C'est à son village d'origine, Castro Laboreiro, qu'il doit son nom. Temperament. Before then, one had to climb the mountains or walk the old Roman road. Thought to be descended from Mastiff-type dogs, this livestock guarding breed is known for his protective instincts and his endurance. He appears mainly in a zone limited by the mountains of Peneda and Suajo and the rivers Minho and Lima. How to control, reduce and prevent the shedding of the Castro Laboreiro Livestock Guarding Dog? The very powerful head shows lightness rather than coarseness and has a soft stop. Grand chien au poil court et rustique, le plus souvent bringé clair ou foncé ‘aux couleurs de son environnement’. Taille au garrot : entre 58 et 64 cm pour les mâles et entre 55 et 61 cm pour les femelles. Voici un séjour idéal pour se ressourcer au contact de la nature loin de l'agitation urbaine quotidienne. CHARACTERISTICS The Cao De Castro Laboreiro is a loyal and obedient herd guardian. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro is recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in Group 2, Section 2.2 Mastiffs, Mountain Type, Portugal (breed number 150). In early times the Romans founded a castle in this area, later the population developed around it and by in the Middle Ages, a little village had come into existence. His bark is quite characteristic, very loud, starting in variable, generally low tones and ending up in prolonged high-pitched sounds similar to howling. De là, vous pourrez randonner et naviguer en canoé-kayak dans le parc national de Peneda Gerês. Also known as the Portuguese Cattle Dog, the Cao de Castro Laboreiro is one of the oldest European dog breeds possibly dating back to 6000BC. Cao de Castro Laboreiro is a good choice if you don't have the time, skill or money to take care of a high maintenance dog. De distribution très limitée, c'est une race très méconnue en dehors du Portugal. Shedding Level . Unfortunately, most of the population of the town of Castro Laboreiro is now elderly, because the younger people have left for the cities, where earning money seems to be easier. Icons of the Sport – Bob and Helen Stein Chat with Michael Hill (Part 2). Il se situe dans une région montagneuse du nord du Portugal. The breed is also used in the Portuguese armed forces, more or less for the same work as the German Shepherd Dog. The Cao de Castro Laboreiro is among the world's rarest dog breeds, with an estimated total worldwide population of only 250-500 purebred dogs. Until recently, the Cão de Castro Laboreiro has been a natural breed – strong, brave and always willing to protect its owner’s property. The Cao de Castro Laboreiro Dog is a fearless flock guard with strong protective instincts. Even today some inhabitants – the Castrejos – dress in typical clothes, sandals with wooden soles and the head covered with a mantle. Sein Haar ist kurz, dick und glatt. De très petite taille, il mesure moins de 25 cm au garrot pour moins de 3 kg. Shepherd dog from Laboreiro has a long and exuberant tail and is holding it low. Even today some inhabitants – the Castrejos – dress in typical clothes: sandals with wooden soles, no stockings, coarse woollen gaiters, and the head covered with a hat and mantle. The Laboreiro is a very brave protective flock guardian dog that is intelligent, very dominant and fearless. It is assumed that all type of livestock guard dogs originate from Asia or Asia Minor and made their way through central Europe down to Spain and Portugal where they mixed with local dogs. Subscribe Subscribed. Cao de castro laboreiro. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro was traditionally a livestock guardian that worked with cattle. Sans épreuve de travail. Les yeux sont obliques, en amande, de grandeur moyenne, de marron clair à presque noir, suivant la robe. Cão de Castro Laboreiro. 4727 NW 80th Ave. • Ocala, FL 34482 • 352 369 1104 • FAX 352 369 1521 Cão de Castro Laboreiro... par Bruno le Lun 9 Juin - 3:44 Pour certain(e)s, notamment mesdames Carole Coode (éleveuse depuis 1968 et Juge anglaise - élevage "Warringah Labradors") et Mary Roslin Williams (célèbre éleveuse anglaise - élevage "Mansergh"), le chien de Castro Laboreiro pourrait être un ancêtre du chien de Saint-John's. The Cao de Castro Laboreiro Dog is a fearless flock guard with strong protective instincts. Groupe : Groupe n°2 : Chiens de type Pinscher et Schnauzer, Molossoïdes, chiens de montagne et de bouvier suisses. Its history is limited in documentation and even the Portuguese Kennel Club publicly states that many written accounts of its origins are purely speculation. Even so, most Cão de Castro Laboreiros will give a warning bark if something goes wrong. Suspended ad.. Cao de Castro Laboreiro, Florida » Florida City. Because of the tall, wild mountains and poor land, livestock has to be moved in groups from one pasture to another. Tou… The Cão de Castro Laboreiro is not a herding dog, but was originally used to protect the herd from wild animals like wolves, and cattle thieves. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro is recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in Group 2, Section 2.2 Mastiffs, Mountain Type, Portugal (breed number 150). The coat is short, rough to the touch. 0 Cão de Castro Laboreiro à donner Consultez ci-dessous les annonces de Cão de Castro Laboreiro à donner et découvrez le maître idéal pour un Cão de Castro Laboreiro. Der Cão de Castro Laboreiro ist eine der ältesten Hunderassen Europas. … Info: http://cccl.no.sapo.pt (Portuguese breed club, in Portuguese) and www.cpc.pt (Portuguese Kennel Club, in Portuguese). Noms: Chien de Castro Laboreiro, Cao de castro laboreiro. Aktivites-niveau Læs mere om Cao de castro laboreiro . In Deutschland ist die Rasse relativ unbekannt. Cao De Castro Laboreiro Originating in Portugal, the Cao de Castro Laboreiro is also referred to as the Portuguese Cattle Dog. The breed club, the Clube do Cão de Castro Laboreiro, was founded in 1989. About Cao de Castro Laboreiro. Poids : entre 30 et 40 kg pour les mâles et entre 25 et 35 kg pour les femelles. Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=393. Preservação, Recuperação e Selecção das Tradicionais Linhagens de Cães de Trabalho da raça Castro Laboreiro. Recommended for beginners. This breed shows three types: the show dog, bred according to the breed standard; the now rare livestock guard dog in the Castro Mountains; and a dog whose phenotype is a mix of Laboreiros and other dogs. Cão Castro Laboreiro. Forum sur la race. Autres races. Chien à adopter près de … På koebhund.dk får du som kommende hvalpekøber mulighed for at komme i kontakt med Danmarks dygtigste og mest engagerede opdrættere indenfor alle hunderacer. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro or Dog from Castro Laboreiro or Portuguese Cattle Dog or Portuguese Watch Dog, is a dog breed of the livestock guardian dog Dog type originating from Castro Laboreiro in the northern mountains of Portugal. They are reliable and trustworthy with children in their family. GENERAL APPEARANCE A strongly built, mastiff type dog, rectangular in proportion, with a pleasant appearance and, quite often, a striking coat. Membres de cette race. Race de chien: Suivez-nous . NOTE: Do not buy dogs from traders, who breeding the ancient and legendary breed in kennels. Le chien de Castro Laboreiro est sans doute, avec le chien de la Serra da Estrela, l’une des plus ancienne race du Portugal. Země původu: Portugalsko. The muzzle is shorter than the skull. Health. Now the population is quite large in Portugal and the Laboreiro is present at dog shows, but it’s still a rare breed in the rest of Europe. Mon chien a une bosse sur le ventre Bonjour, j'ai un petit caniche noire. C'est donc tout naturellement que le Cao de Castro Laboreiro s'est imposé comme le principal chien de bergers et de fermiers de la région. Home » Puppies » Cao de Castro Laboreiro. Caring for Your Cão de Castro Laboreiro. Temperament. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro has an easy, rhythmical gait, legs moving parallel to the body. Recognition. Kategorie Země . In 1999, about 100 dogs were entered in the stud book, but 95 percent of the dogs living in the Castro area are not registered in the stud book. It can handle cold conditions quite well. $1. Il a donc des origines de chasseur. Other breeds in Section 2.2 include the Cão da Serra da Estrela (number 173) and the Rafeiro do Alentejo (Alentejo Mastiff), number 96. They will only bark if they feel there is something wrong. The legs are muscular, the feet rather rounded than long, almost cat feet. The fairly high-set, almost triangular ears are moderately thick and hang close and flat to the head. Původní jméno: Cão de Castro Laboreiro . Le Cao de Castro Laboreiro correspond à une race très ancienne. It is from the village of Castro Laborerio, which it was developed to guard cattle and other livestock from wolves. La race du Cao de … Preservação, Recuperação e Selecção das Tradicionais Linhagens de Cães de Trabalho da raça Castro Laboreiro. La tête, de grandeur moyenne, est plus légère que grosse, sèche sans être décharnée. Competition vs. Sportsmanship – Are They Opposites? Ajude a preservar, divulgar e valorizar o Cão de Castro Laboreiro. For working dogs, the “mountain color” is preferred: greyish, in lighter and darker shades, not black, with brown or reddish – an excellent camouflage. Située dans le village de Pontes au Portugal, cette maison rurale aménagée vous accueille chaleureusement dans des chambres confortables tout équipées. The great number of livestock guaranteed enough work for the Castro Laboreiro and except for a bitch giving birth to her puppies, these dogs were always on duty. Pohlaví . Cão de Castro Laboreiro is a rustic farm dog from northern Portugal. The body is strong and compact, the back straight; the chest is oval in shape – high, broad and rather deep. A large and impressive breed, the Cao de Castro Laboreiro is fairly rare outside his home country of Portugal. HISTOIRE ET ORIGINES YORKSHIRE TERRIER : Le Yorkshire Terrier tire son nom du comté de York, en Angleterre. Cachorros Cão de Castro Laboreiro ninhadas disponiveis cachorros cor do monte e lobeiro escuro. Delivery of Dogs: We only deliver puppies: older than 2 months of age, healthy, fully weaned, dewormed, vaccinated, microchipped, registered in C.P.C. Other breeds in Section 2.2 include the Cão da Serra da Estrela (number 173) and the Rafeiro do Alentejo (Alentejo Mastiff), number 96. Height/weight: Dogs 21.5 to 23.5 inches and bitches: 20.5 to 22.5 inches. O Cão de Castro Laboreiro é alegre e brincalhão até ao fim da vida. $1,500. Meistens in der Wolfsfarbe, in … Premium. They were developed as a guardian of livestock, family, and property. Livestock guardians do not herd their charges, but instead protect them from prey such as wolves. Just be careful about bringing this dog into a family that already includes other dogs or pets. Date de publication du standard: English CASTRO LABOREIRO DOG: 05/01/2011: Français CHIEN DE CASTRO LABOREIRO: 05/01/2011: Deutsch CASTRO-LABOREIRO-HUND : 09/02/2011: Español PERRO DE CASTRO LABOREIRO… He has a noble carriage and is very hardy. Most of the time they did their protecting work on their own, without a shepherd. Weight is about 88 pounds. There are no known health issues with this breed. 5 talking about this. Photos Cão de Castro Laboreiro. The Castro Laboreiro is one of the best guard dogs – very alert, intelligent and less stubborn than other guarding breeds. They are highly intelligent, brave, loyal and devoted to their owners. It is a loyal, docile friend to its owners, but is sometimes aggressive with strangers. Because of snow and cold winds, they stay in lower places, called invernerias, from December to March. Elle ... + de forums. The eyes are oval and colored from hazel to deep brown. Anyone or anything a Cão de Castro Laboreiro does not immediately recognize will be watched from the moment he, she, or it enters the dog’s domain. Pas encore de membre de cette race. Single or double dewclaws are acceptable. Pelspleje. The tail (not docked) falls to the hock; in action it is carried above the top line, but never carried downward like a hunting-horn. Les oreilles sont de grandeur moyenne, tombantes et presque triangulaires, mais arrondies vers l’extrémité. Most of the time they did their protecting work on their own, without a shepherd. Most of the time, the sire was supposed to be the most dominant male of the group. How much do Cao de Castro Laboreiro dogs shed? Recently, some Laboreiros have been exported to the U.S. to protect sheep flocks from wolves and coyotes. In Portugal, the Laboreiro is regarded as a cultural inheritance with the right to be preserved for the future. Due to the isolated area, the breed was kept pure, and because of the owners’ lifestyle, these dogs developed without any human intervention. Cao de Castro Laboreiro shedding level: Cao de Castro Laboreiros shed … This ancient breed is not well known and is considered to be rare and difficult to obtain. Le chien de Castro Laboreiro (cão de Castro Laboreiro en portugais) est une race de chiens originaire du village de Castro Laboreiro au Portugal.D'origine inconnue, la race est cependant considérée comme l'une des plus anciennes du Portugal. A rare breed, the Cão de Castro Laboreiro is rarely used with livestock today and survives as property guards and police dogs in their homeland. Since 1954, the local priest, Aníbal Rodrigues, has organized a contest for Laboreiros, where they can show their guarding qualities, characteristics and temperament. Sign In Cão de Castro Laboreiro Standards . General Health. Original purpose: Guarding livestock and watchdog, later also a companion dog. The C�o de Castro Laboreiro requires a dominant owner. CÃO DE CASTRO LABOREIRO (170) Groupe : n°2 - Chiens de type Pinscher et Schnauzer - Molossoïdes et chiens de montagne et de bouvier suisses. The Cao de Castro Laboreiro possesses a fearsome and penetrating expression. FCI číslo: 170 . Suspended ad jlawrence952. Størrelse. A few other things, such as the arrival of other dogs in the region, and the reduction of local livestock, were threatening the existence of the Laboreiro. Cão de Castro Laboreiro kaufen und verkaufen. Castro Laboreiro-i pásztorkutya (Cao de Castro Laboreiro) származása, ára, személyisége, élettartama, egészség, ápolás, vedlés, hipoallergén, súly, méret és egyéb adatok Castro Laboreiro-i pásztorkutya (Cao de Castro Laboreiro) és kutyafajta érdekességek. Průkaz původu . Ears are triangular, small and rounded at the top. O cão de Castro Laboreiro é um excelente Cão de família e de guarda. They are very suspicious of strangers, and they will only obey the commands of their owner. We have two pure white with blue eyes females for sale $1500.00 each they will have paper.. Siberian Husky, Minnesota » Wood Lake Township. Peu à peu, il s'est également distingué comme chien de garde et de famille. There is a very similar brindle dog on the Azores, Cão de Fila de São Miguel. Ce chien est traditionnellement sélectionné pour garder les troupeaux de vaches contre les attaques des loups. Description: The general impression is of a robust, strong-boned, mastiff type of dog with a rectangular silhouette. The shoulder-upper arm is almost straight. There is no undercoat. They are reliable and trustworthy with children in their family. Il est vraisemblablement issu du croisement de différents terriers. Find en opdrætter. Only two or three puppies were raised; the others were eliminated by their owners. Heavy-handed or overly harsh training does not work with this breed. The belly is rather flat, even somewhat narrow, the loins strong and wide. CÃO DE CASTRO LABOREIRO (170) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and ... 1/5/2011: Français CHIEN DE CASTRO LABOREIRO: 1/5/2011: Deutsch CASTRO-LABOREIRO-HUND: 2/9/2011: Español PERRO DE CASTRO LABOREIRO: 1/5/2011: Section: Molossian type: Subsection: Mountain type: Date of acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI : … Canine Chronicle ® All Rights Reserved. When kept in the house, socialization is extremely important. The Cao de Castro Laboreiro is hefty and powerfully built, has a thin, narrow head which is certainly unusual for a dog of this type. Serious faults are a too-bony or too-fleshy head, an under- or overshot mouth, any abnormality in the tail and white markings or very different from the breed’s typical colour. The breed is recognized by the Club Português de Canicultura (Portuguese Kennel Club) and has had an official standard since 1935 (FCI 1967). They will only bark if they feel there is something wrong. These traditional migrations took place from the beginning of the eight century. C’est un lupoïde de type mâtin, vigoureux, parfois d’aspect impressionnant. Therefore it was not necessary to keep other breeds than the homebred dogs. Castro Laboreiro is situated in the north of Portugal, in the Castro Laboreiro Mountains. Undoubtedly, the Cão de Castro Laboreiro is one of Europe’s most primitive breeds. They are highly intelligent, brave, loyal and devoted to their owners. They are very suspicious of strangers, and they will only obey the commands of their owner. Dog of Castro Laboreiro need open space to develop under penalty of us we are mortigaging their development, losing their hardiness, functionality, character and nobility, characteristics that … The short neck is carried proudly; there is no dewlap. The Cao De Castro Laboreiro was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. They also will not let any sort of threat approach their flock. For example, the first road to Castro was opened in the 1940s. The great number of livestock guaranteed enough work for the Castro Laboreiro and except for a bitch giving birth to her puppies, these dogs were always on duty. 1.9K likes. His eyes are almond brown. The coat is thick, resistant, slightly dull, smooth and very dense, in wolf colors of all shades – i.e., a mix of grey, black, some brown and yellow (a kind of black brindle). Shepherds stay in the higher places, called brandas, from spring until the end of autumn. Cao de Castro Laboreiro (170) - štěňata na prodej. Apparu récemment, dans le courant du 19e siècle, son origine reste toutefois incertaine. He is still used to defend against … Castro Laboreiro (‘village of the labourers’) is built at a height of about 4,250 feet, on a steep hill, forming a kind of a fortified village. Coat colors include black, chestnut and mahogany. Their development took place in the region, sometimes quite isolated, where they have been used for ages. His demeanor is calm, his threatening bark frightening, but he is loyal to the family and especially to the children. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro is one of the rarest breeds in the world with a worldwide population estimated somewhere between 200-500 dogs. Er ist von der FCI als portugiesische Hunderasse anerkannt (FCI-Gruppe 2, Sektion 2.2, Standard Nr. Copyright © 2021 Sa rusticité, sa robustesse et son caractère ont bâti sa légende auprès des locaux. If you’re looking for a guard dog, the Cao de Castro Laboreiro might be a good choice for you. Privacy Policy | Questions, please contact The Canine Chronicle. Hledat . The Cão de Castro Laboreiro is not a herding dog, but was originally used to protect the herd from wild animals like wolves, and cattle thieves. The Cão de Castro Laboreiro has a thick resistant coat, which is slightly rough to the touch. Couleur: la couleur de robe la plus répandue est appelée “louvet” qui est un gris loup. Berger d'Anatolie; Berger d'Asie centrale; Berger de l'Atlas; Voir toutes les races de chiens. – Section n°2.2 : Molossoïdes, type montagne. + de membres. One of the reasons the Castro Laboreiro has always been a limited breed is that those seasonal migrations took place in a small area of only dozens of miles. 170) und gehört zu den mittelgroßen bis großen Hunden. Therefore the Laboreiro got new jobs around the country, guarding farms, and city and country houses. Clearwater Kennel Club – Saturday, January 23, 2021, Icons of the Sport – Bob and Helen Stein Chat with Michael Hill. Lorsque l’animal est au repos, sa queue atteint le jarret ; lors… The croup is slightly higher than the withers. Still, the genetic diversity was sufficient to develop a strong, healthy population. Siberian Husky puppies Huskymom. https://www.champdogs.co.uk/breeds/cao-de-castro-laboreiro Tap for Mobile Site, Copyright © 1999-2020County Computer Consultants Ltd.