Military Uniforms Illustration. Luftwaffe Field Divisions were deployed in the East, Italy and the Western Front. Private purchased. 238617. Sell it as was found. Unfortunately the o... Wehrmacht Heer or Luftwaffe cold-weather parka in Splittertarn camouflage. The owner originally served in the 17th Cavalry Regiment in Bamberg, as evidenced by a tag inside the lining's pocket and made by the custom tailoring workshop Eder & Sohn Nürnberg. The German Knochensack formed the basis for the British paratroop jacket that was developed into the Denison smock and the jump smock used by the USMC Parachute Battalions in the Pacific Theater. The... Wehrmacht geschönte Feldbluse für einen Oberst Arzt. Ordenschnallen III. Also, suitable for the Wehrmacht tunic for shoulder straps with company number, Shoulder straps buttons with the unit number "14" for the HJ jacket. SS-VT black tunic to SS-Oberscharführer Hasselwander, 1. These watches were very large even by the standard of today. Size markings: manufacturer - DEKAWE Ffm and F 41 depot, lining materials are standard greyish colored cotton, the same used for belt hook support straps. It had a front zipper opening but did not open fully, and had to be stepped into much like overalls. 96 length. 8,5 x 11,5 cm, siehe scann. Par exemple les Geschwaders de la Luftflotte 1 ont été numérotés de 0 à 25, les Geschwaders de la Luftflotte 2 du numéros 26 à 50, et ainsi de suite. A major historical use has been in issue to parachutists to cut off their parachutes when tangled in a tree or similar. Our tun... WW2 German Tropical shirt, DAK. The WWII Luftwaffe forces worn a wide variety of insignia with different Waffenfarbe service colours, we have most of these, but if there is a specific World War Two badge or insignia you can't find please do not hesitate to contact us. Germany-Auxiliary Flak Unit Luftwaffe. Contact +49(40) 471132 0. Saved by Paolo Marzioli. The wrap of the double-breasted front was nearly all the way across and then angled back down to the waist. 25.10.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „Dienstgrade Luftwaffe“ von Matthias Ilse. World War II Uniforms - Germany - 1945, Hauptmann Otto "Bruno" Kittel, Jagdgeschwader 54 (III./JG 54) Germany - 1944, Oberleutnant August Lambert, Luftwaffe Fighter V./SG.2 Germany - 1943, Hannes Traudoft, Luftwaffe Fighter JG 54 Germany - 1944, Oberleutnant Walter "Gulle" Oesau, Geschwaderkommodore JG 1. 29.04.2017 - Erkunde Daniel Althauss Pinnwand „2. [4] The second Fallschirmjager Division that saw service in North Africa, used the standard paratrooper helmet with Luftwaffe decal insignia. Home. The hard rubber ear cups are covered with dark brown leather and feature the ridge for goggle retention.[5]. There is a cloth half belt with two buttons in the rear of the waist, and a central rear vent hidden in an inverted pleat which reaches from the hem to the waist. A preserved Fokker D.VII with original-style Balkenkreuz of 1918. Previously encountered and similar in cut tunics came across only as Waffen SS types, but these tunics had their own specific characteristics and cut for Waffen SS tunics. The tunic was never been in the collector's hands and came to the market from the family who found it hidden in the attic of an old house they bought in Munich area. Specialized in original pilot and flight related uniforms, flight jackets, caps, medals, badges, insignia and equipment of the German Luftwaffe during World War II. Size: 80 - waist, 86 - the vertical measurement from the front of the waist to the back, 109 - full length, 102 - ... Wehrmacht Heer DAK tropical mint breeches. 4,00 EUR. Luftwaffe styles of uniform and rank insignia had many unique features between 1935 and 1945. The parade-dress uniform-the Waffenrock for the Wehrmacht armored reconnaissance training unit / Aufklärungs-Lehr-Abteilung. M 44 Trapezoidal breast eagle. Quality M41 jackets, M1942 jump suits, tanker jackets, HBT jackets, wool shirts and trousers. Sleeve length 66 cm. "LAGO" für Schneider Auftrag Nr 224 W-H Troppen Stiefelhosen Anfertiger W.Huith Nördlingen. A parade/walkout Waffenrock in the rank of Feldwebel of the... A parade/walkout Waffenrock in the rank of Feldwebel of the 17th signals' battalion of the Wehrmacht, Wehrmacht Armored Reconnaissance wrap for a Feldwebel, M43 DAK tunic, Deutsches Afrikakorps, 1945. Très demandés . 12,99 EUR. Kriegsmarine DAK Tropical tunic. Over time first one, two, and then four pockets were added, with some having a flare pistol holster at the rear. There was also more filling in the internal of the helmet to protect the head during airborne operations. All insignia and buttons are original to t... NSDAP sympathizer  tie, the end of the 20s, the beginning of the 30s. This Canadair CL-13 is preserved at the Military History Museum in Berlin. Keilhose 43, Waffen-SS pants. Military Uniforms Illustration More information LUFTWAFFE (Spanish Civil War) - 1 Bombercrew, Kampfgruppe 88, 1937-39 - 2 Leutnant Jaeger Pilot, Jagdgruppe 88 - 3 Bomber Crewman, Kampfgruppe 88 - Stemma della "Aviacion Legionaria" Loops for awards and medal bar are ww2 peri... WW2 Wehrmacht Heer Gebirgsjager / mountain troops NCO's tunic. 37. Our impressive Women's WWII Air Force Uniform is inspired by the outfit worn by the WAAF during the 1940s. This website is for historical and educational purposes only and does not represent any political view. Here is a nice item I picked up not long ago, a WW2 German Luftwaffe tunic for a engineer/construction unteroffizier. Dec 5, 2016 - Tamiya 1:16 WWII German Luftwaffe Ace Pilot Plastic Figure Kit #36302 #Tamiya At the bottom of the trousers, there are drawstrings missed, which are easy to find and put back. Luftwaffe uniform Waffenrock tunic is made in blue grey wool and closely matches the design of the Wehrmacht M 1935 tunic in construction. Feldbluse for hot summer at the Russian Front for Heer Unteroffizier in Signals unit, private tailor purchased Feldbluse is made of Soviet trophy canvas material and is unlined. All insignia and the Crimea campaign shield are original to the tunic. The Reichs Air Ministry recognized the need for an efficient observer watch "Beobachtungsuhr" to be used by the aircraft navigator, assisting crews of long range bombing missions. Weltkrieg“ auf Pinterest. Gloves and Scarves. Ses membres portaient l'uniforme et l'insigne qui continue à apparaître sur l'uniforme de la Luftwaffe, bien que les noms des « grades » soient plus « civils » que militaires. Parka is in worn condition, with nice, bright camo color. Fully comleted with all original to it insignia. Knochensack (bonesack) was the nickname for German parachute jump smocks designed to wear over a paratrooper's equipment made for the Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger during World War II. By Hitler’s decision on February 26, 1935, the Luftwaffe was to be officially the third branch of the Wehrmacht as of March 1, 1935. Wehrmacht Heer or Luftwaffe cold-weather parka in Splittertarn camouflage. Shoulder straps buttons with the unit number "14" for the HJ jacket or Wehrmacht uniform. High quality workmanship and quality materials. Trousers are in excellent condition with traces of wear. The insignia consisted of the Luftwaffe national emblem, first on the blue-gray wool backing and later in a matching black backing. WW 2 Russland Feldzug 1942 26.08.42 soviet heavy tank Panzer bei Kolosowo. livraison: + 2,50 EUR livraison. Inside the pocket, there is a  name tag, where the name of the customer must be indicated. The Luftwaffe uniform Tuchrock has four pleated pockets with square flaps. It is very difficult to name the model. Weitere Ideen zu wehrmacht, uniform, luftwaffe. While most military gravity knives utilize a locking blade design, other types may not mechanically lock open but rely instead upon friction to wedge the rear section of the blade against the interior of the handle. The paint jobs ran from excellent to poor, depending on how rushed they were and the craft ability of the artist. The wrap is shortened according to the style by its owner. Feldbluse for hot summer in Russian Front for a Heer... Feldbluse for hot summer in Russian Front for a Heer Unteroffizier in Signals. Parka is in worn condition, with nice, bright camo color. They were made in a variety of camouflage patterns and made from tough cotton material. The Luftwaffe peak cap is made in dark blue-grey fabric with a black ribbed band and a black patent leather peak. Picture Information . Wehrmacht M 36 infantryman’s tunic for Oberfeldwebel of... Wehrmacht M 36 infantryman’s tunic for Oberfeldwebel of 42nd Infantry Reg. The jacket is waist length with zip front. - 2 - Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45 A Aachen-Merzbrück (GER) (50 49 20 N – 06 11 15 E) General: airfield 9 km NE of Aachen in North Rhine – Westphalia and 1.6 km E of Weiden. Edgar Petersen wearing white tunic uniform, Fallschirmjäger Dr. Bruno Sassen wearing a Luftwaffe Fallschrimjaeger helmet. Mint condition. Made viscous in the style of jacquard. For sale Ordering Terms Wanted Newsletter About Links Contact. Luftwaffe 1933 - 1945. R. James Bender Publishing, Floyd R. Tubbs, "Stahlhelm, Evolution of the German Steel Helmet", Author Published, 1971, LUFTWAFFE GRAVITY KNIVES", "Der Haren Kreuz" c. 1968, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Military Ranks of the Luftwaffe (1935–1945),,,,,,, Uniforms of The Third Reich, ranks and insignia, List of military decorations of the Third Reich, Flaggen der Hitlerjugend (Flag of Hitler Youth),, Undress Uniform for officers and NCOs which lead (on duty), Informal Full Dress (evening) for officers, Formal Full Dress (evening) for officers (m)Informal Full Dress for NCOs and men. Sehr selten! Machine applied collar patches with lemon yellow stripes, sewn-in ark green shoulder strap, flatwire weaved national emblem is hand-applied,  unusually placed NCO Tresse is in w... Lower ranks salty Wehrmacht tunic M1941 with traces of a strong frontline life. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 533 Nutzer auf Pinterest. while The Luftwaffe field cap (Einheitsfliegermutze) comes in blue-grey fabric with silver piping on the crown for officers without insignia. Weitere Ideen zu Wehrmacht uniform, Wehrmacht, Kriegerin. Kriegsmarine 1933 - 1945. $82.76 + $19.98 shipping . The 67 mountain signals battalion of the Wehrmacht commanders tunic. Very good conditio set, no damage, just two belt support hooks are removed, but they w... Late war Wehrmacht Stug wrap. Cuff insignia and collar tabs are hand embroidered with aluminum thread and original to the tunic. 16.09.2018 - BF 109 G6 Erla, 8./JG 2, Blue 5, unknown pilot, Poix France August 1943 BF 109 G6, II./JG 2, Yellow 9, unknown pilot, Poix France July 1943 BF 109 G6, II./JG 2, White 1, Baron France summer 1944 BF 109 G6, II./JG 2, Black 12, unkown pilot, Poix France May 1943 BF 109 G6, II./JG 2, Blue 17, unknown pilot, Poix France Au… Made by factory - F. Engel Hadersleben in Denmark. Wehrmacht Waffenrock for Unteroffizier of 57th combat... Wehrmacht Waffenrock for Unteroffizier of 57th combat engineer battalion. Original Foto 2 WK, ca. In doing this they covered up the flying eagle insignia. A decent size for a mannequin, approximately 48-50. When made, the only insignia printed to the jacket was the standard Luftwaffe eagle and swastika emblem, on the other hand, rank insignia, in the form of conventional epaulettes, was added and even some metal combat awards and cuff titles are known to have been worn. World War Two (ww2,wwii) German Luftwaffe Service Dress uniform Fliegerbluse: The Luftwaffe uniform Fliegerbluse is made in blue-grey wool and is hip length.The Luftwaffe uniform Fliegerblue is made by us in three models. The Luftwaffe (German for Air Weapon) was Nazi Germany's airforce that was unveiled in 1935 and later demilitarized in 1945. The cuff title was introduced on March 6, 1942 and was carried by units or formations the Luftwaffe that were stationed in Africa. It was manufactured with black wool and was double-breasted, short waisted and with a large collar with pointed lapels. RAD - Reichsarbeitsdienst. It has two zip chest pockets and two pockets under the ribs with pointed flap closure. Wehrmacht Lightweight summer tunic M43 Drillich. Photo 2 WK, Portrait Luftwaffe pilot Knights Pilots Badge Uniform Hat | eBay The Luftwaffe, 1933-45. They brushed on two or three coats of standard paint that was used on trucks. Ww2 Uniforms. livraison: + 7,90 EUR livraison . A popular item of clothing was the fliegerbluse, a blue-grey, single-breasted jacket without external buttons, intended to be worn in the confined space of an aircraft. The large size will f... German M 44 tunic for medical officer. Salty but still excellent condition. Small size - approximately 46. Wide range of US American Army WW2 Uniforms. Die nunmehr industriell gefertigen Hohlledermanschetten waren auf der Rückseite mit den Initialen der Piloten oder besitzenden Offizieren und der Kennziffer der jeweiligen Jagtstaffel gestempelt. Es ist dokumentiert, dass die frühe kaiserliche Luftwaffe noch im ersten Weltkrieg (1914 – 1918) ihre legendären Jagststaffeln mit eben solchen Modellen standardmäßig ausrüstete. This early tunic is in excellent condition, made of early wool, with a dark green collar. Excellent condition with traces of use. While on field service the jacket would often be worn 'collared up', Army-style, without shirt and tie. The Luftwaffe Peak cap crown and band edge are piped in silver with double silver cap-cords, it comes with silver bullion embroidered Luftwaffe eagle supported by two stylized wings with cockade in the center. Officer's sword, early SMF; Teardrop sword hanger; Officer's dagger, 2nd pattern, Alcoso ; Officer's dagger, 2nd pattern, Weyersberg; Documents. Custom-tailored tunic by Wulf & Co, as evidenced by the tailor's tag sewn onto the inner pocket: Uniformen Maßschneiderei Wulf & Kompanie Wandsbek, Lindenstraße 18 / Tonndorf 22. 41. Paratrooper Gravity Knife, is a knife with a blade contained in its handle made by Paul Weysersberg, Solingen, and which opens its blade by the force of inertia or gravity. Wehrmacht Panzergrenadier shoulder straps are for enlisted rank and formerly not belonged to the tunic. On the left sleeve, there is bad visible trace where the Obergefreiter's chevron was once located. Wehrmacht armored reconnaissance lieutenant's panzer wrap... Wehrmacht armored reconnaissance lieutenant's panzer wrap Pz AA 22. belonged to the Luftwaffe but were not actively used during the war or used only occasionally. Austrian army pattern tunic  tunic pre-war period made in Vienna, as evidenced by the tag on the left side of the lining. 29,00 EUR. History: 1932 listed as a secondary civil airport (Flughafen II). Signed: Sitter 17 R.R... Wehrmacht M31 quarter "splinter" camo tent, reversible. Roger James Bender: "Air Organizations of the Third Reich-The Luftwaffe", 1972. Leather pilots jackets. DAK Wehrmacht Tropical tunic, modified for an officer. The Luftwaffe eagle insignia was different from the rest of the Wehrmacht: its wings curved upward and the swastika did not have a circle around it. The hours markers and watch hands are fluorescent (luminous in dark). 5. By 1943/1944 the Knochensack was modified to include a fully opening front and no longer had to be stepped into. Pants are made of high-quality black wool by a tailor. Italian wool made. Optimized for IE 4.0 or above, resolution 1024 x 768 or above. Luftgaue. There are RZM M5 / 249 on the reverse marked. livraison: + 49,99 EUR livraison . Stamp with size and manufacturer's marking is on the back of the pants lining. Interesting to note that due to the economy of cloth, the right sleeve cuff is made of other color cloth, but the same in type. The tunic is … 4,50 EUR + livraison . WANTED: Uniforms attributed to Knights Cross or German Cross recipients. Italian woolen cloth-diagonal. These were machine-woven or embroidered in white thread.[6]. Luftwaffe, F-104 Starfighter. The 67 mountain signals  battalion of the Wehrmacht commanders tunic (Gebirgs-Divisions-Nachrichten-Abteilung 67) in the rank of major. Early Heer Panzer wrap "Feldjacke der Panzertruppe" for an Oberleutnant, belonged to Semper Ernst Willi. The condition with traces of front-line wear. A very rare item with a history and clea... A parade/walkout Waffenrock in the rank of Feldwebel of the 17th signals' battalion of the Wehrmacht. The jacket features and standard tailored collar. The tunic is in excellent condition, the size is approximately 48-50 for a slim figure. This section contains those insignia specific to the Luftwaffe and Fallschirmjager units and not worn by other services in WWII. There are factory or workshop wartime repairs, damage due of use on the lining and wool base of the tunic, some places with small holes due to wear and very minor moth damage. Weltkrieg; Auszeichnungen der Legion Condor im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg 1936 - 1939; Allgemeine militärische Auszeichnungen 2. Luftwaffe styles of uniform and rank insignia had many unique features between 1935 and 1945. Excellent condition, no loss. There were several models in use in 1936, when the German paratroops were still part of the German army. The new Luftwaffe was faced with the problem of uniforms, as they wanted a uniform distinct from those of the other two branches of the Wehrmacht (Heer and Kriegsmarine) and also wanted a clear differentiation in dress of military and civilian flyers. Wehrmacht Heer or Luftwaffe cold-weather parka in... Wehrmacht Heer or Luftwaffe cold-weather parka in Splittertarn camouflage. Overall good condition with just few minor holes and also one damage at the end of the left cuff due to wear. Ranks were indicated by collar patches, along with Army-style shoulder boards. Headgear saw further use of the aluminium coiled wire in the embroidered cockades, oak leaves, wings, chin cords and a smaller Luftwaffe eagle together with aluminium effect piping. Mint, unused condition. Dernier. Shop with confidence. Sturm Sturmbann "N". Shoulder straps with nicely hand embroidered cypher "L" for Lehrabteilung. Stamped with "42"  on the right back pocket. Oval fleece cushions are fitted inside the helmet, over the ears, with plastic inserts tucked inside. The Luftwaffe style black panzer jacket was identical in style to that of the Army and was drawn from Army stocks. It's a three-quarter length lightweight single-breasted camouflage jacket with stand and fall collar and two flapped lower pockets.[10]. The new Luftwaffe was faced with the problem of uniforms, as they wanted a uniform distinct from those of the other two branches of the Wehrmacht (Heer and Krieg… Mouse over to Zoom-Click to enlarge. Wrap made of early high-quality black wool. Lange and Sohne Luftwaffe Observers Watch was used in the aircraft which required a highly reliable and easily readable timepiece, from approximately 1941 a standardised design was manufactured. The WAAF supported the war effort by performing intelligence operations, maintaining aircraft … [7], The use of wristwatches by Luftwaffe pilots became very widespread as accurate timings were required to assist them in their mission. The Luftwaffe was the air force of Nazi Germany prior to and during World War II. Reich, 2. 88 inseam. Hilmer Freiherr von Bülow wearing schirmmutze and blue dress uniform with yellow collar litzen, and peaked cap. € 1.200,00. Mint condition, without damages and losses. An unique tunic made of thin woolen gabardine with reinforcement areas in the shoulder/breast area and at the waist. Sale of original World War 2 German flight jackets, uniforms, headgear, equipment, medals and insignia. The Luftwaffe Officers 2nd Pattern dagger made by Eickhorn, Solingen. Helmut Weitze Militärische Antiquitäten KG. Retired Luftwaffe Fiat G.91R/3 on display. The Medical Branch of the Luftwaffe was one of the original career fields present when the Luftwaffe came out into the open on March 1935. [9], Battalion commander of the Fallschirmjäger, Walter Gericke wears Camouflage Jacket, M1942, The Luftwaffe produced a camouflage jacket as a consequence of the heavy casualties inflicted on German armed forces in Russia. There is also factory tag on the trouser's lining. All buttons are present and original to the tunic. Marked with depot acceptance of the Kriegsmarine warehouse stamp which contains date September 8, 1943 and B.K.A- Bekleidungsamt Wilhelmshaven. Near mint, and practically unused condition, made of late khaki-mustard M44 wool. US Military service boots, rough out ankle boots, paratrooper jump boots. It is received together with two owner's photos. The collar patches featured crossed batons; the shoulder boards was similar to that of a Field Marshal, but with a Reichsadler clutching the batons. Dernier. Polizei. Size label - "1". 26.04.2020 - Erkunde alkurza698s Pinnwand „Wehrmacht uniform“ auf Pinterest. Neuer Wall 18, 20354 Hamburg . Weltkrieg 5 Stück Knöpfe aus Metall Zink. Daggers. However it was not until 1941 that the watch was available for sale either individually to pilots or to the German Air Ministry, and then supplied to the German Luftwaffe. Starfighters. The flying suit typically consisted of a beige jumpsuit, leather flying helmet and thick fur-lined boots. 'defence force') was the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945. More ideas for you. Without insignia. Jul 20, 2020 - Explore ROBERT ROYCE's board "World War 2 Uniforms", followed by 469 people on Pinterest. Private purchased. Uniformknöpfe Polen Adler 2. Tailored from excellent officer quality wool diagonal tricot cloth. … WW2 Wehrmacht Heer Gebirgsjager / mountain troops NCO's... WW2 Wehrmacht Heer Gebirgsjager / mountain troops NCO's tunic, Uniform set of the NSDAP political leader without insignia, Late war Wehrmacht Stug wrap. This design was given the Reichsluftfahrtministerium classification number FL 23883. Mint condition. WW 2 Russland Feldzug battlefield 30.08.42 Kampf um Nikitskoje Panz Prop Kp 693. Goggle straps and chinstraps are made of leather. Lot of photos from KG-51 'Edelweiss' Equipment. The basic uniform consisted of a blue-grey single-breasted, open-collared jacket with four pockets and flaps, white shirt and black necktie, blue-grey trousers, black leather boots and a blue-grey peaked cap, side cap or Model 1935 Stahlhelm. The wrap has the depot markings and the size, - H 40,... Waffen-SS leader's tunic. Unterwachmeister's of the 36th artillery regiment of the Wehrmacht Waffenrock. As usual, all items made for Waffen SS had their own coded marking of manufacturers. The right side liner is marked with Kammerstempel (ink maker's stamp), depot/producer and size information: depot M 43 (München 1943) 74- inseam, 98 - waist, 110 cm length for a 184-188 tall man. The breast eagle was removed due to denazification and put back in the post-war period. Segelfliegerabzeichen Stufe "C" Metallfaden handgestickte Ausführung für die Uniform, Zustand 2-215550. Shoulder straps buttons with the unit number "20" for the Hitler Youth jacket or Wehrmacht uniform. The necessity of a different strap assembly was provided to prevent the loss of the helmet in the air and also giving more safety to the chin and neck regions from jolts and pressures. The Luftwaffe Leather Pilots Jacket were Made in black or dark brown very thin split cowhide. Luftwaffe dress dagger, in the Fort Lewis Military Museum, Fort Lewis, Washington, USA. Sturm Sturmbann "N" - Nürnberg. Practically unused condition. It was carried 16 cm above the end of the right sleeve. Wehrmacht peace-time Geschoente Feldbluse - Feldwebel of the medical service in the 10th medical battalion. Private purchased, lightweight, tailored  from a Windjacke jacket. There are only two small moth holes not bigger than match head and some traces of use. The Luftwaffe was the air force of Nazi Germany prior to and during World War II. und kunsthistorischen Forschung, der Aufklärung, oder Berichterstattung über die Vorgänge des Zeitgeschehens oder militärhistorischen und. Sell now - Have one to sell? Historic Planes. No shoulder straps, sell it as fo... Wehrmacht Waffenrock for Unteroffizier of 57th combat engineer battalion ( Later Panzer Pionier). 520,00 EUR. WW2 German Tropical shirt, DAK. Tunic Eagles. Traces of strong wear and fade. The Waffenrock tunic has 4 pleated pockets with pointed flaps and the lower two pockets on the skirt are pouch pockets. Weltkrieg; Auszeichnungen Wehrmacht Heer ; Auszeichnungen der Kriegsmarine; Auszeichnungen der Luftwaffe; Auszeichnungen ausländischer Freiwilligen-Verbände in der Wehrmacht; Auszeichnungen deutscher Staaten bis 1933; … The Luftwaffe side cap or Feldmutze comes with smaller version of Luftwaffe eagle and national cockade. Knochensack (bonesack) was the nickname for German parachute jump smocks designed to wear over a paratrooper's equipment made for the Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger during World War II. Large size: breast volume 100 cm. The size: 88 cm waist, the total length of 110 cm. livraison: + 3,70 EUR livraison. There are some moth damage shown in the pictures. A Tutima Flieger Chronograph watch, which was a high quality chronograph wrist watch that was developed in 1939. Wehrmacht Heer tunic, end of the war issue. 96. After ca 1942 the fabric used was camouflaged. Though the Luftwaffe had variety of field divisions besides Flak units, it was the Hermann Göring Panzer Regiment - later Division - that was most unique as the premier tank unit of the Luftwaffe. It has no connection to any political organisations or factions, but is purely meant to be a source of information.