too bad i cant take money photos with this phone coz of lack of memory... drop me a mail if u wanna have a look at some of the pics. Android app Hlavní hvězdou tiskové konference byl dlouho očekávaný Siemens S55. performance: 9.999 pro:functions , size and weight, design, camera im really happy. what more can i say...only weighs 85g..really design. There is no hope. Mobile version I've got this phone I really like it, the design is fantastic, their is every thing in this phone, it looks so smooth, mine is a arctic blue color, shame though the S55 has got only 256 colors! someone sells S55 and doesnt know how to operate the phone? The phone is small and compact. oh gee...what were the engineers thinking about when do decided to go only 256color with this. just magic. Írta Molnár Péter, 2004-08-14. http://www.cellphones.... Home Reviews Software sucks! i feel like i've been using this phone for like a year now coz i know everything. Ponsel ini ringan dan kecil, serta memiliki kontur membulat tanpa tepi yang tajam. Komentar mobilnih telefona Siemens. Siemens A56 dapat dikatakan saudaranya C56, tetapi dilengkapi dengan fitur lanjutan. Nézzen szét a többi hasonló hirdetéseim között is (meghosszabbítva: 2983425722) Sayangnya, sekarang ini orang sudah mulai beralih dari kebiasaan lama. wow... kickass design..solid.. really attractive. A lot more difficult to use than a nokia and there is nowhere to get decent info about how to use the phone. as far as tones and pictures(icons) concerned. A Siemens S55-ös modellje egy jól átgondolt, végigvezetett széria legújabb tagja, mely sorozat anno a színesnek ható szürkeárnyalatos kijelzővel ellátott S25-ös modellel kezdődött meg. but still needs the polyphonic ringtones , i think siemens is striking back coz the siemens SX1 is coming soon . Du kan læse testen af produktet i Mobil 1-2003, der er på gaden 20. februar 2003. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Naik kelas, Siemens membekali perangkat S55 ini dengan aksesori berupa kamera dengan lampu flash. Menu > set-up > display The New SIEMENS S55 is great ! phone’s power supply and dis- play. U provedení Sterling Silver je barevná kombinace obrácená – světlý kryt a tmavá klávesnice. Do not sell my data, Total of 271 user reviews and opinions for. Contact us I love the bluetooth and the kepad is a blessing once you know the trick..cheers.. i recommend it.. So, S55 does not support CE/EE charset! This full-featured world GSM phone features color display, Bluetooth, optional camera, GPRS data, Infrared, polyphonic rings, speakerphone, SyncML, voice … Yah, bisa dibilang Siemens A56 terlihat sangat lucu, tapi ini cocok digunakan untuk semua kalangan. Siemens S55 se prodává ve dvou barevných variantách – Sterling Silver a Arctic Blue (náš testovaný model). 0 0 0. Layaré CSTN, 256 werna kanthi résolusi 101 x 80 piksel. Siemens S55. Siemens S55 umožňuje zachytávať zvláštne okamihy a deliť sa o ne z ktoréhokoľvek miesta na svete. so i've decided to write a short review about the S55. recommendation: yes... go get it. I found only one small flaw, and it's important to people *not* using standard US/UK character set. Hálózati töltő nélkül adom. think the problem is you and not with the S55 guide. Unit is not very good looking IMO, reminds me too much of my old Siemens M35 which annoyed me immeasurably for many reasons. contents: phone, camera with itz bag, charger, battery, data cable(serial),manual(not complete). Change Ad Consent . the pics are xcellent if not perfect when transferred on to the pc. Android app display: i say if you want a good phone and no bul#@#$#t just get this one.. Youtube only prob. camera is a joke, but the phone is fantastic, best siemens todate!! mini cd- software Szép (formatervezési díjat nyert), jó, rendkívül okos, de túlságosan kicsi. The keys are very close together so have difficulty in using if you have nice nails. News Coverage The image will then be dis- played on your mobile. just everything and i mean everything. Ponsel yang nyaman digenggam dan enak didengar ini memiliki keypad tradisional. it's very good product if can being cheaper ok. to lady/guy...whatever who claims the user guide sux... Released 2002 85g, 18mm thickness Feature phone 400 KB storage, no card slot; N/A 427,608 hits; 32 Become a fan . 16 szólamú MID csengőhangok lejátszására képes, az MP3 formátumot még nem ismeri. (Wikipedia/hdEATH) Pada zamannya, desain ponsel layaknya Siemens S55 ini memang begitu populer dan diminati pasar. amazing. It is on page 36 of the manual. im really disappointed. A már több mint négy éve megjelent modellt a nem kevésbé sikeres S35-ös, majd az elmúlt évben az S45-ös modell követte. design of keys is unusual...some might need some time gettn used to itz form. Coverage Also, I want to be able to customize the way my phone looks. Back to Nokia if they dont make it easier to understand. Instagram, © 2000-2021 sorry i couldnt keep this review as short as possible. Announced 2002. It's already better in average than any competition (OK, N6310i has better battery and software, others have more colors...) in bussiness class. could anyone tell me about the handset's real standby time if it is not switched off overnight and with only a couple of short calls per day? Siemens S55 Novelty Fun (31) Echo Three Bright i-Beanie Hat with Rechargeable LED Headlamp Light. Color indepth is however ok for playing games. FAQ You'll find BenQ Siemens's contact information here. Youtube 4.7.2003 #106 Gifu sanoi: Myönnetään, olin laiska enkä jaksanut kahlata kaikkia viestejä Eli tässä muutama kysymys:-löystyykö kuoret pahasti käytössä? phone can be found on the street as cheap as €250 in Berlin. overall: say: 95/100. Je vybavený funkciou multimediálnych správ (MMS). Názor na to, které provedení je lepší, si v prodejně udělejte sami; nám se líbily obě kombinace. i guess it aint all that bad...for me... coz i've deleted all ringing tones but 6 and pictures on the phone to make way for my java applications. too bad. s55 supporting background images is a joke. now scroll to: own greeting. Probably ok if you are a genius. Well you got's mine works just fine and the last time i could use it into the 3rd day and i talk a lot on the correction...the battery is probably better than my earlier phones (Nokia 8210, SL 45i) to s55 owners. one great thing...really great. Overall a great performer. could be hundred with a bettah graphic display and larger memory. receiving quality. itz practically useless to use a background image with this phone coz display sucks. design:10 memory is already occupied. Phone: Hi-class bussiness phone. Olixar 3-in-1 Universal Clip Camera Lens Kit. memory: siemens seriously should have created a multimedia card slot for this phone. Siemens S55 phone. Instagram, © 2000-2021 Siemens S55 phone and camera combo. Siemens S55 se na českém trhu objevil na přelomu ledna a února 2003. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Siemens QuickPic mobile phone Camera IQP-500 NEW for C60 C62 M55 S55 Bulkware at the best online prices at … FAQ Siemens S55 je dizajnérsky veľmi podarený telefón – malý a praktický. con: display and memory. Az üzleti szférát célozták vele, de elfelejtették, hogy az üzletember elsősorban telefonál, aztán a többi - arra pedig sokkal alkalmasabb pl. if anything it would be because of the memory. Siemens S55 Pdf User Manuals. Why on earth did they not include a MMC slot - those MP3 songs on the SL 45 were a winner. is the indepth of color. basically has everything u can expect of a modern, high class phone. -onko mitään syytä odottaa M55? Page 5The mobile phone must be compatible mobile phone such compatible with the QuickPic as the Siemens S55. just too small. That's Siemens language for greeting message :-) Akku gyenge nagyon. A Siemens S55 volt az első true color telefonok egyike a maga 256 színű kijelzőjével. Hopefully it is allowed to place a link: Show more Siemens S55 Mobile Data . Camera: it has flash! Apart from that it knocks the comp out completely. Naopak, prídavný fotoaparát patrí medzi najlepšie na trhu. way too small for this "all doer" phone. the norm is 4k. Disclaimer. We can not guarantee that the information on this page is 100% correct. The Quick- Camera or the camera may Pic Camera uses the mobile be damaged. Stan Everett (PC World) 23 June, 2003 07:23; The S55’s detachable camera is the first to include a flash, although it’s a bit of a gimmick — the interface is fiddly to use and you’re bound to forget to pack the camera attachment when you leave the house in the morning. Don't own one, don't want one. Dont have any reason to buy the SL55 or the SX1 either. Change Ad Consent Bought 2 times in between another phone which was broken in a few months. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Siemens QuickPic Camera IQP-530 Handy-Kamera NEU OVP für M55 S55 S57 uva at the best … Facebook screen is really good. So, S55 does support CE/EE charset - if you transfer data trough Bluetooth! View online or download Siemens S55 User Manual, Manual Features CSTN, 256 colors display, 700 mAh battery, 1 MB storage. Twitter S55 or nokia 7250??? Výhrady máme aj ku klávesnici. All ways of connecting I know (cable, IR, Bluetooth). News It's saterday 2019-10-19......used the S55 until yesterday since 2004! Siemens S55 phone and camera combo. Jakožto oblíbený výrobce se okamžitě dostal do nabídek všech tří operátorů. Siemens made a big mistake there. What do you say???? i will not buy another Siemens phone again unless they make everthing about them from the using of it to the instructions in the manual a LOT more user friendly. Terms of use Privacy what a surprise... always wanted to have this phone. conclusion: Great Phone! menu setup:8.5 6. Read more. Compare Kanggo sesukan, uga ana game. Glossary Siemens S55 - user opinions and reviews. i woudnt have any reason to buy another phone if this handset had a better color display and multimedia card slot... a larger memory could do. Siemens S55 har 256 farvers display, bluetooth, GPRS, MMS og blandt andet JAVA. (I had it second hand) Siemens S55. Startovací cena se pohybovala kolem 12 až 13 tisíc korun, což bylo za v podstatě nejlépe vybavený mobilní telefon (ne … this phone should however be able to to serve me until dem 3G(utms) phones come out. Vélemény Siemens S55 mobiltelefon ról. Facebook Mobile version Siemens S55 se razlikuje u primeni polifonih melodija i Java tehnologije, ali neke funkcije su jednostavnije pošto nije bilo dovoljno slobodne memorije. RSS feed i would take the camera with me everywhere i go if i could save 20 high quality pics on the phone at a time without sacrificing java appz and games. I believe i have enough xperience to write a review coz this is ma 4th siemens' phone and don't need more time than what i already have. The stand-by is good(4-5days in normal use).But the display isn`t very good.The phone is a good choice if u don`t wanna use the background to much,but it`s much better than Nokia 6100,7210,6610,Ericsson T86i,T86 and many other business phones. Well, screen is too small, bad resolution and only 256 colors. Than the good old S55 came out of the drawer. siemens, nokia..etc. Other than that this is a excellent phone!! Privacy design: Siemens S55 ya iku tilpun sélulèr kang diprodhuksi déning pabrikan Siemens. great. Olixar RFID Car Key Signal Blocking Pouch - Carbon Fibre . dont have any problem whatsoever reading in daylight. At the time it was a high end phone and one of the first colour phones by Siemens, with a 256 colour screen, Bluetooth and infrared, and a competitor to the Ericsson T68. Do not sell my data, 101 x 42 x 18 mm, 69 cc (3.98 x 1.65 x 0.71 in), 500 x 14 entries, 9 contact groups, Photo call, Vibration; Downloadable polyphonic ringtones, Removable Li-Ion 700 mAh battery (EBA-510). Palaute - 0%. in fact ma opinion on this matter hasnt least as far as viewing the pics on the phone is concerned. Which should i buy???? Siemens S55 Kamera védőfólia | Mobil Ász Shop Keresés A keresőkifejezés maximum 50 karakterig adható meg, ajánlatos kulcsszavakra keresni pl. i've taken about twenty pics with this phone and results blew me away, still do. Sèri iki kawanuhaké ing taun 2002, wis ora diprodhuksi manèh lan duwé ukuran 101 x 42 x 18 mm déné boboté 85 gram. Gosh! 9 … Changing the greeting message: If your Siemens S55 has problems and is still within its warranty period, you could contact BenQ Siemens support or the retailer you purchased the phone from. Stan Everett (PC World) on 23 June, 2003 07:23. battery life:8 The Siemens S55 is a mobile phone which was introduced by Siemens in late 2002. most phones are basically set up the same. KeySmart Pro Compact Key Holder with Tile Smart Location. 2INK: Skini sa Siemensovog sajta Siemens Data Suite za S55, SL55,C60,MC60, MT55 verzija (35 MB!) Twitter Glossary Any other phone has that? So, S55 does support CE/EE charset - if you transfer data trough Bluetooth! The display sucks though... and did someone say the battery is not Good? sup reader? Prišiel však na trh veľmi neskoro a jeho cena nezodpovedá výkonu – ako sme už spomenuli, jeho najväčšou slabinou je displej. transportability:10 unlike some color display phones, S55 supports most computer image formats: jpeg, gif, tif, bmp etc. The thing has fallen a million t... i had this phone in 2004 best of the best external camera whith flash o good solution today after years of using i lost it now i am using a motorola zn5. Tried in phone shiops and they didnt have a clue either. Olixar Anti-Hack Webcam Cover for Phones, Laptops and Tablets - 3 Pack. Uprkos tome, model S55 je jedan od najnaprednijih telefona. once again what were they thinking about? Great Design etc.. and i agree crap as far as display goes. Excelent design, prefectly design and performed sound system - Digital to Analog convertor and loud speaker. Problémem může být klávesnice, tlačítka občas nezareagují na stisk. 0-share; print; email; The S55’s detachable camera is the first to include a flash, although it’s a bit of a gimmick — the interface is fiddly to use and you’re bound to forget to pack the camera attachment when you leave the house in the morning. Why? that was the only headset i ever read the manual. i can write more...say 3-4 more pages... if i address every single thing this phone's got and can do. ma first phone from siemens was the S35. i can barely recognise myself on the phone. 8 pont a 10-ből . Reviews and if u are a hardcore mobile surfer- absence of HSCSD. L. lasse_koo. hmmm.. what can i say? got the phone from ma paps yesterday as a present. ive had some nokia phones but never read the manual. Get the best deals for siemens s55 at used to think, what the h... do i need a phone with a camera for? A gépelést a magyar nyelvű T9-es szótár segíti, amely az SMS, az EMS és az MMS írását segíti. thank you in advance..cause I have heard battery performance is one of the weakest points of s55. just transfer them on to the pc and delete them from the phone. didnt even have to read the manual. pictures taken with the attached cam. Vásárolja meg a Vaterán egyszerűen, akár regisztráció nélkül: 900 Ft - Siemens S55 mobil Képeken szereplő használt készülék eladó. galaxy a50 üveg, a megfelelő találatok érdekében. Contact us anywayz, the phone is meant to be a business phone and not some or some game boy thinie. man oh man. Naopak, menu telefónu je prehľadné a rýchle. Also VERY complicated to use and the manual/s you get with it do not explain things very clearly. S55 aint the best for this but tell you what? Terms of use Komentari za mobilni telefon Siemens S55. damn bad...they've got it all bad. Odnímateľný fotoaparát QuickPic IQP-500 so zabudovaným bleskom si možno kúpiť spolu s telefónom. Liittynyt 18.5.2003 Viestit 5 Reaktiopisteet 0. With more colors than 256 and more memory it would beat ANY competition in that class. supports midi and mmf as ringing tones. siemens. Ten výrobce představil hned ve třech variantách, asijské jako S57, americké - S56 a pro nás nejdůležitější - S55. . i personally dont save any of taken pics on the phone. ratings: tuo S55 näyttää minun silmään paremmalle ainakin kuvissa. camera: Magyar SIM kártyával nem megy. java, bluethooth, supports mms--- would take me forever talking about the features of this phone: organiser (alarm clock, reminder, calender,etc), phonebook with itz 14 entries per contact( etc. Compare Dont care much about the color indepth but for the memory...oh boy..i do. Tilbage står at Siemens nu sælger S55 uden kamera, hvad prisen bliver, tør Peter Kreilgaard ikke spå om. ;), Home RSS feed features: Radio and mp3 player(if u need those two features, i dont coz i always have ma minidisc with me), no MMC slot. Conclusion: Go for it! Siemens S55 Výborný mobilní telefon s velmi dobrou výbavou, škoda jen, že barevný displej má hrubý rastr a jen 256 barev. Külföldről került hozzám előélete ismeretlen. Page 6QuickPic Camera IQP-500 (en) Using the flash 3. aint worth viewing on the phone. features: xcellent-- 9.99 S55 - hlavní hvězda večera. Not a very responsive and easy to use keypad. size and everything. are the camera and mini cd included in the box aside from the data cable? dont need radio and mp3s on my phone.