Progression - chiot-story - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 First off the 6,000 points is easy due to once again, the amount of enemies before you reach the end so it should be easily obtainable. La Saison 4 de la Playstation Plus League commence le 8 février avec 17 000€ en jeu et un kickoff à la Paris Manga ce week-end ! Since Battlefield 4's ending is up to the player, it's tough to say which is canon, but I would assume it's one of the two that involves sinking Chang's warship. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Once you reach the hangar this is where you can finish it off as there are a lot of enemies here all grouped up so its easy kills for the RPG. Battlefield 4 (Xbox 360) Story walkthrough. Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer. In this mission there are 3 dog tags, 3 weapons, and another two achievements. Cancel 0 Cart 0 items in shopping cart 0 Cart 0 items in shopping cart By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Battlefield 4: Official Frostbite 3 Feature Video. The US just had to finish off the Russians and call it good. Spoilers ahead. Description: Take a look at this trailer focusing on the story of Battlefield 4. Only in Battlefield can you demolish the buildings shielding your enemy. Getting 7000 points in this mission will be easy, just get headshots and multikills and you'll have it in no time. I don't know why. If you have been following the collectible video during this mission you will get two achievements: one for getting 12 collectibles and the other for getting 15 collectibles. I mean seriously, the visuals in this trailer are just amazing. However, there is no need to worry about this as the points required are 1,000 less than what you need for the point related achievement in each level. 249k members in the Battlefield community. Pertinence. Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite 3, Battlefield 4 provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Why Battlefield 6 Should Skip The Campaign. Silk Road shows how far northward the US army is advancing, into the deserts in China to make a large pincer move to both assault the Chinese forces and hopefully catch the impending Russian forces in it's assault. Your Battlefield source on Reddit. In this mission there are 3 dog tags, 1 weapon, and another two achievements. Log in Get Battlefield 4. Battlefield 4 is a game where you'll occasionally want to stop and take a look at the world around you. This expansion pack brings the co-op component to Battlefield 4 after it had been heavily criticized for omitting co-op from the retail version even after three trailers had been released for the co-op modes before the game's release. 8½ Hours . Vidéo : Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer | JeuxVideo. Directed by Lars Gustavsson, Tom Keegan. First of all, here is a video guide for every collectible in the campaign. Obtain 15 000 points in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign. Yes, it has improved dramatically in comparison to other battlefield games. Battlefield 4: Doritos™ Tag Team. Obtain 11 000 points in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign. How do I identify how many collectible items available in a mission? Game Rating: Ages 18+ Ages 18+ This video highlights: Battlefield 4™ 4.5 out of 5 stars from 21137 reviews 21,137. I'm gonna bet that the US will still be a country after this, but so will China. Once you hit 15 kills you will get the 'War turtle' achievement: Get 15 kills with RPG in the Singapore mission in the Campaign. Battlefield 4 - Single Player Story Trailer videoBattlefield 4- Trailer Check out this new trailer for Battlefield 4, which shows us 113 from the upcoming action Completionist. I think rogue transmission is where its supposed to be. Battlefield 4 Story (Battlefield) January 13, 2014 chriscoulter123 Leave a comment. Wouldn't it make more sense for Russia to be an ally to the Chinese? 10/29/2013. For the other eight, try throwing grenades into groups of enemies, or throwing a grenade at one person and shooting another just as it goes off, or if two people are next to each other try shooting them in quick succession. 0. Wave Breaker appears to be a target of convenience or priority, the US fleet deciding to take two birds with one stone, knocking out an important Chinese fleet base and walking up to their eastern borders without flanked retaliation from the watercraft stationed there. Nikola. Or did I miss something? For customization in other installments, see Customization Customization in Battlefield 4 allows the customization of soldier and vehicle loadouts. Battlefield 3 was revealed on February 4, 2011 with a teaser trailer called My Life, and was the cover story of the March 2011 issue of GameInformer. Additional Trailers and Clips (22) Battlefield 4: E3 2013 Official Commander Mode Trailer. In this mission you need to get 15,000 points as well as 10 adrenaline kills. Did... Did no body else play the campaign? 2013-04-17 19:38 I loved Battlefield 3, but what should have happened and i hope that battlefield 4 has this, is it needed more of a squad based gameplay in the story which would set up the online for an experience just like that. © 2021 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Progression - voltige-story - Battlelog / Battlefield 4 At the same time, Russia tries to make moves back into US controlled territory, launching attacks against their previous losses in France with Operation Metro, Oman with Gulf of Oman and Operation Firestarter, and on their own secured border with Caspian Border. In this mission there are 3 dog tags, 3 weapons to collect, as well as two achievements to gain. Source : JeuxVideo. January 27, 2019 12:20PM edited July 2019. The 10 adrenaline kills are easier on a lower difficulty as you need kills when you are near death. Once you kill 5 people with the shank you will get the 'Shawshank' achievement: Get 5 kills with Shank in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign. 1:44 (1 view) now playing play now. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Play Video. Battlefield mp has some issues but it is really fun. One will be for getting 6,000 points in this mission the other will be for doing one of the three endings. I was not a HUGE fan of Battlefield 3's campaign. Battlefield 3 includes both singleplayer and co-operative campaigns and features multiplayer gameplay similar to the classic Battlefield 2. This expansion pack brings the co-op component to Battlefield 4 after it had been heavily criticized for omitting co-op from the retail version even after three trailers had been released for the co-op modes before the game's release. MASTERCARTIER5. It was released on October 24, 2013. 1 réponse. But, more or less this is speculation from me, based on the maps and pertaining conflicts. Battlefield 4 developer Electronic Arts has revealed the story line details of its single-player campaign mode. A production from. ESRB; 17+ Blood and Gore; Intense Violence; Strong Language; EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY CREDITED, NO WEAPON, VEHICLE OR GEAR MANUFACTURER IS … 14 [BF4] Campaign is rediculously short, only took 4h15min on normal difficulty (no spoilers) Battlefield 4 . The chinese rebellion starts in China Rising ("we've spent decades making their toys, flags...") where they get defeated by the Americans. he forgot that in the dragons teeth trailer it says that the american's think that they have dealt a crushing blow, meaning that the US won navel strike. If you have been following the collectible video before you start the driving sequence you should also have two other achievements, one for getting 3 collectibles, the other for getting 6 collectibles. Regardless of platform, Battlefield 4 multiplayer is a blast and definitely the best reason to return to this hallowed franchise or dive in for the first time. I played it all the way through and if you actually asked me what happened I wouldn't even be able to tell you. Battlefield 4 latest version: Battlefield returns with few changes, but ultimately successful ones!. Once you finish the driving section at the end of the level, you will get your next story related achievement: Complete the Singapore mission in the Campaign. Battlefield 4 - Les 3 armes à trouver dans Bakou. In that time though the Chinese took advantage of the distraction and claimed land in asia. Also if you played on Hard the first time through, you will get these as well: Finally, these are the three ending achievements and you will now have one of them and just need to repeat the last mission twice to get the other two: Sacrifice Hannah to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign, Sacrifice Irish to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign, Let the Valkyrie be destroyed in the Campaign. Try and get a few of these enemies with some C4 and move onto the next part where another truck comes in. Technology by Frostbite. Now this is what is not quite logical: At the end of the Naval Strike trailer the Americans seem to lose as their carrier is getting destroyed. Hardware partner. So why would the US then start a was against the Chinese government who was never against them in the first place? They will experience nail biting single player missions and competitive multiplayer action ranging from areas across the world. And Russia sees this as a 'force multiplier' to combat the USA which they have been fighting since the end of Battlefield 3's campaign. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to direct squad mates, and much more. Altai Range presents us with a more convenient conflict. If you have been following the video you will get the achievement for finding 9 collectibles during this mission: Once you get on the civilian boat at the end of the Shanghai mission and the cut scene begins, you will get your next story related achievement: Complete the Shanghai mission in the Campaign. Jets made their return as pilotable vehicles, along with prone as an available stance. Il y a 7 années. Tweeter. Battlefield 4 – Story Trailer. When you reach the end of the mission you have two people who you can give the C4 to so that they can sacrifice themselves, or you can wait it out and get the other ending. Either open it in a new tab so you can follow the walkthrough at the same time, or keep coming back to this while scrolling down the walkthrough: There are three assignments in every mission which require you to get a set amount of points. While the Bad Company stories were strong and the beloved Battlefield 3 had a solid campaign centered on nuclear war, Battlefield 4 proved to be a … 7 Hours . Posted by 7 years ago. The PC version is able to support 64 players simultaneously in multiplayer; consoles, however, can only support up to 24 players, resulting in smaller maps. Also a bet that some place is going to get nuked in Final Stand, or that a nuclear weapon will be central to the plot at least. Search Search When you get back on the Valkyrie and save Garrison you will have reached the end of the mission and get your next story related achievement: Complete the South China Sea mission in the Campaign. Game Rating: M (Mature) M (Mature) Blood and Gore; Intense Violence; Strong Language; This video highlights: Battlefield 4™ 4.75 out of 5 stars from 96517 reviews 96,517. Battlefield 4 - Les 3 plaques de Shanghai. community members have thanked the author. The game was first showcased on March 1, 2011 during GDC 2011, which revealed unedited gameplay for the first time. Obtain 7 000 points in the Baku mission in the Campaign. One guy you will be forced to shank at the beginning in the big room that you go into, just avoid the spotlight and go round the right side and follow it around shanking every guy as you go. Play Video. Battlefield 4 is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory. The 15,000 points will be easy as this level is long and full of enemies, so you shouldn't have a problem getting this. 4:23 (1 view) now playing play now. Battlefield 4 - Les 3 plaques de Singapour . In this mission there are 2 dog tags, 3 weapons, and another two achievements. 6 Hours . Battlefield Player on PC, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3. Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer (HD) (PC) Plus d'infos : Is battlefield 4's story any good? Solved: The mouse cursor is missing on BF4 home page and I cant select anything to start playing since yesterday For Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Story". Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory. All of this is building to a much larger three-pronged conflict as all three forces meet, Russia and the US cornering China together, and ending up launching into a winner-takes-all situation, which only one nation could walk away from. Since the final DLC is called "Final Stand" it is likely that the Americans win the war in the cities as well and China has to defend itself in a last battle. A method for this would be to purposely take damage and kill every person you can without taking the risk of dying. This is good, I think it gives more of an incentive to fight and win in a match if you're into being immersed in a game, kind of like in Red Orchestra 2 I see people get into their roles and it really boosts moral of the team, it makes the match more personal. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to … Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Like every mission in the game, one is for getting 11,000 points and the other is for getting 10 multikills throughout the mission. 4 posts Member, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield V Member. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to … April 2, 2019 5:45PM. Players can now create … In this mission you will need to obtain 12,000 points as well as kill 5 enemies with the shank. Collectibles are hidden in unusual locations across the map so it may take a lot of time to find them all. Soldier camouflage is also expanded from Battlefield 3. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to … BattleField 4 has 35 collectible items. Please mark a thread as solved if a post solves your issue. To be honest, I don't think the storyline is that complex. Meanwhile, Admiral Chang, the main antagonist, looks to overthrow the Chinese government by … Battlefield 4: Official Frostbite 3 Feature Video. Regardez Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer - playitlive sur Dailymotion Once you hit 30 you will get the 'Blood wake' achievement: Get 30 headshots in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign. Play Video. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Battlefield 4 est un jeu vidéo disponible, sur PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 et Xbox One, de genre fps, développé par DICE et édité par Electronic Arts. Luckily Henry Blackburn succeeds in stopping Solomon from detonating the nuke in Time Square. Like Battlefield 4™ Single Player Story Trailer on Facebook. Again, you will need 11,000 points as well as 30 headshots to get the two achievements. Share; Tweet; 0. Battlefield 4 - Official Premium Trailer. This starts the war between the US and Russia after Battlefield 3's campaign, and the players act this war out via Battlefield 3's multiplayer. Great video, I am glad at least a few players actually care about the conflicts they are fighting in and the reason that they are there. Buy Battlefield 4 Forums; Premium; Server Browser Favorites History Missions Community Missions Find or Create Platoon. Obtain 11 000 points in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign. Directed by Lars Gustavsson, Tom Keegan. Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer. In this mission you need 20,000 points as well as 15 RPG kills. During this mission you will need to get 10 multikills. When you get access to the RPG after getting in the tank, try to get out and destroy as many of the tanks as possible with the RPG before you reach the bridge. Sorry. Battlefield 4 - Les 3 plaques de Bakou. Log In Sign Up. By Nick Calandra October 22, 2013. During this mission there are 3 dog tags, 2 weapons, and two extra achievements. On the note of the Russians and Americans fighting, in Battlefield 3's campaign Dima, Vladmir, and Kiril fail in stopping the Nuke in Paris, France (NATO country). EA and DICE released a new story trailer for Battlefield 4 today showing all new footage and jaw dropping visuals. Venezuela is near the satellite coordinates. 4:23 (1 view) now playing play now. 1:44 (1 view) now playing play now. Battlefield 6 needs to do a lot of things right if it wants to find success upon release, but delivering a strong campaign is not one of them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the battlefield_4 community, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Once you get 10 adrenaline kills you will get the 'Infiltrator' achievement: Get 10 adrenaline kills in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Contrary to this, the Americans manage to push further into "the heart of the Dragon" alias the chinese cities. Once you get on the cable car you have reached the end of the mission and will get your next story related achievement: Complete the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign. They are dog tag and weapons. 4:23 (1 view) now playing play now. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Additional Trailers and Clips (22) Battlefield 4: E3 2013 Official Commander Mode Trailer. Jin Jié lived since the USS Valkyrie stayed afloat, and as you saw in the campaign, the Chinese soldiers that saw Jin Jié was alive and not assassinated by the Americans as Admiral Chang had led the entire country to believe. In this mission there are 3 dog tags, 3 weapons, and another two achievements. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. Enrôlé : 2013-04-09. Battlefield 4™ Single Player Story Trailer. The 5 shank kills are also very easy. Battlefield 4 developer Electronic Arts has revealed the story line details of its single-player campaign mode. Also looking at the map and what we know from the latest premium trailer, we know that there will be a map with snow, so the battles will move north, but they could also move south into vietnam. Zavod 311 is IN china, it's what was part of the Soviet Union's territory, being reclaimed by both nature, and the re-expanding Chinese border. That's why Russians and American forces are still fighting one another into Battlefield 4. Once you have done all three endings you will also get this achievement: Also, if you have finished every assignment, and have been collecting every weapon and dog tag, as well as doing the three endings, then you will get these too: Unlock all assignments and collectibles in the Campaign. Thanks to the developers focusing more on the "emotions and your squad full of babbling toadies calling out your shots" about whom I don't care, rather than on the big picture, I have almost no overview of the multiplayer situation.I had at least some in BF3, where it was more straightforward. You also skipped over Hainan Resort, an important step in getting US forces onto Chinese shores, acting as a gateway much like the Naval Strike maps did. Each kit contains a slot for primary and secondary weapons, two gadget slots, and one slot each for grenades, melee weapons, field upgrades, and camouflage. But in the campaign in Baku, Irish retrieves Intel that the Russians would back China if they (Americans) would go to war. 5 posts Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield V Member. First of all, here is a video guide for every collectible in the campaign. The single player is terrible. However, the developers modelled it after Arecibo. 4 out of 5 stars from 77 reviews 77. Close. Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4™ provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer. Description: Take a look at this trailer focusing on the story of Battlefield 4. Battlefield 4 est un jeu de tir d'Electronic Arts. Collecting them will unlock trophies and give you new weapons that you can switch to every time you access the weapon crates. With Michael Kenneth Williams, Jessika Van, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Artur Abdyrazakov. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to … Once you get one of the endings you will get your final story related achievement: Complete the Suez mission in the Campaign. Battlefield 4 - Les 20 Premières Minutes. 30 headshots in this mission will also come with ease as there are a lot of enemies, just take your time and make sure to hit them in the head. Unless the campaign is totally unrelated, or I'm missing something. 14. Now the battle continues in the chinese sea. Battlefield 4™ 3 out of 5 stars from 860 reviews 860 The world is on the brink of chaos, China is the tinderbox and you and your squad are the inadvertent spark that could ignite a global conflict. So realize that the Russians are supporting Changs ideals, not the Chinese governments. 11,000 points should once again come with ease especially as you need to get headshots in this mission, as well as there being a lot of vehicles to destroy while you are in the boat. As we see the US forces push more into China, it becomes clear that their forces are spread across the whole continent. Battlefield 4 - Single Player Story Trailer videoBattlefield 4- Trailer Check out this new trailer for Battlefield 4, which shows us 113 from the upcoming action Obtain 12 000 points in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign. Battlefield 4, free and safe download. gmanhades. Help us fix it by posting in its. If you have been following the collectible video during this mission you will get two achievements: One for getting 18 collectibles and the other for getting 21 collectibles. Battlefield 4 - Story Trailer. Why? Today is just chock full of story trailers. Additional Trailers and Clips (22) Battlefield 4: E3 2013 Official Commander Mode Trailer. Battlefield 4 puts China in … That is now the campaign of Battlefield 4 done, now onto Multiplayer. Battlefield 4 (Xbox 360) Story walkthrough. Then in Battlefield 4's campaign we learn that the Russians were backing Admiral Chang in his attempt to overthrow the Chinese government and use the US as a scapegoat with the "assassination" of the beloved Jin Jié. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Electronic Arts has released their highly-anticipated Battlefield 4, and I just had to review it. Main Story. Description: Take a look at this trailer focusing on the story of Battlefield 4. Obtain 20 000 points in the Singapore mission in the Campaign. The ending that you decide to choose if up to you. Take a look at this trailer focusing on the story of Battlefield 4. The_Bub 7 years ago #7. I completed … Now, the multiplayer is a different story. I think it the campaign they head for venezuela and Chang follows then there. Main + Extras. In this mission there are 2 dog tags, 1 weapon, and two achievements. It's not the Arecibo Observatory.The dish we see on Rogue Transmission is supposed to be the FAST satellite being built in China. I normally don't play story mode but since that I have heard dice has tried to make the story better it might be worth it, well I would only do it for the multiplayer knifes :P. Répondre Enregistrer. Once you get lifted up by the plane you have finished the mission and will get another story related achievement: Complete the Tashgar mission in the Campaign. Battlefield 4 x fortnite crossover by AmirGH77 7 159 0 11 The C.I.A recently reported to the white house to inform that the 5TH fleet disappeared off radar in the Persian gulf and came to the conclusion that … This is noted by the fact that several signs and crossings on the map are listed as a border, and bear both the Russian and Chinese flags. Battlefield 4 par contre, il est nécessaire d’en parler. 1156 posts Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield V Member December 5, 2018 8:33PM Its especially annoying because besides that, to me its the most interesting War Story and i would really like to see more of Müller and Kertz. First of all, here is a video guide for every collectible in the campaign. Once you have 10 you will get the 'Well placed' achievement: Get 10 kills with C4 in the Baku mission in the Campaign. Europe. That being said, Battlefield 4's single player campaign is a much better affair to play through. 14 votes, 48 comments. Battlefield 4™ is the genre-defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory moments found only in Battlefield. Battlefield 4 est un jeu vidéo de tir à la première personne développé par DICE et édité par Electronic Arts.Propulsé par le moteur Frosbite 3, le titre fait partie de la série Battlefield.Il est commercialisé le 31 octobre 2013 en Europe sur PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, le 22 novembre 2013 sur Xbox One et le 29 novembre 2013 sur PlayStation 4 [2], les consoles de huitième génération. One is for getting 7000 points the other is for getting 10 kills with C4. For 11,000 points you will get most of it as you go for multikills, and should easily get this amount of points by the end of the mission if you make use of headshots and multikills. With Michael Kenneth Williams, Jessika Van, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Artur Abdyrazakov. User account menu. Obtain 6 000 points in the Suez mission in the Campaign. Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4™ provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. 1:44 (1 view) now playing play now. Battlefield 4 - Official Premium Trailer. Battlefield 4: Official Frostbite 3 Feature Video. Press J to jump to the feed. All the while, the US is moving up into the populated chinese slums and cities in Sunken Dragon, Pearl Market, and Lumphini Gardens. Battlefield 4 - Official Premium Trailer. The US has gained a hold over Russia, and launches an attack from Russian soil on the Chinese, apparently after a victory at Zavod. Parce qu’en tant qu’ancien joueur de Battlefield 1942 et autres Bad Company, il m’était impossible de ne pas vous dire à quel point ce nouvel opus fait plaisir autant aux fans qu’aux nouveaux venus… Avec quelques petits bémols, malgré tout ! Sony Computer Entertainment PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi - Factory Recertified 20,000 points is a slight challenge, but still shouldn't pose too many problems with enough headshots and multikills. You could try to blow up the truck and jeep for an easy 4-6 kills with C4. Battlefield 4 Summary : In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to direct squad mates, and much more. Once you finish the driving section and get to the cutscenes, you have finished Baku and will get your first story related achievement: Complete the Baku mission in the Campaign. In Battlefield 4, players once again step into the role of the U.S. Marines. So realize that the Russians are supporting Changs ideals, not the Chinese governments. Battlefield 4 ‘ s multiplayer contains three playable factions—the United States, China, and Russia—fighting against each other, in up to 64-player matches on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One (32-Player on Xbox 360 and PS3). You should be able to get at least 4 easily, and then shank the guy in the control room above for the fifth. Plus, finishing off the Russians would be much easier now considering they are fighting the Chinese.