23. Der steuerbordseitige Rumpf, die Hälfte des Schiffsbodens und die überwiegende Masse des Überwasserschiffes (Aufbauten, Artillerie) samt den umschlossenen Räumen blieben vor Ort und wurden zusammen mit dem gesamten Hafenbecken mit Trümmerschutt aufgefüllt. Ab Juli 1946 wurde das Wrack von Kieler Firmen ausgeschlachtet, jedoch nach übereinstimmenden Berichten nur bis zur Wasserlinie. [34] The first operation in Norway in which Admiral Scheer took part was Operation Rösselsprung, in July 1942. 5.11.1940 - off Newfoundland (52.45N 32.13W) - Admiral Scheer a ttack on convoy HX 84 and sinks the auxiliary cruiser Jervis Bay + 5 merchant ships. Following her return to Germany, she was deployed to northern Norway to interdict shipping to the Soviet Union. By 1940 the ship's anti-aircraft battery was significantly increased, consisting of six 10.5 cm (4.1 in) C/33 guns, four twin-mounted 3.7 cm (1.5 in) C/30 guns and up to twenty-eight 2 cm (0.79 in) Flak 30 guns. Die Schiffsglocke des Panzerschiffs "Admiral Speer": Das Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer war das zweite Schiff der Deutschland-Klasse der Kriegsmarine. 43260350 Ruhrort Admiral Scheer Bruecke Ruhrort. Neben der Admiral Scheer und acht U-Booten hatte die Nordmark auch die Hilfskreuzer Thor, Kormoran und Pinguin sowie zehn Hilfsschiffe, Prisen und Blockadebrecher versorgt. [13] On 31 May 1937, the anniversary of the Battle of Jutland, Admiral Scheer, flying the Imperial War Flag, arrived off Almería at 07:29 and opened fire on shore batteries, naval installations and ships in the harbor. November 1934. Bei Kriegsbeginn war die Admiral Scheer wegen Schwierigkeiten mit der Antriebsanlage nur beschränkt einsatzbereit. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. The length of the mission and the distances involved precluded a destroyer escort for the operation; three destroyers would escort Admiral Scheer until they reached Novaya Zemlya, at which point they would return to Norway. Das zweite Schiff der „Deutschland“-Klasse war 186 Meter lang, verdrängte über 15.000 Tonnen und besaß 6 Geschütze Kaliber 280 mm, nebst einiges an kleinerer Artillerie und Torpedos. April 1945 das Kentern des Schweren Kreuzers ADMIRAL SCHEER im Ausrüstungsbecken der Deutschen Werke, Kiel, dem heutigen Marine-Arsenal, aus. Die Admiral Scheer war das Schwesterschiff der Panzerschiffe "Deutschland" ("Lützow") und "Admiral Graf Spee". Während der deutschen Besatzung Norwegens wurde die Admiral Scheer 1942 dort stationiert. OVER 25000 ORIGINAL PHOTOS Aangeboden een zeldzame originele ww2 bouwtekening voor het model van Panzerschiff Ádmiral Scheer. On 4 September, two groups of five Bristol Blenheim bombers attacked the ships. September 1939 wurde sie auf Schillig-Reede von britischen Bombern angegriffen. The ship had a design displacement of 13,440 long tons (13,660 t) and a full load displacement of 15,180 long tons (15,420 t),[3] though the ship was officially stated to be within the 10,000-long-ton (10,160 t) limit of the Treaty of Versailles. [a], The ship was nominally under the 10,000 long tons (10,000 t) limitation on warship size imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, though with a full load displacement of 15,180 long tons (15,420 t), she significantly exceeded it. Mark hauptsächlich zum Schweren Kreuzer umgebaut zu werden; von Juli bis September 1940 folgten Erprobungen in der Ostsee. [20] Her B-Dienst radio intercept equipment identified the convoy HX 84, sailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia. In all, 4,694 troops were evacuated from the island. [8], At her commissioning in November 1934, Admiral Scheer was placed under the command of Kapitän zur See (KzS) Wilhelm Marschall. The remaining bombs also failed to explode. [3] The ship was launched on 1 April 1933; at her launching, she was christened by Marianne Besserer, the daughter of Admiral Reinhard Scheer, the ship's namesake. [8] She served four tours of duty with the non-intervention patrol through June 1937. Upon entering the Kara Sea, she encountered heavy ice; in addition to searching for merchant shipping, the Arado floatplane was used to scout paths through the ice fields. On 23 February, the British submarine Trident torpedoed Prinz Eugen, causing serious damage. Die Indienststellung erfolgte am 12. HIGH RESOLUTION SCANS OFFERED ON CD ..PRODUCED FROM ORIGINAL WW1 & WW2 PHOTO ALBUMS . [11] In 1935, she had a new catapult and landing sail system to operate her Arado seaplanes on heavy seas installed. Rare and decorative original period item! Feldpost cover from Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer with the 10. On the night of 9 April 1945, a general RAF bombing raid by over 300 aircraft struck the harbor in Kiel. Admiral Graf Spee, Liste deutscher Schlachtschiffe und Schlachtkreuzer. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia History Nazi Germany Name: Admiral Scheer Namesake: Reinhard Scheer Builder: Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven Laid down: 25 June 1931 Launched: 1 April 1933 Commissioned: 12 November 1934 Homeport: Kiel Fate: Sunk by bombs, 9 April 1945 General characteristics Class and type: Deutschland-class cruiser Displacement: Design: 13,660 t (13,440 long … Die „Admiral Graf Spee“ war ein Panzerschiff der „Deutschland“-Klasse der deutschen Kriegsmarine, das nach kurzem Einsatz zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Dezember 1939 vor der Küste Uruguays von der eigenen Besatzung, die sich in aussichtsloser Lage gegen die Royal Navy glaubte, versenkt wurde. The ship sent off a distress signal, which the German raider deliberately allowed, to draw British naval forces to the area. De tekening is in gebruikte staat en heeft wat oudersdom verschijnselen ,enkele reparaties op de achterkant gedaan al met al een aparte originele tekening voor het … [24] Krancke wanted to lure British warships to the area to draw attention away from Admiral Hipper, which had just exited the Denmark Strait. Gleichzeitig wurde ein umfangreicher Umbau vorgenommen. She was laid down at the Reichsmarinewerft shipyard in Wilhelmshavenin June 1931 and completed by November 1934. [44] The Soviet Air Force launched several air attacks on the German forces, all of which were successfully repelled by heavy anti-aircraft fire. [3] Dabei kam es zum Gefecht mit dem Hilfskreuzer Jervis Bay, dessen Gegenwehr dem Gros des Geleitzuges das Entkommen ermöglichte, während er selbst in diesem ungleichen Kampf unterlag und unterging. Auf diese Weise sind 60 % der Masse des Schiffes erhalten geblieben. [18][30] She was by far the most successful German capital ship commerce raider of the entire war. Admiral Scheer's armored belt was 60 to 80 mm (2.4 to 3.1 in) thick; her upper deck was 17 mm (0.67 in) thick while the main armored deck was 17 to 45 mm (0.67 to 1.77 in) thick. Am 29. The Deutschland was the first ship of a new type known as Panzerschiff (armoured ship), referred to as "pocket battleship" by the British. Deutschland / Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer 10 Pfennig Schiffsgeld Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer 10 Pfennig Kantine, seltenes Nominal VF MA-Shops Garantie munten, … Panzerschiff "Admiral Scheer" Panzerschiff "Admiral Scheer", später schwerer Kreuzer "Admiral Scheer", mit angetretener Besatzung in Paradeaufstellung auf See. [1], Admiral Scheer saw heavy service with the German Navy, including a deployment to Spain during the Spanish Civil War, where she bombarded the port of Almería. Die „Admiral Scheer“ war ein mächtiges Panzerschiff, später zu einem Schweren Kreuzer umklassifiziert. 113 results for admiral scheer Save admiral scheer to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. The following summer, she cruised out through the Skagerrak and the English Channel into the Irish Sea, before visiting Stockholm on the return voyage. [5][b], Admiral Scheer was ordered by the Reichsmarine from the Reichsmarinewerft shipyard in Wilhelmshaven. Armed with six 28 cm (11 in) guns in two triple gun turrets, Admiral Scheer and her sisters were designed to outgun any cruiser fast enough to catch them. Die San Demetrio und die Andalusian wurden beschädigt. Between 18 and 24 February, German forces launched a local counterattack; Admiral Scheer and the torpedo boats provided artillery support, targeting Soviet positions near Peyse and Gross-Heydekrug. So wurde es 1937 von einem Frachter gerammt, 1938 vom Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee überlaufen und 1939 durch den Absturz eines Flugzeuges auf den Turm schwer beschädigt. [37], In August 1942, she conducted Operation Wunderland, a sortie into the Kara Sea to interdict Soviet shipping and attack targets of opportunity. Juni 1936 nahm die Admiral Scheer an der Kieler Woche teil. Admiral Scheer sank only five of the convoy's 37 ships, though a sixth was sunk by the Luftwaffe following the convoy's dispersal. [13] Additional anti-aircraft guns were also installed, along with updated radar equipment. [10] In December 1942, Admiral Scheer returned to Wilhelmshaven for major overhaul, where she was attacked and slightly damaged by RAF bombers. Sie verpasste das heimkehrende deutsche Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer, und im April wurde sie zur Force H abgeordnet, um die schweren deutschen Schiffe zu blockieren, die zu der Zeit in Brest stationiert waren. [12] She took the 6,994 GRT oil tanker British Advocate as a prize and sank the 2,456 GRT Greek-flagged Grigorios. [10] The ship spent the remainder of 1934 conducting sea trials and training her crew. Am 9. On 2 July, the ship sortied as part of the attempt to intercept Arctic convoy PQ-17. Am Morgen des 31. Admiral Scheer im Bauzustand von 1944 von Ralf Schuster (1:700 HP-Models) Geschichte: Als Ersatzbau für das Linienschiff Lothringen am 25. Oktober von dort ausgelaufen war, gelang es ihr, nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Stavanger unbemerkt die Dänemarkstraße zu passieren und am 1. Juni 1931 bei der Marinewerft in Wilhelmshaven auf Kiel gelegt. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Scheer conducted several non-intervention patrols off the coast of Spain. [3], The ship also carried a pair of quadruple 53.3 cm (21 in) deck-mounted torpedo tubes placed on her stern. Die Schiffsglocke befindet sich im Deutschen Marinemuseum in Wilhelmshaven. Published at 1555 × 883 px. Ansicht der Steuerbordseite. The raider encountered and sank a fourth ship the following day, the 2,542 GRT Dutch steamer Rantaupandjang, though she too was able to send a distress signal before she sank. [22][23], On 18 December, Admiral Scheer encountered the refrigerator ship Duquesa, of some 8,651 long tons (8,790 t) displacement. The ship was equipped with two Arado Ar 196 seaplanes and one catapult. The vessel was named after Admiral Reinhard Scheer, German commander in the Battle of Jutland. [8] She was completed slightly over a year and a half later on 12 November 1934, the day she was commissioned into the German fleet. [38] On 16 August, Admiral Scheer and her destroyer escort left Narvik on a course to pass to the north of Novaya Zemlya. An uncleared minefield prevented her from reaching Kiel, and so she unloaded her passengers in Swinemünde. [3], Admiral Scheer's primary armament was six 28 cm (11 in) SK C/28 guns mounted in two triple gun turrets, one forward and one aft of the superstructure. [3] Naval rearmament was not popular with the Social Democrats and the Communists in the German Reichstag, so it was not until 1931 that a bill was passed to build a second Panzerschiff. Spanien Verband / 10th Spanish Assembly of the German Navy.