Determiners. n�=�ڤ�������R�8����E�y�R� Unhealthy Diet Foods Fast Food Bad Nutrition Fat [illustration]. Complete the following exercise with correct quantifiers. Exercise 1 Exercise 2 1.3 Demonstrative Pronouns Exercise 1 Exercise 2 1.4 Reflexive Pronouns Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Unit test Unit 2. Choose the correct answer. She has a lot of food from the supermarket. Drag and drop the ideas into the correct section to identify if you understood the main ideas. Choose a word from the table below to fill each space. December 24th 2013 at 23:37. • Este sitio puede ser reproducido con fines no lucrativos, siempre y cuando no se mutile, se cite la fuente completa y su dirección electrónica, de otra forma, se requiere permiso previo por escrito de la Institución. In this exercise you have the opportunity to practice the quantifiers that make a distinction between countable and uncountable. Quantifiers Gap Fill Exercise. 1 0 obj
In English a quantifier is a word that indicates a number (countable nouns) or an amount (uncountable nouns). I have no spelling mistakes in my sentences. • How many carbohydrates and proteins do you eat? I've never seen this (much / many) cars. Do you remember this?.....of course, you do!! You see?? Check the next example: 1. The Articles. In the previous explanation we checked the different kinds of nouns, but now it is time to talk about quantities. For example: • %PDF-1.5
3. Page 1 of 2. There is Remember it is important you master the difference between them!! 1 I knocked on the door a few times but there was . Derwesten. Grammar. Students > Solutions > Upper-Intermediate > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Articles and quantifiers. Quantity words. Drag the different options to the appropriate spaces to complete the sentences. September 6th 2013 at 17:35. Retrieved on 2017, May 05 from, Akamommagazine. 3rd ed. Retrieved on 2017, April 19 from Oxford: Oxford University Press. My sentences have 3 elements: there is/there are, a noun (countable or uncountable) and a quantifier. Many people think ‘you are what you eat’, so maybe the kind of food there is in your house says much about your life style. (you are not counting, and A=ONE) • Correct: 2 0 obj
(2015). There is too much noise.. 2. • How much fiber or vitamin C do you eat? Retrieved on 2017, April 21 from, Han, J, (2012). • Incorrect: Katie is a food lover!! Menu. There is a juice in the fridge. Personally, I would remove that option from questions 4 and 5 in the second exercise, so as not to confuse my younger students too much. Are you ready? We are going to be late. Elige la respuesta correcta. Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia de la UNAM. In these problems, assume the universe of discourse is the real numbers. They are NOUNS. Downloadable worksheets: Countable and uncountable nouns - guide Level: intermediate Age: 14-17 Downloads: 824 : GapFillDragAndDrop_MTU3ODY= both, either and neither 2. 6. Read and answer the questions with information about you. When you have your answers, make a recording using this online software. To this point, you have a lot of vocabulary and information about quantifiers. Yeah, the (amount / number) of people driving is incredible. Wrong! endobj
In my sentences I use the food vocabulary I studied in the lesson. 1 We haven't got _____ petrol. ; For example, let \(Q(x, y)\) be (\(y > x)\) and suppose the domain is nonnegative integers. JuanJoseCC 10/1/2020 Thank you for the worksheet, I find it very useful, although I'm not sure it is wrong to use "a lot of" in negative sentences. But for other quantifiers, you can use them for both: a lot of, some, any. Quantifiers Exercises - English Grammar Test. 2. Do you have _____ time to help me with my English exercises? Wrong! He is talking to his wife, Sally. This club needs to win ____ trophies in order to … There isn’t Think about the next example: Exercise 1 Choose the correct quantifiers to complete the sentences below. Check the next information in the following chart: Countable are things you can count. Now, you are going to use THERE IS / THERE ARE with quantifiers: With countable nouns, you can use there is and there are, depending if you refer to singular or plural, on other words, if you refer to ONE or MANY. For this reason ‘rice’ it is an uncountable noun. TOO AND ENOUGH. 2. shocked when we heard the news. Let’s do it! From the food you have at home, what can you say about your lifestyle? How much fruit is there? Organic Tomato form Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do [photo]. Katie loves food. <>
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Unit test Unit 5. Love Food Hate Waste NZ. Of course we can count things, but the idea of uncountable means we need to identify IDEAS, ABSTRACT QUALITIES or OBJECTS that are too small TO COUNT THEM AS SINGLE UNITS (concepts, liquids, gases, powder). 1. (1996) Basic English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Azar, B. So, it is very important –when you talk about food- to express quantities. some oil at home (singular: juice, NOT juices). How many correct answers did you have? Anwar. 3rd ed. QUANTIFIERS - countable/uncountable nouns. Everything looks delicious! In predicate logic, predicates are used alongside quantifiers to express the extent to which a predicate is true over a range of elements. (2014). We are sure that you will have a lot of fun learning! Yes or no? After reading the text, answer these questions: • Do you give your body all the nutrients it needs? You have two attempts to answer the exercise. any cookies (plural: cookies). assessment [image]. Kroschel, S. (2017). A girl eating her lunch with other kids in background [photo]. Easy exercises about quantifiers a lot of many much a little a few 20,148 Downloads . You can try this as you need it. There is I’m very much afraid that I can’t help you.. 9. By loveteaching Task No. Quantifiers worksheets and online activities. At this point you have many words related to food. • Swan, M. (2005) Practical English Usage. Retrieved on 2017, April 20 from, McCoy's Place. Don’t forget to use quantifiers in your answers. A collection of English ESL Quantifiers (e.g. 1. August 25th 2013 at 01:10 +1. I don't have patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring. Is there any soda or beer? Is there any pineapple? Hecho en México. D�T�x�(YL�E� ��U��'���q�'���,��&e�T��*V"X*���1�)��dd�zS����T����i�3@Xa�;��n�h���Y����7 +�ϊ�I���e&���o�����T�W�:a��ى�s�C&g���ǻ�N8�
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Now you know the difference between countable and uncountable, it is time to practice the quantifiers. Some of. Spaggeti with meatball [photo]. 3 He wrote five books but . Q2 of 10 Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.69). Is there any meat? Dave is at the supermarket. I’ve got _____ money with me- enough for a coffee. December 6th 2013 at 10:04 +1. She was very much/very annoyed to find him in her room. Look at the picture and check the food in the refrigerator. There is Think about the food there is in your refrigerator or in your house. Printable exercises. Retrieved on 2017, April 27 from Seoul Farmers Market. It does not have an impact on your evaluation. Exercise 1 Choose much, many, little, few, some, any to complete each sentence. a few, a little - Quantifiers in English - Exercise - Confusing words. (2010). Countable nouns can be singular or plural: • There is an apple (singular) The lesson is divided into three sections: Oberholster V. (2016). There is Retrieved on 2017, April 20 from, Sharma, P. (2016). Exercise 1. Retrieved on 2017, May 05 from, U.S. Department of Agriculture. many apples in the bag (plural: MANY apples). Once you know if the word is countable or uncountable, write 7 sentences using there is/there are and a quantifier to describe what there is/are in the refrigerator. Enough. COUNT/NON-COUNT NOUNS [Video file]. Solution: is the statement 1 = 3 + 1, which is False. Everybody loves food, right? How much do you know about nutrients in food? Exercises 1.2. After the explanation, you will practice doing some grammar exercises to reinforce what you have checked during the lesson. Come as quickly as you can.. 7. How much water is there? His latest book is a lot more interesting than his last one.. 6. There aren't. Party people drinking [photo]. There is some milk. What are quantifiers? Heno Erlangga. Are there any bananas? Verbs (Los verbos ) 6.1 Verbs Exercise 1 Exercise 2 6.2 To Be ... Ejercicios: Quantifiers (Los cuantificadores) Compartir Anuncios. She has so _____ free time that she never takes vacations. much many some few. Why?? ..... my friends are vegetarians. In this lesson you will practice quantifiers, countable and uncountable, many, much, some, any, a lot of, a few and a little in a context of food, diet and eating habits. (2017). Some of. • 4 0 obj
3rd. 3. Something, Anything, Someone, Anyone etc. Correct! Exercises Propositional Functions Definition A statement of the form P(x 1,x 2,...,x n) is the value of the propositional function P. Here, (x 1,x 2,...,x n) is an n-tuple and P is a predicate. Ed. Oberholster V. (2016). Exercises on quantifiers and countable/uncountable nouns. 4-5. I must to learn more. Before you read the text, check some vocabulary. Printable and online Quantifiers / Determiners quizzes-- Many, any, great deal of, a number of, none, whole, a lot, much, a little a few. Try to use different quantifiers. She very much dislikes fish.. 3. QUANTIFIERS QU 1 Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few. There are Remember it is important you master the difference between them!! � �Z�/$h���� �$�Ua�IS�brܞ2��v'k�xQf�{Q0x�]d� Cherry Hand Handheld Matina Red Small Tomato [photo]. 27 thoughts on “Grammar Exercise: Quantifiers” Zovell. Are there any apples? 2. 5. Try the exercise #1 - Intermediate Try the exercise #2 - Upper Intermediate. Free grammar exercises online Do you know what kind of words these are?......exactly! Are there any tomatoes? Quantifiers Exercises 1. New York: Longman. 2. Most , Many , A lot of Americans don’t like George Bush … With uncountable nouns, you can use ONLY there is. is the statement 2 = 1 + 1, which is True. Check This Youtube Shield Attention Note [image]. • How much fat or sugar do you eat? V�c�}��Ma�������A VMX�5�J��S%��K�ór����"N&;㌕�L�6���.��L�ɵh��
<1yr�b{����B:��g��DG[o���!Hb����̎��6�'���3��X$g�����"�⠨8t�t�C��O�,�Z�E�\a��y�� %S��܆TꆔLs,Z3r)t�M���B�|:h.g some cookies on the table (plural: SOME cookies). Is it healthy? sammo241. In this activity you will practice the use of there is and there are with quantifiers. a a few any a little much a lot of some many an a lot 1. endobj
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Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Before you send your sentences, make sure they have the characteristics contained in the rubric. Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form, so it is incorrect if you say ‘rices’ or ‘milks’. Pre-intermediate English grammar and exercises. • Language Planet. ©Todos los derechos reservados 2017. When you finish this lesson you will be able to exchange information about existence using quantifiers such as many, much, some, any, a lot of, a few and a little to express no-specific quantities and amounts of food. • Quantifiers: worksheets pdf, handouts to print - quantity words. Altmann, G. (2017). any some. • Soars, L. & Soars, J. Retrieved on 2017, April 20 from, Public Domain (2017). There aren't. Answer the question selecting the image that corresponds to the correct quantifier. Our objective is to express quantities, but to achieve our objective you need a previous step: to know the difference between countable and uncountable words. Explanation: Here the quantifier ‘a large amount of’ modifies the uncountable noun water. At the same time you will learn a lot of vocabulary related to food. With Lingolia Plus you can access 10 additional exercises about Quantifiers, as well as 730 online exercises to improve your English. Al navegar en este sitio, encontrará contenidos diseñados por académicos de la UNAM, denominados Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA), disponibles para todo el público en forma gratuita. fridg-50099280 [illustration]. We use some before a noun without a determiner. Chose the best option to complete the sentence. Now you know the difference between countable and uncountable, it is time to practice the quantifiers. We use some of before a noun with a determiner. Quantifiers – Exercises. Are there any carrots? Quantifiers Exercise. Healthy Food Nutrition Healthy Food Fresh Diet [illustration]. Quantifiers Exercises . ... We are sure you are a master in the use of quantifiers, if not; try the exercise one more time, so you can have a better score. Those words are named quantifiers. • How many apples are there? • Murphy, R. (2007) Essential Grammar in Use. Now you have a lot of food vocabulary, are you hungry? How many vegetables are there? Quantifiers. Learn Training Education Woman Girl Team [illustration]. Today is very much/much colder than yesterday.. 5., This means you can use NUMBERS to calculate them: • There are three bananas: Some words may be used more than once. There isn’t Retrieved on 2017, April 19 from stream
• To achieve the objective, it will be a good idea you study the vocabulary, complete all the activities and do the grammar exercises as many time as you need, remember this is the key to be successful.