Gjendesheim is the natural starting point for the Besseggen hike. Memurubu – Besseggen – Gjendesheim - Über Norwegens schärfsten Grat Wanderung am See Gjende Jotunheimen Rundtour Besseggen Jotunheimen Runde mit Zelt ab Gjendesheim (6 Tage) Knutshøe, 1517 Diese Vorschläge wurden automatisch erstellt. The boat ride lasts 20 minutes and in high season it is often fully booked. Most people that hike Besseggen takes the ferry inwards the Gjende lake, before they start the mountain climb. Alternatively, you can get the boat to Memurubu in the morning (as we did) and hike back to Gjendesheim. Memurubu - Besseggen - Gjendesheim (14 km) Artikel im outdoor-Magazin Über meine Besseggen-Wanderung ist auch ein Artikel im outdoor-Magazin erschienen (Print-Ausgabe 08/2016). Gjendesheim bildet einen beliebten Ausgangspunkt für Wandertouren in Jotunheimen. The Gjende ferry starts from the dock at Gjendesheim every morning, and goes to Memurubu. So läuft man den Großteil der Strecke nur mit wenigen anderen diesen sehr beliebten Abschnitt. The Besseggen hike. It attracts around 60.000 visitors a year. shop/cafe, toilets, the ferry boat, and parking area. Man kann morgens mit dem Boot ab Gjendesheim nach Memurubu turisthytte fahren. The route over Besseggen starts at Gjendesheim, up to the trails highest point, Veslfjellet (1,743 m), down Besseggen, further over the relatively flat area Bandet (at the foot of Besshø), and ends at Memurubu, where one may take the regularly scheduled ferry route back to Gjendesheim. You can also choose to hike Besseggen the other way around, starting at Gjendesheim or Bessheim. The most popular direction to hike Besseggen is from Memurubu in the west to Gjendesheim in the east. The start or finish of the Besseggen ridge is located at Gjendesheim, on the eastern end of lake Gjende and Jotunheimen national park itself. You can also walk from Gjendesheim to Memurubu along Besseggen … Varje år går ungefär 60.000 till 70.000 människor turen över Besseggen. Spectacular hike. If the weather is good and you are an experienced camper you can bring a tent and sleep mid-trip, where the path is closest to Bessvatnet. The last 5 km downhill walking is a bit boring. Die Wanderung am Besseggen zieht sich über 14 Kilometer und 1.050 Höhenmeter zwischen den Orten Gjendesheim und Memurubu, die direkt am Gjendesee liegen. You can hike the Besseggen ridge in both directions, either from Gjendesheim to Memurubu or take the Gjende boat across the fjord Gjende to Memurubu and then trek the ridge back.. Gjendesheim to Memurubu is the most used stretch and even with two boats and several departures you should make sure to pre book your ticket! Most people choose to walk Besseggen by taking the boat from Gjendesheim to Memurubu and then hike back to Gjendesheim. The hike is very popular, but dont be fooled. The tour is very popular and several departures can be fully booked. In leichter Kletterei steigt man den Besseggen ab. Most choose to ride with the boat from Gjendesheim to Memurubu and walk back, but the other way works well as well! Insbesondere der Weg über den Besseggen nach Memurubu ist eine der populärsten Wanderstrecken Norwegens. Most people who enjoy the 17 kilometers hike choose to start their trip taking the boat from Gjendesheim to Memurubu from where you start you walk back to Gjendesheim over the Besseggen ridge.. Am einfachsten ist es mit dem Boot nach Memurubu zu fahren und von dort den Besseggen hinaufzusteigen und nach Gjendesheim zurückzulaufen. Auf dem Besseggengrat selbst kommen einem dann die ganzen Tagestouristen entgegen, die mit dem Boot am Morgen nach Memurubu (oder Gjendebu) gefahren sind. That way you climb up the narrow, steep Besseggen. 16km, 1140/1170 HM) Ulli: Bootstour von der Memurubu über den Gjendesee nach Maurvangen (ca. Accommodation, transportation and meals near Besseggen. Von Gjendesheim nach Memurubu. There are several boats in the morning starting around 7:30 a.m. until 10 a.m. This means you can take as much time as you like on your way back and you also get the joy of tackling Besseggen Ridge going the other way. Would not … Start by taking a morning boat across Gjende Lake from Gjendesheim to Memurubu. Take a boat from Gjendesheim to Memurubu to take a one-way trip with an epic view of the lake all the way. Ich empfehle früh zu starten und von Gjendesheim in Richtung Memurubu zu laufen. Gjendesheim lässt sich über eine etwa 2 km lange Abzweigung vom Riksvei 51 … The Besseggen Ridge hike is a one-way hike, from Memurubu to Gjendesheim or vice versa. Die Memurubu Turisthytte am Gjende ist Ausgangspunkt für eine Begehung des Besseggen Die Memurubu Turisthytte ist eine Herberge im Jotunheimen-Gebirge am Nordufer des Gjende-Sees. Here you’ll find a full service DNT hut, a small (expensive!) It is best to do the hike from Membrubu to Gjendesheim. Von dort geht es ziemlich steil bergauf, bis auf etwa 1400 Höhenmeter, dann wird es allmählich flacher. Die Tour über den Besseggen-Grat ist die bekannteste Bergwanderung Skandinaviens. You can either hike from Gjendesheim to Memurubu (the most scenic direction) or take the ferry from Gjendesheim to Memurubu and hike back (the most popular route). Features of this page require a browser with localStorage enabled. The 14 km long trail leads between the two DNT cabins Gjendesheim and Memurubu. Entsprechend viel los ist am Startpunkt Gjendesheim. There are two ways of hiking the Besseggen Norway, which we’ll explain below, however both options will bring you to the car park at Gjendesheim cabin. All three tourist cabins Gjendesheim, Memurubu and Gjendebu lie on the banks of the Gjende lake and suit well as starting points for the hike. Besseggen trailhead is located at Gjendesheim cabin, off road 51 at the eastern edge of Jotunheimen National Park, a home to the highest mountains in Norway! Surrounded by majestic Jotunheimen mountains and situated by the scenic lake Gjende at 1000 metres above sea level, Gjendesheim is the most visited mountain lodge north of the Alps. 7km) Wetter Fähren verbinden die beiden Stützpunkte und bringen die Wanderer zurück zum Start der Tour. It is by Memurubu that the hike begins. Gjendesheim has a scenic location below the world famous Besseggen ridge, overlooking lake Gjende. Zeltplatz an der Memurubu Touristenhütte: Campingplatz Ziel: Besseggen Fjellpark, Maurvangen: gefahrene Kilometer: 0: Highlights / Wanderungen: Jotunheimen NP Eric: Wandertour von der Memurubu über den Besseggengrat nach Gjendesheim (ca. Besseggen is one of the most popular hikes in the country. Midway between Gjendesheim and Gjendebu, with Besseggen and Bukkelægret on each side. Park at Gjendesheim, hop on the M/S Gjende ferry and cross the lake to begin the hike. The Besseggen rigde is one of the most popular and spectacular hikes in Norway. Book your ticket in advance if … one kilometer long and 250 meters in … The hike from Memrubu to "Bandet" and the Besseggen climb are the best part. You will walk along the ridge for the biggest part of the hike, with stunning views of … Of course, you could walk both ways, staying in a tent or in the hut at Memurubu overnight. The day hike between Memurubu Lodge and Gjendesheim takes about six hours and climbs to a high point of 1743m. Diese Route wird am häufigsten begangen, da der Grat bekanntlich leichter aufzusteigen als abzusteigen und mit Kindern oder Leuten mit Höhenangst besser zu bewältigen ist. The cabin is located next to the Gjendeboat, and you can start or end the hike from the doorsteps of the cabin. Memurubu (uppfört 1872) är en turistanläggning som ligger i östra Jotunheimen, i Loms kommun, Norge.Det är en vanlig startpunkt eller avslutning på vandringsturen över Besseggen och många väljer därför att övernatta på Memurubu Turisthytte. If you go for the first option you can sleep at Memurubu before taking the ferry back to Gjendesheim. This route is not only one of the world’s most famous hikes, but it is located in the heart of Jotunheimen National Park and rooted in the history of … The Besseggen ridge, approx. Wonderful views. It climbs/falls 1200 m in total and is quite demanding over its entire length, so you need to be in a good physical shape to hike it. Not down. The Besseggen hike is a one-way hike and both directions start in Gjendesheim. Memurubu with its idyllic location by Gjende, is situated in the heart of Jotunheimen National Park. Besseggen. The first stage of the Historical Hiking Route in Jotunheimen takes you from Gjendesheim to Memurubu over Besseggen Ridge. Erreichbar ist Memurubu mit dem Boot von Gjendesheim. Der Berg zieht jährlich tausende Touristen an. Um die erste Teilstrecke zu bewältigen, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten: Die Wanderung entlang des Sees oder die Wanderung über den Besseggengrat. Besseggen Mountain Park, Maurvangen with camping and cabin rental facilities is another suitable accommodation for Besseggen hikers. Die Überfahrt dauert eine gute halbe Stunde. Der Aufstieg zum Besseggen ist sehr populär in Norwegen. Die Hütte ist Ausgangspunkt für eine Begehung des berühmten Besseggen. Many choose to do the hike in the other direction by starting at Memurubu after first taking the ferry there from Gjendesheim. Von Gjendesheim nach Memurubu