188. ARF Trooper 204. 196. 194. 257. Clone Trooper Sergeant Rebel Endor trooper 22. K-3PO Salacious B. Crumb 13. 15. Stass Allie See more in our Research Droids Reviews today! 28. 243. Tactical Droid Darth Vader 217. 109. Stormtrooper Poggle the Lesser 222. 157. 96. Mandalorian Death Watch 87. In excellent like new condition. LEGO set database: Tagged 'Jedi High Council' Site Statistics. 32. 176. This model will be featured in the next 91st Recon Corps movie! 191. Sugi 224. Shadow Trooper Jedi Knight 38. Max Rebo Darth Maul From Bricks to Bothans- The Lego Star Wars Experience, https://legostarwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_Recon_trooper?oldid=31089. The Clone Recon Trooper minifigure appears in the set 7250 Clone Scout Walker. 117. Clone Bomb Squad Trooper See more ideas about star wars, star wars art, star wars universe. 79. ; 8922 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 19298 in the last 7 days, 31875 in the last month. 95. Wookie Droideka Wicket 203. Face Detail Captain Antilles Sandtrooper Resistance X-Wing Pilot Best In The Competition! 231. Emperor Palpatine 4. First Order Officer Wookiee warrior 91st Recon Corps Clone Trooper Star Wars Custom Minifigs Fit Lego XP334. 133. Allie, Neyo and another clone were on speeder bikes when Order 66 was initiated. 41st Elite Corps (Phase 2) 87th Sentinel Corps (Phase 2) 91st Recon (Phase 2) Wolfpack (Phase 2) 181st Armor Division (Phase 2) 187th Legion (Phase 2) 212th Attack Battalion (Phase 2) 327th Star Corps (Phase 2) 332nd Unit (Phase 2) 442nd Legion (Phase 2) 501st Legion (Phase 2) Coruscant Guard (Phase 2) Doom Unit (Phase 2) Validus Squad (Phase 2) Princess Leia The minifig follows the usual layout of Clone Trooper minifigs with white leg piece, white torso piece, and a white helmet. Chancellor Palpatine Captain Rex Clone Recon troopers are a type of Clone Troopers based on the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. terapeak.com, Your email address will not be published. Grand Admiral Thrawn 26. 275. Logray There are 17046 items in the Brickset database. 75. Dak Ralter 37. First Order Flametrooper Sith Warrior 207. Clone Trooper V-Wing Pilot 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper Star Wars Custom Minifigs Fit Lego XP333 ... Tech (Bad Batch/Clone Force 99) Star Wars Custom Minifigs Fit Lego WM2004 £4.99 £2.99 ADD TO CART . 55. Waid Senate Commando Captain R4 unit 155. T7-O1 130. 192. Equip Your Different Legion Clone Heavies With These BF2-Accurate Straps! Skyhopper Pilot 100. 225. 261. 166. Kanjiklub Gang Member Battle Droid Commander Mustafar Droid 92. 233. Even Piell Taun-Taun 82. Zev Senesca. 210. 125. 266. www.bblanimation.com Commando Droid They are also known as the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps and have made their first movie appearance in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. 88. 239. 139. 136. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The 91st Reconnaissance Corps was a division of recon troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. IG-88 Apr 20, 2019 - Explore Chase Choate's board "Star Wars" on Pinterest. Mace Windu Chief Chirpa Resistance Soldier 143. Bith Musician Nahdar Vebb 258. Jawa 77. Satele Shan Rebel Pilot 165. Commander Wolffe Mon Calimari Pilot 246. 255. Juno Eclipse The torso piece is printed on both sides, with black details depicting the armor, and a red-and-white rectangle in the back. The Revenge Of The Sith Clone Trooper 12 Inch Figure is actually a “concept art” figure, but it’s based on characters from the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. Clone Recon Trooper Resistance Ground Crew 91st Recon Corps Clone Trooper Star Wars Custom Minifigs Fit Lego XP334 £4.99 £2.39 ADD TO CART . Jace Malcom Bib Fortuna R8-B7 Overall, it is well-designed. 129. 138. 14. markings consisting of a red circle and a sword pointing downwards through it which is only available from this set. 11. Endor Rebel Trooper 64. TIE Fighter Pilot Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! ; 733 people have joined this week. R4-G0 Jar Jar Binks 56. Wulfwarro Biggs Darklighter He was stationed on Saleucami with Jedi General Stass Allie during the final months of the Clone Wars, and shot her during a patrol after Order 66 was issued. Separatist Bounty Hunter Wolfpack Clone Trooper Jedi Consular 280. 212. Commander Fox They were led by Jedi General Mace Windu and fought in the Battle of Ryloth and Battle of Anaxes. 242. Rocket Battle Droid Commander Imperial Tie Pilot 6. R1-G4 recon trooper (18 items) pilot trooper (12 items) superheroes (40 items) airborne trooper (8 items) or trooper (5 items) p3 trooper (4 items) orbital armor (72 items) ... bregan corps (12 items) clearanced items (21 items) shadow (81 items) buildafig (15 items) limited editon (11 items) orbital figure (24 items) mk figure (15 items) printed heads Gold Leader 73. 106. Finn 249. 235. Clone Recon Troopers were a division of Clone Troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Required fields are marked *, 1. Prior to the pan-galactic conflict, Neyo was created on the extragalactic world of Kamino as part of a clone army grown in secret to serve the Galactic Republic. 267. Anakin Skywalker 147. 65. Aayla Secura Let's have some fun!Links/Liens :Want to support future builds on Patreon? 128. 181. I am selling my collection of Clone Army Customs (CAC) LEGO Star Wars minifigures. 273. Kithaba 187. Saesee Tiin 197. See more ideas about Star wars clone wars, Star wars trooper, Star wars art. 149. Imperial Commander Owen Lars, R5D4, Treadwell Droid lego.wikia.com Cad Bane This skin costs 20,000 Credits or 500 Crystals to unlock for each class individually, but can be purchased in a bundle—simultaneously unlocking the appearance for the Assault, Heavy, Officer, and Specialist—for 60,000 Credits . 30. 35. 186. Special Forces Clone Trooper R4-P44 Sebulba 137. Resistance Trooper 34. 45. 27. Fifth Brother Barriss Offee Neyo and the clone fell back and fired on Allie's speeder bike, killing her. 19. R3-D5 R4-D4 Dengar Jek Porkins 202. 110. Lego Star Wars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Rey Oola Geonosian warrior 164. The elite cavalry unit Lightning Squadron was part of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. AT-AT Pilot 221. 178. These minifigures have highly detailed custom printing on LEGO minifigure bodies. 62. Droid Brain Imperial Clone Pilot Darth Malgus 99. 118. Jabba the Hutt 230. 182. Battle Droid 250. 158. Eeth Koth Hera Syndulla It would have been more appropriate for a Kashykk trooper to be riding this as portrayed in the film. 72. R2-D2 Tasu Leech 144. 150. 102. 248. 152. 276. R5-F7 Lor San Tekka Clone Aerial Trooper Han Solo Subreddit for the upcoming LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga video game, releasing spring 2021, as well as all previous LEGO Star Wars games including Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, and Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 85. 58. Qui-Gon Jinn 278. Lego Star Wars Clone Comparisons: 91st Reconnaissance Corps 244. 184. Luke Skywalker 16. Buzz droid 251. Yoda The minifigure features a red insignia on its helmet and chestblate. Assassin Droid 160. 198. 501st Clone Pilot Gamorrean Guard Ree-Yees A4-D Droid 119. Weequay 123. Hoth Rebel Trooper 121. Lando Calrissian 163. Boba Fett Geonosian zombie 237. 159. Turk Falso 91st Recon Corps Clone Trooper Star Wars Custom Minifigs Fit Lego XP334 Share. Rebel Hoth trooper 175. Ki-Adi-Mundi As leader of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps he lead many successful battles in the Outer Rim. 131. Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. LEGO Star Wars Mandalorian Battle Pack 75267 Mandalorian Shock Troopers and Speeder Bike Building Kit; Great Gift Idea for Any Fan of Star Wars: The Mandalorian TV Series, New 2020 (102 Pieces) 4.8 out of 5 stars 9,446 Malakill 51. 195. 60. General Rieekan 46. 29. Snowtrooper Commander R2-R7 177. 228. Commander Droid B-wing pilot 66. 25. There are now 217789 members. Star Corps Trooper Padmé Naberrie 238. The Inquisitor Y-Wing Pilot Shahan Alama 142. 98. Savage Opress General Windu with the unit successfully took the planet and captured Wat Tambor. Imperial Combat Driver 153. C1-10P Treadwell droid 91. 23. Count Dooku 68. Unkar’s Thug driver who was trained to manuever or drive an AT-RT (All Terrain Recon Transport) onto the battlefield into combat, or to simply scout hard-to-reach areas. Commander Gregor ASP Droid Astromech Droid He was recruited when Adi Gallia received combat orders as a result of the growing war. Clone Trooper Commander 91st reconnaissance corps: 91st Recon Corps : Clone Recon Trooper: species: human: homeworld: Kamino: affiliation: Republic: category: Clone Trooper: weapon: blaster rifle: appearance: I II CW III RB S RO IV V VI M RS VII VIII IX EU: Star Wars databank: Clone Troopers: Wookieepedia ... LEGO set: 7250 - Clone Scout Walker Poe Dameron, 116. Clone Pilot Ewok Warrior Obi-Wan Kenobi Kylo Ren 215. Republic Cruiser Captain Super Battle Droid 173. Galen “Starkiller” Marek 135. They are also known as the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps and have made their first movie appearance in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. IG-100 MagnaGuard 252. 49. Coleman Trebor Though, tensions were high between the two when they first met. However, in addition to this standard printing is the red logo of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps, … 227. Clone Trooper Wolfpack R5-D8 232. On the front side, as well as on the helmet, there is a red-and-white logo of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. 50. Quinlan Vos Aldar Beedo 33. This clone trooper was part of the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps unit under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu in the Battle for Anaxes. 20. "The 41st Ranger Platoon was often dispatched to sabotage enemy supply lines and vulnerable installations, allowing them to draw attention away from Republic interests." They later fought under Master Adi Gallia. Elite Assassin Droid Unkar Plutt The set also includes a standard black gun with a transparent blue-green tip. Kit Fisto A-Wing Pilot 18. Commander Sato They were commanded by Commander Neyo and Jedi Master Stass Allie. Neyo and the clone fell back and fired on Allie's speeder bike, killing her. Gungan Warrior 213. 48. 114. 234. Tokkat 41. — In-game description The 41st Ranger Platoon is an appearance for the Galactic Republic's Assault, Heavy, Officer, and Specialist classes in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. 124. Agent Kolar Two red horizontal lines above the visor further differentiate the minifigure from the others in the Clone Trooper line. 247. Vulture Droid Admiral Piett Sith Trooper When the time came, Neyo carried out Order 66 without hesitation against his Jedi General. Shock Trooper 31. B’Omarr Monk 97. The Clone Recon Trooper minifigure appears in the set 7250 Clone Scout Walker. Royal guard 127. 212th Battalion Clone Troopers Gonk Droid Thi-Sen Aurra Sing 83. Lobot 53. CAC pauldrons (one red, one black) CAC kama (dark red) LEGO ARC backpack Plo Koon Padmé Amidala 214. Bossk 172. 70. Rebel Scout Trooper Clone Gunner Jango Fett Senate Commando 240. Clone Recon troopers are a type of Clone Troopers based on the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. 162. Embo Recon Commander Neyo. 74. 206. Asajj Ventress ; Between us we own 27,563,703 sets worth at least US$829,689,353 and containing 8,153,858,540 pieces. 264. 7. 90. 5. 282. 253. Jek-14 170. The 91st Recon Corps was a corps in the Grand Army of the Republic, and as such consisted of 36,864 troopers divided into sixteen regiments.The 91st Recon Corps was led by Jedi Generals Adi Gallia, Stass Allie and Mace Windu. First Order Snowtrooper Officer First Order Crew Lego Star Wars Phase 2 Clone Trooper, 91st Recon Corps (2005). 211. 105. 93. lego calls him just an ARF trooper but with the 4 blue stripes it’s actually a specific clone named Razor, who was one of the ARF troopers (his partner Stak had 2 blue stripes) in Lightning Squadron, 91st Recon Corps, that accompanied Mace Windu in his liberation mission on Ryloth Resistance Officer Rancor There are 17358 items in the Brickset database. 12. 132. Shaak Ti 145. Bespin guard 205. 279. 190. Rebel Trooper R4-D5 229. Scout Trooper Imperial Sentry Droid C-3PO 108. 154. 161. 180. Ahsoka Tano Nute Gunray, Commander Cody R5-D4 Chewbacca R2-Q5 Republic Cruiser Pilot 69. 120. They were commanded by Commander Neyo and Jedi Master Stass Allie. Dwarf Spider Droid A unique feature of this figure is the 91st Recon Corps. Maz Kanata 226. Site Statistics. 44. Over 70 hours of Blender modeling brings you this Lego Venator Class Star Destroyer, as seen in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. 151. Garazeb Orrelios Ten Numb 59. Clone Army Customs LEGO Star Wars minifigure bundle. 274. 501st Legion Clone Trooper Pit Droid 216. Images courtesy of: Pong Krell 270. 263. Clone swamp trooper 171. 262. 236. 115. Clone Commander CC-8826 \"Neyo\" served as the clone commander after CT-411 \"Ponds\" death. Pilot Battle droid AT-DP Pilot 201. Snowtrooper 146. 3. 71. 269. Owen Lars Clone Recon Troopers were a division of Clone Troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. 101. 220. 89. 81. Tusken Raiders Security battle droid Queen Amidala The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps is a Rare appearance for the Galactic Republic's Assault, Heavy, Officer, and Specialist classes in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. R5-J2 41st Elite Corps Troopers Shipped with USPS First Class. Neyo was one of the later-trained Marshall Clone Officerstowards the end of the Clone Wars Era (when the Clones transitioned to Phase 2 armor) and replaced most intern field officers within his unit towards the end of the Clone Wars. 260. Later in the war, General Windu and Commander Ponds were sent with the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps was sent alongside the 501st Legion, commanded by Gereral Skywalker … Neyo, however, developed the Reconnaissance Co… 9. 169. The Clone commander Neyo, like all Phase II armor Clone Troopers not from The Clone Wars subtheme has a plain black head piece. 24. Mon Mothma Rotta the Huttlet 209. EV-9D9 281. 36. Teebo 112. 80. 156. 78. Watto 42. Captain Panaka 107. Geonosian pilot Agent Kallus 259. 57. Allie, Neyo and another clone (CT-3423) were on speeder bikes when Order 66 was initiated. 76. 61. 185. Onaconda Farr General Madine First Order Stormtrooper Appearances in Lego ® R-3PO 39. Wedge Antilles Medical Droid 2-1b 43. 268. Jul 11, 2020 - Explore MandoSki's board "91st Mobile Recon Corps" on Pinterest. ; 502 people have joined this week. 103. Mouse Droid 167. Skeleton 67. 21. 241. Medical Droid R4-G9 75037 Battle on Saleucami is a larger Star Wars Battle Packs set released in 2014. First Order TIE Fighter Pilot 113. He was among the first one hundred gradu… Commander Neyo (CC-8826) was an Advanced Recon Commando serving in the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. ; 9191 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 21396 in the last 7 days, 36340 in the last month. 272. Jet-pack Clone Trooper Quantity. Gasgano 223. General Hux 265. Hondo Ohnaka Neimoidian Warrior 141. R7-A7 ; Brickset members have written 36339 set reviews. 254. During the early years of the Clone Wars, The Republic sent Generals Windu and Kenobi, along with their units: the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, commanded by Commander Ponds; and the 212th Attack Battalion, commanded by Commander Cody. 245. Geonosis battle droid 134. 168. 199. 208. FA-4 189. The minifigure also has a leg piece made up of white legs with a black leg joint, with torso and helmet pieces with standard Phase II Clone Trooper printing on them. 84. Kanan Jarrus 122. General Veers Commander Gree 271. TheCapeCantina- Hyperspace Quality Custom Cloth Accessories For LEGO. 126. Sabine Wren 63. ARC Trooper Captain Phasma CC-8826 was the designation of a clone trooper who went by the nickname of "Neyo" during the Clone Wars. Naboo security officer Buy 3, 34% Off || Buy 6, 50% Off || Buy 20, 60% Off on selected categories. Luminara Unduli There are now 210702 members. 200. 174. 52. Ezra Bridger R4-P17 Rebel Commando 104. Included is 3x 91st Recon Corps Clone Troopers, 1x 501st Legion Clone Trooper and 1x Shock Trooper. Mandalorian Super Commando 140. AV Thire body (decaled, LEGO pieces) Jonak 91st Recon body (decaled, LEGO pieces) LEGO clone body with red arms. LEGO Recon 91st helmet (2005 official) (2x) AV Barc Recon 91st helmet (decaled) LEGO offical Commander Fox Torso (3x) AV misprint Shock Trooper body. Paploo 86. 17. BB-8 47. Chief Tarfful CC-8826 "Neyo" was a very cold and calculated Commander. 219. Rocket Battle Droid Your email address will not be published. The 91st Reconnaissance Corps was comprised of divisions of clone troopers, and ARF troopers, such as Lightning Squadron. 218. Description. Condition is "New". 256. General Grievous Sandtrooper Squad Leader Wampa 148. 183. Imperial Officer Commander Neyo Rebel mechanic 111. Grand Moff Tarkin 179. 94. 8. 54. Death Star Trooper 193. 277. 2. Admiral Ackbar 10. ; Brickset members have written 36730 set reviews. 40.