At this time, I do not have a blog set up, but I hope to do so when I can. We are asking $3750.00 each. After posting comments myself, I noticed even more. Male Golden Retrievers are 23-24 inches tall and weigh 65-75 pounds. If you know of other rescues that work with this mix or its parent breeds, we would love to hear about them! breeder located in Perth, Ontario, Canada (1 hour west of Ottawa. Are there any golden/shepherds left? Male German Shepherds stand between 24 and 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh 65 to 90 pounds. She is now 7 weeks. Breed differences in canine aggression. Miniature Golden Retrievers are not a member of the American Kennel Club but a certain mix of them is recognized by the Designer Dogs’ Kennel Club – the Golden Retriever x Goldendoodle. Australian Shepherd & Golden Retriever Mix. CA$ 18.70. The Golden Retriever has noble origins. Die Holidog Times ist im Einsatz, um euch von den Nachrichten aus der Tierwelt zu berichten, die wirklich zählen. For more specific details and tips on other aspects of training, check out our guides to crate training and puppy potty training. The Golden Retriever and the Chihuahua might be two of the most opposite-looking dog breeds out there. What do you call a German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix? Are there any of these breeders around? Portmanteau names, or a name which combines parts of two other names to create something new, are very popular among crossbreed dogs. I had a German shepherd goldin retriever mix. The Golden Retriever Border Collie mix is considered to be both a working and sporting dog. Mental and physical stimulation is important. I was searching because I recently got a golden retriever/shepard mix puppy. Make sure to feed your mix a high quality food and give him a well balanced diet. May 25, 2019 - The Australian Shepherd, also known as Aussie, is a loving, brave, confident, smart and responsive dog. So you’ll be interested to know that the German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix is also known as the Golden Shepherd. From shop JaneenArts. A responsible breeder will share these results with you. Male German Shepherds stand between 24 and 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh 65 to 90 pounds. He is a Diabetic alert dog. Hot spots are a quite common skin problem among golden retrievers, these are swollen, inflamed patches of skin that cause itching, pain and sometimes are filled with pus. On the flip side, th… Many great possibilities and of course family and companion dog. The Border Collie Golden Retriever mix, also known as, the Golden Border Collie is a large dog known to be bright, obedient, and agile. The Dad was the golden retriever she the only one that looks like her dad the rest looked like the mom. They may be aloof toward strangers and in some cases can also be nervous of them. Bereitet euch schonmal mental darauf vor, einen Golden Retriever Mischling adoptieren zu wollen: 18 zuckersüße Husky – Golden Retriever Mischlinge, 15 Dackel Mischlinge die ihr ganz bestimmt noch nie gesehen habt. And most Goldens have a sturdy well balanced body. Category Entertainment; Show more Show less. The most common health problems seen in this mix are: Hip dysplasia; Cataracts; Cancer; Bloat; The best way to avoid these issues from arising is to get your Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever mix from a reputable breeder. Do you know where I can find one here in Georgia? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2008, Strain G. Deafness prevalence and pigmentation and gender associations in dog breeds at risk. He has ears that are erect and a long muzzle. I do have some good pictures of her. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? With his efforts, German Shepherds became increasingly popular. That’s because these two breeds have quite distinctive personalities, and it’s impossible to say which parent your puppy will take after. Females are 21.5-22.5 inches tall and weigh 55-65 pounds. Make sure that you avoid puppy mills and pet stores. If you are considering the adoption of a Golden Retriever puppy, or any breed, it is very important to be selective in choosing a … Potentially getting the herding instinct from the Border Collie and the hunting/retrieving instinct from the Golden Retriever. One of the most popular and recognizable breeds, German Shepherds have come a long way in the past hundred years. With both parents being prone to separation anxiety, a German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix is only suited to homes where the family is around for much of the day. On the other hand, the Golden Retriever is usually an easy going, friendly dog that welcomes advances from total strangers.. What you can be almost certain of is a clever dog! Created by Meks. Kennedy, L.J., et al. Golden Retrievers are among the most friendly dogs to get around kids. Hi I have also been looking for one for the longest time. The behavior of the parents should reflect their respective breeds. Mère et père pure race américain enregistré pas les chiots . I can not seem to find a puppy, I am looking into getting a new pup. However, to avoid obesity make sure you don’t overfeed or give too many treats, and give your mix plenty of exercise. Adams and Evans 2010 Methods and mortality results of a health survey of purebred dogs in the UK. How to find a puppy and raise a happy, healthy dog, March 26, 2019 By Happy Puppy Team 16 Comments. He was skin and bones at probably four months old. It’s also a big decision with many considerations. It’s their service dog what on earth makes you think it’s for sale?? How do I find a golden retriever and German Shepherd mix near me in Halton Region. Powered by WordPress. P_WAC: eine Organisation, die vom Aussterben bedrohte Affen rettet, Niederländische Regierung lässt tausende Tiere verhungern – Die Öffentlichkeit protestiert, Dieser Bär verbrachte 10 Jahre in Gefangenschaft – Jetzt brachte er zwei Babys zur Welt, In einem Wutanfall schlägt er seinen Hund zu Tode und malträtiert seine Katze, Dieser heldenhafte Labrador unterstützt seinen besten Freund in einer schweren Krankheit, Katze im Tierheim hilft, 5 Babys aufzuziehen, nachdem ihre Mutter krank wurde. If so for how much? Adopting a rescued Golden Retriever could be one of the most rewarding things you do in life! I had no way to get food for him, so I browned ground beef, put a little bread and water in it and he came on up to the porch and ate. Golden Retrievers are strictly golden, though the shade of gold can vary widely from pale cream to a dark golden red. But what if you have already decided on a Golden Shepherd? 3 hours east of Toronto.). We have been active in the sport of purebred dogs since 1992. Male Golden Retrievers are 23-24 inches tall and weigh 65-75 pounds. I appreciate the all the information provided on this mixed breed. Exercise is a vital part of any dog’s life, but it should not be overdone with German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix puppies due to the Shepherd’s risk of developing joint problems. The answer to this question depends a great deal on the family! All the pups are gone to new homes. Ensure that the Golden Retriever parent has no family history of cancer. Golden Retriever is one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the world. They will be ready for their new homes when they are about 8 weeks old or about February 25, 2021 providing they are eating and drinking water well. For additional help with finding a puppy, check out our puppy search guide. This risk is increased in neutered females. I live in Melbourne Australia, and I am looking for a german shepherd x golden retriever, can anyone tell me where I can purchase one of these. Females are 21.5-22.5 inches tall and weigh 55-65 pounds. Some lines of German Shepherds have been bred with an exaggerated stance and weakness in the hindquarters. His head is medium sized and his eyes are deep and almond shaped. Golden Retriever Mischling Hund Golden Retriever Hunde Mischlinge Hunde Rassen Schäferhund Mischling Schäferhund Welpen Hundewelpen Süße Hunde Labrador Retrievers. Mein Herz! You’ll find them listed on our puppy training page. I appreciate your advice. 13 alltägliche Lebensmittel die dein Hund NIEMALS essen sollte, 12 unglaubliche Bilder von Hunden mit ihren tierischen Freunden. Your email address will not be published. The breeder should ask you lots of questions, and be happy to answer them from you too. I have a keen interest in providing pups in the future of this breed because I think they have good potential in many ways for service dogs as well and companion dogs. And I will try to post some pics. German Shepherd Training And Activities – Keeping Clever Dogs Entertained, Big German Shepherd Dogs – How to Care for a Super Sized Pup, German Shepherd Poodle Mix Breed – A Guide To The Shepadoodle, Corgi German Shepherd Mix Breed Information Center. Your mix is likely to require regular grooming, although is not as high maintenence as some breeds. Meeting the German Shepherd parent and making sure that they are happy with strangers is vital, but you will still need to follow a good socialization plan. The Golden Retriever, an exuberant Scottish gundog of great beauty, stands among America’s most popular dog breeds. The Golden Retriever is a gorgeous, large, and energetic breed. She is now around 21″ at withers and very healthy, active and responds well to training. Females are between 22 and 24 inches tall and weigh 50 to 70 pounds. There are many possibilities for what a Golden Retriever x German Shepherd might look like. Frequent brushing is important to keep the coat sleek and mat-free. German Shepherds are naturally intelligent, protective and loyal. Their temperaments vary too, with some puppies inheriting the guarding tendencies of their German Shepherd parent, and others having a stronger connection to the retrieving instincts of the Golden Retriever. I am super interested. Even the Golden Retriever, a breed that rarely shows aggression, can develop such behavior. I thought 4 sure they were going to keep her they were but told me if I gave her a good home I could have her she Goldie was the best & smarted dog I ever had. Our breeding dogs have all appropriate clearances (hips, elbows, heart & eyes), and possess correct Golden Retriever temperament. He trained the dog, named Nous, to retrieve birds, and it went so well that he decided to breed Nous with a type of water spaniel that no longer exists. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. German Shepherds have a waterproof double coat and are always shedding, though not profusely unless it’s shedding season. 17 Mischlingshunde, die das Süßeste überhaupt sind. Copyright © 2014. Another is that you will have given a forever home to a dog in need! They have bushy tails and an intelligent expression. It is perhaps most recognizable for its thick golden coat that is often wavy and full of body. These tests can give insight on what sort of health issues, if any, your dog may run into down the line. Mom is a purebred Golden Retriever, and Dad is an Apricot Medium Poodle. The German Shepherd breed … [Read More...], 21 Of The Most Popular German Shepherd Dog Mixes German Shepherd And Golden Retriever Mix Appearance. They can attach to one person more strongly than others, even becoming overprotective of that person. Since 1990, Golden Rescue™ has found homes for abandoned, unwanted or displaced Golden Retrievers. Wiley Blackwell, O’Neill et al. Please let me know and thank you. Er hat ein super Pigment und ist sehr lernfreudig. Use these handy links to jump to the aspect you’re most interested in. Socialization is important for all dogs to keep them from becoming fearful or aggressive. They are active dogs who love to be social and like to tag along with their owners everywhere they can. Many mix breed dogs come from rescue centers or animal shelters, and we would definitely encourage you to look into adopting an adult dog! Some health problems are also more commonly seen with old age. In getting to learn this pup, she would be a great scent dog, possible great search & rescue as well as emotional therapy dog. One benefit is that you will be able to tell more about the temperament of the dog. Bailey gently took his shirt in his mouth and bit him oh so softly! Journal of Small Animal Practice. And more intensely during shedding seasons. The list of health risks for these breeds seems pretty long, and your mix may possibly inherit any of them. Wenn Sie weiterhin auf unserer Seite surfen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. They are the world's foremost family pet and companion. I think she is beautiful in size, proportion, color, disposition. So you can expect your mix breed to do the same! If two … [Read More...], The German Shepherd Poodle mix is a cross between a purebred … [Read More...], The Corgi German Shepherd mix is a cross between a purebred … [Read More...], Are German Shepherds good with kids? The Health Concerns document includes information on some of the known health related issues found in the breed.. I have long desired to have a German Shepard myself and was still waiting for the right timing. Different Types Of German Shepherds – There Are More Than You Think! Health risks like these underline the importance of purchasing your pup from a responsible breeder. 2011. I wanted find out more to help me with many characteristics in raising my pup. These health tests are very important as they can inform you about any health risks your puppy could inherit. Is this dog for sale? Your German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix will need companionship. How do I find a golden retriever and German Shepherd mix near me in Birmingham al. Please let us know in the comments below. Golden Rescue™ is one of the largest single breed rescue groups in Canada. And who can forget the Golden Retriever’s smiley, sweet face that just seems to emit pure joy? The German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix is an active, intelligent dog. I did that for a week. Adopting a Golden Shepherd can be a very fulfilling experience. You’ll find that your Golden will quickly become an inseparable member of your family. She is very intelligent, learns very quick, she is already in training and I see great potential and I have great plans in working with her. I truly believe we were meant to be together and be each other’s “caregiver”. Responsible breeders are clearly committed to work towards the recognition of the breed and the enforcement of best breeding practices for Mini Goldens/ small golden retrievers. Glenbern English Cream Golden Golden Retrievers. I was looking for information regarding golden retriever and german shepard mix and googled it. Since my first post, my pup will be 6 months Sept. 5. Then carry on just once or twice each week, indefinitely. I named him Bailey after the book and movie by Bruce Cameron’s A Dogs Purpose. My Golden Shepherd showed up at our farm. Golden Retrievers, as with other breeds, are susceptible to some health problems, some of a genetic nature, others viral. Bailey loves everyone and other dogs. They are sturdy, well proportioned, and are well known for their hunting capabilities on land and in the water. You should also make sure that the German Shepherd parent does not walk on their hocks and avoid dogs with an extremely arched back. However, this mix is prone to certain health problems that are seen in Australian Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. The German Shepherd might not want to jump in your lap for a cuddle, but he should seem unworried by your presence and have a wagging tail. Bindi is an adorable Golden Retriever puppy that is ready for cuddles. The one I picked out was different in that she looks like a retriever blonde with whitish markings and is totally adorable. Golden Retrievers have a life expectancy of about 12.5 years. Golden Retriever Mischlinge treiben die Sache allerdings auf die Spitze. Das schöne blonde Fell vermischt sich perfekt mit den 13 anderen Hunderassen in dieser Liste. They are serious workers … And these are pups that will be happiest with plenty of company. I have a service dog (German shepherd golden retriever mix) out of 4 paws for Ability, Exinia Ohio. She had 5 pups with 4 having German Shepard markings with some black with tan & some with more tan with dark markings. Am Besten kann er Unfug anstellen und furchtbar niedlich gucken. “Analysis of NOD1, NOD2, TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6 and TLR9 genes in anal furunculosis of German shepherd dogs.” Tissue Antigens. Von Willebrand’s disease and cardiac problems such as patent ductus arteriosus and chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy have also been associated. I also appreciate that your site respects the privacy of those who post comments on your site. The breed was developed by a British aristocrat named Lord Tweedmouth. Here we have compiled a list of rescues around the world. She camps in my bedroom, so she knows I am near and I still get up and take her out during the night and she lets me know. Highly food motivated. The biggest concern with Golden Retrievers right now however is probably cancer. We are very happy to announce the arrival of our gorgeous litter of Golden Retriever puppies, born on December 31st, 2020. Unsere Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen das bestmögliche Nutzererlebnis zu bieten. However, we do have more facts about the parent breeds. They were valued far more for their work ethic than their looks. Both parents should have good hip and elbow scores, a clear eye test, and be PRA clear as a minimum. And, also she was so easy to potty train and is crate trained for in the house. However, once they are older they need to receive proper exercise or they may become bored and cause trouble. First, I would like to thank you for the happy puppy site. These dogs are also used as seeing eye dogs and for therapy. Alberta: Goldcker Breeding: Multi-purpose Litters per year: 1 Brian & Lori Lancaster Carseland, AB Phone: (403) 901-2120 Email Website: Canza Breeding: Multi-purpose 2006. As is the case with many mixed breed dogs, no one is entirely certain where the mix originated. We have a list of rescue organizations with the potential to have your Golden Shepherd just waiting for you. Golden Retriever was bred to help hunters in search of the game shot. German Shepherds have a life expectancy of about 11 years. The Golden Retriever Club of British Columbia will not be liable for any damages incurred while purchasing puppies from breeders on this website. Sunny ist ein Golden Retriever Border Collie Mischling und lebt im Rheinland. 4 out of 5 stars (5) 5 reviews. German Shepherds who … [Read More...], The German Shepherd is a very popular large-breed herding … [Read More...], The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog comes from a German … [Read More...]. You can find me on FB as Deborah Taylor Hayes for messaging right now. The Golden Border Collie is a hybrid dog and has the best of both worlds. “Risk of Anal Furunculosis in German Shepherd Dogs is Associated with the Major Histocompatability Complex.” Tissue Antigens. It is also favored by charities such as Guide Dogs For The Blind, due to its intelligence and kindly nature. Teeth should be brushed weekly, and ears should be checked for wax buildup, especially if the puppy has the dropped ear flaps of a Golden. The parents are both golden retrievers with calm temperament, they are very healthy, with no hip problem at all. Longevity and Mortality of Dogs Owned In England. 6 females and 5 males are looking for their forever homes. Les chiots auront reçus leurs vaccins et vermifuge et examen de santé complet cher le vétérinaire auront leur carnet de santé. “Genetic Analyses of Elbow and Hip Dysplasia in the German Shepherd Dog.” Journal of Animal Breeding & Genetics. Analysis of Dog Bites In Children Who Are Younger Than 17 Years. He didn’t seem to be alarmed that I was sitting in the rocking chair talking to him. Although … Golden Retriever Mischlinge treiben die Sache allerdings auf die Spitze. If you have any doubts, walk away and resume your search elsewhere. Golden Retriever alleine sind schon zuckersüß. Though it can be difficult to find rescues that focus on a specific mix, like the German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix, there’s a good chance that breed-specific rescues are good places to start when looking for your Golden Shepherd. 2009. Caring for a bouncy, fast growing, German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix puppy is a big responsibility. Check the Golden’s hair for mats and tangles, as this will give you a good idea of how well the breeder takes care of their dogs. German Shepherd Puppy Growth And Development, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Breed Information Center, Extra attention to socialization is important, Gough A, Thomas A, O’Neill D. 2018 Breed Predispositions to Disease In Dogs and Cats. When it comes to breeds that may be considered rather than this mix, there are a few suggestions. One time my husband talked pretty loud to me. It was only at the end of the 19th century that an effort was made to create a specific dog of Germany. The puppies already have the physical vet checked and the first vaccination & deworming. Exercise should be gradually built up, allowing the dog to gain muscle. No breed of puppy should be left alone for long periods of time, as puppies need an enriching environment and lots of attention. Or it may be that you’re looking for a mix that is similar to the Golden Shepherd. 2008. German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix dogs are active and intelligent. Dieser Hund sucht dringend eine Zuhause! Golden Retrievers also have a water-resistant double coat, and their long hair can easily become tangled and matted. To find out the answers to these and more questions, keep reading! German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix At A Glance, German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Training And Care, Pros And Cons Of Getting A German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix. Choose a brush that can reach both layers of fur as your puppy will also have a double coat like its parents. I have been wanting one for years. This too shall pass. Both parent breeds shed moderately all year round. Or read on to find out all about the German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix! Both should be friendly to you and display no signs of aggression. Considered a large breed dog, the Golden Retriever averages between 55-75 lbs, sometimes larger. Severe cases require veterinarian attention, however for the most cases, hot spots can be treated at home by carefully washing the affected area with an oatmeal-based shampoo and blowing it dry afterwards. We live in British Columbia, Canada and are looking for a German Shepherd / Golden Retriever. Eden is a home-based, Canadian Kennel Club registered, Golden Retriever Our puppies can range in all the glorious shades of golden … And if you find puppies online, do some careful checking to make sure they are not puppy mill pups. Bereitet euch schonmal mental darauf vor, einen Golden Retriever Mischling adoptieren zu wollen: 1. He follows me everywhere I go. His coat can be short and fine like the Shar Pei or water-repellent like the Golden Retriever's. Where can I find a German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix near me? The breed performs as well in water, due to its dense undercoat, and over land because of its long, powerful strides. Based on the parent breeds, you can expect a German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix to be a big dog! Supersüßer Welpe Hunde Mischlinge Aussie Welpen Hunde Erziehen Niedliche Welpen Hunde Fotos. These dogs are affectionate, friendly, good-natured So when I saw this I had to check it out. The Golden Retriever is a very popular Gundog breed and is employed today for its compatibility in companionship, showmanship, obedience and field trials. Hunde Sachen Lustige Hunde Hunde Bilder Golden Retriever Mischling Retriever Hund Hunde Welpen Hunde Futter Australian Shepherd Mischling Terrier Mischling. The Golden Retriever was thus bred to be a sporting dog and is still used by hunters today. From the day you bring your puppy home, start on a detailed plan of socialization. The Veterinary Journal, Schalamon et al. I almost didn’t notice her bc she was the only one sitting up against the house. The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to PlosOne. I talk and sing to him so much, I know he understands many, many words. Nearly 40% of all Goldens will die from this. During WWI, this popularity declined in America and the UK due to anti-German sentiments. The Veterinary Journal 2004, Packer et al. Golden Retriever Apron $ 23.95 Golden Retriever Apron – Cookin $ 22.95 Golden Retriever Apron – Cookin (Red) $ 22.95 Golden Retriever Apron – Cookin (White) $ 22.95 Golden Retriever Baby Bib – Pawprints (Set of 2) The bite risk in German Shepherds is also very high compared to other breeds, especially in respect to children. Both breeds are intelligent and trainable using positive reinforcement methods for a wide range of tasks. German … [Read More...], German Shepherd gifts are the best way to spoil a German … [Read More...], People considering the noble GSD as a pet often ask "are … [Read More...], The best food for German Shepherd puppies is designed to … [Read More...], There are some things to buy for a German Shepherd puppy … [Read More...], 8-week-old German Shepherd puppies are ready to be separated … [Read More...], The main dog breed registries only recognise one type of … [Read More...], German Shepherd training needs to take account of their hard … [Read More...], Big German Shepherd Dogs are an imposing sight. Pups are like having babies, they require a lot of attention and training. For even more recommendations of products for your pooch, check out our product reviews pages. This is because, often, these mixes are the result of a happy accident! 2013. She has a strong, firm muscular body with golden blended with lighter short hair. Golden Retriever mom shirt, I love mom Golden Retriever tattoo unisex tee, Golden dog mama dog owner lover gift for birthday christmas JaneenArts. The medium length coat can be straight or more often have a slight wave, and Goldens have a characteristically friendly expression. Thanks! These sources often sacrifice the interests of the animals in favor of making money. Continue with this daily socialization program until the window closes at around 14 weeks old. Required fields are marked *, Are German Shepherds protective? I will be looking for high quality male potential for breeding her. These are just some basic pros and cons, of course. Do you mind recommending a breeder, or a place where I can find a puppy? Male and female puppies are available. Females are between 22 and 24 inches tall and weigh 50 to 70 pounds. They will come with a veterinary health booklet that will show they have been dewormed and had their first vaccines (DHPP). Health Issues. And I wanted to reach out to you because in the future I will breed her to a good match for temperment and disposition to bring out even better quality of this particular mix of golden retriever and shepard. My husband bought him food and a nice bed. I have wanted a German Shepard for a very long time but it did not happen for me and as this pup is a golden retreiver/shepard (now called Golden Shepard), I think the quality of this breed is going to be a good one for many of the characteristics of the retriever and shepard. Das schöne blonde Fell vermischt sich perfekt mit den 13 anderen Hunderassen in dieser Liste. However, I would like to know if there is a good way to let people who are interested in finding the this breed know how to get in touch. Intensive socialization helps to avoid potential issues with inappropriate guarding behavior. Although the Golden Shepherd is not recognized by the AKC as a breed in its own right, this mix has been recognized by the International Designer Canine Registry since 2009. Hundezubehör auf bestellen. Jul 25, 2016 - types of goldendoodle haircuts - Google Search Early socialization and the use of positive reinforcement training is essential, especially if you have children or they regularly visit. Our readers’ most popular and frequently asked questions about the German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix. He is the most precious, loving and intelligent dog! We work hard to ensure that every Golden who enters our program is placed with a safe and loving forever family. This is understandable, as the full name can get a little unwieldy! I was so amazed! If you are interested in future contact and possible pups, we can get together and I will be glad to send you some pics of her. We anticipate that they will grow between 50-60 lbs. How big does a Golden Retriever German Shepherd mix get? He is a medium to large dog weighing 40 to 75 pounds and standing 17 to 24 inches tall. I decided to make this cute video about me and Chip! Hi, I am also located in Georgia and I just got a puppy from one of my friends whose bitch is a Golden Retriever/Shepard Mix. However, German Shepherds regained popularity with the public in the 1960s and have been a favorite with the police and military for decades. House, A.K., et al. Stock, K.F., et al. Hi, I’m located in Georgia and my family and I have been looking for a dog for a while now, my dad loves German Shepard’s and so do I, we also love gold retrievers.