My home has always been with the Jedi." Graceful, athletic,[6] and acrobatic, Swan was a skilled Jedi Knight[3] whose ability to use the Force was spotted at an early age. Physical description Bultar Swan was a female Human who trained with and served the Jedi Order du She continued her training under Giiett’s close friend Plo Koon, who stressed Lightsaber training to complement her skill in martial arts. Bultar Swan was a female Human who trained with and served the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. He took her to Yinchorr to visit the site of Giiett's death, and told her that her former Master had sacrificed his life in order to save several other Jedi. Bultar Swan war eine menschliche Jedi-Ritterin des Alten Jedi-Ordens, die zur Zeit vor und während der Klonkriege lebte. Both Jedi boarded LAAT gunships and continued the fight from the air, hoping to get a better view of how the battle was proceeding. Community. Der Jedi soll mein Clan sein, jetzt und für alle Zeit.“ 2. The Jedi separated her from her family and brought her to the galactic capital of Coruscant to begin training with their order, and after several years of studying in the Jedi Temple, Swan was assigned to Jedi Master Micah Giiett as his Padawan. [2], Like all Jedi,[5] Bultar Swan was Force-sensitive,[2] allowing her to undertake Jedi training in order to utilize the powers of the Force. Kenobi insisted that his life was one dedicated to the Jedi, and Swan came to his rescue by explaining that only one recent Jedi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, had been permitted to marry due to a low birth rate on his homeworld. He revealed that the vessel had in fact been a false Sun Runner, and that he and Skywalker had destroyed it with a hypermatter reactor-planted proton grenade after discovering that it had been on a crash course with Fondor. Died [4] [4] Tactful, she left it to Obi-Wan Kenobi to share details of their mission to Fondor with his Padawan if he so wished, but she was insistent that he share every detail with Masters Windu and Fisto. His deciding judgement, which he was on the verge of presenting, was forestalled when the cruiser's lights went out and a ship-wide power surge fried every onboard system. Height Dez. The onslaught of battle droids and IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks prompted Swan to order her troops to fall back, but her instructions were preempted by the arrival of Skywalker and Hett in a Gunship Bomber Enhanced closely pursued by a Gouka dragon. Swan was a Jedi Knight who fought at the Battle Of Geonosis. When they left their barracks and boarded an LAAT to confront Separatist droids, Swan herded the final stragglers aboard, and was reassured by the final entrant, Sergeant CT-7719, that he had nowhere better to be. Roblio Darté - zabity w 19 roku BBY przez oddział 501 podczas Konklawe na Kessel. Masters "[22] The cut of Bultar Swan's outfit is very similar to the leather-accented ensemble worn by Anakin Skywalker in the same film. Among many of the characters whose stories were removed from canon, there's little about Bultar Swan. 276 Views. Im Text steht, dass Bultar Swan in der Schlacht von Geonosis ihren ersten Gegner tötete, das scheint hinsichtlich ihrer "unschuldigen" vorherigen Laufbahn ziemlich bedeutungsvoll zu sein. Wookieepedia is a Star Wars Wiki which was started on March 4, 2005 by Chad "WhiteBoy" Barbry and Steven "Riffsyphon1024" Greenwood.It strives to be the premier source of information on all aspects of the Star Wars universe. [4] Prior to the Clone Wars, Swan had never taken a life despite having been involved in a dozen combat encounters. She wielded a green lightsaber and was a formidable opponent. Human[1] Following the mission, the remainder of the squad - Banks, Cutter, and the trooper - were reassigned to serve under Jedi General Bultar Swan's command. Hair color About a year after the First Battle of Geonosis, Aargonar was the site of a significant battle of the Clone Wars involving Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and Knights Bultar Swan, Anakin Skywalker and A'Sharad Hett. 2 Comments. Tag: Bultar Swan TCW Re-watch: Failings of the Jedi. Esta é uma lista de personagens da franquia Star Wars, limitada somente aos personagens que são considerado parte da cânone de Star Wars.Muitos dos personagens originalmente listados fazem parte do Universo Expandido agora chamado de Legends.Eles não são considerados parte da cânone de Star Wars, e podem ser encontrados aqui You also got your facts nearly right about the Battle of Geonosis - a survivor list of the battle, also found on Wookieepedia, reveals that only two other Padawans besides Anakin survived. Jedi Order[1]Jedi assault team[1] Shortly after the Confederacy fled Coruscant, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine brought an end to the war and ordered Republic troops to kill their Jedi Generals. [2], Bultar Swan first appeared in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, and was portrayed by actress Mimi Daraphet, who was cast by extra casting director Ros Breden, after some concept art for the character was created. Bultar Swan fought in the Battle of Geonosis. He seized Swan's lightsaber, stabbing her with it in the process and ending her life. Die Umstände, unter denen er in den Jedi-Orden aufgenommen … As Kenobi, Skywalker, and Amidala stood in Geonosis's Petranaki arena surrounded by Separatist battle droids, the Jedi strike team infiltrated the arena and came to their aid, igniting their lightsabers and rushing at the droids. [4] Under Giiett's guidance, Swan displayed prowess in a number of combat disciplines,[3] including Teräs Käsi and the Verdanaian "sliding hands". Ein Nachweis ist ein, mit dem bewiesen wird, dass es auf ein Bild von Bultar Swan gibt/gab, wo sie als heroische Jedi beschrieben wird. Bultar Swan Mimi Daraphet Nicanas Tassu Nic Anastassiou Sephjet Josall Joseph Jett Sally Sar Labooda Emma Howard Sarrissa Jeng Karen Wilson Roth-Del Masona Leonard L. Thomas: Cin Drallig +S: Nick Gillard: Olana Chion Dominique Chionchio Koffi Arana Gervais Koffi Whie Malreaux Coinneach Alexander Bene Mousy McCallum Sors Bandeam Ross Beadman Ahsoka Tano: Ashley Eckstein (vocal cameo) … Chronological and political information Their arrival shifted the tide of the battle, and the broken lines of the Confederate troops fell to the more focused Republic forces.[17]. In order to prevent the Separatists from seizing Republic supplies, Mundi further ordered Swan to disable whatever they could not take with them. Bultar Swan Bultar Swan was a Jedi Knight during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Eye color Dedicated to her beliefs, she was respected within the Order for her record of never having killed an opponent prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. In the current continuity, her status after Order 66 is unknown. During her search, Swan discovered corpses of native Amaltannans that had attempted to reach Wedd in the past. She hoped to never have to kill anyone, but if forced to, her goal was to make her opponent's death quick and painless. Last Shot. She also destroyed the fortress' communications array before arriving at the Baron's command chamber. [21], When the Clone Wars began, Swan had rejected unarmed combat in favor of her lightsaber. Swan made her way through the complex, eventually riding a turbolift into a hangar and finding both Fisto and Windu, as well as Rench and Calvaria, the latter of whom was clutched in the limbs of a modified FX-series medical assistant droid. In legends, the pacifist Jedi had a much larger role. [8], The three vessels docked at the spaceport concurrently with Kenobi's Headhunter. Wikis entdecken; Community-Wiki; Wiki erstellen; Suche Dieses Wiki Dieses Wiki Alle Wikis | Anmelden Du hast noch kein Benutzerkonto? Hair color [30] However, in 2006, Keeper of the Holocron continuity database Leland Chee stated in a blog entry that Swan was killed in 18 BBY. Bultar was apprenticed to Micah Giiett (of “Jedi Chef” fame), who, prior to his early demise, taught Swan several different forms of unarmed combat. They arrived at Fondor Spaceport in the Republic cruiser Unitive and brought her to the site of the derelict Sun Runner; Swan briefed them on the situation during the journey through hyperspace. [10] Swan was 1.68 meters tall,[4] and she had black hair, brown eyes, and light skin.[3]. Six months after Geonosis, she led Republic forces against battle droids under the command of the Separatist commander[13] Baron Edi Wedd[14] on Amaltanna. — A'Sharad Hett (Quelle) Auf Coruscant begann A'Sharads offizielle Ausbildung zu einem Jedi-Ritter. Accompanied by the diplomats' ships, the Unitive jumped to lightspeed. Bultar Swan - The Lowest Levels & Luminara Unduli - Space Madness 4. [Source]. [5] She was also skilled in the art of lightsaber combat, being one of the few Jedi to survive the skirmish in the Petranaki arena. Oct 16, 2019 - Que-Mars Redath-Gom was a male Weequay Jedi Knight who fought for the Galactic Republic in the First Battle of Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars.1 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (First appearance) Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to … Bultar Swan Bultar Swan was a Jedi Knight during the last years of the Galactic Republic. She was able to convince Rodd and Quenelle to allow further Jedi mediation instead of sending armed vessels to the site of the derelict Sun Runner, and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to assist her. Species [8], Although born on Kuat,[1] Swan thought of Coruscant's Jedi Temple as her home. Vader then stormed the room, acting on false intelligence that had told him Kenobi would be attending the meeting, and was attacked by everyone present save for Swan and Choi, who hung back from the carnage. Swan was stern with Padawan Skywalker when he questioned the wisdom of Kenobi, and she was not eager to deal with the 18-year-old Padawan's personal problems, insisting that he was better off asking his own Master for advice. She fought in several other battles during the Clone Wars , and was able to survive Order 66 . She found him while he was killing several clone troopers who had been hunting him, and told him of Potkin's invitation. Alas. After the Miss Jedi Temple Pageant, Palpatine had a calendar released showing off some of the contestants. Kuat[1] He served as a member of Sergeant Banks' squad. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Swan was routinely sent on peace missions, including one to the Fondor system to investigate the alleged reappearance of an ancient starship and to mediate a dispute over salvage rights to the vessel. Bultar Swan. Master Giiett took her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to train her in the Force and the ways of the Jedi. Obi Wan Kenobi (Grünfell) Mace Windu (frei) Yoda (CareersFan) Ahsoka Tano (ZillaFan89) Luke Skywalker (Grünfell) Anakin Skywalker (Episode 1) (frei) Anakin Skywalker (Episode 2) (frei) Anakin Skywalker (Episode 3) (frei) Qui Gon Jinn (frei) Aayla Secura (Pilzkralle) Barriss Offee (frei) Ki Adi Mundi (frei) Shaak Ti (Silberflug) Plo Koon (frei) Jaina Solo (Silberflug) Anakin Solo (frei) … Bultar Swan, a Human female,[3] was born on the planet Kuat[1] during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Star Wars: The Clone Wars offered such a rich variety of stories that there are an endless array of lenses to approach the themes within the series, both those unique to it and those that elaborate on the subject matter of George Lucas’s six-film saga. Swan felt that Micah Giiett, her deceased Master, would have been proud of her accomplishments. The two of them then journeyed to Kessel. [6], When fighting an opponent, Swan would remain still and entice her foe to attack. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [4] Many Jedi fell to the overwhelming force of rapidly-firing droids, and Swan joined a survivor's circle in the center of the arena as the droids ceased firing and Count Dooku, observing the melee from above, called on the Jedi to surrender. Bultar Swan - The Lowest Levels & Luminara Unduli - Space Madness 4. During the Great Jedi Purge, she refused to kill an unarmed opponent. [8] Swan also had some piloting skills. Esta é uma lista de personagens da franquia Star Wars, limitada somente aos personagens que são considerado parte da cânone de Star Wars.Muitos dos personagens originalmente listados fazem parte do Universo Expandido agora chamado de Legends.Eles não são considerados parte da cânone de Star Wars, e podem ser encontrados aqui Yoda went along with it, completely unaware that it was only part of Palpatine's plan to discredit the Jedi Order and ultimately have the entire Galaxy turn on them. Brown[2] Although she still heavily felt his loss, Swan sensed that Giiett had been at peace at the time of his death and believed that he would have been proud of what she had accomplished in her training.[6]. Their task was to negotiate the cessation of hostilities between the residents of two neighboring planets, Ripoblus and Dimok, after decades of conflict between the two enemies. Swan's dedication to her Jedi ideals saw her betrayed and murdered by Koffi Arana. Senator Rodd led the Jedi through a docking tube to his ship, where a CloakShape fighter and Z-95 Headhunter awaited them. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. 10. About a year after the First Battle of Geonosis, Aargonar was the site of a significant battle of the Clone Wars involving Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and Knights Bultar Swan, Anakin Skywalker and A'Sharad Hett. A budding sandstorm prevented them from fleeing the planet, and they planned to mount a counterattack from the canyon after the storm lifted. She accompanied Jedi Master Tsui Choi to a meeting with a small group of other Jedi who also survived. She would then rain punches and kicks on her unarmed opponent until they surrendered. However, due to the timely arrival of Grand Master Yoda and the Grand Army of clone troopers, the Jedi were presented with a way to escape. [10], A beacon on the shuttle Calvaria had stolen homed in on Fondor Spaceport. Wielders in canon also include Quinlan Vos, Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Stass Allie, Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth and Kirak Infil'a. Kanan immediately sensed somethi… Approximately twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin, Swan was among the Jedi who served in Mace Windu's assault team on the planet Geonosis, just prior to the outbreak of the pan-galactic Clone Wars. [13], Swan was respectful of other Jedi, and she sought the advice of her higher-ranked brethren while on the battlefield.