According to the U.S. Attorney General, the Sinaloa Cartel was responsible for importing into the United States and distributing nearly 200 short tons (180 t) of cocaine and large amounts of heroin between 1990 and 2008. Los Negros have been known to employ gangs such as the Mara Salvatrucha to carry out murders and other illegal activities. [36], Recently, it is believed that the Tijuana Cartel, or at least a sizable majority of it, has been either absorbed or forced to ally with the Sinaloa Federation, in part due to a former high-ranking Tijuana member called Eduardo Teodoro Garcia Simental, alias "El Teo" or "Tres Letras" allying with the Federation.[115][116][117]. Januar 2011, Mexikanische Mafia: US-Antidrogenbehörde soll mit Sinaloa-Kartell kooperiert haben, The next El Capo: Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada believed to have taken over notorious Sinaloa drug cartel after arrest of former boss, Unterstützung für "Chapo" Guzmán: Warum ein Massenmörder als Wohltäter verehrt wird, Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations. [35][36] Guzman and Zambada became Mexico's top drug kingpins in 2003, after the arrest of their rival Osiel Cárdenas Guillén of the Gulf Cartel. In March 2015, BBC TV programme This World broadcast an episode entitled "Secrets of Mexico's Drug War"[109] which reported on the US government's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' Operation Fast and Furious which had allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal buyers acting on behalf of Mexican drug cartel leaders, in particular the Sinaloa Cartel. [5] Auch der US-amerikanischen Drug Enforcement Administration wurde eine Kooperation mit dem Kartell unterstellt. Tu compra de "Pinoliyo Rarámuri" lleva recursos a la Sierra Tarahumara. Das Kartell hat seine Basis in Culiacán, Sinaloa, agiert aber in mehr als 20 mexikanischen Bundesstaaten. ", "Hundreds arrested in cross-country campaigns against cartel", "Mexico sending more forces to Ciudad Juárez", "Suspect in Mexican Activist's Killing Arrested", "High-ranking Sinaloa Cartel Member Admits To Drug Trafficking And Violence", "Violence the result of fractured arrangement between Zetas and Gulf Cartel, authorities say", "Polarization and Sustained Violence in Mexico's Cartel War", "Chapo's rise: From poor, abused to cartel kingpin", "Annals of Excavation: Underworld- How the Sinaloa Cartel digs its tunnels", "Mexico Cardinal Slain; Caught in Gun Battle : Violence: 6 others are killed at Guadalajara airport. Dies führte zur Vermutung einer geheimen Zusammenarbeitsvereinbarung zwischen Präsident Felipe Calderón und den Führern des Sinaloa-Kartells. Einige Sicherheitsexperten vermuten, er stecke hinter der Entführung der Söhne von El Chapo im August 2016 und sei mit dem Kartell Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) verbündet, um sich gegen das Lager der Familie Guzmán durchzusetzen, das ihn nicht akzeptierte. In the shootout that followed, six civilians were killed by the hired gunmen from Logan Heights. Eine Woche nach der Festnahme Guzmáns demonstrierten mehrere Tausend Anhänger landesweit für die Freilassung des ehemaligen Anführers des Sinaloa-Kartells. The shipments were mostly bought from the Sinaloa Cartel and at times from the Beltrán-Leyva Cartel, and it is assumed that both cartels threatened the Flores crew with violence if they bought from other rival drug organizations. Inzunza was believed to be one of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's chief cartel leaders. Antworten. Sinaloa mit seiner Hauptstadt Culiacan war schon in den 80er Jahren Drogenzentrum in Mexiko. It was discovered as Mexican and San Diego officials were discussing the creation of a cross-border airport between Tijuana and Otay Mesa which would have undermined the drug tunneling operations in the area (see History of the Cross Border Xpress). [75] In addition to maintaining its anti-Zetas alliance with the Gulf cartel, Sinaloa in 2011 affiliated itself with the Knights Templar in Michoacán, and to counter Los Zetas in Jalisco state, Sinaloa affiliated itself with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. [24] It is also the majority supplier of illicit fentanyl to North America. [21][46][47] Following the discovery of a tunnel system used to smuggle drugs across the Mexican/US border, the group has been associated with such means of trafficking. [11], Am 26. Nepomuceno Moreno was an activist who sought justice for the disappearance of his son and joined the Mexican Indignados Movement, led by the poet Javier Sicilia. "El Muñeco" is considered to be one of the most important lieutenants of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, evident from his control of the planting, production, and trafficking of drugs in Sonora and in the mountains of Chihuahua, which were sent predominantly to the US. Anfang der 1990er entwickelte sich dann das Sinaloa-Kartell, trotz zahlreicher Gefechte mit den verfeindeten Kartellen, zum einflussreichsten Kartell Mexikos. [13] Als Nachfolger galt nun sein langjähriger Vertrauter Ismael „El Mayo“ Zambada. Die Polizei konfiszierte 14 Fahrzeuge, darunter zwei gepanzerte, und zusätzlich Gewehre, Munition und Handgranaten. It currently … [97] As with prior "super tunnels", it was equipped with an elevator and electric rail cars to efficiently ferry narcotics across the U.S.-Mexico border. Seit Jahresbeginn bis Mai 2017 forderten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Fraktion von El Licenciado und seinem Sohn „Mini Lic“ auf der einen und dem Bruder und den Söhnen von El Chapo auf der anderen Seite vor allem an der Pazifikküste Mexikos über 140 Menschenleben. But in January 2016, he was a long way from his home in Culiacán, capital of Sinaloa state. Sinaloa.- Around 01:00 in the morning of Thursday, an outdoor party was reported in the community of San Diego, north of the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa. Es kam vermehrt zu Auseinandersetzungen mit den Arellano-Felix-Brüdern vom Tijuana-Kartell. [22], The Sinaloa Cartel operates in the "Golden Triangle", the states of Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua. [29], Pedro Avilés Pérez was a pioneer drug lord in the Mexican state of Sinaloa in the late 1960s. [12][3] The "Federation" was partially splintered when the Beltrán-Leyva brothers broke apart from the Sinaloa Cartel. [51] Murders by the cartel often involve beheadings or bodies dissolved in vats of alkali and are sometimes filmed and posted on the Internet as a warning to rival gangs.[52]. [37] On 29 July 2010, Ignacio Coronel was killed in a shootout with the Mexican military in Zapopan, Jalisco. Dezember 2020 um 16:29, U.S. Intelligence Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Won Battle for Ciudad Juarez Drug Routes, In:, 9. When the jet landed at the Tijuana airport, both police and military units failed to cordon off the aircraft and the gunmen escaped. [38], Guzmán was captured on 22 February 2014 overnight by American and Mexican authorities. Wir setzen die Arbeit fort, für die der Reporter ermordet wurde. In the hours following the arrest, Sinaloa Cartel gunmen took control of Culiacán in a terrifying show of strength. At that point his nephews, the Arellano Félix brothers, left and created their own organization which came to be known as the Tijuana Cartel, while the Sinaloa Cartel continued to be run by former lieutenants Héctor Luis Palma Salazar, Adrián Gómez González and Joaquín Guzmán Loera (El Chapo). [4], Der Drogenhandel in Mexiko professionalisierte sich im Laufe der 1980er Jahre. Following the 2004 assassination of journalist Roberto Javier Mora García from El Mañana newspaper, much of the local media has been cautious about their reporting of the fighting. Since 2013, the cartel has been operating in the Philippines after a raid on a ranch in Lipa, Batangas, according to a statement by Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) director general Arthur Cacdac, and have entered the country without notice. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit wird es wieder als stärkstes Kartell Mexikos bezeichnet. We picked up where he left off. The Sinaloa Cartel has a presence in at least 22 of the 31 Mexican states, with important centers in Mexico City, Tepic, Toluca, Zacatecas, Guadalajara, and most of the state of Sinaloa. In 1999, the Tijuana airport was privatized and became part of a 12 airport network known as Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (Pacific Airport Group). [66], On 25 February 2009, the U.S. government announced the arrest of 750 members of the Sinaloa Cartel across the U.S. in Operation Xcellerator. The drug operation allegedly brought 1.5 to 2 tons of cocaine every month to Chicago from Mexico and shipped millions of dollars south of the border. [citation needed] Another source in the story was the U.S. trial of Manuel Fierro-Mendez, an ex-Juarez police captain who admitted to working for the Sinaloa Cartel. Juli 2010 wurde Ignacio „Nacho“ Coronel, einer der drei Anführer des Kartells, von mexikanischen Militärangehörigen getötet. As seen on image 1 Drug tunnel corridors the close proximity of the former Ejido Tampico to the Tijuana airport and U.S.-Mexico border made it an ideal staging area for smuggling operations into the United States. [42] The cartel is primarily involved in the smuggling and distribution of Colombian cocaine, Mexican marijuana, methamphetamine and Mexican and Southeast Asian heroin into the United States. Culiacán is the stronghold of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful criminal organisations in Mexico and, arguably, the world. Als Sinaloa-Kartell (spanisch Cártel de Sinaloa) bekannt ist die mexikanische Verbrecherorganisation, die Geschäften im Drogenhandel, der Geldwäsche und dem Menschenhandel nachgeht. On 8 November 1992, Palma struck out against the Tijuana Cartel at a disco club in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, where eight Tijuana Cartel members were killed in the shootout, the Arellano-Félix brothers having successfully escaped from the location with the assistance of David "D" Barron, a member of the Logan Heights Gang. The tunnel was described by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in San Diego as the "Taj Mahal" of drug tunnels along the U.S.-Mexico border and was linked to Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzmán. [5] Doch nachdem Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo 1989 verhaftet wurde, entbrannten Kompetenzstreitigkeiten. Das Kartell ist auch unter den Bezeichnungen Guzmán-Loera-Organisation und Pazifik-Kartell bekannt. [49] At this time the organization was laundering money at global scale, mainly through British bank HSBC. [30] He also pioneered the use of aircraft to smuggle drugs to the United States.[31]. Guerreros Unidos | They openly drove in trucks with mounted machine guns, blockaded … [10], Am 25. [25] As of 2017[update], the Sinaloa Cartel is the most active drug cartel involved in smuggling illicit drugs into the United States and trafficking them throughout the country. The report also alleged, with support from an anthropologist who studies drug trafficking, that data on the low arrest rate of Sinaloa Cartel members (compared to other groups) was evidence of favoritism on the part of the authorities. [67][68], In March 2009, the Mexican Government announced the deployment of 1,000 Federal Police officers and 5,000 Mexican Army soldiers to restore order in Ciudad Juárez, which has suffered the highest number of casualties in the country. Januar 2016 von mexikanischen Marineinfanteristen in Los Mochis, zusammen mit seinem Sicherheitschef, Jorge Iván Gastélum Ávila (alias „El Cholo“), verhaftet[17] und am 19. [19] Despite trafficking various types of illicit substances, the cartel's operations seem to mostly favor the trade of cocaine and heroin. [14], „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Félix Gallardo, following his imprisonment, bestowed the Guadalajara Cartel to his nephews in the Tijuana Cartel. ", "Mexico's Sinaloa gang grows empire, defies crackdown", "U.S. Intelligence Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Won Battle for Ciudad Juarez Drug Routes", "Unraveling Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel", "U.S. charges 10 accused Mexican drug cartel leaders", "Where 7 Mexican drug cartels are active within the U.S.", "Mexican traffickers making New York a hub for lucrative – and deadly – fentanyl",,, "Reconceptualizing the Illegal Narcotics Trade and Its Effect on the Colombian and the Mexican State", "Mexican Drug Cartels: Government Progress and Growing Violence", Major Mexican Drug Trafficker's Assets in U.S. By 2006, the Sinaloa Cartel had eliminated all competition across the 528 km of the Arizona border. [82][83] It was five times longer than the Agua Prieta-Douglas tunnel and became the first of a series of drug "super tunnels" in Otay Mesa originating in and around the Tijuana airport through the former Ejido Tampico. April 2010, "U.S. charges 10 accused Mexican drug cartel leaders", In: Washington Post, 20. Frozen, "Mexican drug lord killed in raid, officials say", "El Chapo, Escaped Mexican Drug Lord, Is Recaptured in Gun Battle",, "International Narcotics Control Strategy Report – 2008", "United States of America v. Felipe de Jesus Corona Verbera", "HSBC money-laundering scandal casts a cloud over Lord Green, the trade minister", "U.S. Says Threat of Mexican Drug Cartels Approaching 'Crisis Proportions, "Treasury Designates Sinaloa Cartel Plaza Bosses", "HSBC became bank to drug cartels, pays big for lapses", "Sinaloa Cartel Bought Narco Plane Via HSBC Bank", "Forget The Drug Dealers And Iran, HSBC Is Having A Great Year", "Chicago's new Public Enemy No. He also claimed that the Sinaloa Cartel had bribed the military. As of 2013, the Sinaloa Cartel continues to dominate the Sonora-Arizona corridor, which extends for nearly 375 miles. Es war der größte Erfolg der mexikanischen Armee im Kampf gegen das Sinaloa-Kartell seit Beginn des Drogenkrieges. The latter due to the coast of Mexico from which it originated. [54] Chicago continues to be a major Sinaloa distribution point for the Midwest, taking advantage of a strong local demand market and convergence of several major interstate systems that offer distribution throughout the US. Wir setzen die Arbeit fort, für die der Reporter ermordet wurde. [60], The Sinaloa Cartel has operations in the Philippines as a trans-shipment point for drugs smuggled into the United States. [62] The presence of the cartel in the Philippines has worsened the ongoing war between drug lords, drug cartels and the government in that country. Sinaloa Cartel Is 'Not Dead' But 'Thriving' Despite El Chapo Being Jailed In US, Says Expert Sputnik (EN) Guadalajara , France , Culiacan , Sinaloa , Canada Dulce Maria Alavez desapareció de un área de juegos en N.J. Un año después, su búsqueda continúa. Calls for his extradition to the United States started just hours after his arrest. Both were associated with the Sinaloa Cartel. Er unterteilte sein Einflussgebiet in sechs neue Bezirke: Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war das Guadalajara-Kartell das wohl einflussreichste und mächtigste Drogenkartell in der Geschichte Mexikos. To the east rises the lofty Sierra Madre Occidental. Along with the captured suspects, 16 assault rifles, 3 grenades, 102 magazines and 3,543 rounds of ammunition were seized. The 300 feet (91 m) tunnel was discovered in May, 1990. José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa (alias "Chino Antrax") was a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel. [77], In 1989, the Sinaloa Cartel dug its first drug tunnel between a house in Agua Prieta, Sonora to a warehouse located in Douglas, Arizona. Anwärter auf „Chapos“ Thron geht Militär ins Netz. Empfehlen. Another close associate, Javier Torres Félix, was arrested and extradited to the U.S. in December 2006. [21] The United States Intelligence Community considers the Sinaloa Cartel to be "the most powerful criminal organization in North America" (and possibly the entire Western Hemisphere). [19][20], Aktiv: [78][79] Following the discovery by U.S. Customs and Mexican Federal Police, the Sinaloa Cartel began to focus their smuggling operations towards Tijuana and Otay Mesa, San Diego where it acquired a warehouse in 1992. [47] The Nuevo Laredo region is an important drug trafficking corridor into Laredo, Texas, where as much as 40% of all Mexican exports pass through into the U.S. The "super tunnels" were equipped with power, ventilation and rail tracks to allow the efficient movement of large loads of narcotics across the U.S.-Mexico border. Women in the Mexican Drug War Mexico is supported by the United States in this conflict through the Mérida Initiative. [36] The dead included Roman Catholic Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo. In an attempt to resolve the dispute and remove the ejidatarios from the privatized Tijuana airport, the Mexican government established a value on the expropriated 320 hectares (790 acres) at $1.2 million pesos ($125,560 U.S. dollars in 1999) while the ejidatarios of the former Ejido Tampico taking into account the increase in property values from 1970 to 1999 and the privatization of the Tijuana airport established a commercial value on their lost land at $2.8 billion pesos ($294 million U.S. dollars). Rival narcotics traffickers are believed responsible", "2 San Diego Suspects in Cardinal's Slaying Ordered Extradited", "U.S. Seizes Land at Border Near Unfinished Drug Tunnel : Narcotics: Agents believe San Diego lot was the destination of passage from Mexico. [7], Infolgedessen war das Sinaloa-Kartell sichtlich geschwächt, auch wenn El Chapo die Geschicke aus der Gefängniszelle fortführen konnte. In December 2016, one month prior Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán Loera's extradition to the U.S.,[98] two "super tunnels", one in operation while the other was under construction, were discovered by Mexican agents adjacent to the Tijuana airport/Ejido Tampico and the Otay Mesa border crossing. [41] Under Zambada's leadership, the Sinaloa Cartel had been willing to negotiate potential leadership for the Caro Quintero brothers. From this strategic point, the cartel distributes their product at the wholesale level to dozens of local street gangs, as much as 2 metric tons a month, in a city with over 120,000 documented gang members. [101], In May 2009, the U.S. National Public Radio (NPR) aired multiple reports alleging that the Mexican federal police and military were working in collusion with the Sinaloa Cartel. In February 2014, "El Chapo" Guzmán was arrested. Das Kartell wurde auch „Federación“ genannt. But on Thursday in the Sinaloan city of Culiacan, the cartel gunmen were everywhere. [90][91][92][93][94] In 2011, at the westerly end of the Tijuana airport a 1,800-foot (550-meter) drug "super tunnel" was discovered dug under the airport's 10/28 runway[95][96] from a warehouse located 980 feet (300 meters) from Mexico's 12th Military Air Base and 330 feet (100 meters) from a Mexican Federal Police station. The church hierarchy originally believed Posadas was targeted as revenge for his strong stance against the drug trade. The Sinaloa Cartel has a presence in 17 Mexican states, with important centers in Mexico City, Tepic, Toluca, Zacatecas, Guadalajara, and most of the state of Sinaloa. According to the Sedena he is the assumed assassin of activist Nepomuceno Moreno Núñez, which occurred 28 November 2011. [3][34] Guzmán was captured in Guatemala on 9 June 1993, and extradited to Mexico, where he was jailed in a maximum security prison, but on 19 January 2001, Guzmán escaped and resumed his command of the Sinaloa Cartel. [1], Die United States Intelligence Community bezeichnete 2010 das Sinaloa-Kartell als „die mächtigste Organisation im Drogenhandel weltweit“. As stated by Sedena, "El Muñeco" worked as an administrator under Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán[71] and is believed to be responsible for the death of the activist Nepomuceno Moreno. GMA News: "Mexican drug cartel penetrates PHL; PDEA raids lab in Lipa City" 26 December 2013, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, "5 Members of a Major Mexican Drug-Trafficking Organization Indicted in Operation Money Train", "2015 National Drug Threat Assessment Summary", "Heroin bringing violent Mexican drug cartels to Western...", "A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border", "VIDEO: Mafia de Turquía anuncia asociación con el Mayo Zambada y el Cártel de Sinaloa", "Sinaloa Cartel Influence is Steadily Growing in Tijuana", "El cártel de Sinaloa, una alianza de sangre", "Mexico blames Gulf cartel for surge in drug murders", "100,000-foot soldiers in Mexican cartels", "Why are the Sinaloa Cartel the World's Most Powerful Gangsters?