Log In Sign Up. The BF4 campaign takes place in China. Hey guys welcome to another BF4 Levolution Guide. DisguisedMike. Press J to jump to the feed. A few buildings are even located beneath the giant dish. Arecibo Collapse vs. Battlefield 4's Rogue Transmission Levolution (VIDEO) Battlefield 4. It is set around a giant transmission dish in China during the day. Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game developed by video game developer EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts.It is a sequel to 2011's Battlefield 3 and was released in October 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360; then later in November for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.. Battlefield 4 was met with positive reception. The real life ''Rogue Transmission'' (Arecibo Observatory) is gonna be demolished :(Close. Rogue Transmission map. Rest in peace Rogue Transmission (Arecibo Observatory) Close. TEKNOCODE. Mapa Rogue Transmission do Battlefield 4. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Extreme violence, Strong language, Violence towards defenceless people, Allows the player to interact with other players online, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. You will have acces to vehicles, but most of this will be on-the-ground combat. December 15th, 2013 by William Schwartz. The smaller version of this map for small game modes will be centered around the small construction area around Flag A. Battlefield 4 Playstation 4 Gameplay. Most of the map is relatively leveled and green, and there are a few clusters of buildings here and there. 2 2. Vegetation work I did for Battlefield 4. Play. Set in and around a Chinese radio telescope, this map focuses on vehicle and infantry combat. 0:00. The main control point will be where the large satellite is located. It was also in Battlefield 4 ("Rogue Transmission") cptskippy 5 months ago. 2 2 22. So it should come as no surprise that thousands of players have taken to scouring every inch of Paracel Storm and Rouge Transmission this week looking for the ever-elusive and seemingly extinct Megalodon and goat eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. You need to destroy each cable individually to trigger the radio dish levolution! With Battlefield 4 , we created a near-future scenario with three factions battling it out: U.S., China, and Russia. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! save. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Battlefield 4 é um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa desenvolvido pela DICE e publicado pela Electronic Arts. Arecibo Observatory is not the same radio telescope that's on Rogue Transmission but I'm pretty sure that the devs were inspired by it when they created that map. It really helps! Lead Vegetation Artist at Quixel. Battlefield 4 Official Digital Strategy Guide for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One Redeem code for this guide Unlock full guide for $9.99 Potrete scegliere tra 10 mappe, giocabili in tutte e 7 le modalità. ajmurmann 5 months ago. By Jeff McAllister 01 January 2014. While speculation continues on whether or not the "Battlefield 4" Megalodon Easter egg exists, "BF4" players have discovered other Easter eggs such as T-Rex dinosaur sounds in Rogue Transmission and Press J to jump to the feed. Rogue Transmission. Post Comment. In this video I'm going to show you the main feature of the map Rogue Transmission, which is set around a large observatory dish in China, just like the one in Goldeneye.If you like the video don't forget to like and comment, and also subscribe for more BF4 videos coming soon. Pathways and points of interest - … Share Pin Tweet Share. Potrete scegliere tra 10 mappe, giocabili in tutte e 7 le modalità. @taris120_builds December 2020. It is set around a giant transmission dish in China during the day. Rest in peace Rogue Transmission (Arecibo Observatory) Play. 2 2 22. Players may remember Rogue Transmission, one of the larger maps in Battlefield 4 that centers around a massive radio telescope.In the game, this … Rogue Transmission is a massive multiplayer map in Battlefield 4 that pits Russia against China in a large Chinese Observatory. 『Battlefield 4(バトルフィールド 4)』のマップであるRogue Transmissionの舞台モデルとなったアレシボ天文台が、奇しくも『BF4』の時代設定である今年2020年に、「ケーブル破損」により解体される予定だとNSF(米国科学財団)が報じました。 Rogue Transmission Rogue Transmissionは、EA DICEに … @taris120_builds. No it isn't. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In 2013, Battlefield 4, the fourth installment of the popular first-person shootout series launched.Undeniably the strongest side of the game was the multiplayer mode. The real life ''Rogue Transmission'' (Arecibo Observatory) is gonna be demolished :(Close. Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game developed by video game developer EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts.It is a sequel to 2011's Battlefield 3 and was released in October 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360; then later in November for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.. Battlefield 4 was met with positive reception. Battlefield 4 è lontano solo un mese e non abbiamo resistito: ecco la lista complete delle mappe che potrete giocare al lancio. On locker I have seen many times the TK'ing on both teams in the first thirty seconds exceeding 20 kills. Although the hunt for Megalodon may continue, at least one more Easter egg has been found hidden in Battlefield 4. Fullscreen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ". It does have open spaces for helicopters and jets, too. The map is iconic for the colossal dish, which forms the central core of the area and also the most important zone in the map. Rogue Transmission. The SAR-21 has the highest stability … This is one of the more simple Levolutions in Battlefield 4! Battlefield 4. Rogue Transmission | Maps Battlefield 4 Guide. For Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Map you will be on-top and below a giant satellite. Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission T-Rex Easter Egg Instructions. Log In Sign Up. Jonno is playing Conquest Mode in Rogue Transmission, using the SAR-21 with Stubby Grip, Laser Sight and Coyote [RDS] equipped. The Official Battlefield 4 Subreddit. Le mappe variano dalla metropoli Cinese aperta in Siege of Shanghai e I mari violenti di Paracel Storm alle strade cittadine interne di Flood Zone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. hide. Vegetation work I did for Battlefield 4. 4 hours ago - AAW NATION SERVER - Round time: 11m 2s Rogue Transmission - Team Deathmatch - Platoon Score: 43 5 hours ago - [SKS] SUPREME KILL SYNDICATE - Round time: 4m 35s The map itself is themed after a … Next Maps Dawnbreaker Prev Maps Siege of Shanghai. Rogue Transmission is one of ten original Multiplayer Maps in Battlefield 4. 1. Contact For Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Battlefield 4: Rogue Transmission T-Rex Easter Egg". top (suggested) View … 387 posts Member, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield Member August 26, 2016 4:31AM getting freeze constantly on rogue transmission.sometimes in the middle of it,sometimes near the end and recently 2 times even on the end of the match when scoreboard already showed up.playing on 360 but had similar BS already on PS4 at paracel AND (surprise surprise) rogue transmission Log In Sign Up. This map on Rush has four bases. 108 comments. Major Kudos to Redditor SuperJoeBros who has compiled an entire Imgur album of real world images that correlate almost exactly with the majority of Battlefield 4’s multiplayer maps. Simon Barle. Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Map Tips and Strategy Guide By Haider Khan Nov 4, 2013 Feb 21, 2017 Rogue Transmission is a massive multiplayer map in Battlefield 4 … I am using the sniper rifle SRR-61 and the map Levelution events. ajmurmann 5 months ago. Although the hunt for Megalodon may continue, at least one more Easter egg has been found hidden in Battlefield 4. Rogue Transmission is one of ten original Multiplayer Maps in Battlefield 4. 『Battlefield 4(バトルフィールド 4)』のマップであるRogue Transmissionの舞台モデルとなったアレシボ天文台が、奇しくも『BF4』の時代設定である今年2020年に、「ケーブル破損」により解体される予定だとNSF(米国科学財団)が報じました。 Rogue Transmission Rogue Transmissionは、EA DICEに … A few locations like Dawnbreaker, Flood Zone, Hainan Resort, and Operation Locker were missing, so we did a bit of Googling and found a few images that matched as best we could. The Official Battlefield 4 Subreddit. Rogue Transmission is a massive multiplayer map in Battlefield 4 that pits Russia against China in a large Chinese Observatory. 0:00. Ever wonder how strictly Battlefield 4‘s multiplayer maps are based off of real world locations? Press J to jump to the feed. Rogue Transmission. One group is located near Flag A, and the other group is located southeast of Flag E. Use a number of explosives to break the cables, causing the hanging part to collapse into the large dish. The structure will take a lot of damage, but the area underneath will still be accessible. Rogue Transmission. Jul 8, 2014 - Battlefield 4 Sniper Rampage Rogue Transmission - Check out this video of me taking out up to five enemies on BF4 for the Xbox One. The map for Rogue Transmission is a fictional location in Guizhou Province in southwest China. It is an oblong map with a large bulge in the center leading up into a group of fields. There are a few cement blocks with cables connected to them on Rogue Transmission, But only Two of them need to be destroyed. The Official Battlefield 4 Subreddit. User account menu. Battlefield 4 | PC | Gameplay w/ F2000 on Rogue Transmission | 29-1 Centred on a vast radio telescope array, ... Battlefield 4 makes water a key feature, promoting sea vehicles from half-hearted addition to tactical necessity. Store. 1286 posts Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE Member. 24. In 2013, Battlefield 4, the fourth installment of the popular first-person shootout series launched.Undeniably the strongest side of the game was the multiplayer mode. Loud Dino RAWR - More in the description 14 days ago. Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Get on Roof - Check out this video as I parachute off the crane onto the top of a building. You need to destroy each cable individually to trigger the radio dish levolution! It was also in Battlefield 4 ("Rogue Transmission") cptskippy 5 months ago. Battlefield 4 – Rogue Transmission: T-Rex Easter Eggs. Rogue Transmission Battlefield 4 For the longest time I thought Rogue Transmission was set in China considering the context and setting of the game, but I found out a few years ago it was based on the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, which is a bit weird. User account menu. I enjoy playing with the people that watch my videos.http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/bigerikbaby/ […] This time around, one of our main ambitions was to make multiplayer matches even more dynamic and Levolution made the maps themselves a part of this constant change. Battlefield 4 RPG Sniper Kill. Enjoy!If you ever need a teammate to PTFO with I'll leave a link to my Battlelog below. Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Easter Egg triggered! Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. The Official Battlefield 4 Subreddit. 0. Close. User account menu. É baseado no famoso # Arecibo observatório, que infelizmente entrou em colapso no mês passado. Rogue Transmission: ''Arecibo Observatory will have to be demolished'' started by DisguisedMike. Recorded at the Battlefield 4 review event. Rogue Transmission. Battlefield 4 Levolution Guide - Rogue Transmission - YouTube Key points of Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission. 3. … Resume. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is one of the more simple Levolutions in Battlefield 4! A new Battlefield 4 Dinosaur Easter Egg has been discovered on the Rouge Transmission multiplayer map. Rogue Transmission è una delle mappe più vaste in assoluto, ... Battlefield 4Versione Analizzata PlayStation 4 E' fuori d'ogni dubbio che Battlefield 4 sarà l'FPS online dei prossimi mesi. Mapa Rogue Transmission do Battlefield 4. É baseado no famoso #Arecibo observatório, que infelizmente entrou em colapso no mês passado. Page 5 of 5: Page 5 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Rogue Transmission. 8 5 7 1 1758. Rogue Transmission is a massive multiplayer map in Battlefield 4 that pits Russia against China in a large Chinese Observatory. Leave a rating and a comment :) Thanks for watching and pl The secret requires that two players work together to press two different buttons on different sides of the map. I have always noticed griefers in HC, they are the ones setting c4 at the chokepoints out of spawn and TK'ing entire squads. Battlefield 4 RPG Sniper Kill - Check out this video of me taking out this opponent that was hiding out in the second floor of a building. The open regions, long roads, and wide terrain make it… The map for Rogue Transmission is a fictional location in Guizhou Province in southwest China. Cover - buildings, train cars, carports, guard towers, etc. You’d be surprised with a few of these real life comparisons that we stumbled upon. There are a number of vehicles available in Rogue Transmission, depending on the game mode. User account menu. December 15th, 2013 by William Schwartz. Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission T-Rex Easter Egg Instructions. One of the maps available in online gameplay is called Rogue Transmission and takes players to the south of China, near a … The largest levolution change on Rogue Transmission occurs after snapping the support cables that hold the giant dish together. Jun 17, 2014 - Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Crane Snipers - Check out this video me taking out one of these campers on BF4 playing Team Death Match. share. There are five cables to each group. There are a few cement blocks with cables connected to them on Rogue Transmission, But only Two of them need to be destroyed. 0 … May 30, 2014 - Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission Get on Roof - Check out this video as I parachute off the crane onto the top of a building. report. 14 days ago. Major Kudos to Redditor SuperJoeBros who has compiled an entire Imgur album of real world images that correlate almost exactly with the majority of Battlefield 4’s multiplayer maps. Jonno Stanton (Paragon N7) talks through some of his favourite weapon loadouts in Battlefield 4. Nov 29, 2014 - Battlefield 4 Rogue Transmission SRR-61 Sniping - Check out this video of my using this gun to do some damage. Settings. Log In Sign Up. If you enjoyed the video, punch that LIKE button in the face! Posted by. Home page. It's based on the famous #Arecibo observatory, which unfortunately collapsed last month. Destroy two of the three support cable groups on the map to partially destroy the large dish. Battlefield 4 Playstation 4 Gameplay. Players may remember Rogue Transmission, one of the larger maps in Battlefield 4 that centers around a massive radio telescope.In the game, this … No it isn't. Comments; Shares. Sort by. @taris120_builds. 227. In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to direct squad mates, and much more. 347. This is one of the more simple Levolutions in Battlefield 4! Posted by 1 day ago. Games other than Battlefield 1 2. started by BaronVonGoon. 99% Upvoted. Posted by. 0:00. GUNMASTER - Multiplayer - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 The BF4 campaign takes place in China. Recorded at the Battlefield 4 review event. Home page; Resume; Store; Professional; Personal; Battlefield 4 - Rogue Transmission. In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to … Press J to jump to the feed. Rogue Transmission is a multiplayer map in Battlefield 4.. 0. I always had fun destroying the radio telescope on Rogue Transmission in Battlefield 4 but seeing this news made me sad. One of the maps available in online gameplay is called Rogue Transmission and takes players to the south of China, near a … Rogue Transmission - Conquest Large - Platoon Score: 272 3 years ago - G4Z4 BOURNE 65's official PBF server - Round time: 19m 24s Golmud Railway - Conquest Large - Platoon Score: 654 We al April 28, 2017 4:57AM. Battlefield 4 levolution guide . For Battlefield 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Suspension Cables on Rogue Transmission = Danger Zone? Le mappe variano dalla metropoli Cinese aperta in Siege of Shanghai e I mari violenti di Paracel Storm alle strade cittadine interne di Flood Zone. Its main Levolution event involves collapsing towers by destroying their support cables, which in turn, will bring it down, causing it to crash into the dish. Battlefield 4 è lontano solo un mese e non abbiamo resistito: ecco la lista complete delle mappe che potrete giocare al lancio. A new Battlefield 4 Dinosaur Easter Egg has been discovered on the Rouge Transmission multiplayer map.