Mit drei Fingern zweimal tippen Zoom ein- oder ausschalten Dreimal mit drei Fingern tippen Sprachausgabe aktivieren oder deaktivieren Scroll to the Voice section, click on the Choose voice menu, and make your selection: Don't forget to adjust the voice Speed and Pitch to match your personal preferences. Artikel wikiHow ini akan mengajarkan kepada Anda cara mematikan VoiceOver, fitur aksesibilitas pada iPhone yang akan membacakan detail konten pada layar.Anda bisa menonaktifkannya dengan menekan tiga kali tombol “Home”, mengakses menu pengaturan perangkat (“Settings”), atau memerintahkan Siri untuk mematikannya. Dann auf VoiceOver klicken und ausschalten mit einem Doppelklick. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Leider habe ich die Reset Funktion ausgeführt und müsste jetzt mein Passwort eingeben was aber aufgrund der eingeschalteten Voice over Funktion nicht geht. Am iPhone 8 und am iPhone X können Sie den Hard Reset mit einer Tastenkombination durchführen. Kommentar hinzufügen. If you have multiple options assigned to triple-click (such as Voice Over, Assistive Touch, etc. Anda bisa menonaktifkan Voice Control di iPhone Anda yang telah dihilangkan batasannya, tetapi tidak semua iPhone bisa dihilangkan batasannya. Um die Sprachsteuerung komplett zu deaktivieren, geht ihr in der Einstellungen-App zunächst auf den Punkt „Bedienungshilfen“ und tippt dann auf „Home-Taste“ (bis iPhone 8) bzw.„Seitentaste“ (ab iPhone X). Um die Sprachsteuerung komplett zu deaktivieren, geht ihr in der Einstellungen-App zunächst auf den Punkt „Bedienungshilfen“ und tippt dann auf „Home-Taste“ (bis iPhone 8) bzw.„Seitentaste“ (ab iPhone X). Damit Sie via LTE telefonieren können, muss Ihr Netzanbieter diese Option auch unterstützen. Geht nun auf die Option „Aus“ unter Zum … On an iPhone X or later, you can prevent Classic Voice Control or Siri from responding when you press and hold the Side button on your device. Anyone got a work around. You can try disabling VoiceOver using one of the methods in this article, and then reenabling it. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, you can prevent Classic Voice Control or Siri from responding when you press and hold the Home button on your device. 2. 19.09.2013 19:36 | von Tim Aschermann. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, go to Settings > Accessibility, then tap Home Button. Even if your iPhone’s in silent mode, incoming calls and notifications will still vibrate your device.To prevent this behavior, disable “Vibrate on Silent,” or use Do Not Disturb instead. Voice over LTE auf dem iPhone ein- und ausschalten. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. I can order a home button, but it will take a couple of days. When VoiceOver is enabled, unlocking the phone is a little different. Este artigo do wikiHow vai ensiná-lo como desativar o "VoiceOver", a função de acessibilidade do iPhone que lê em voz alta as informações na tela do aparelho. On Samsung smartphones you can activate a Screen Reader to provide audible feedback to assist blind and low-vision users with their phones. Thanks! Drücke den Home-Button schnell dreimal. )Touchez Général. Splash, water and dust resistance are not permanent conditions, and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, go to Settings > Accessibility, then tap Home Button. Tap the "Slide to Unlock" slider once, and then tap it twice quickly. What do I do if Siri says voiceover has been turned off but it's still on? ... Klicke auf "Allgemein" dann auf "Bedienungshilfen" (immer schnelle Doppelklicks!) By using our site, you agree to our. Turn your phone off then back on. Warnings. Voice Control kann toll sein, bis es damit anfängt, in deiner Tasche deine Kontakte anzurufen, während du herumläufst. To turn VoiceOver back on, triple-click the Home button once more. iPhone Assistive Touch. ), you'll need to select which one you want to turn off. 2. (Originally exclusive to the iPhone 5s, noise cancellation is now available to older devices in iOS 7.1.) Außerdem muss das das Gebiet, in dem Sie sich befinden, auch LTE-Netzabdeckung genießen. Eases uses one hand with your phone . Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. FaceTime calls over Wi-Fi allow for clearer video and don’t use data from your mobile data allowance. This wikiHow teaches you how to disable VoiceOver, the iPhone accessibility feature that reads aloud the details on your screen. Why can't I scroll down on my iPhone with VoiceOver enabled? (Originally exclusive to the iPhone 5s, noise cancellation is now available to older devices in iOS 7.1.) Tout d'abord appuyez sur le bouton principal. PC über Tastatur neustarten: Tastenkombination für Neustar . What if I can't get the settings to work? 1.) - iPhone 5s wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. The Talkback/Voice Assistant is an Accessibility feature of Samsung devices that helps blind and low-vision users by speaking actions out loud as items are touched, selected and activated. If it's necessary to enter a passcode, tap the first number of the passcode once, then double-tap it to select it. Konnte wegen voice over den code nicht eingeben bzw das phone hat ihn einfach nicht geschluckt und das Phone ist jetzt aktiviert. Konnte wegen voice over den code nicht eingeben bzw das phone hat ihn einfach nicht geschluckt und das Phone ist jetzt aktiviert. If you don't have another phone number to send your calls to (and you live in the United States), you can get a free phone number from Google Voice. 3. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. If you're using an iPhone with a 4.7-inch screen, first scroll down to, If your iPhone has a 4.7-inch screen, you'll first have to scroll down using three fingers to view the. Artikel wikiHow ini akan mengajarkan kepada Anda cara mematikan VoiceOver, fitur aksesibilitas pada iPhone yang akan membacakan detail konten pada layar.Anda bisa menonaktifkannya dengan menekan tiga kali tombol “Home”, mengakses menu pengaturan perangkat (“Settings”), atau memerintahkan Siri untuk mematikannya. See How to Get a Google Voice Phone Number for more information. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. This workaround will enable Siri which overrides Voice Control, enable a password lock, and then disable Siri from the lock screen. Ihren Bildschirm können Sie in Windows 10 am schnellsten per Tastenkombination drehen. i am stuck at the hello screen, where it ask me to press the home button. iPhone XR Gepostet am 27. If that doesn't work, visit your phone provider store and see if they can help. It's an exceptionally handy tool for the visually impaired and it comes complete with training so that you can learn to use it to its fullest. voice over aktiviert, da nichts mehr ging, Gerät neu gestartet. Without wasting time, let’s see how to proceed as quickly and easily as possible. Wenn du die Trackpad-Steuerung auf deinem Mac verwendest. You can do that via all apps or by clicking on the gear icon beside the quick … ), you'll need to select which one you want to turn off. Verwende eine der folgenden Methoden, um VoiceOver ein- oder auszuschalten: Zeige die Siri-Übersicht an und sage „Aktiviere VoiceOver“ oder „Deaktiviere VoiceOver“. Forwarding your incoming calls to another phone number means that your iPhone will not ring when people call you. Launch your Settings app with a tap, then tap the General button. Use this workaround to disable Voice Control and prevent pocket calls. Ein iPhone kann man auch ohne Hilfe von dem Power-Button ausschalten. Submit. I want to turn off VoiceOver forever because it's very annoying. Talkback or Voice Assistant will require you to tap once to highlight , then double tap any item on the screen to select it. If you don't have another phone number to send your calls to (and you live in the United States), you can get a free phone number from Google Voice. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Nachdem ich in der Lage war, dieses auszuschalten, hatte ich die letzten 11 Minuten mit dem Supportmitarbeiter ein einwand- und … Voice Control cannot technically be disabled. VoiceOver announce that it has turned off, but it will not continue to read the screen unless re-enabled. You can disable it by triple-clicking the Home button, accessing your iPhone’s Settings, or asking Siri to disable it for you. Mit einer einfachen Tastenkombination aktiviert man auf dem Mac die VoiceOver Funktion: Damit liest der Mac alle Bildschirmausgaben und Texte vor und erklärt, in … Auch das mit dem schnellen Doppelklicken habe ich … Simply triple-clicking the Home button won't automatically turn off Voice Over. Follow these steps: On an iPhone X or later, go to Settings > Accessibility, then tap Side Button. No problem. Learn how to adjust the Side or Home button settings for Classic Voice Control and Siri on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. What do I do if VoiceOver is on and I can't unlock the phone? Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. I did this on my iPad - Go to Settings, then General, then Accessibility, then Typing Feedback, then just turn off "Speak Auto Text.". Voice Control beim iPhone ausschalten. )Touchez Réglage. myPortal to go offers the Voice over IP (VoIP) option on Apples iOS, if following preconditions are fulfilled: Latest myPortal to go app from Apple App Store; Device with iOS version 12 or higher; Wi-Fi connection to OpenScape Business. Cara Menonaktifkan Voice Control Di iPhone. The Talkback/Voice Assistant is an Accessibility feature of Samsung devices that helps blind and low-vision users by speaking actions out loud as items are touched, selected and activated. Geht nun auf die Option „Aus“ unter Zum Sprechen gedrückt halten. Off: There will be no response when you press and hold the Home button. Free Freeware 109.73 MB 10 / 8 / 7 / V / XP Very Good (4.4 / 5.0) Oct 28, 2020. Eine Tastenkombination oder einen Shortcut gibt es hier nicht. iPhone 11 is splash-, water- and dust-resistant, and was tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP68 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 2 metres for up to 30 minutes). Our Apps Get our official app! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 405,740 times. To turn VoiceOver back on, activate Siri again and say “Turn on VoiceOver.”. iPhone 11 The biggest, and arguably best, addition to the Apple Watch 5 is the Always On Retina display. wikiHow's. Wir erklären Ihnen, wie Sie die Funktion einschalten und ausschalten. Splash, water and dust resistance are not permanent conditions, and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Voice Control kann toll sein, bis es damit anfängt, in deiner Tasche deine Kontakte anzurufen, während du herumläufst. XDA Developers … Das schaltet die VoiveOver-Funktion aus, falls du die Dreifach-Klicken-Verknüpfung des Home-Buttons eingerichtet hast. iPhone 11 is splash-, water- and dust-resistant, and was tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP68 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 2 metres for up to 30 minutes). Jan.. 2019 16:54. See How to Get a Google Voice Phone Number for more information. Voice Control is not available in all areas and on all Apple software. Advertisement. Screen Reader uses a Voice Assistant that will describe what you touch, select and activate, giving you maximum control over your phone, even if you can't see it. Why is my iPhone 6s not working after I installed VoiceOver? Here's how to turn TalkBack for your Android device on or off. Generation) und 11" iPad Pro (2. TinyUmbrella 9.3.4. Generation) jetzt auch erkennen, wie weit jemand von dir entfernt ist. You will hear “VoiceOver is on.” If you have multiple options assigned to triple-click (such as Voice Over, Assistive Touch, etc. In today’s guide I’ll explain how to disable the Huawei voice assistant on all the smartphones produced by the company. Wie das genau funktioniert, verraten wir Ihnen Schritt für Schritt in … Buka menu Pengaturan dan pilih "Activator". Simply triple-clicking the Home button won't automatically turn off Voice Over. This will also turn off Siri. Ich bin hier in der Schweiz beim Anbieter Salt, und es scheint da ein Problem mit Voice over LTE zu geben. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. If you are experiencing any of the above problems and want to disable … How do I disable my iPhone 6 if it's in VoiceOver and it's hacked? Jetzt haben wir alles umgestellt, mit dem Ergebnis, das IPad ist … Talkback or Voice Assistant will require you to tap once to highlight , then double tap any item on the screen to select it. The press and hold setting applies only to the Side or Home button. Führe mit drei Fingern einen Dreifach-Tap auf deinem Trackpad aus. People Detection uses technology that measures how long it takes light to reflect back from objects, helping you do things like stand in line at a safe distance, better … The voiceover control box on my home screen will not cancel, how can I get it to cancel? Meine Mutter ist fast blind (10%) Ich wollte ihr heute die Voice over Funktion zeigen. Thanks for submitting a tip for review! You can perform this process from the lock screen. Du kannst die Einstellungen für VoiceOver auf dem iPhone anpassen – zum Beispiel die Audio-Optionen, die Sprache, die Stimme, die Sprechgeschwindigkeit und die Ausführlichkeit der Beschreibungen. If you're using a headset, and it unexpectedly activates Siri or Classic Voice Control, make sure that your headset is fully inserted into the device. If you have a loose or poor headset connection, frayed cables, or moisture on the connector or remote, it might unexpectedly activate Siri or Classic Voice Control. Turn off Classic Voice Control on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, using your voice to control your iPhone or iPad. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, you can prevent Classic Voice Control or Siri from responding when you press and hold the Home button on your device. So, you can only use it if your operator provides WiFi calling facility. Voice Control beim iPhone ausschalten. How to Hard Reset iPad Pro (2018) In this tutorial, we will show how to force restart or hard reset your iPad Pro … … If the issue persists, try using a different headset. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. You will hear “VoiceOver is on.”. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Antworten Ich habe. In today’s guide I’ll explain how to disable the Huawei voice assistant on all the smartphones produced by the company. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. In other cases, for those using the iOS 10, 11, 11.1, and 11.3, the voicemail feature can sometimes be a problematic. Klik di sini untuk mendapatkan panduan rinci sesuai dengan iOS yang Anda gunakan (Artikel ini ditujukan untuk iPod Touch, tetapi prosesnya sama untuk semua perangkat iOS). Como Desativar o VoiceOver no iPhone. Triple-click your iPhone's Home button to disable VoiceOver. Mit Voice over LTE kann Ihr iPhone auch endlich via LTE telefonieren.