Die Stuttgarter Staatsgalerie zeigt jetzt die Bilder, die der Monarch zusammentragen ließ. He had the seeds sent from California. Around the country, Catherine set up charities, which were controlled by a national charity in Stuttgart. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Karten Eckknicke, bestoßene und beschnittene Kanten, abgeplatzte Farbpartikel, Einrisse, Oberflächen- und Briefmarkenschäden und gelöste Verleimung haben können. Das Stück stammt aus dem Besitz des K.u.K. The national coat of arms was also simplified and he reduced the colours of the state flag of black, red and gold, to simply black and red. auch als König. Details zu Unterbodenbild für Paperweight Briefbeschwere r König Wilhelm 2 Württemberg Unterbodenbild für Paperweight Briefbeschwere r König Wilhelm 2 Württemberg E-Mail an Freunde Auf Facebook teilen (wird in neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet). von Württemberg … [3] Frederick William directed his corps in the First Battle of Bar-sur-Aube on 24 January 1814. Soon after the death of Queen Catherine, William sought a new marriage. When Catherine found her husband in Scharnhausen on January 3, 1819, with a lover (presumably Blanche La Fleche), she travelled back to Stuttgart. und Kaiser Napoleon III. Kombinieren Sie Themenkarten, historische Flurkarten oder Verwaltungsgrenzen und stöbern Sie im digitalen Historischen Atlas von Baden-Württemberg. In the Crimean War between Russia on one hand and the Ottoman Empire, France and Great Britain on the other, he pushed for a neutrality of the German Confederation. He died in 1864 at Rosenstein Castle in Bad Cannstatt and is buried in the Württemberg Mausoleum. Of the 15,800 soldiers, only a few hundred returned to Württemberg. In the spring and summer of 1816 there was nowhere in Europe without a storm, rain or hail. Eduard von Kallee, born on 26 February 1818 is thought to be his illegitimate son. In 1790, Friedrich and his two sons moved to Ludwigsburg Palace. Frederick often stayed in Kassel at the court of his brother-in-law, Jérôme. Am 30. He made sure that his sons' educators were from Württemberg and their education, at the behest of their father, was regulated and very strict. Duke Frederick's relationship with his son also deteriorated. Friedrich refused to involve his son in the affairs of state, but gave him his own court headed by his friend, Ernst von Pfuel-Riepurr, who had accompanied him in his time out of the country. For example, when her daughter was to be painted naked as a baby, Pauline refused it. Vor genau 150 Jahren wurde im Spiegelsaal von Versailles das Deutsche Reich gegründet und damit der erste deutsche Nationalstaat. From 1850 Wilhelm led a reactionary policy. He wanted his brother Paul to renounce his claim to the throne, in favour of Paul's son, Frederick. At various times Wilhelm was interested in forming a "Third Germany" of smaller states outside the control of Vienna and Berlin, but this never took form. His father had entered the Prussian military in 1774, then moved shortly after William's birth to the service of the Russian Empress, Catherine the Great, who appointed him Governor-General of Eastern Finland. He also announced an amnesty for civil and military prisoners. William bought cattle and sheep from abroad for farmers to raise them in Württemberg and he was known for his Arabian stallions that formed part of the Marbach stud. Konradin von Abel represented the foreign policy interests of the estates and was supported by Frederick William, who moved against the interests of his father's policies. At the same time, a poor relief authority was set up in the Ministry of Interior. With the fall of Napoleon, Frederick William took the opportunity to begin divorce proceedings from his wife. Although this plan never succeeded, it ensured a consistent, coherent and targeted policy during his reign. Napoleon wanted Württemberg to be bound to him closer by marriage. She died there on 14 April 1876 and was buried in Tegernsee. After the Crimean War, William tried to normalise his country's relations with France. Plans were produced for the construction of the first railways. Hilf, Herr, uns durch die Zeiten und mache fest das Herz, geh selber uns zur Seiten und führ uns heimatwärts! He had little contact with his family, whereas his mistress Amalie was constantly with him. On 28 September, a procession took place in Stuttgart with 10,390 participants, including 640 riders and 23 horses and wagons with teams of oxen from the entire kingdom. As such, he did away with his first name of Frederick and chose his second name of Wilhelm (William) as his regnal name. In October the first snow fell in Württemberg. In seine Amtszeit fällt der Beitritt Württembergs zum Norddeutschen Bund, der 1871 zum Deutschen Reich wurde. Oktober 2016, 20:08 Uhr • Zwiefalten 200 years later Cannstatter Volksfest and the 100th Landwirtschaftliches Hauptfest will be celebrated with a historical Volksfest on Stuttgart's Schlossplatz square. [8] On 25 March, the main Allied army came upon a 19,000-man French corps by surprise in the Battle of Fère-Champenoise. Bis 1495 war Wirtemberg eine Grafschaft.Von Napoleon wurde es 1806 zum Königreich erhoben.. Name Herrschaft Bemerkungen Konrad I. um 1081–1110 Konrad II. The Württembergische Landessparkasse (Wurttemberg State Savings Bank) was established on May 12, 1818, on Catherine's initiative. Im Herbst 1817 gründet Württembergs König Wilhelm I. seine legendäre Araberzucht. From January 1, 1806, the territorial gains as a result of the German mediatization enlarged the electorate of Württemberg and it became a kingdom. [18] Linden's conservative cabinet remained until shortly after William's death in office. Hier gehen wir und streuen die Tränensaat ins Feld, dort werden wir uns freuen im sel'gen Himmelszelt. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Württemberg: 5 Mark "König Wilhelm II." [13] In the same year he set up the Cannstatter Volksfest, which was to take place annually on 28 September, a day after the king's birthday. In April, the Württemberg army was involved in the crackdown on the uprising of Friedrich Hecker and Gustav von Struve in Baden. [7] The Württembergers reported 806 killed and wounded, not counting prisoners. November 1918 dankte der württembergische Monarch, König Wilhelm II., als einer der letzten Bundesfürsten mit einem sogenannten „Scheidegruß“ ab. König von Württemberg Nr. On August 13, 1807, Frederick William's sister, Catherine, married Napoleon's brother Jérôme, the king of the newly created Kingdom of Westphalia. He began an affair with her, which he later continued as king. Both parties had indicated that the marriage was not consummated because of animosity. Augusta sought sanctuary from her abusive marriage and asked the Empress for protection in 1786. At that time there were clashes between Duke Frederick and the Estates of Württemberg (the Landstände) on domestic and foreign policy issues. Here he met Jérôme's former lover, Blanche La Flèche, Baroness of Keudelstein. bei eBay. Since this view also diminished the autonomy of Württemberg, and the Prussian army was successfully crushing the rebellions in the nearby Baden and the Palatinate, the Württemberg government rapidly distanced itself from the rump parliament. König Wilhelm II., der von 1848 bis 1921 lebte, war ein moderner Monarch, der sich für alle Entwicklungen seiner Zeit interessierte. In 1846 and 1847, poor harvests in Württemberg gave rise to famine and increased emigration. Orig. Nur minimal getragen, Zustand 2+. Wenn Sie der Nutzungsanalyse widersprechen oder mehr über Cookies erfahren möchten, klicken Sie bitte auf die, Archiv Baumeister im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Willi Baumeister Monturi mit blauem Dreieck. Despite the outwardly harmonious marriage of William and Catherine, William had extramarital affairs. Frederick William ordered a retreat, but the movement quickly degenerated into a mad dash for safety across the single bridge with French cavalry in hot pursuit. Wilhelm I., König von Württemberg (1781 - 1864), Biwak des Kronprinzen, mit Gefolge am 28.06.1812 in Waldlandschaft bei Eve, Bild 1 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Organisation der oberrheinischen Kirchenprovinz und Errichtung des Landesbistums Rottenburg., Bild 2 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Organisation der oberrheinischen Kirchenprovinz und Errichtung des Landesbistums Rottenburg., Bild 3 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Cotta von Cottendorf, Freiherren Persönliche Verhältnisse der Familie, Bild 1 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Reuttner von Weyl, Grafen Persönliche Verhältnisse der Familie, Bild 1 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Malchus, Freiherren von Aufnahme in die Personalmatrikel, Bild 1 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Königsparade, 1. Jaeger-Nr. März 1823 in Stuttgart geboren. Wilhelm II. In February, a revolution broke out again in France. Reprisals, however, meant that William had to give in. Upon William's accession, Württemberg was suffering crop failures and famine in the "Year Without a Summer", in 1816. Liberal and democratic demands were expressed more forcefully. After the successful French July Revolution of 1830, the Liberals were buoyant in most of Europe, as well as in Württemberg. [24] At the Historical Volksfest 2018 with King Wilhelm I and his wife Katharina (actors) will be dressed in historical costumes dating back to 1818. Although William's mother gave birth in 1783 to his sister Catharina Frederica, then later that year to Sophia Dorothea, and Paul in 1785, the relationship between the parents continued to deteriorate. für sozialistische Ideen begeisterte. On December 7, 1849, the principalities of Hohenzollern-Hechingen and Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen were incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia. ... König Wilhelm II. In the spring of 1823, diplomatic relations were broken off, the foreign minister, Count Wintzingerode, and the Bundestag envoy, Freiherr von Wangenheim, resigned. Erfolgreicher Reformer und Politiker Wilhelm I. von Württemberg Wilhelm I. König Wilhelm der Zweite von Württemberg. [21] Before his death, he had his private letters and records destroyed. William was celebrated by patriotic poems and songs in the newspapers. The wedding took place on 19 April 1820 at Stuttgart. [26], The generations are numbered from the ascension of, Decree of October 5, 1851 (reprinted in the Württemberg Official Gazette No. Am liebsten waren ihm weibliche Akte. After their mother's death, Catherine's sons by her first marriage went to live with their grandfather, Peter, the-then regent and later Grand Duke of Oldenburg. On 24 January 1816, Frederick William married Catherine in St. Petersburg. In 1797, Duke Frederick's father married Charlotte, Princess Royal, the daughter of King George III of Great Britain. Shipping on the Neckar via the Wilhelmskanal had become possible in 1821, and the road network was expanded. She often had to mediate between her husband and her father-in-law, which over long periods led to a tense relationship between her and William. The beginning of the marriage was outwardly harmonious and the royal couple undertook official duties and many activities together. am StadtPalais – Museum für Stuttgart, in dem verschiedene Erinnerungs-Perspektiven auf den letzten württembergischen König intensiv diskutiert werden. The French emperor since 1852, Napoléon III, was the nephew of his brother-in-law, Jérôme Bonaparte. William was the only German monarch who was forced to recognise the Frankfurt Constitution of 1848. Für die Nutzungsanalyse wird Google Analytics verwendet. William wrote in a letter that he was considering abdication. Komplett am konfektionierten Halsband. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Württemberg: 1 Gulden "König Wilhelm v. Württemberg" 1842 (ss+)!! On March 1, he reinstated the liberal press law of 1817, which had been overturned previously by the Carlsbad Decrees in 1819. Er verfolgte also wie sein Vater eine militärische Laufbahn am Hofe Friedrich des Großen. König Wilhelm II. Husaren Regiment Nr. Napoleon had Württemberg's neighbours of Baden and Bavaria on his side, so Württemberg was forced, after some hesitation, to yield to French pressure and also enter into an alliance with Napoleon. This strengthened the position of the Württemberg ally of Russia. [10] At the Battle of Paris on 30 March, 6,500 Württembergers fought, losing 160 killed, wounded and captured.[11]. Württembergs König Wilhelm I. war ein großer Kunstsammler. In 1803 Frederick William fled Württemberg to Paris, Vienna, Schaffhausen and Saarburg. Frederick William went in October to Paris, where he was received on 14 October by Napoleon. King William became increasingly hard of hearing with age and underwent frequent treatment from the 1850s. Lagernummer: M2018-06-22-083. 200,000 spectators had come to the capital, which had 40,000 inhabitants. On the Schlossplatz a solid wooden column was built, which was replaced two years later by the central stone "Jubiläumssäule" (Jubilee Pillar). Today, after 156 years, the remaining examples have reached a height of over 30 metres (100 ft). 6 bis zum Kriegsende 1918. He took to his former lover Blanche La Flèche again. 6 "Wilhelm II., König von Württemberg". The emperors agreed that Russia would not intervene in any war that France would have in assisting Sardinia in a war against Austria (later to become the Second Italian War of Independence). 1937] /, Diese Website setzt Cookies ein. 17. To help people to help themselves Württemberg plant alley of fruit-trees. Given the tricky situation of Stuttgart, he moved his court to the garrison city of Ludwigsburg. While the liberals called for the right to an income level and assets, the democrats demanded universal, equal and direct suffrage for all adult men. 5 Mark 1892-1913 Deutsches Kaiserreich Württemberg König Wilhelm II. [15]. When Louis Philippe I abdicated and fled into exile to England, William recognised the urgency of the situation and tried the stop the revolution through concessions to the liberals and democrats. Accordingly, the Crown Prince placed 8,500 foot soldiers, 1,000 horsemen and 26 artillery pieces on the north bank of the Seine River. [17] On July 2, 1850, he set up a new government with the conservative Joseph von Linden as Minister of the Interior. Hier sind die Herrscher von Württemberg aufgelistet. On July 2, William returned to Stuttgart. On September 27, 1857, a meeting organised by William was held in Stuttgart, between Napoléon III and Tsar Alexander II. zu König Friedrich ernannt wurde, Wirtemberg hieß. Following its view of itself as the legitimate German parliament, the rump parliament called for tax resistance and military resistance against those states that did not accept the Paulskirche Constitution. [4] One source asserted that IV Corps suffered 900 casualties in this combat while their Austrian allies lost 837. At the end of October 1849 the king dismissed the government under Friedrich Römer. A nearby 4,300-strong French division with 16 cannons was also caught and completely wiped out. After the failure of the March Revolution of 1848, he pursued restorative policies that counteracted his liberal image from before the revolution. November1854, 1v [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] /, Wilhelm I., König von Württemberg (1781- 1864), in württ. After the Battle of Leipzig from 16 to 19 October 1813, Württemberg moved to the side of the alliance against Napoleon. William refused to do so and justified his refusal in a supplement to the Schwäbischer Merkur (Swabian Mercury) with a circulation of 12,000 copies. The result was a crushing Allied victory as the French corps suffered losses of 2,000 killed and wounded while losing 4,000 prisoners, 45 cannons and 100 ammunition wagons. He reduced the monarchical titles to simply Wilhelm, by the Grace of God, King of Württemberg. After the return of Napoleon and the subsequent war in 1815, Frederick William commanded the Austrian III Corps which in one of the minor campaigns invaded France and besieged General Jean Rapp in Strasbourg. The newly-weds stayed in Russia for a few months and arrived in Stuttgart on 13 April 1816. • Constantin von Wurzbach: Württemberg, Wilhelm Friedrich Karl König. The birth of the heir Charles on March 6, 1823, was received by the people and the royal family with great joy. The completion of the Katharinenhospital in 1828 was initiated via a donation by Catherine in 1817. Pauline tended to be rather pious and was a prude. She died in 1788 in agony from a miscarriage, due to Pohlmann refusing to seek medical attention in order to conceal the illegitimate pregnancy. [25][needs update], In order to cultivate them for their wood, the King had some 5,000 Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) grown from seed in 1865. It marched to war with 14,000 men and 24 artillery pieces. Als König leitete er gemeinsam mit seiner Ehefrau Katharina umfassende Reformen ein, die die wirtschaftliche Situation Württembergs verbesserten. From this point, a Prussian envoy in Württemberg was established. Nachfolger wurde seine Neffe als König Wilhelm II. waren die letzten Münzen, welche mit dem Konterfeit eines Monarchen in der Königlich Württembergischen Münze in Stuttgart geprägt wurden. On September 27, 1841 William celebrated his 60th birthday. At the Congress of Verona in 1822, the great powers of Austria, Prussia and Russia launched an isolation on Württemberg. März 1823 in Stuttgart; 6. In April 1815, Mount Tambora erupted in Indonesia, which led to a long-term deterioration of global weather conditions. In November 1824 Württemberg agreed to an extension of the anti-liberal Carlsbad Decrees. Soon it became known that the published name of the author and editor of the book were fake. bei eBay. After the War of the Second Coalition erupted and France marched under Napoleon in the spring of 1800, Frederick William, who had joined as a volunteer in the Austrian army, participated in the Battle of Hohenlinden in December 1800. Frederick William took the time to further his education, including acquiring a knowledge of agriculture. Wilhelm I., König von Württemberg (1781- 1864), als Kronprinz in Uniform, Mütze und Orden, zu Pferd mit gezogenem Säbel im Schlachtgetümmel der Verteidigung von Monereau, Bild 1 [Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart] / Zur Detailseite After the dissolution of parliament on 22 March, elections were held in April, and Friedrich Römer's liberals again emerged victorious. In December 1831, the Liberals won the elections to the second chamber of the Württemberg Landtag. William continued to maintain extramarital relationships with other women. In Württemberg war nicht jeder begeistert von dieser Entwicklung und es stellt sich die Frage, wie der spätere König Wilhelm II. von Württemberg von Dr. Torben Giese Schon seit geraumer Zeit entwickelt sich ein spannender Diskurs rund um das Denkmal an Wilhelm II. Queen Pauline and King Charles insisted Amalie of Stubenrauchstraße left court and she moved to an estate in Tegernsee, located next to the villa Arco, which they had acquired in 1862. Cross-breeding local breeds with these "Chinese pigs" was particularly successful within stocks of domestic pigs in the Hohenlohe region and the area around the town of Schwäbisch Hall. Frederick William received the command of the troops deployed for border defence. The whole town was decorated, fireworks were set off in the evening and bonfires were made all around the country. (1781–1864) übernahm 1816 die Herrschaft in Württemberg, als das Land von Missernten und Hungersnot heimgesucht wurde. 1838 saw a return visit by King William to Berlin, where he and cousin, the Tsar Nicholas I met. The old constitution was re-enacted, the army was sworn in again on the king rather than the Constitution, corporal punishment was reintroduced in 1852 and the death penalty in 1853. A few hours later, a memorial service was held there in which his widow Queen Pauline, his daughter-in-law Queen Olga, his daughters Queen Sophie of the Netherlands, Princess Catherine and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, his nephew Grand Duke Constantine of Russia and his stepson Peter of Oldenburg, were present.[23]. From 1836 William tried to better relations with Prussia. Er starb am 6. In June 1848, a new parliament was selected in which Römer's liberals again received the majority in the upper chamber. 1918 zwangen ihn Revolutionäre zur Abdankung. In the late 1820s, the royal couple became increasingly alienated. von Württemberg galt als Demokrat auf dem Thron, der sich u.a. Beim Volk war er außerordentlich beliebt, weil er die Menschen mit Achtung behandelte – ohne Ansehen von Stand und Herkunft. The book contained a review of the historical development and the political situation in Germany. Leben Wilhelm I. Friedrich Karl, König von Württemberg, ist am 27. William pursued a foreign policy strategy shifting alliances and agreements with the major European powers. Charles Eugene, Duke of Württemberg died on 24 October 1793. von Württemberg wurde als zurückhaltender „Bürgerkönig“ geachtet, Wilhelm II. He did not trust his son, Prince Charles, to takeover governmental functions; Charles's homosexual inclinations troubled him. While William did not mention his wife Pauline in his will, he made sure that his former mistresses Therese of Abel and Blanche La Flèche received pensions. König Wilhelm der Zweite von Württemberg was born on February 25, 1848 in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Derisively known as the Rumpfparlament ("rump parliament"), on June 6, 1849, the remaining 154 deputies met initially under President Wilhelm Loewe in Stuttgart. William and Amelia would keep up their relationship until William's death in 1864. William had the Württemberg Mausoleum constructed for her on Württemberg Hill and she was buried in 1824. On 25 April, William decided to accept the constitution. His return was mainly due to the change in the political climate. Nach Karls Konfirmation im März 1839 siedelte er Ludwigsburg über, um auf der dortigen Kriegsschule sich dem Studium zu widmen. In order to prevent Napoleon arranging a marriage for him, Frederick William sought permission from his father to marry Charlotte (later Caroline) Augusta, the daughter of the Bavarian king Maximilian I Joseph. König Wilhelm II. The struggle for freedom in Poland against Russia in 1830/1831 reinforced this trend. On June 17, the president of the parliament was informed that the Württemberg government was no longer in a position to tolerate the meetings that had moved to its territory, nor the activities of the regency elected on the 6th, anywhere in Stuttgart or Württemberg. The French Foreign Minister Talleyrand suggested a coup against Elector Frederick, in which his son was to replace him, but Frederick William opposed the suggestion. 1 2.10.2021 bis 27.3.2022 Wilhelm II. Römer advised William to accept this choice, but if Frederick William refused, Römer advised William he had a good chance of being elected emperor himself. [2] At first, the Württemberger contingent was designated the German VI Corps, but in a subsequent reorganization it became the IV Corps in the main Allied army of Austrian Field Marshal Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg. Sein Vater König Wilhelm I. war früh an bedacht seinem Erben eine mustergültige Erziehung angedeihen zu lassen. Das Stundenbuch des Markgrafen Christoph I. Glasfenster „Schmerzensmann“ von Hans Baldung Grien, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg, Porträt der Kronprinzessin Olga von Württemberg, Plakate der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Rationierungsmarken der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Hohenzollern zu Beginn der Weimarer Republik, Württemberg zu Beginn der Weimarer Republik, Biographisches Lexikon des Hauses Württemberg, Von Graf Eberhard dem Jüngeren bis zu Herzog Ludwig, Von Herzog Friedrich I. bis Herzog Eberhard Ludwig, Von Herzog Friedrich Eugen bis König Wilhelm II, Landesgeschichtliche Quellen und Materialien, Themenmodul Südwestdeutsche Archivalienkunde, Themenmodul Von der Monarchie zur Republik, Württemberg, Katharina Friederike Charlotte; Prinzessin von, https://www.statistik-bw.de/LABI/PDB.asp?ID=172824, http://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd118633058.html?anchor=index, Von 1816 bis 1864 als Wilhelm I. der zweite König von Württemberg. [12] He was the only member of the ruling German royal families who participated actively as a military commander in the wars of 1814 and 1815. Since it was purely a marriage of convenience and Frederick William had no interest in a deeper relationship with his wife, Charlotte became increasingly lonely in Stuttgart. Februar 1848 in Stuttgart; 2. The parliament proposed, on March 8, 1849, that Frederick William of Prussia should be elected Emperor of Germany. Oktober 1921 auf Schloss Bebenhausen) war von 1891 bis 1918 der vierte und letzte König von Württemberg. Dieser band die an seinem Hof weilende württembergis… 58. He had been in the United Kingdom in June 1814 with his cousin Grand Duchess Catherine of Russia, the widow of Duke George of Oldenburg, and the two were in love. Sein Vater war der jüngste Sohn Herzog Carl Alexanders, und so war bei seiner Geburt nicht abzusehen, dass er die Thronfolge in Württemberg antreten könnte. At Napoleon's Russian campaign, Frederick William was again in command of troops. William I (German: Friedrich Wilhelm Karl; 27 September 1781 – 25 June 1864) was King of Württemberg from 30 October 1816 until his death. Agriculture, trade and crafts flourished and debt and taxes were down. In 1828-34 the BWCU signed commercial agreements and then became full members of the German Customs Union. At this point, the rump parliament had only 99 deputies and did not reach a quorum according to its own rules. On the orders of King Wilhelm I, these "masked" pigs were imported from Central China in 1820/21, in order to improve pig breeding in the kingdom of Württemberg.