Die Hirten schätzten ihn wegen seiner Qualitäten als Herdengebrauchshund sehr, wobei er nicht nur gut hütet, sondern auch die Herden vor Beutegreifern und Viehdieben schützt.. Anfang des 20. Como a maioria dos mulossos europeus, acredita-se que tenha descendido dos cães corpulentos do Ribatejo ou do Tibete . However, Rafeiro do Alentejo's are extremely rare in North America. Early socialization and obedience training is absolutely crucial. At Next Day Pets® you can find the perfect four-legged companion from the comfort of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Take advantage of our PuppyMatch service or simply browse our massive directory of dog breeds, dog breeders and puppy for sale listings. Therefore, they require a strong and dominant handler. Este cão de raça, que pertence à subsecção do Grupo 2 (Molossóide), de acordo com a classificação da FCI de cães … As informações dadas pelos criadores através dos sites é da responsabilidade dos mesmos. Their hair is of medium length, however it can be short as well. De Rafeiro do Alentejo stamt af van de Molosser en komt oorspronkelijk uit het zuiden van Portugal, uit de 19e eeuw.De Rafeiro do alentejo werd gebruikt voor het beschermen van de kudde`s en het vee. The … Rafeiro do Alentejo – er stammt aus der Region Alentejo, die sich südlich des Tejo bis an die Algarve erstreckt. O rafeiro do Alentejo é uma raça antiga da região do Alentejo. They have more length than brawn as a big dog, but are still rather bulky and loosely muscled. RAFEIRO DO ALENTEJO (96) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. Rafeiro do Alentejo Also known as the Portuguese Mastiff or Alentejo Mastiff, the Rafeiro do Alentejo is a large-sized dog, having its roots in Portugal. Rafeiro do Alentejo. Classificazione F.C.I. A chegada dos cães à Península Ibérica não é conhecida, pois eles podem ter vindo com alguns nómadas na pré-história , ou que tenham sido trazidos pelos romanos quando governou a região. There are many speculations made for its origin. My Rafeiro do Alentejo was the kindest sweetest girl. Rafeiro do Alentejo Also known as the Portuguese Mastiff or Alentejo Mastiff, the Rafeiro do Alentejo is a large-sized dog, having its roots in Portugal. See more ideas about dogs, dog breeds, mastiffs. Rafeiro do Alentejo's are fierce, independent, agile, and swift. Rafeiro do Alentejo; Alentejo Mastiff; Description. The male Rafeiro do Alentejo dog breed’s height is around 27 – 28 inches and weighs around 110 and 132 pounds. Rafeiro do Alentejo is originated in Portugal and believed to be decedent from Tibetan Mastiff. They can get depressed if kept confind. Definite statement about this breed’s history cannot be drawn. We've compiled the top 3 male and female names for 2017 after analyzing the sale of 0 Rafeiro do Alentejo dogs. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a Portuguese breed of livestock guardian dog. They have a wide, bear like head, and are longer than they are tall. All Rafeiro do Alentejo found here are from AKC-Registered parents. This breed is not known for aggression or useless tricks, they are very laid-back and tend to watch rather than play. )I hope it helps. It has a bear-like head, dark eyes and its eyes are set medium high and are folded downwards. Rafeiro do Alentejo é uma raça muito antiga em Portugal. It has a bear-like head, dark eyes and its eyes are set medium high and are folded downwards. He tolerates them but doesn't play with them. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a seasonal, heavy shedder. Type of Test. Below are the tests we currently offer for the Rafeiro do Alentejo 1.) 141 talking about this. Few believe that it is a descendant of Tibetan Mastiff.. Another theory is that the dog belongs to Iberian Peninsula and was brought to Portugal by the nomadic people. Iniciámos este projeto pesquisando por literatura existente sobre a raça. RAFEIRO DO ALENTEJO (96) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. They are also not grumpy around kids if bought up correctly. The Rafeiro Do Alentejo is a large, mastiff-type dog with a massive, bear-like head. The coat must have thorough brushing during their seasonal heavy shedding. O rafeiro do Alentejo é uma raça antiga da região do Alentejo. The Rafeiro do Alentejo breed is not recommended for first time dog owners. Du findest ihn unter 2.2 „Berghunde“. It is assumed that the Greeks brought Rafeiro do Alentejo along with them as they set their ships afloat upon the ancient seas. Rafeiro do Alentejos are extremely protective guard dogs. Acerca del rafeiro del alentejo. Their hair is of medium length, however it can be short as well. Ela é das planícies do Alentejo. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo stammt – wie sein Name bereits verrät – aus der portugiesischen Region Alentejo, die sich südlich des Flusses Tejo bis an die Algarve erstreckt. El Rafeiro do Alentejo es un perro de raza grande, de apariencia pastoral y fuerte. The breed is likely to be descended from the huge dogs of the Tibetan highlands. Rafeiro do Alentejo Origin. Einiges spricht dafür, dass der Rafeiro do Alentejo eine alteingesessene Rasse ist. Desde 1997 que partilhamos de uma grande paixão em comum, o amor pela raça Rafeiro do Alentejo. They were also used to guard farms, homes, and estates. The Rafeiro do Alentejo requires very minimal grooming. Bem vindo (a) ao portal do Cão Rafeiro do Alentejo Este portal foi criado para promover e divulgar criadores desta magnífica raça portuguesa que é o Cão Serra da Estrela. Todas las razas de perros. Breed. Rafeiro do Alentejo is known to be more active at night than during a day. De hecho, ha sido descrito como un oso: es ancho y redondo, pero proporcional al tamaño del cuerpo. Find Rafeiro do Alentejo Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Rafeiro do Alentejo information. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is powerful, serious, and muscular. A chegada dos cães à Península Ibérica não é conhecida, pois eles podem ter vindo com alguns nómadas na pré-história , ou que tenham sido trazidos pelos romanos quando governou a região. It really depends on the personality. The Alentejo Mastiff (Rafeiro do Alentejo) originated in Portugal and was used as a herd guardian, moving with large herds of cattle as they were driven from pasture to pasture. However, they are not recommended for apartment living. Rafeiro del alentejo . El hocico es de tamaño mediano y posee un puente nasal recto, con una nariz negra de forma ovalada. Daarnaast is het een gezelschapshond. Sadly there are only a few things that you can do for shedding. Alegra-nos bastante poder hoje realçar o entusiasmo e a dedicação que temos vindo a constatar da parte dos criadores, que conscientemente tornaram realidade o relançamento da raça, mediante maior preocupação na reprodução e na selecção, tendo em vista a obtenção de exemplares típicos e homogéneos. The Alentejo Mastiff (Rafeiro do Alentejo) originated in Portugal and was used as a herd guardian, moving with large herds of cattle as they were driven from pasture to pasture. Intensity Dilution. Quinta do Conde, Setúbal; Ana Valente; Se tem um caniche, ou um cocker, ou um schnauzer, ou um cão dágua, ou um yorkshire, ou um bichon maltês, ou um west white terrier, ou um terra nova, ou um serra da estrela, ou um shih-tzu, ou um rafeiro, ou qualquer outra raça que precise de ser tosquiado. Eyes are dark and very characteristically expressive. By 1980s, Rafeiro do Alentejo were nearly extinct but thanks to the few Portugal breeders that work to save this breed from becoming extinct. Com a constituição da ACSA (associação do … O Rafeiro Alentejano é oriundo – como o próprio nome indica – da região do Alentejo, que se estende desde o sul do rio Tejo até ao Algarve. Average Price: $0.00
Bred with the purpose of guarding livestock, these dogs are characterized by a round bear-like head, medium-sized muzzle, black, oval-shaped nose, , medium or highly set triangular ears, short, strong, neck and a long tail, slightly curved at the base. iy_2021; im_01; id_24; ih_08; imh_04; i_epoch:1611504295798, py_2020; pm_03; pd_10; ph_10; pmh_17; p_epoch:1583860649631, link-block; link-block_link-block; bodystr, pn_tstr:Tue Mar 10 10:17:29 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1583860649631, https://marketplace.akc.org/puppies/rafeiro-do-alentejo. A good quality food will minimize shedding, brushing your dog for 5 - 7 minutes a day at the end of the day really helps. Rafeiro do Alentejo. Its country of origin is Portugal. 15 Dez, 14:38 - Évora 7 A Fofinha e a Pitucha precisam de um novo dono. Die Einstufung erfolgte mit Standard-Nr. As suas origens incutiram-lhe um instinto mais independente, aspeto esse que deve ser considerado por quem pretende ser o seu tutor. Dieser portugiesische Hirtenhund hat einen ausgeprägten Wach- … Dieser portugiesische Hirtenhund hat einen ausgeprägten Wach- … Find Rafeiro do Alentejo Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Rafeiro do Alentejo information. They were even used as a hunting dog for big game like lions and wild horses. As suas origens incutiram-lhe um instinto mais independente, aspeto esse que deve ser considerado por quem pretende ser o seu tutor. Weight / Height. Expect to pay less for a puppy without papers, however, we do not recommend buying a puppy without papers. Du findest ihn unter 2.2 „Berghunde“. : Gruppo 2 - cani di tipo pinscher, schnauzer, molossoide e cani bovari svizzeri. Tem estatuto de Pessoa Colectiva de Utilidade Pública (Declaração nº 29/2004). 96 in Gruppe 2, Sektion 2. Make sure you do your research before buying or adopting your four-legged companion. Bem vindo (a) ao portal do Cão Rafeiro do Alentejo Este portal foi criado para promover e divulgar criadores desta magnífica raça portuguesa que é o Cão Serra da Estrela. A ACRA foi formada em sequência ao Clube Português do Rafeiro do Alentejo. Rafeiro do Alentejo's do well with children as they are a calm, docile, and steadfast breed. This breed is more alert at night compared to the day. *Data sourced from the sale of 0 Rafeiro do Alentejo puppies across the United States on NextDayPets.com. It will appear on the site after it has been approved. Este cão de raça, que pertence à subsecção do Grupo 2 (Molossóide), de acordo com a classificação da FCI de cães … Rafeiro do Alentejo FICHA TÉCNICA. Grupo: 2 - Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossóides, Cães de Montanha e Boieiros Suíços Secção do grupo: 2.2 – Cães de Montanha País de origem: Portugal Data de origem: Antiguidade/ Séc. These dogs are often used as a flock guard, guard and defense dog as well as house pet. Top Quality: $0.00 to $0.00. Der FCI hat den Rafeiro do Alentejo als eigenständige Hunderasse anerkannt. Die Einstufung erfolgte mit Standard-Nr. O centro de Reprodução do Rafeiro do Alentejo (CRRA),instalado em Monforte, foi criado com o intuito de dar continuidade ao trabalho de selecção e melhoramento,da Associação de Criadores do rafeiro do Alentejo sediada em Monforte. Don't get this dog if you don't have room they need space. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist eine alte Hunderasse aus Portugal. O Rafeiro do Alentejo foi aceite na FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) em 1954, sendo que o primeiro registado no Livro de Origens Português (LOP) remonta a Novembro de 1934. O Rafeiro do Alentejo certamente não é um cão de colo, ou que possa ser facilmente treinado. Der Rassehund, der innerhalb der FCI der Gruppe 2 (Molossoide), Untersektion Berghunde, angehört, blickt auf eine lange Geschichte als Herdengebrauchshund zurück. This breed is still a working breed in Portugal. 141 talking about this. I have no experience with the Rafeiro do Alentejo breed, but found this link (immediately after reading your question) that looked like it provided helpful information, separate links to breeders, as well as a link to the foreign affairs agent of the Portuguese A.C.R.A. Der FCI hat den Rafeiro do Alentejo als eigenständige Hunderasse anerkannt. Los labios oscuros son firmes y delgados, ligeramente redondados y superpuestos. Alegra-nos bastante poder hoje realçar o entusiasmo e a dedicação que temos vindo a constatar da parte dos criadores, que conscientemente tornaram realidade o relançamento da raça, mediante maior preocupação na reprodução e na selecção, tendo em vista a obtenção de exemplares típicos e homogéneos. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo stammt wie sein Name bereits verrät aus der portugiesischen Region Alentejo, die sich südlich des Flusses Tejo bis an die Algarve erstreckt. Il Rafeiro do Alentejo (Matin de l’Alentejo - Alentejo … The dog is of the livestock guardian dog type and the name originated from it's area of origin, Alentejo, in South-Central Portugal while Rafeiro means mongrel in Portuguese. You should budget anywhere from $0 upwards to $0 or even more for a Rafeiro do Alentejo with top breed lines and a superior pedigree. Daarnaast is het een gezelschapshond. Jul 7, 2016 - Explore Anger East's board "Rafeiro Do Alentejo", followed by 282 people on Pinterest. Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Rafeiro do Alentejo: Care: This dog needs his own space and time. Species. Criação e selecção de cães da raça Rafeiro do Alentejo A Universidade de Évora também contribuiu para a preservação da raça ao participar no trabalho dos criadores. You should expect to pay a premium for a puppy with breeding rights or even for a puppy advertised as show quality with papers. A raça quase entrou em colapso, mas quatro criadores apaixonados conseguiram salvá-lo. Bem-vindos. The United Kennel … Somos a Helena e o João Costa temos 3 filhos, a Joana, o João e a Madalena. Rafeiro do Alentejos can't be left outside all day and can't go hunting because they are extremely suspicious of strangers, so you can never let them off leash. When calculating your budget make sure you account for the price of food, vaccines, heartworm, deworming, flea control, vet bills, spay/neuter fees, grooming, dental care, food, training and supplies such as a collar, leash, crate, bed, bowls, bones, and toys. Other names are Alentejo Mastiff, Portuguese Mastiff and Mutt of Alentejo. Esta raza es especial por muchos motivos. Believed to be descendants of Tibetan Mastiffs, the Rafeiro do Alentejo was used to guard and move cattle and sheep. Somos a Helena e o João Costa temos 3 filhos, a Joana, o João e a Madalena. This breed doesn't hesitate to protect their territory so the Rafeiro do Alentejo can be a good choice if you want an excellent guard dog. The annual cost or "upkeep" is often overlooked when determining a Rafeiro do Alentejos true ownership cost. Next Day Pets® employs stringent verification checkpoints to ensure our puppy listings are safe and secure. Der Rafeiro do Alentejo ist eine alte Hunderasse aus Portugal. Rafeiro do Alentejo: Quais as suas principais características. Criação e selecção do Rafeiro do Alentejo Date of publication of the standard: English RAFEIRO OF ALENTEJO: 5/4/2009: Français RAFEIRO DE L'ALENTEJO: 5/5/2010: Deutsch RAFEIRO VON ALENTEJO: 5/27/2014: Español RAFEIRO DEL ALENTEJO: This is the price you can expect to budget for a Rafeiro do Alentejo with papers but without breeding rights nor show quality. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a very large dog, weighting around 105 lbs and with the size of 29 inches. Create your PuppyMatch profile in just 3 minutes to save time and find your perfect puppy. The Alentejo Mastiff was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006. aprox. Rafeiro do Alentejo: Quais as suas principais características. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is affectionate with their family, but highly suspicious of strangers. Desde 1997 que partilhamos de uma grande paixão em comum, o amor pela raça Rafeiro do Alentejo. Information And Facts of Rafeiro do Alentejo: Full name of this dog is Rafeiro do Alentejo. The average cost for all Rafeiro do Alentejos sold is $0. The Rafeiro do Alentejo does not require much exercise. Get matched with up to 5 dog breeders with puppies for sale based on your lifestyle. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is generally healthy dog breed, but like all breeds, they can be prone to hip dysplasia. Hij is snel, vastberaden, zelfverzekerd, dapper en betrouwbaar en vertrouwt op zijn instincten. Herkunft und Geschichtliches. 96 in Gruppe 2, Sektion 2. Rafeiro Do Alentejo Puppies For Sale - AKC PuppyFinder. According to the American Kennel Club, it is known as the biggest Portuguese canine breed. Portimão 10 Dez, 22:34. Il rafeiro do Alentejo (anche detto mastin do Alentejo) è una razza di cane del Portogallo.Deve il proprio nome alla regione Alentejo, nella quale è stato allevato.. La razza si è adattata alle pesantissime escursioni termiche alla quale la regione è esposta, tra il giorno e la notte, e l'estate e l'inverno. The cost to buy a Rafeiro do Alentejo varies greatly and depends on many factors such as the breeders' location, reputation, litter size, lineage of the puppy, breed popularity (supply and demand), training, socialization efforts, breed lines and much more. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a dog breed that originated in Portugal. Thank you for taking the time to submit a question. The Rafeiro do Alentejo dog, or more commonly known as the Portuguese Watchdog is a steadfast, noble dog that needs a confident and knowledgeable owner. RAZA RAFEIRO DO ALENTEJO : Origen: Portugal Aptitudes particulares: Perro de compañía, perro guardián. Peso de la hembra: 35 - … O Rafeiro do Alentejo certamente não é um cão de colo, ou que possa ser facilmente treinado. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a Mastiff type dog that hails from Portugal.Like other Mastiff breeds, this breed is also large with bear like massive head. The breed is likely to be descended from the huge dogs of the Tibetan highlands. The head has a broad, rounded skull, proportional to the body. If not properly socialized, he … Zwar ist über die genaue Herkunft der seltenen Rasse wenig bekannt, doch es wird vermutet, dass seine Stammväter in den molossoiden Hunden des mittleren Ostens zu fin… Origin The Rafeiro do Alentejo is often claimed to be descended from huge dogs on the vast Tibetan highlands, thousands of years ago. A Associação de Criadores de Rafeiro do Alentejo (ACRA) é uma Associação privada sem fins lucrativos que foi constituída em 9 de Novembro de 1994. When you're watching t.v at the end of the day, settle down on the floor and give him a few minutes of brushing to help alleviate the shedding. De Rafeiro do Alentejo stamt af van de Molosser en komt oorspronkelijk uit het zuiden van Portugal, uit de 19e eeuw.De Rafeiro do alentejo werd gebruikt voor het beschermen van de kudde`s en het vee. The Portuguese Watchdog, also called the Rafeiro do Alentejo is conformity to the physical type, temperament and movements are basic factors to take into account. Esta raça de canídeos existe, desde tempos imemoriais, sobretudo no Alentejo, com uma relação muito próxima das suas Gentes, desde sempre de grande utilidade, sobretudo no âmbito agropecuário, na guarda de rebanhos e dos Montes alentejanos. Bem-vindos. They are extremely territorial of their home, family, and anything or anyone placed under their protection.