about his experiences as a young boy during the war. Michael Fuchs, SVP, Merkury Solutions, Merkle. Pode pesquisar. Tweet. The CSI 5* is the top level competition, where the top-ranked riders in the world will compete for the highest prize money, over the biggest fences - up to 1.60m which is the highest in the sport. Cannes 2018 "2001" vai estar no grande ecrã de Cannes. Cannes Lions Check Out All 30 Grand Prix Winners From Cannes Lions 2018 'Trash Isles,' an effort to create a new nation from giant floating garbage fields, even has it own currency. Cannes 2018: Our predictions for the official lineup Destroyer. The top award in Innovation went to My Line, Powered by Google by Mullenlowe SSP3 Bogota, a landline telephone number that people without an internet connection can use to access Google Assistant and get answers to their questions. Having already won the Design Grand Prix earlier in the week, today the media brand was awarded the Cannes Lions PR Grand Prix for The Trash Isles, their campaign to raise awareness of the … Australian actress Cate Blanchett acted as President of the Jury. So, for example, typing in ‘1978 ballroom holding Budweiser’ brings up a photo of Johnny Rotten and Malcolm McLaren clutching beers. Vom 8. bis 19. Film Grand Prix – The Talk, P&G; It’s A Tide Ad, Tide. Mai versammelt sich die Filmwelt wieder an der Côte d'Azur. Aconteceu ontem (20) a cerimônia de anúncio dos vencedores da 71a edição do Festival de Cannes. More information can be found in our Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy. This might make 2018 a slightly less memorable year – there is no one project that sums up the year and the state of the industry in the way Fearless Girl did for 2017, say – but the mix of winners does a good job of showing the varied and sprawling ways that brands enter our consciousness these days. In the Industry Craft category, Ogilvy Chicago won for its copywriting on the First Steps campaign for SC Johnson’s Kiwi shoe polish brand, looking at the impact made by six important figures including Muhammad Ali. Festival de Cannes 2018 Filmes selecionados para a 71ª edição do festival da cidade francesa de Cannes com suas mostras paralelas: 57ª Semana da Crítica e 50ª Quinzena dos Realizadores, além dos selecionados pela ACID - Association du Cinema Independant pour … He talks to us about his childhood, learning from the greats, and his ‘get close’ mantra, Images of mythical creatures and domestic sorcery are all part of artist and photographer Sydney Rahimtoola’s attempt to document the “little magical moments” of everyday life, As the ad industry moves increasingly quickly towards a freelance model, our advertising correspondent Ben Kay asks whether it’s time for creatives to unionise, At a time when criticism of the BBC feels more intense than ever, the broadcaster has put together a two-minute film to remind us all of the quality programming it delivers, As We Are Social releases its annual trends report, chief strategy officer Mobbie Nazir reveals evidence of a move towards simpler and kinder social media habits that look to brands for assistance rather than aspiration, Streaming giants ruled the roost once again in 2020, while many of us also sought comfort in the familiarity of public service broadcasters, in a year where we’ve essentially been forced to stay glued to our sofas, In a year of flux, magazine covers were dominated by radical change, calls for change and the changemakers themselves. Lisandro Alonso, argentinischer Filmemacher (viermaliger Teilnehmer am Filmfestival von Cannes) Lukas Dhont, belgischer Filmemacher (Gewinner der Sektion Un Certain Regard 2018) Marina Foïs, französische Schauspielerin; Nurhan Şekerci-Porst, deutsche Filmproduzentin Durante o Cannes Winners 2018, especialistas do mercado vão debater as tendências para comunicação e marketing, além de comentar os resultados do Brasil na premiação. Premiados em Cannes 2018 Palma de Ouro para Koreeda e Grande Prêmio para Spike Lee. Cannes 2018. Der Überblick. Internationalen Filmfestspiele von Cannes, die vom 8. bis 19. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Films complets, Film et Memes en espanol. Cannes Lions: PR winners 2018. Social & Influencer Grand Prix – Nothing Beats A Londoner, Nike. Leserkommentare: Sag uns Deine Meinung! In order to promote Budweiser to music fans and emphasise its heritage in that area, posters featured search terms that when entered into Google would bring up photographs of musicians holding the beer. Palmarés 2018 Palma de Ouro Shoplifters, de Hirokazu Koreeda (Japão) Palma de Ouro Especial The Image Book, de Jean-Luc Godard (França) Grande Prémio do Júri Blackkklansman, de Spike Lee (EUA) Melhor Realizador Pawel Pawlikowski, por Cold War (Polónia) Melhor Atriz Samal Yeslyamova, em Ayka (Cazaquistão) Melhor Ator 71. 71. Each Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL event can be separated into two categories - CSI 5* and CSI 1* classes. Reação de Martin Scorsese em show de Eminem no Oscar 2020 viraliza. Wir haben live die Verleihung der Goldenen Palme 2019 in Cannes verfolgt und fleißig für euch mitgeschrieben, was die Jury unter Alejandro González Iñárritu in diesem Jahr entschieden hat. O Cannes Lions sempre deixa lições valiosas sobre o futuro do mercado, tendências, novidades, conhecimento. Based in Apple Stores around the world, it offers a whole range of educational and inspirational sessions. Ogilvy Mumbai won the Creative Effectiveness Grand Prix for its project Savlon Healthy Hands Chalk Sticks, which aims to make education around handwashing fun. Radio – Soccer Song For Change, Carling Black Label/Anti Women Abuse Initiative. Outdoor – Next Exit, McDonald’s; The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J Trump Presidental Twitter Library, Comedy Central. Wildlife, estreia de Paul Dano na direção, abre a mostra, que apresentará uma coprodução brasileira. The Film Craft Grand Prix went to Hope, a film for the Red Cross by Blur Films Madrid telling the harrowing story of a father’s attempt to get his daughter to a hospital in a war zone. Die Festivalverantwortlichen haben heute das Programm bekanntgegeben, darunter Neues von Spike Lee und Jean-Luc Godard. Lista de Vencedores | Festival de Cannes 2018. © 2021 Adweek - All Rights Reserved, Outlook 2021: The Year Ahead in Marketing and Media, #AskNewser: Correspondents Look Back on Memorable Inauguration Day Coverage Moments, ‘Agility in Their DNA’: How Media Companies Will Lean Into Their Strengths, After a Year of Turmoil, the Future of Agencies May Well Be Bright, What Next? After premiering at the world's most prestigious film festival, these films have become classics and inspired generations of directors. We look back at ten of our favourites, The Netflix hit series The Queen’s Gambit has brought chess back into the limelight. Health Grand Prix for Good – Blink To Speak, Asha Ek Hope Foundation/NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute. “Parasite”, um drama familiar negro onde os únicos monstros são humanos, conta a história de uma família de desempregados, a de Ki-taek, que vivem num escuro e sórdido apartamento no subsolo, onde convivem com baratas. It won the Health Grand Prix for Good. O que fazer em Cannes: No Tripadvisor, veja as 182.650 dicas dos viajantes e fotos das 153 coisas para fazer quando você estiver em Cannes. As he releases a new book, the Barcelona-based artist talks to us about his creative process, and what it’s like to be introduced to the visual arts from the day you were born, QR codes have received an unexpected resurrection during Covid-19, becoming a vital tool for navigating pandemic life. Palma de Ouro: “Shoplifters” de Hirokazu Kore -Eda. Another Cannes Lions is in the books, but before we all move on with our lives, now’s a good time to look back on the top winners from this year’s festival. Cannes-Gewinner im Laufe der Zeit. Nenhum dos seus astros favoritos do cinema ostenta em seu currículo a gravíssima falha de nunca ter estado em Cannes. Is branding’s post-Brexit future a sea of Union Jacks, or does the UK’s exit from the European Union offer a chance for companies to explore what being British actually means? What does this all mean? Can an algorithm unpick gender bias in storytelling? Posted by Eduardo Moreira 21 de maio de 2018 - 10:30. Als Nachfolgerin des letztjährigen Jurypräsidenten Pedro Almodóvar wurde Anfang Januar 2018 Cate Blanchett präsentiert. Os vencedores do Festival de Cannes 2019, 72ª edição de um dos maiores festivais de cinema do mundo, foram anunciados neste final de semana.. O grande vencedor do Festival de Cannes 2019 foi “Gisaengchung“, de Bong Joon-Ho (“Okja“). 19 Mai, 2018. The Digital Craft Grand Prix went to Aeronaut VR by Isobar New York, a three-and-a-half-minute room-scale experience designed for Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan’s single, Aeronaut. It’s been a good week for LADbible, the media company with the ear of 50% of the UK’s millennials and a monthly reach of over 1 billion. More information can be found in our, Anthony Burrill has designed a seven-storey-high mural for Leeds, How to survive 2021: A Guide for Creatives, Photographer Sydney Rahimtoola explores myth and heritage in her work, New trailer for the BBC celebrates the broadcaster’s creativity, Why simplicity is the way ahead for social media in 2021. Cannes 2018 - Die Gewinner Preise für Alice Rohrwacher und Nadine Labaki, aber Jane Campion bleibt die einzige Regisseurin mit Goldener Palme. Here, we delve into how restaurant brands are adapting to the new normal, With commissions from the New York Times and Medium, Xinmei Liu enjoys combining nostalgia with satire to create surreal and surprising illustrations, The Tony’s Chocolonely brand started as a way to change the cocoa industry. The face recognition app allows voters to check whether politicians have been implicated in Brazil’s corruption scandal ahead of its election. Auch unter den anderen Preisträgern sind Favoriten von uns. 2018: 2020: Website oficial: A 72.ª edição do Festival anual de Cannes foi realizada entre os dias 14 a 25 de maio de 2019. Innovation Grand Prix – My Line, powered by Google.