One BIG word of caution is to always do your research on the breeder. helloBARK! An Akita Husky Mix can have a height range between 22 and 25 inches and a weight range of 50 to 75 pounds. Let’s learn a little bit more about each parent before we delve further into the world of Huskitas. Enjoy! I am saying this because of the fact that both Huskies and Akitas need Natural diet like Chicken, Beef, Fish and Fruits which is obviously expensive than dry-food. These Huskitas combine traits of both Akitas and Siberian Huskies. It is slightly expensive, but it’s high-quality. It’s a pretty safe assumption that a Huskita will be a moderate to high shedding dog. Portion sizes will usually be affected by the current growth, size, and weight of your huskita puppy.What about the raw food diet? Her prior lifestyle is unknown, but she does show a … Note that anything mixed with the Akita and Jindo might be better for a more experienced dog owner or handler. is the new trusted website created to help pets and their owners enjoy a happy life together. Husky Akita Food Requirements8. These sled dogs arrived in Alaska in the early 20th century. Not as big as the Huskies typical ear size, Stocky, square head more alike to the Akita, Markings will likely be a combination of both typical Akita/Husky markings. Husky Akita Mix Exercise Requirements It’s very safe to say that your Huskita will need 1-2 hours of intensiv So a Huskita could have this trait. What a way to start the list! You will likely notice that your Shepkita’s ears are set further forward than a Shepherd’s and more triangular in shape. Angel is now spayed, fully vaccinated, and weighs 50 pounds. They have very different histories, but similarly each breed had a famous and heroic pup that made their breed very popular in the mid-20thCentury. A calm and playful personality . What sets the Akita Border Collie mix apart from other breeds is that both parents have very similar qualities which means the chances of having a new breed that fits right into your home are quite high. They took part in sled racing, where they were heralded for their ability to pull light loads over long distances. helloBARK! Although in the late 19th century, other breeds that were better at hunting were imported into Japan, which ultimately made the Akita population suffer. So what about the Huskita? This doesn’t mean to say that a Huskita will be even more prone to these health problems, but it should be anticipated in the worst-case scenarios. At other times of the year, you can reduce the grooming sessions to two or three times a week. • Akita Husky Mix to follow on Instagram The Huskita is a large to giant breed with a striking physical appearance. is the new trusted website created to help pets and their owners enjoy a happy life together. You find yourself with an intelligent, courageous, intimidating dog that will boast ultra-impressive hunting skills. However, due to the Akita's protective instinct there is a chance a huskita may become overly protective of the children in its family. Appearance, Personality, and Traits of the Husky Akita Mix2. Your huskita puppy will soon quickly grow to be much bigger and stronger than your child. He looks a lot like another dog we rescued last year, whose parents were known to be a Great Pyrenees and a Siberian Husky. Siberian Huskies and Akita’s are fairly high-status breeds, therefore a mix of these can be lucrative for breeders. Breeds: Akita and Poodle. Akitas are considered a large breed, while Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs. One of the most common health problems for Huskies is cataracts. CodePen Github. The Huskitas inherit the hunting instincts from its Siberian husky parent along with the protective nature from the Akita. This particular cross was thought to have originated in the 1990s. They take after their parents, and you may notice them portraying qualities of playfulness like the Siberian or loyalty like Akita. When these Spitz dogs are bred together, the result is an Akita Husky Mix. They’re usually smart dogs that need consistent and persistent training from a young age given both parents can have an independent streak. The breed was initially called Arctic Huskies when they were recognised by the AKC in 1930. • Siberian Husky Akita vs Husky. We never recommend buying a puppy online, through a third party or at a pet store. All purchases are greatly appreciated. Balto has his own Statue in Central Park, New York. An Akita Husky Mix isn’t a hypoallergenic dog given both breeds are seasonal shedders. Although eye problems don’t happen that often, they are usually serious. Please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages for more information. When you breed a Siberian Husky with an Akita, you get what is commonly known as the HUSKITA. Both are loyal and capable of being great family dogs.Despite the great traits above, both the Siberian Husky and Akita are considered to be “too much” dog for any novice dog owner. It was also believed that the Akita was used for pit-fighting, however, when the sport of dog-fighting lost its buzz and popularity, hunting was their main use. It can be difficult finding a huskita online, and further research on the breeder should always be carried out. It’s very safe to say that your Huskita will need 1-2 hours of intensive exercise per day. The lifespan of an Alaskan Malamute Akita mix tends to land between 10 and 12 years, which is a bit shorter than the average lifespan of most dogs, which is higher at around 12 to 15 years. He has a life span of 12 to 15 years. Play fighting may prove too rough for most other breeds. Why Do Huskies Always Look Mad or Angry? Akita’s are very large, muscular, and powerful. Vor 30+ Tagen. Explained. The Husky breed belongs to the Spitz genetic family, easily recognized by their thick double-coated fur, distinctive markings, and erect triangle shaped ears.Huskies were bred by the Chukchi people to help them with their hunter-gatherer lifestyle that includes constant moving and traveling. Do not adopt any of these breeds if you cannot spend on them. They only need to be bathed three or four times a year. Huskitas can come in a wide variety of colors, including any combination of white, black, gray, red, sable, brown, fawn and silver. If you are looking to buy a Huskita puppy then you will likely need to use the internet to find them. Akitas arrived in the USA in 1937 thanks to an American lady called Helen Keller. Do they even look mad, or is it just public perception? Once your huskita reaches adulthood, you can think about the raw food diet with your veterinarian’s guidance.I would say that one of the best food brands for a Huskita puppy would be Wellness Large Breed Complete Health Puppy Deboned Chicken, Brown Rice & Salmon from link to When Do Husky Puppies Start Shedding? Now, it’s possible for an Akita Malamute to live up to 15 years, but they will need the proper provisions in order to do so. However, if you encounter a breeder selling a mix such as one of the dogs that we’ve named above, you should always ask to see the puppy with interact with mom, request proof of health checks and veterinarian examinations. When it comes to mixing dog breeds, temperament as well as physical attributes should be considered to have an almost perfect mix. When Do Husky Puppies Start Shedding? Both the Siberian Husky and Akita are generally healthy dogs, but they are both prone to similar health problems. Often dubbed as dignified and noble, Akitas were owned by the imperial family and members of their court, which could explain their elevated standing. They were an integral part of the tribal unit. The poodle is a very popular choice to mix with other breeds, … Here are a few websites that you can check out: USA websites: Huskita availability changes fast. However, it’s not possible to predict what characteristics a puppy will inherit from each parent. She will be slightly longer than she is tall. This will also be extremely important when it comes to their behavior and training abilities. The Spitz breed are domesticated dogs that have huge cultural significance within Japanese culture. We’re here to help enrich the lives of animals and their families. But always keep in mind direct sunshine. Adoption fee $300.00. We will use your name and email address only for the purpose of sending you email newsletters. Free Tips and Tricks Get the latest news, information and updates from us, delivered directly into your email inbox. She is an Akita/Husky mix that was so severely matted her fluffy coat had to all be shaved off. Cali Akita & Husky Mix Auburn, NE Adult Female Medium Sponsor Cali About Story Organization Other pets Share About Coat length Medium Health Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered. Usually an Akita Husky Mix will have a broad chest and powerful build. And one of those perfect mixes includes the Huskita which is a mixture of a Husky and an Akita. 10 TikTok Tips: How To Make Your Dog Famous. They can also be affected by other eye conditions such as progressive retinal atrophy and corneal dystrophy. What you get is a large and hyperactive dog that doesn’t require extra care for grooming although it’s a bit costly to purchase and keep one. Akita Husky Mix size Akitas are considered a large breed, while Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs. The Siberian Husky has a lifespan ranging from 12 to 14 years. They affect about 10% of the breed. See more ideas about Akita, Dogs, Puppies. Husky vs Akita on the basis of the cost needed to look after them. The Akita is more protective compared to a Husky, at the same time the Husky is more affectionate and loving. You may be interested in actually getting a Husky Akita mix or HUSKITA but there are some important things you really need to think about carefully beforehand. You’ll want to consider brushing their teeth regularly as well as checking their ears and nails. Here you'll find all the information you need from training, behavior, health, grooming, and more. Beautiful Siberian Husky with blue eyes in the forest on a sunny day (Photo: Adobe Stock), Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pros and cons, 20 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross breeds, The difference between Jack Russell, Parson Russell and Russell Terrier. The advice given in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute pet medical advice. Training against this is possible, but it takes time and experience, and can never be fully trusted.Exercise is something that will be required in abundance. Both The Siberian Husky and Akita separately have the hunting instinct, but the Akita is more aggressive, powerful and will not back down from challenges. Males typically stand 26 to 28 inches tall and weigh 100 to 130 pounds. Although the list is long, it’s not to deter anyone from the huskita. You may also hear these mixed dogs referred to as a Huskita. The breeder should have a good history, be able to tell you a lot about the Huskita puppies they have for sale, AS WELL as their parents. At least for puppyhood, you should definitely avoid it, as most puppy’s stomachs are very sensitive, and the immune system is not yet fully developed. But he also has just the tiniest bit of red/gold on the edges of his semi-prick ears, and that reminds us of other dogs we have rescued, including a white Shiba Inu, a Pyr/Aussie mix, and a Pyr/Red Heeler mix. You should take your huskita out for intensive exercise for 1-2 hours per day to satisfy their high energy levels. They are ideal for people living alone since they make good companions.Besides being loyal to their family, they are also good with children and oth… Home akita husky mix for adoption ; akita husky mix for adoption. Should You Get a Husky Akita Mix?5. • Are Huskitas hypoallergenic? Explained. They’ll usually have brown eyes with a black nose. Brain Training For Dogs has become very popular with Siberian Huskies in the last few years. It would also be advisable to get some good pet insurance from a trusted company like Embrace who does very good pet insurance for Huskies and Akita’s. The Akita is the largest Japanese breed of dog. Akita) Kuro sucht ein neues Zuhause (Zypern) (Akita Mix) Akiro2 sucht ein neues Zuhause (Österreich) Nothunde (Akita-Mix) Notfall Hachiko3 sucht ein neues Zuhause (Jap. Home (current) Template; FanPage; Link. As a breed, Akitas are generally hardy. Enjoy tips on training, behavior, general well-being and much more :). When his owner didn’t arrive at the station following a fatal brain haemorrhage at work, Hachiko continued to wait for his master’s return. • INTAKE DATE: 12/29/20 • REASON: Owner surrendered/Too active • RESCUE STATUS: 1/6/21 • … They were thought to have been part of the Chukchi tribe. • Akita Husky Mix health problems Originally bred in the Akita province in Japan in the 1600’s as a working/hunting dog.The Akita, alike to the Husky both fall under the Genetic Spitz Family and have somewhat similar physical features. Akita and husky are used to labor, as their histories suggest. This is what gives the Siberian Husky their ultra-high energy levels and desire to run.In 1908 the first pack of Siberian Huskies were imported to Alaska, where they soon became sled dogs during the gold rush, then they were used as sled racing dogs, which would soon become a national sensation that was loved by many. Although you do need to be honest with yourself, do you REALLY have the time and willingness to take on this beast of a dog? See our Privacy Policy for more information. There are nearly 42,000 photos of Huskitas on the photo-sharing app so you’re spoilt for choice! I won’t be the one to say any one person is not capable of owning a dog, even you’re a beginner. These brushes when used together will de-shed and maintain your husky’s coat better than anything else. Husky Akita Mix Puppies for sale6. In spite of this, both Spitz breeds have a playful nature, especially within the family environment. An Akita is a Japanese breed that is described as a large, working dog. Having said that, Akitas do have a reputation for being fastidious. Flaxseed for additional healthy fats, something that Huskies and Akita’s need in abundance. The Huskita combines the hunting instincts of a Husky with the protective instincts of an… One Akita called Hachiko put the breed on the global map in the 1920s and 1930s. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This is the best option as you’ll likely be led to a trusted breeder. Mix these two together and you have something special (or scary…), Quick Link Navigation Menu: (click to skip down the page)1. Call Us Now +234 818 936 5381. They’ve got double coats with an undercoat that will blow out twice a year. So you’ll need to be prepared to take a Huskita for regular walks, jogs or runs, trips to the dog park or hikes on trails. Do you have a husky that has a permanent glare? An Akita Husky Mix dog will be a loyal dog given the role both breeds traditionally played. Two years later, a breed standard had been established for these dogs. • Do Huskitas shed? Our budged is 700 . • Akita Husky Mix size In this article, we’re going to provide an insight into the Huskita, including a look at both the Akita and Siberian Husky. My Happy Husky participates in programs from ClickBank and Share a Sale. Welcome to My Happy Husky :) I'm Harry, I have been a passionate dog owner for more than 22 years. Akita Inu dog lying in the snow (Photo: Adobe Stock). • Akita Husky Mix temperament He is multi-talented participating in areas such as weight pulling, carting, sledding and guarding. They work for their masters and live for that purpose. That purpose to compare Akita Shepherd ( Shepkita ) – Akita German Shepherd mix comes to size between two. When will your husky puppy start shedding? $1,000.00 German shepherd x Akita Regina 3 hours ago. The protein is from real chicken and salmon, two excellent, high-quality sources that are needed for the Huskita. Colors will be either grey, white, tan, amber, brown, Will typically shed twice per year. Husky vs Akita Health: Are They Prone to Health Conditions. This isn’t too much of an issue, but it just means you’ll be sweeping up and grooming your huskita a lot, all year, every year.These are the important things to think about before getting a huskita, Siberian Husky or Akita. The Husky usually doesn’t need a tonne of food and when they feel even slightly full they will simply leave their bowl. If you have any questions regarding the health or safety of your pet, you must consult a local veterinarian in your area. Both have thick fur coats and love to live in cold places. Meet Cali Cali lived in a city that does not allow for her breed so she was brought to HUA. Training is always important to ensure proper behavior. If you live in hot weather, you’ll want to make sure you keep your dog cool and avoid hiking in the midday temperatures. • Anything else to consider? January 12, 2021 0 0 Her reddish-brown and white coat is very short right now, but it is growing back! However, the Akita, has a bigger appetite, due to their larger size and muscle mass. We’re here to help enrich the lives of animals and their families. is the new trusted website created to help pets and their owners enjoy a happy life together. • Huskitas grooming The Huskita is a large to giant mixed breed the result of crossing the Siberian Husky with the Akita. Each dog is different, but this will be the average amount for a well-exercised large huskita. In 1925, the small Alaskan town of Nome was in the middle of a deadly Diptheria epidemic. With constant grooming needed year-round, Difficult to train, but can be trained to a high level of obedience, Moderate to well behaved. Mix this with courage and aggression and you have one of the most recognized hunting dogs in history. Proper training is imperative and the huskita should be monitored at all times throughout puppyhood.However, with consistent and firm training, you can definitely end up with an amazing family dog who will protect, obey and love your family. The AKC write on their website that these dogs were powerful hunters used in packs to hunt big game such as wild boar, deer and the Yezo bear. In our experience, dog owners on social media are usually helpful and forthcoming with information. Some traits are present in both dogs such as an independent streak and need for regular exercise. The Huskita will likely need about 3 cups of high-quality dry kibble per day. Those are the questions we will try and answer below. An Akita black Lab may resemble a Lab, an Akita, or they may look equal parts Lab and Akita. While many dog owners will swear by this diet, it can be challenging to get right, and for some Huskies, Akita or Huskitas, it won’t be ideal. If you have what we are looking for pls message me. Presently, akitas and huskies are being groomed and trained as pets and companions. Huskitas like to be active dogs that have plenty of mental and physical stimulation. History of the Siberian Husky3. The Akita Jindo Mix, is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Akita and the Jindo. Dec 14, 2013 - Explore crazy35's board "Akita" on Pinterest. Both the Siberian Husky and Akita alike are very active, energetic breeds that need intense physical exercise to be properly stimulated and healthy. My two favorite brushes for a beautiful coat are a simple Undercoat Rake and a Slicker Brush. This is an interesting mix as both are Asian breeds. Read more about what we do. No More Mistakes With akita husky mix | Dog Breed | Everything for you . Therefore, an Akita Husky Mix dog could live to be between 10 and 14. This may not make a Huskita a good fit for a first-time dog owner. The thing you need to keep in mind here is that they are very tempered. He tends to have a detached or aloof manner but is a very loyal dog. The information on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute professional, medical, veterinary or healthcare advice or diagnosis, and may not be used as such. There are over 2 million results for a Husky Akita Mix on Google. Popular Articles on My Happy Husky:13 Signs That Your Husky Actually LovesHow To Completely Train a Husky Puppy. Favourite. Siberian Huskies originated in the northern eastern Siberian penisula. See our Affiliate Disclosure page for more information. Akita x Siberian Husky Mix = Huskita. • In conclusion. You support us through our chosen links, which sometimes earn us an affiliate commission. Huskitas adapt well in cold regions and are a common breed in the northern countries. Again, we can only anticipate what potential characteristics a Huskita might have by looking at each parent. From dachshund ,chihuahua mix Shibu Inu , Akita ,boxer mix. After this, you’ll have to go online. Extra caution also needs to be taken due to their size, strength and strong prey instinct present. Their name was changed to Siberian Huskies in 1991. Just like any dog, you’ll want to socialise your dog from a young age to improve their manners and social skills. https://www.adpost.comhttps://www.hoobly.comhttps://www.americanlisted.com Appearance, Traits, Temperament, Recognition, Price: The Siberian Husky was originally bred by the Chukchi, a nomadic group of Siberians, thousands of years ago in the Chukchi region in Eastern Siberia. AKC breeders are usually looking to breed puppies based upon a breed standard. Akita Husky Mix. Appearance, Personality, and Traits of the Husky Akita Mix,,,,,,, Thick double-coat, rough, medium to long in length, Still unrecognized by the American Kennel Club, Likely brown, but can have blue eyes commonly seen in Huskies, Pointy, triangle-shaped. If you aren’t in a position to provide a lot of serious exercises, this may not be a good breed for you.If you’ve seen any funny memes about Siberian Huskies, you’ll know most of them are about shedding… The insane shedding season will also happen for the huskita as well. In an attempt to preserve this amazing breed, the Japanese government named the Akita a “national monument”The Akita nowadays is commonly used as a police dog or for personal guarding. So that’s our introduction to the Akita Husky Mix. We’ll break this article into the following sections: • What is a Huskita? If you are a breeder of Akita Husky Mix Puppies for Sale, you must have some type of license to protect the interest of your breeding stock. In just 6 days, the pack of huskies covered 674 miles in some of the most extreme weather the country had seen in decades. The Akita is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, commonly aloof with strangers but affectionate with family members. So you've got your brand new husky puppy and you know that you're in for your fair share of sweeping up. Females typically stand 24 to 26 inches tall (paw to shoulder) and weigh between 70 and 100 pounds. It does not constitute pet medical advice OR professional advice in any way. As you can imagine, the huskita is not as well known or popular as the Siberian Husky or Akita alone. Over several decades, through breeding large and powerful undocumented dogs, the Akita was engineered to hunt wild boar and bears, and everything else in between. Husky Akita Mix Health Problems7. Akita Husky Mix appearance Dog Breed. Mix this with difficult training and independent thinking, it could be a little risky. For more amazing videos in the Future Subscribe to stay turned. During this time, you’ll find clumps of hair or pet hair dust bunnies around your home. After owning dogs for more than 22 years, it's time to give back. This is due to their difficulty in training and stubbornness (especially the husky). It is highly energetic, playful, but also an affectionate animal that is alert, ready to protect its household, by all means, thus emerging as an excellent watchdog. An Akita Husky Mix dog will need daily brushing during shedding season. With that in mind, here are some Akita Husky Mixes to check out on Instagram. Firstly, should you be worried about the “too much dog for a beginner” talk?… Well, maybe yes, if you are not prepared, committed or have enough time. Akita Lab Mix Colors. Never settling for too long in one place, the huskies would be used to transport goods and people across long distances. The Akita dog is considered to be a large dog breed. It’s best to exercise a Huskita in the morning and evening, out of the midday heat (if you live somewhere hot) If you live somewhere cold the time of day should not matter too much. It contains DHA which is one of the most important fatty acids also found in mother’s milk. It is highly energetic, playful, but also an affectionate animal that is alert, ready to protect its household, by all means, thus emerging as an excellent watchdog. Both these breeds can be a little expensive to look after. Akita German Shepherd mix temperament is very different from many of the other dogs that you will find out there. This is truly an amazing breed and with proper training will be an amazing addition to anyone’s life or family. A post shared by Casper (@casper_the_huskita), A post shared by Grizzly + Simba + Rizzo (@fluffybuttbrothers), A post shared by Adventures of Bella (@bellalicious_huskita), A post shared by SIRA&NINA (@huskitabcn). It’s something to think about…The strong prey drive in the Huskita could be an issue if you already have a cat or any other small family pet. When dealing with mixed breeds such as a Huskita, it’s impossible to predict with any degree of certainty which exact traits they’ll inherit from each parent. Huskit Akita Exercise Requirements. • Akita If you would like to support My Happy Husky directly and have an easy to read and entertaining guide for training your husky puppy, check out my book The Husky Puppy Handbook on Amazon. His tail is an interesting anomaly too.