Ärmelband Kreta (Kreta Cuff Title) Awarded to personnel who fought in the Battle for the island of Crete from 1941-1942. Ärmelband Afrika (Afrika Cuff Title) Afrika Korps Cuff title worn by all troops who served in the German army in North Africa. In February 1941, the German Africa Corps (DAK) was formed to support Italian forces in the North African against British and Commonwealth forces. Infanteriedivison unter Generalleutnant Pfeiffer, die durch Teile der 4. großes altes Soldatenfoto,Offiziere T-Kopf ZZ mit Ärmelband (A.H) EUR 5,50. As with the Army, this was not intended for wear by those no longer posted to North Africa. 12 h. 50 min. 15.00 € Obergefreiten-Winkel Heer Repro !!! The cuff title (German: Ärmelstreifen) is a form of commemorative or affiliation insignia placed on the sleeve, near the cuff, of German military and paramilitary uniforms. A Luftwaffe Afrika Campaign Cufftitle; Other Ranks Version in dark blue felt backing, with the word Afrika in a block script, machine embroidered in a silvery-grey cotton thread. Product ID: 442 £ 150.00. Forced to retreat, and faced with allied landings in Morocco and Algeria, DAK forces either evacuated North Africa or surrendered, with the last German units in Africa capitulating on 13 May 1943. Endet am 25. EUR 3,99 Versand. [1] The design was the same for all three armed services. Here at Kelley's we also deliver quality reproductions for a fair price. Oberstleutnant Georg Briel (21 August 1907 - 16 May 1980) was born in Ellers, in the Fulda District, and joined the police in 1927 as Polizei-Anwärter (Police Aspirant). Volle Länge 50 cm mit umgenähten Enden, rückseitig mit dem original SS/RZM-Papieretikett. Henry’s Military Collectables © 2019. Militaria > Blankwaffen und Zubehör > Waffen SS, SS Verfügungstruppe, Schutzstaffel. The document has been folded once and is showing clear traces of usage. AFRIKAKORPS Ärmelband AFRIKA Wehrmacht DAK Afrikakorp WW2 Wk2 cuff title Rommel. The Africa Cuff Title, or Africa Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Afrika) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to members of the Wehrmacht who took part in the North African campaign of 1941–43. h027484 "feldgendarmerie" cufftitle. [1], The cuff title is a 32mm wide mid-brown camel hair band, bearing the word AFRIKA flanked on both sides by an image of a palm tree and edged top and bottom with a 3mm strip, all embroidered in silver-grey braid or cotton. [2] The Luftwaffe later introduced a cuff title of a different design for airmen based in North Africa. 12 h. 50 min. Vor 36 Minuten #1; Hallo zusammen, habe dieses Ärmelband hier im Forum vor ein paar Tagen gekauft und möchte es nun noch einmal von den Spezialisten absegnen lassen, was die Originalität betrifft , bevor. Gewebte Ausführung, ungetragen, ausgegeben an alle Angehörigen als Verbandsabzeichen die im Afrika Korps gedient haben. Das Ärmelband Afrika war eine Auszeichnung der Wehrmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg. [1], Nazi era decorations were banned after the war. h026884 "afrika" cufftitle. Januar 1943 gestiftet. After 6 May 1943 the qualifying period of service was reduced from six to four months. 8. Art.No. Join our mailing list and you won’t miss the latest news and offers. There was also a Navy version, that may have been a privately made unofficial item. Those who contracted a debilitating illness which required evacuation required three months active service prior to illness. The 'Afrika' cufftitle was introduced on 15 January 1943 and held the status of a campaign award, since the cufftitle was considered a military combat decoration, it was awarded with a corresponding award document (and entries in the 'Soldbuch' and/or 'Wehrpass'). Waffen-SS Ärmelband für Führer im SS-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 11 "Reinhard Heydrich" Bevo-Metallfaden gewebte Ausführung. Background. Ärmelband Afrika; Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht (2 June 1944) Wehrmachtbericht reference [edit | edit source] Date Original German Wehrmachtbericht wording Direct English translation 2 June 1944: In diesem Frontabschnitt haben sich die 65. Oktober 2014. h071260 60 th panzer grenadier division "feldherrnhalle" officer’s cufftitle. Dez. [6] While many awards were re-designed to remove the swastika, the original cuff title could be worn unaltered as it did not bear this symbol. The Afrika cuffband was worn by all personnel of the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe who had served min. The Landwacht was established on 12 March 1943 and it comprised mainly NSB and other collaborators from the Netherlands. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ärmelbänder / Cuff Titles Kreta Afrika Kurland Metz 1944 (German Edition). We offer original and reproduction militaria for collectors, reenactors or anyone with an interest in military history, with a strong emphasis on WWII German items. By 1934, he was a Polizei-Leutnant (Second Lieutenant of the Police). The document is cut. Our example is clean with all material and silver embroidered stitching intact. The Africa Cuff Title, or Africa Cuff Band, ( Ärmelband Afrika) was a WW2 military decoration awarded to members of the Wermacht who took part in the North Africa of 1941–43. h101365 "propagandakompanie" cufftitle. Reichsarbeitsdienst Service Unit Sleeve Insignia for “Gruppe” (Group) 174 “Abteilung”... more info. Kelley's has been a family owned military distributor for over 40 years. Beiträge 328 Marktplatz Einträge 27 Mitglied seit 25. Machine embroidered silver aluminum wire, with inscription "AFRIKAKORP" unmarked measuring 34 mm (W) x 445 mm (L) in good condition. WWII Dutch “Landwacht” cufftitle. This was a corps designation badge, not a campaign award, and personnel who permanently transferred out of the North African theatre no longer had the right to wear it. Luftwaffe 'Afrika' Cufftitle Award-Document (Besitzurkunde für das Ärmelband "Afrika"), awarded to Obergefreiten 'Otto Hoffmann'. Ärmelstreifen "AFRIKAKORPS", Repro, Sammlung Thomsen Anmerkung: Der Ärmelstreifen wurde am RECHTEN Unterarm getragen und an alle Soldaten des DAK ausgegeben, er war also KEINE … 53 sec. frhrvtirpitz; Vor 36 Minuten; frhrvtirpitz. He trained at the Polizeischule in Münden and transferred to the Schutzpolizei Kassel in 1929. 12 h. 50 min. Ärmelband " Afrika " Original ? Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ärmelbänder/Cuff Titles Kreta Afrika Kurland Metz 1944. 383406. Buy now - Jetzt kaufen - Acquista ora Details. This cuff title has seen combat use and has been taken off a uniform. Supporter. Ärmelstreifen Afrika Korps DAK Ärmelband Länge etwa 41,5cm. [7] Members of the Bundeswehr who were qualifying veterans wore the award on their ribbon bar, represented by a small replica of the cuff design on a silver-edged mid-brown ribbon.[8]. 53 sec. Approximately measures 17" in length, and is33mm (1 ) tall; in very fine condition with bright colors. Jan, 20:01 MEZ 4T 15Std (R) Ärmelband … WW2 GERMAN ORIGINAL "AFRIKA" CUFF TITLE-SOLD. £75. [4], The final terms of this award required at least six months service in the North African theatre of operations, or any lesser period if the recipient was decorated for bravery, was wounded or if killed – in which case a posthumous award was made. Africa Cuff Title, Orders, decorations, and medals of Nazi Germany, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Africa_Cuff_Title&oldid=995817590, Military awards and decorations of Nazi Germany, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 December 2020, at 01:25. [5], The band was worn on the lower left sleeve of the uniform, including on greatcoats. 765 — German Army Pioneer Officer Insignia Set. 4.80 € Ärmelband Brandenburg Repro !!! Note: While Williamson states the Luftwaffe and Navy introduced their own campaign bands, Littlejohn, Website: Cimilitaria.com. 2020 19:33:44 MEZ. The document is dated 1 May 1943. This cuff title has is made of a light brown felt material with the words AFRIKA flanked by palm trees embroidered onto it, the palm trees are very detailed compared to other versions I have seen. A pair of WW2 German Army officers shoulder board for a colonel of artillery, … ORIGINAL WW1 GERMAN MILITARIA 1914-1918 German Imperial Medals ... Afrika with palms and Kriegsberichter des Heeres army war correspondent machine-embroidered cuffbands Ärmelband n.2 fascia da braccio Afrika e Corrispondente di Guerra dell'esercito tedesco. There was also a Navy version, that may have been a privately made unofficial item. Nice and decorative original document! 'Afrika' Cufftitle (Ärmelband). Original WW2 German Army Africa Korp Cuff-Title Deutsches Afrikakorps Ärmelband (DAK). Getragen, Zustand 2-. Ärmelbänder / Cuff Titles Kreta Afrika Kurland Metz 1944 (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Ulderup, Sascha. The regulation design of the cuff title was a 40mm wide silver-grey fabric band with a decorative black border, embroidered in black cotton thread with the word KURLAND between two shields. EUR 1,80 Versand. Certificate to Ärmelband Afrika to Unteroffizier Gebhard Thiele. : 04734: Including VAT (22%) plus Shipping costs. 53 sec. In February 1941, the German Africa Corps (DAK) was formed to support Italian forces in the North African  against British and Commonwealth forces. Including five original photo. h069374 "1936 spanien 1939" commemorative campaign cufftitle. [1], The deadline for applications for the cuff title was 31 October 1944. EUR 3,40 Versand. € 2.000,00. 53 sec. It has the correct central ‘AFRIKA’ title between Palm Trees. Suchbegriffe: WK2 , NSKK ; RK ; EK ; Feldbluse , Feldjacke , Feldbinde , Panzer , ss etc. Ärmelband Afrika der Wehrmacht geschichtlich erklärt und Hinweise zur Überprüfung der Originalität ;-) 12 h. 50 min. 2 Feldwebel-Ausf. The Luftwaffe later introduced a cuff title of a different design for airmen based in North Africa. Under Erwin Rommel the DAK, supported by Luftwaffe and Naval units, occupied large parts of Libya and Egypt until finally defeated at El Alamein in October 1942. … Design and wear. h026984 "afrikakorps" cufftitle. Ärmelband Afrika Offiziers-Ausführung mit Silbefaden 12 h. 50 min. In July 1941 a dark-green cuff title with a white and khaki border inscribed AFRIKAKORPS was authorised, to be worn on the right cuff by members of the DAK who had served a minimum of two months in Africa. In February 1941, the German Africa Corps (DAK) was formed to support Italian forces in the North African campaign against British and Commonwealth forces. 5.80 € Gefreiten-Winkel Heer Repro !!! The Africa Cuff Title, or Africa Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Afrika) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to members of the Wehrmacht who took part in … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for AFRIKAKORPS TROPICAL DAK Desert sand Süd front SLEEVE STRIPS Band cuff title at the best online prices at … The tradition can be traced back to the foundation of the GIBRALTAR band. Description. Sie bieten auf ein Besitzzeugnis / Urkunde als beidseitigen Nachdruck / Kopie vom Original auf neuen Papier zum Ärmelband Afrika ( Last ) Nationale Versandkosten betragen 1,75 Euro. In cut-off / worn condition, shortened on the sides. 4 Gebote. Facsimile signature. Urkunde zum Afrika Ärmelband + Fotos Beschreibung Condition See description KEEP ME POSTED! Please select an item to add to your enquiry. SA Armband in Unissued Condition with RZM tag, (SA-Wehrmannschaften Ärmelband) more info. Endet am Samstag, 21:47 MEZ 2T 17Std (S) Ärmelband für WH DAK Arfikakorps Repro. View Details Add to Watchlist; ARTILLERY COLONEL SHOULDER BOARDS. We Buy, Sell & Trade         0402 456 613, WW2 GERMAN ORIGINAL "AFRIKA" CUFF TITLE-SOLD. Join our mailing list and you won’t miss the latest news and offers. Date Original German Wehrmachtbericht wording Direct English translation Friday, 18 April 1941 : Bei dem Schnellbootvorstoß gegen die britische Südostküste zeichneten sich Oberleutnant zur Sea Feldt als Chef einer Schnellbootflottille und Oberleutnant zur See … Fallschirmjägerdivision verstärkte 3. [3], On 15 January 1943 the Africa cuff title was instituted by Adolf Hitler as a formal campaign decoration. 53 sec. 6 months in … £22.00. ORIGINAL WEHRMACHT HEER Abzeichen - ORIGINAL German Army badges / Distintivi originali dell'ersercito tedesco (36) ... Corrispondente di Guerra della Waffen-SS Ärmelband cuff title fascia da braccio bevo woven style. The cuff title is bordered with two double stitched borders. Es wurde durch Adolf Hitler am 15. [1] This was a corps designation badge, not a campaign award, and personnel who permanently transferred out of the North African theatre no longer had the right to wear it. Beendet: 03. Very rare to find!!! Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. That was donated in 1783 by King George III for regiments of the Electorate of Hanover. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Afrika Korps awards, Website: Wehrmacht-awards.com. Just the way you want to see an original worn cufftitle! As with the Army, this was not intended for wear by those no longer posted to North Africa. Forced to retreat, and faced with allied landings in Morrocco and Algeria, DAK forces either evacuated North Africa or surrendered, with the last German units in Africa capitulating on 13 May 1943. EUR 20,00. Ärmelband Afrika (20 April 1943) Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht (18 April 1941) ... Wehrmachtbericht reference Edit. The Africa Cuff Title, or Africa Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Afrika) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to members of the Afrika Korps (German: Deutsches Afrikakorps) who took part in the North African campaign of 1941–43. [4] Where two or more campaign cuff titles were awarded, the earliest qualified for was correctly worn above later awards, although this regulation was not always followed. Under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the DAK, supported by Luftwaffe and Naval units, occupied large parts of Libya and Egypt until finally defeated at El Alamein in October 1942. The Africa Cuff Title was among those re-authorised for wear by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1957. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for AFRIKAKORPS SLEEVE STRIPS Band cuff title patch insignia Ärmelband Handgestick at the best … 793 — RAD Bevo Woven Sleeve Insignia for Enlisted Man. All rights reserved. 15.00 € Ärmelband Fallschirmjäger-Regt. The Africa Cuff Title, or Africa Cuff Band, ( Ärmelband Afrika) was a WW2 military decoration awarded to members of the Wermacht who took part in the North Africa of 1941–43.. In July 1941 a dark-green cuff title with a white and khaki border inscribed AFRIKAKORPS was authorised, to be worn on the right cuff by members of the DAK who had served a minimum of two months in Africa. EUR 18,50. Ärmelbänder/Cuff Titles Kreta Afrika Kurland Metz 1944 - Kindle edition by Ulderup, Sascha. 3 Gebote . Original Ärmelband Afrika Wehrmacht 2.Weltkrieg: Artikelzustand: Gebraucht.