All functions can be conveniently operated by touching or gesturing at the brilliant multi-touch display. eNet device functions can now be used on the IoT platform "Conrad Connect" for automation and visualisation. Gira offers three catagories for the smart home, each of which is designed to meet different requirements: Komfort, Premium and High End. Mehr Komfort für Ihr Zuhause! Gira DCS mobile – mobile door communication system Gira DCS IP data interface Gira Project Assistant (GPA) Order No. Gira stands for outstanding building technology and excellent switch systems. Hoofdstuk 3 . The seminar facilitates the first steps in planning and programming the eNet SMART HOME system. Gira | eNet Smart Home Bestell-Nr 5301 00. The seminar facilitates the first steps in planning and programming the eNet SMART HOME system. ... Gira eNet wireless Download. With it, the whole Gira eNet system can be programmed, visualised, and documented. ca. ... eNet SMART HOME app. This site uses cookies. Product Information 03/2019. RF-based, future-oriented, retrofittable: With Gira eNet SMART HOME you have a wide range of possibilities for smart control of your home technology. eNet SMART HOME ist ein funkbasiertes Smart Home-System, das von einer Allianz deutscher Marken stets weiterentwickelt wird. Upgrading is possible if an eNet server has firmware version 1.3 or higher. 70 Min. Ever since Gira’s founding in the summer of 1905, the family-run business has played a key role in shaping the world of electrical installation and building control with its developments. With this update, Gira is expanding its solutions for wireless systems for networking and controlling building technology, which … such as eNet, or via cable (e.g. Gira eNet SMART HOME There is a chapter for each view describing the commissioning steps i eNet SMART HOME app: As soon as a building structure has been created, a device downloaded, a room added and its channels named, use in the app is possible. Zertifizierte Service-Partner in Ihrer Nähe helfen Ihnen dabei, eine auf Sie und Ihr Zuhause zugeschnittene Smart Home-Lösung zu finden. Download. Intelligent operating Gira eNet SMART HOME UK. News on Gira's door communication system. Gira X1 Der Server Gira X1 ist besonders für kleinere Wohnobjekte mit KNX Installationen geeignet. Gira eNet SMART HOME Funkbasiert, zukunftsorientiert, nachrüstbar: Mit Gira eNet SMART HOME stehen Ihnen vielfältige Möglichkeiten offen, Ihre Haustechnik smart zu steuern. There are five different control options for the Gira eNet SMART HOME system. PDF, 3.381 Kb. Update van eNet-apparatuur naar versie 2.0 (eNet SMART HOME) Zodra versie 2.0 op een eNet-server is geïnstalleerd, kunnen verdere eNet-apparaten van het project worden geactualiseerd naar eNet SMARTHOME. As one of the founding members of the eNet SMART HOME alliance, Gira products are the perfect starting point for a smooth transition to Smart Home technology. A success story with a future. As the new wireless home system is based on Gira’s existing eNet system, upgrading to the new technology is an easy process with the new version of the eNet server, or if you’ve already installed an eNet server. Image 3 of 10 from gallery of Gira eNet SMART HOME - Home automation | GIRA. PDF, 707 Kb. The Gira G1 eNet client fits perfectly in your rooms with a design that is both future oriented and simple. 18404 90. As a result, the eNet SMART HOME system now not only features lighting and shade controls but also enables the link to the Gira door communication system. We are responsible for the future. Gira | eNet Smart Home Image 2 of 3 from gallery of Wireless Home Control - eNet Smart Home | GIRA. Gira X1/ L1/ GPA (EN) The contents of the seminar can also be independently post-processed later on at the Gira … Control your home with Conrad Connect and all associated providers of devices and services. Gira eNet SMART HOME (wireless) Gira KNX system (wired) A comfortable climate creates a welcoming environment. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies. eNet SMART HOME Server; eNet SMART HOME Server as a start-up tool; The software of the eNet Server in detail; Startup of eNet SMART HOME with tado° Voice control in the eNet system; eNet SMART HOME meets Conrad Connect; Summary Chapter 5; Exercises to Chapter 5 Gira G1 eNet SMART HOME Client Gira G1 eNet SMART HOME Client Control all areas of your personal eNet SMART HOME system from home with the Gira G1: The intelligent central operating unit enables intuitive access to all functions. With a room temp-erature controller from Gira, you can ensure the perfect temperature for your well-being and also heat or cool the room according to requirements and in a way that saves money and energy. Integration and programming of eNet SMART HOME Server will also be discussed. Integration and programming of eNet SMART HOME Server will also be discussed. Learn more about the cookies we or third parties use and your ability to display them in our Data protection notice. Our Data Protection Declaration contains more information about the cookies used by us or third parties and the ways in which you can deactivate cookies. You can use the following eNet SMART HOME functions: Switch devices on and off; Switch lights on and off and dim them In order to be able to update from eNet to eNet SMART HOME, it is necessary to update the eNet server to Version 2.0 and then update the installed eNet devices. • the eNet server is connected to the mains voltage and to the router via a network cable. PREPARATION Gira X1 The Gira X1 server is particularly suitable for smaller residential properties with KNX installations. With eNet SMART HOME, you’ll never again have to run from one end of the house to the other, individually closing blinds. Für das Gira eNet SMART HOME System stehen sechs verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Steuerung zur Verfügung. i The commissioning of an eNet system with the eNet server is described in detail in the following chapters. Camera images can also be accessed "live". Gira stands for outstanding building technology and excellent switch systems. All the functions of the eNet system can be easily and intuitively controlled via the app, using the Gira G1, with wireless operating top units, manually or via wall transmitters. Blinds, roller shutters and awnings automatically provide privacy and shade. Camera images can also be accessed "live". Make the electric shades you have smart. Prerequisite for executing Server Update 2.2.1 is an eNet server with Firmware Version 2.1 or 2.2. Quick Start Guide Android. Gira website The Gira eNet SMART HOME system now has voice control capabilities via the new voice assistant, increasing the options for customers to control their system. The user-friendly interface of the Gira Smart Home app visualises the KNX installation of a single-family home and makes its functions available: dimming, switching, shutters, blinds, heating control, value transmitter, scenes, timer and much more. Sollten Sie dann Lust auf noch mehr Komfort bekommen, lässt sich das Gira eNet System unkompliziert erweitern. Denn Ihr Gira eNet SMART HOME zieht problemlos mit Ihnen um, wenn Sie die Wohnung wechseln. Image 1 of 10 from gallery of Gira eNet SMART HOME - Home automation | GIRA. The contents of the seminar can also be independently post-processed later on at the Gira … Order No. The Gira G1 can be used as an operating device for the eNet SMART HOME system. KNX). The use of a Gira server further extends the range of functions, and allows the building technology to be displayed and controlled on Gira display devices or smartphones. Image 3 of 3 from gallery of Wireless Home Control - eNet Smart Home | GIRA. • you have downloaded the eNet SMART HOME app to your mobile phone. Starten Sie Ihr intelligentes Zuhause einfach mit einer Basisausstattung wie beispielsweise mit Lichtsteuerung per Gira eNet Funk-Bedienaufsatz. • PC or tablet with web browser are also in the same network. eNet SMART HOME ist für Nachrüstung und Neueinrichtung in Alt- und Neubauten gleichermaßen geeignet. Prerequisites for updating to eNet Server Version 2.2.1. By using our website you agree to the use of cookies. Gira eNet SMART HOME Switching and dimming lights, controlling temperatures, and opening and closing blinds and shutters, either manually or according to the degree of sunlight: with Gira eNet components, everything can be controlled wirelessly – either individually or networked into so-called scenes, based on the situation or the user’s needs. Per Sprachbefehl mit Alexa oder Google Assistant, per App, per Gira G1, mit Funk Bedienaufsätzen oder per Hand- oder Wandsender lassen sich alle Funktionen des eNet Systems einfach und intuitiv steuern. 18529 99. The user-friendly interface of the Gira Smart Home app visualises the KNX installation of a single-family home and makes its functions available: dimming, switching, shutters, blinds, heating control, value transmitter, scenes, timer and much more. eNet SMART HOME ABOUT eNet ABOUT GIRA. Control your lamps, heating and other smart devices from home or on the road. Gira uses cookies for websites in the domain. eNet SMART HOME app compatible with Android and iOS tablets (portrait and landscape format) Manual connection of the eNet SMART HOME app to the eNet server in the local network is possible by entering the local IP code; The signal quality measurement can … Devices in the eNet SMART HOME system; Transmitter - installation options; Gira eNet SMART HOME 70 Min. • eNet server and smartphone are in the same network. The Gira eNet server is the intelligent central control unit of the eNet wireless system for when users want to go beyond the standard functions of the eNet sensors and actuators. eNet Service-Partner. The eNet SMART HOME system; Installing eNet devices into the existing electrical systems; Overview of devices in the eNet SMART HOME system; Summary Chapter 2; Exercises to Chapter 2; ca. As a result, the eNet SMART HOME system now not only features lighting and shade controls but also enables the link to the Gira door communication system. ABOUT GIRA. Deze video handleiding begeleid u in twee stappen door de naar upgrade van eNet SMART HOME door de eNet-apparaten bij te werken naar versie 2.0.