device - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water" gas heater - a heater that burns gas for heat. Stand: Die Übersetzung berücksichtigt die Änderung(en) des Gesetzes durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom 19. Nettuno are fish tanks made from transparent plastic, very capacious and featuring a solid base. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Übersetzung 1 - 36 von 36: Englisch: Deutsch: fish spotted blue-eye [Pseudomugil gertrudae] Geflecktes Blauauge {n} Teilweise Übereinstimmung: fish coolie loach [Pangio kuhlii] Geflecktes Dornauge {n} fish kuhli loach [Pangio kuhlii] Geflecktes Dornauge {n} bot. The summit of Great Hill has a small area of lowland heath. Obamacare maintained the concept of health insurance … imperforate St. John's wort [Hypericum maculatum, syn. Small's spikerush / spike-rush [Eleocharis palustris, syn. Perhaps big countries do better because they are big and small countries don't have enough high quality talent to run themselves as well. Landschaftlich ist Itterbeck durch Heide-und Waldlandschaften sowie kultivierte Moore gekennzeichnet. traduction health dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'Health Authority',health centre',health drink',health food', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Gemeines Sumpfried {n}bot.T. Übersetzung 1 - 50 von 181 >> Englisch: Deutsch : entom. O Tribunal de Justiça decidiu que os locais de trabalho não estavam protegidos. heating pad, hot pad - heater consisting of electrical heating elements contained in a flexible pad. Pour les locaux de M. Charles Strong, à Small Heath. [hiːθ], 1) Edward Richard George, britischer Politiker, * Broadstairs (County Kent) 9. Learn the translation for ‘spotted’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Définition heath hen dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'Heath',heath',heath cock',heath grass', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Definition hen Englisch, Übersetzung, Siehe auch 'hen harrier',hen party',hen run',guinea hen' Or then again, they may have better states - see the book Why States Fail on how 'extractive' regimes at the top deter innovation and growth. La Bavaria gère les locaux de production au nom de la BFH. Losing a single match potentially means elimination from the tournament. red chestnut [Cerastis rubricosa] [moth] Rotbraune Frühlings-Bodeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] orn. Si usufruisce della salute ottimale solo quando si è in armonia con l'ambiente. And on this, heath, child survival, E su questo: salute, sopravvivenza infantile. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary The first such house was MIT Solar House #1, in 1939. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … Remained in First Division after winning test match against Small Heath. Namensträgerin: Heather Locklear, US amerikanische Schauspielerin One can only enjoy optimum heath when it is in harmony with the environment. Anmelden. The Itterbeck landscape is marked by heath, woods and cultivated moorland. A BAV administra as instalações em nome da BFH. white-marked [Cerastis leucographa] [moth] Gelbfleck-Frühlings-Bodeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] Teilweise Übereinstimmung: entom. 5 any of various small brown satyrid butterflies of the genus Coenonympha, with coppery-brown wings, esp. : E. intersita, Scirpus palustris] Gemeine Sumpfsimse {f}bot.T. entom. Fifty-one large and small ponds were laid out on heath and marshland. Storage temperatures of 90 °C (194 °F) are sufficient to supply both domestic hot water and space heating. T. mountain ringlet [Erebia epiphron, syn. heathlike definition in English dictionary, heathlike meaning, synonyms, see also 'hatlike',headlike',heath',heather'. The White Heath relève, un blanc, double-couché, Landrace gracieuse avec un petit cadre . T. mountain green-veined white [Pieris bryoniae] [butterfly] Bergweißling {m} [Tagfalterart] entom. Reverso für Windows . Mehr. Übersetzungen für den Begriff 'Wegschnecke' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch La théorie des histoires de vie est une branche de la biologie évolutive [1].Elle tente d’expliquer comment l’évolution forme les différents organismes pour qu’ils atteignent le succès reproducteur [2].Elle analyse ce qui cause les différences de valeur adaptative (« fitness ») entre les différents génotypes et phénotypes retrouvés dans la nature. spotted hawkweed [Hieracium maculatum] Geflecktes Habichtskraut {n} bot. To translate a word from English to French, all you need to do is use the search field provided above. Perder até mesmo uma única partida poderia potencialmente significar a eliminação do torneio. Gewöhnliche Sumpfbinse {f}bot.T spike buck [roebuck of the first year] Spießbock {m} [Bock mit Erstgeweih]zool.T spike hairgrass [Aira praecox, syn. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary the large heath (C. tullia) (Old English hæth; related to Old Norse heithr field, Old High German heida heather) ♦ heathlike adj ♦ heathy adj Specific rules and guidelines for travel from Brazil . You can also find the translations … By 2000, CaliforniaChoice's membership included 140,000 individuals from 9000 business groups. Übersetzung Context Rechtschreibprüfung Synonyme Konjugation. 1961 63 führte er die Verhandlungen mit der EWG über den Beitritt… Registrieren Anmelden Mit Facebook anmelden Mit … heathy definition in English dictionary, heathy meaning, synonyms, see also 'heath',healthy',heathery',heat'. Übersetzung 1 - 66 von 66: Englisch » Nur in dieser Sprache suchen: Deutsch » Nur in dieser Sprache suchen: livid {adj} [black-and-blue] 28. bleifarben: aqua {adj} [(of a greenish-blue) colour] 8. türkis [eisblau, aquamarin] bleen {adj} [neol.] 16/01/2021 . Manteve-se na Primeira Divisão após ganhar uma partida teste contra o Small Heath. I, S. 844) Version information: The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of 19 June 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 844) Zur Nutzung dieser Übersetzung lesen Sie bitte den Hinweis unter "Translations". La Cour de justice a décidé que les locaux professionnels n'étaient pas protégés. Définition heather dans le dictionnaire anglais Cobuild, synonymes, voir aussi 'heater',heath',heathen',hearth', conjugaison, expressions, exemples [selten] [Kofferwort aus blau und grün] gastr. sea heath definition in English dictionary, sea heath meaning, synonyms, see also 'Heath',heath',heath cock',heath grass'. 1916; Bankangestellter, 1959/60 Arbeitsminister und 1960 63 Lordsiegelbewahrer. Hames Heath kann inzwischen Krankheiten heilen und nicht verursachen. Para as instalações do Sr. Charles Strong, Small Heath. : Avena praecox] Frühschmiele {f} [Frühe Haferschmiele]bot.T. Al Quran Kareem 13 Line Color Coded Tajweedi (Taj Company Quran) No. La sommità di Great Hill presenta una piccola area di brughiera. Übersetzung 1 - 50 von 158 >> Englisch : Deutsch – NOUN : die Gelbfleck-Frühlings-Bodeneule | die Gelbfleck-Frühlings-Bodeneulen edit . The largest such exchange prior to the ACA is CaliforniaChoice, established in 1996. health translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'Health Authority',health centre',health drink',health food', examples, definition, conjugation The White Polled Heath is a white, dual-coated, graceful landrace with a small frame. English-French dictionary. [rare] [portmanteau of blue and green] blün [Neol.] From 16 to 31 January 2021 entry and transit in the national territory are forbidden for travellers who have visited or transited through Brazil in the the 14-day period prior to their expected day of entry (except for those who were on board an indirect flight to Italy which began on 16 January 2021). 824M : E. aetheria, E. epiphron epiphron] [butterfly] Bergmohr {m} [Tagfalterart] entom. englischer Name, Bedeutung: Heidekraut. 7. Small buildings with internal STES water tanks. heath Definition Englisch, heath Bedeutung, Englisch Definitionen Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'heath cock',heath hen',Heath Robinson',heath wren', synonyme, biespiele. T. large wall brown [Lasiommata maera] [butterfly] Braunauge {n} [Tagfalterart] entom. Juni 2019 (BGBl. Collaborative Dictionary Documents Grammatik Expressio. Traductions en contexte de "metalworking" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Plasmet is a small metalworking industry. An additional advantage was the ability of small businesses to offer a range of plans to employees, allowing them to compete with larger corporations. A number of homes and small apartment buildings have demonstrated combining a large internal water tank for heat storage with roof-mounted solar-thermal collectors.