1:36. When affected both by damage increase and damage decrease at the same time, we show both icons in your own health bar. À suivre. Devenez le héros d'une galaxie en guerre dans Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II. Fixed an issue where the Regenerative Subsystems Star Card would not restore the right amount of health per rarity level for Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer. Fixed a visual texture issue with the lighting of the underlay armor of the Imperial Rocket Trooper. Related: Star Wars Droid Becomes Angry & Indestructible In Weird Battlefront 2 Glitch After two years and 25 free content updates, DICE claims that Battlefront 2 is complete with the 26th and final one. [15] Although Mroz has yet to confirm the discovery, a Discord comment by Ben Walke, former Lead Community Manager of EA Star Wars, on April 27 seemingly confirmed that the second villain Appearance is indeed for Emperor Palpatine.[16]. The popular map from Star Wars Battlefront 1 is back!. A round of Supremacy will now take place once per map. Features: Pick either the Galactic Empire or the Rebels as they fight for the beaches and landing pads. STAR WARS Battlefront 2 : Dark Maul Gameplay (Multi) JeuxActu. Fixed an issue where players would not die when jumping off the mine on Kessel. New Missions (Attack) and Missions (Defend) modes added under Instant Action, allowing you to play Co-Op style maps as a single-player alongside AI. Updated the reward description for Crates containing weapon modifications. Signaler. Fixed an issue where the setting name for Kill Sound Effect would also appear as its description. Fixes an issue where the Orbital Strike UI messaging would only show on one player, if multiple players were inside the radius when it was triggered. Now’s a great time to be a Battlefront 2, so if you haven’t played in a while, you’ll have a lot to catch up on. Fixed an issue where the Gonk Droid, during the Campaign mission "The Cleaner", would be unable to walk, due to misplaced legs. The next major Star Wars Battlefront 2 update, Battle of Scarif, has been delayed again. 1:36. You can read all about the BB update, along with the Age of Rebellion info right here. Star Wars : Battlefront - Rogue One : Scarif : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. Fixed a visual issue where backdrop Starfighters would occasionally be seen flying through Death Star II on Heroes Vs. Villains. With the next free content update for Star Wars Battlefront II arriving on April 29, iconic locations from the Age of Rebellion will be added to Supremacy, along with a … 3:14. We don’t have a solid release date for this update, so stay tuned for more information. Improved VFX to better show the range of Bossk's Proximity Mines on various terrains. — EA Star Wars #stayandplay (@EAStarWars) April 15, 2020. DICE has announced this a few weeks ago where it also mentioned that short delays will be coming to Battlefield 5’s updates. Maps are the locations in which game modes are played or what campaigns use as levels in the Star Wars: Battlefront Series. It is the final major content update for Battlefront II. FEATURES. Class icons added to AI players in Supremacy and Instant Action. videos. This is an open map test for Scarif: Map Pack, the preview map for Gogie (D.Onizaki)'s new Scarif Map Pack for Star Wars Battlefront II. Fixed an issue that would allow the player to trigger the Unrelenting Advance ability twice, causing Grievous to repeat the animation endlessly. Star Wars : Battlefront II - Les cartes L'Étoile de la Mort II et Scarif arriveront prochainement 31 janv. Pascal Obispo. playlist 2016. More than two years after its launch, the Star Wars Battlefront 2 story is about to come to an end. This is a Map Pack of Scarif, a preview for new content that will be appearing in a full expansion highlighting the Galactic Civil War as seen from the movies. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is entering the Age of Rebellion following the BB-8 update and that means players will finally be getting Scarif. Cosmetic items that were previously available to unlock only through Events are now available to unlock through Milestones. An iron droid was added to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. Fixed an issue where the "Fight as One" Milestone, would not track progress on Co-Op Missions. Added option for a female Zabrak appearance for Rebel and Resistance Specialist-class soldiers. Fixed a clipping issue on Kylo Ren's Power of the Darkness Victory Pose. For more than two years, the team has deployed 25 free content updates that have shaped and expanded Star Wars Battlefront II into something truly special for Star Wars ™ fans. Combattez dans 4 nouvelles cartes sur la planète tropicale de Scarif. Scarif added as a new playable map on Co-Op Missions, Supremacy, Instant Action, Heroes Vs. Villains and Hero Showdown. En ce moment. The last-ever content update to Star Wars Battlefront 2 is on its way to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Increased damage output from the wisties pouch (5 per second to 10 per second). Attention Star Wars gamers: we’ve got some good news and some bad news. Reduced base health (300->200) as they're outperforming all other aerials, and are using the same health as the regular B2 droid. Capturing the drama and epic conflict of Star Wars, Battlefront II brings the fight online. This is not a complete mod map as of yet and many of the sides are under revision. The dominant buff or debuff will be displayed in color, while the weaker one will be greyed out. Fixed an issue with the audio of the Sith Trooper's melee swings losing functionality after the first swing in a chain of melee attacks. Fixed an issue where the UI would show that the player is queuing for all game modes, when searching for game mode in the Heroes vs Villain menu or the More menu. The planet Scarif is coming to Star Wars Battlefront 2, developer DICE has announced. The Battle on Scarif Update is a major update for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II that was released on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Il faut le dire, Star Wars Battlefront 2 applique un suivi exemplaire avec de nombreuses nouveautés plus de deux ans après sa sortie, et malgré un démarrage catastrophique. Fixed an issue where Co-Op Missions and Starfighter Assault-related audio would interrupt Continuous Music. Games: Star Wars Battlefront II: Mods: Scarif: Map Pack (V1.0, 2 Maps): Addons. Darth Maul in Age of Rebellion). Rich single-player stories, deep multiplayer combat, and multi-stage space battles are all waiting for you in Star Wars Battlefront II. Autoplay videos. Since Capital Supremacy is about going from the ground to a capital ship, they said it wouldn’t really make sense to leave the Death Star and go to a ship. Browse Scarif: Map Pack (V1.0, 2 Maps) mod for Star Wars Battlefront II addons to download customizations including maps, skins, sounds, sprays and models. New Cosmetics Rogue One. On Instant Action: Missions menus, Separatist Dreadnaught description uses the Heroes vs. Villains mode description. All of that will be changing in 2020 once developer DICE enters the Age of Rebellion, which promises to show the original era some love. The Battle on Scarif Update is a major update for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II that was released on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. images. The UI element designating how many strikes are possible has also been removed. Incarnez 2 nouveaux héros, Jyn Erso et Orson Krennic, et éliminez vos ennemis dans un mode de jeu à plusieurs étapes, avec de nouvelles armes et cartes des Étoiles. Fixed an issue that would cause General Grievous' abilities to be interrupted by abilities and melee attacks of other players. Capturing the drama and epic conflict of Star Wars, Battlefront II brings the fight online. The First Order Snowtrooper appearance is now available for First Order Assault-class troopers as a selectable appearance across Age of Resistance maps. The appearances of AI-controlled Clone Troopers on the Republic Attack Cruiser on Instant Action and Co-Op - Missions are incorrectly set to Phase I. Phasma Staff Strikes can now be triggered using the Melee Key. Wrong announcers can be heard by the player when transitioning between round phases of any game mode, while using a Hero newly introduced to the era (ex. Fixed an issue where the Caphex Spy would receive damage by using the Truncheon Attack ability while sprinting against environmental assets. Star Wars: Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Updates of Star Wars Battlefront II (DICE), Star Wars Battlefront 2: The Battle on Scarif – Community Update, 5/8/20 - F8RGE on the Star Wars Battlefront subreddit Discord, The Age of Rebellion Community Update video, 4/16/20 - F8RGE on the Star Wars Battlefront Subreddit Discord, 4/27/2020 - F8RGE on the Star Wars Battlefront subreddit Discord delaying the CT by one day, Aerial class rocket launcher and Flametrooper crash at Answers HQ, https://battlefront.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_on_Scarif_Update?oldid=99943. Vous êtes bien abonné(e) pour recevoir les e-mails relatifs à STAR WARS: Battlefront II ainsi que d'autres actualités, produits, événements et promotions EA. 1 Description 2 Histoire 3 En coulisses 4 Apparitions 5 Sources 6 Notes et références Scarif était une planète située dans les Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure,1 dans le système Scarif3 du secteur Abrion. The planet Scarif is coming to Star Wars Battlefront 2, developer DICE has announced. Nous espérons que Star Wars Battlefront II et la nouvelle mise à jour La bataille de Scarif vous donneront envie de jouer et de partager. Fixed an issue that blocks zoom on other weapons, such as the MPL-57, the Ion Torpedo or Iden's Pulse Cannon, while the TL-50 Secondary Fire is in cooldown. Beta Test. Added in-game messaging for when you take increased damage, e.g. Star Wars Battlefront 2 a été un peu désastreux lors de son lancement, mais EA et le développeur DICE ont fait du bon travail pour soutenir et améliorer le jeu depuis deux ans et demi. Fixed an issue where the audio for the activation of Dark side Lightsaber on the intro of Hero Showdown would be delayed. For Heroes and Villains:Old MasterReforgedResilientRey SkywalkerSith EternalFor Troopers:PathfinderShoretrooperZabrak Rebel 01Zabrak Resistance 01 1:09. Instant Action: Missions Chewbacca's Charge Slam ability will be less likely to be triggered when Chewbacca falls from small heights. Overview [edit | edit source] New appearances for Darth Maul and Rey are available to unlock via Milestones. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is getting one last major update. JeuxActu. Fixed an issue that would disable players from spawning on a squad member, if they were shooting away from the combat area. Head to the tropical planet of Scarif and fight in a beautiful scenery – contrasted by towering Imperial facilities. Scarif: Space Battle mod for Star Wars Battlefront II - Mod DB. Fixed an issue where the Ewok Hunter's "Hunter's Instincts" ability would not work on Arcade AI. Fixed a visual issue where the Clone Commando's weapon sight attachment would occasionally show up misplaced during the Commando's dodge animation. The Heavy's Sentry ability will not be granting Explosive damage reduction anymore. Scarif et l’Etoile de la mort II … Despite being named after a Scarif map from the 2015 game, Scarif Beach in Star Wars Battlefront II is more similar to the Landing Pad 13 map from that game with some notable differences, such as being larger with several islets not present in the original version. Go to main menu Heavy General Details Fixed an issue where the Reinforced Hull Star Card would not have any effect on the AT-RT. This Maps current release is intended for people to try out and assist with reporting bugs, issues and get a general idea of what changes people would like to see happen. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is getting one last major update. Licence Proprietary. Added new loading hints for Co-Op and recently released Reinforcements such as the Ewok Hunter and the ISB Agent. [3], On May 9th, Ben Walke, the former community manager of the game, said on Discord that there will be small patch coming in later May, including fixes to Age of Rebellion Supremacy, and balancing to heroes and vehicles. JeuxActu. Fixed an issue where Chewbacca could do melee attacks in mid-air after activating Charge Slam. Notable Content Hello there, this is Dennis from the Star Wars ™ Battlefront™ II team. Most maps are based on locations that appear in the Star Wars universe. [14] Seemingly confirming that one of the new villain Appearances added in the update would be for Darth Maul, Mroz shortly after the discovery posted another cryptic tweet,[12] again containing a single, blurry picture. Fixed issues in the Collection Screen to clarify whether cosmetic items can be unlocked through Milestones or can be obtained with the Celebration Edition. DICE announced that the Star Wars Battlefront 2 The Battle of Scarif has been delayed to mid-April! The release of The Battle of Scarif means EA's big Star Wars shooter is 'complete.'. Fixed an issue where the loading icon would be misplaced in higher than 1080p resolutions. Along with this map, Battlefront 2015 included both Director Krennic and Jyn Erso as playable heroes on the planet. Take control of massive AATs, sleek starfighters, thundering walkers, and your favorite hero ships. The most exciting change in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Battle on Scarif update is the addition of the titular planet. Share. Improved audio effects for Obi-Wan's Restrictive Mind Trick ability. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Battle On Scarif Patch Notes. In a statement released by EA, Battlefront 2's Creative Director, Dennis Brännvall, explained that The Battle of Scarif update would be the last of its kind. Fixed an issue where the AI versions of Han Solo and Leia would not show up in the proper planet-appropriate appearance on Yavin. Added an alt fire for the Flame Trooper to give it a mid-range attack to make it viable in more combat situations and on more maps. Full list of all 63 Star Wars Battlefront achievements worth 1,690 gamerscore. Afin de célébrer cette étape-clé, le nouveau Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II: Édition Célébration a été lancé au format numérique le 5 décembre 2019 sur PlayStation®4, Xbox One et PC. [2] On April 15th, the update was further delayed to the end of April, eventually releasing on the 29th. Merci à tous pour votre patience et votre soutien, nous sommes impatients de … Fixed an issue where Chewbacca's goggle lenses in the Vandor Heist appearance would not be visible in the Collection Screen. Vous devez vous abonner à la newsletter STAR WARS: Battlefront II avant de pouvoir obtenir votre objet. Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Rogue One: Scarif présente du nouveau contenu inspiré de Rogue One™: A Star Wars™ Story.. Combattez dans 4 nouvelles cartes sur la planète tropicale de Scarif. Fixed an issue where Boba Fett could disable the Blaster weapon of targets that aren't concussed, when shooting behind them. Fixed an issue where AI Heroes could be seen in outros. Map. WAYS TO PLAY EXPLORE GAME MODES Vehicles. Fixed an issue where the Officer's own Flash Grenade could flash the Officer through a wall. Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Rogue One: Scarif est la quatrième et dernière extension numérique comprise dans le Pass Saison Star Wars™ Battlefront™. New Modes Short delay to character menu animations added. Community Transmission Scarif added as a new playable map on Co-Op Missions, Supremacy, Instant Action, Heroes Vs. Villains and Hero Showdown. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Join the rise of Darth Vader’s elite 501st Legion of Stormtroopers as you fight through an all new story-based saga where every action you take impacts the battlefront and, ultimately, the fate of the Star Wars galaxy. Reduced likelihood of the same AI Hero spawning consecutively, when playing Co-Op Missions or Instant Action. The era will also be heading to Supremacy, and this also includes the return of a highly requested planet…Scarif. articles. Uploader D.Onizaki. New Maps Made the slug more accurate when zooming (Dispersion Angle 1->0). Supremacy and Instant Action are now available in the Age of Rebellion (Death Star II, Hoth, Yavin 4, Tatooine, and Scarif). Scarif était une planète paradisiaque isolée située dans le secteur Abrion des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. May 28th PatchAugust 26th Patch Star Wars Battlefront 2 Battle On Scarif Patch Notes. Shortly after, the subreddit community was able to match it to an image of Emperor Palpatine as he appears in The Rise of Skywalker. STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT Death Star Gameplay Trailer . Those looking forward to the next major Star Wars Battlefront 2 update, you’ll going to have to wait a bit more. En attendant l'arrivée des incroyables contenus de Star Wars™ : L'Ascension de Skywalker™ le 17 décembre 2019, nous fêtons deux ans de mises à jour dans Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II !. The Star Wars Battlefront Wiki is the best online resource for the Star Wars: Battlefront video game franchise. Improved VFX for Rocket Launcher smoke trails. One of these locations is Scarif, the site of the final battle in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Star Wars Battlefront 2 verabschiedet sich mit einem Knall: Nach über zwei Jahren und 25 kostenlosen Content-Updates läutet "The Battle on Scarif" das Ende regelmäßiger Inhalts-Updates ein. This Maps current release is intended for people to try out and assist with reporting bugs, issues and get a general idea of what changes people would like to see happen. La carte blanche : Pascal Obispo … Fixed visual issues with the male Zabrak appearance. It was released with the Battle on Scarif Update and all four appearances are designated Rare. Resolved an issue where the Cycler Rifle would have a high accuracy when not zooming while crouched. Que la Force soit avec vous, Dennis Brännvall, de la part de l'équipe Star Wars Battlefront II. Star Wars Battlefront 2: Rogue One Scarif Gameplay Trailer . Malheureusement, toutes les bonnes choses doivent cesser et Battlefront 2 recevra sa dernière mise à jour majeure demain. Age of Rebellion will be focusing on ground-based combat, which the developer explains will be the best way for players to enjoy these new maps. A small LEGO based battlefront 2 project, my goal is to incorporate portions of the lego games with that of battlefront game play, the finished product should include things like gold / silver bricks with weaknesses to heavy blasters / explosives. Fixed an issue where a player would not be able to spawn as the Ewok Hunter or the Rocket Jumper when playing Co-Op Missions on Kessel. Wookiee Warrior's Fortify ability is now replaced with Charge Slam. FEATURES. 2020, 09:15 1:29. Scarif added as a new playable map on Co-Op Missions, Supremacy, Instant Action, Heroes Vs. Villains and Hero Showdown. Fixed an issue where the arrow shooting sound would be heard, even when no arrows were shot, if the player is spamming the attack button while aiming with the bow. April 29, 2020[1] Gamersincorporated. Various balancing changes on Reinforcements and Weapons. DICE has announced that the Battle on Scarif update will arrive for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 tomorrow, April 29, and will be the last regular content update for the game. Fixed an issue where the Ewok Hunter's arrows would remain on defeated enemies for too long. Supremacy and Instant Action are now available in the Age of Rebellion (Death Star II, Hoth, Yavin 4, Tatooine, and Scarif). Dash abilities for all Heroes and Reinforcements. 1:26. Since the original trilogy was the central focus of the first game, it makes sense that the developers wanted to accommodate the other eras first. The Age of Rebellion Update According to the EA Star Wars Twitter profile, the update will not be released in mid-April as announced a few days ago, but later this month. 2:59. This is due to the studio’s new work from home initiative all brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated the description of the Protected Critical Systems Star Card for accuracy. Shoretrooper is an Imperial trooper appearance for all trooper classes in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. addons. On smaller vehicles, this damage reduction applies to the entire vehicle.". This is due to the studio’s new work from home initiative all brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated Leia Organa's Hero description to mention Thermal Detonators, instead of Flash Grenades. The First Order Jet Trooper and Boba Fett now have jetpack VFX when ragdoll landing after having been pushed from a certain height. Previous The biggest update is the addition of the Scarif map. The biggest update is the addition of the Scarif map. Fixed an issue that could cause a player to be inaccurately kicked out of a session due to being idle. Added ... Star Wars Battlefront II First Person Shooter Related Groups [GT] Gogie, D.Onizaki Developer Tags. Fixed an issue where other players would not see the projectiles fired by an ally with a stationary weapon. Scarif Beach Previously map-specific appearances for the Galactic Empire troopers are now available as selectable appearances across Age of Rebellion maps. Fixed a visual issue where Rey's mouth would not move during her emotes or voice lines. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is bringing back a fan-favorite level, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 's Scarif, in a new game update. A little over two years later, OT fans have reason to rejoice. There are plenty to choose from, notably the Rogue One characters, but we can think of a few more, such as characters from Star Wars: Rebels. Fixed an issue that would cause UI messaging on defeated players to show up retroactively, once players turn it on after having it turned off first. Crait is now available on Heroes Vs. Villains and Hero Showdown. These are now following the direction of the camera, instead of the character model. Scoreboard now shows "Planet" and current "Game Mode". pic.twitter.com/VAm6AUR614. Fixed a visual issue on the backpack interior of the First Order Jet Trooper. In February we head back to Original Trilogy and the Age of Rebellion (OT), starting with Co-Op. This does mean it’ll be hard for them to implement Capital Supremacy into the game, so it’ll be interesting to see what spin they are able to come up with. EA dropped the update on April 29 with a slew of features including a growing list of Supremacy mode maps set in the Age of Rebellion: Scarif, Hoth, Death Star II, Yavin 4, and Tatooine. Blaster Heroes who can use a scope on their weapons, now go in full first-person view and do not stay in third-person anymore. Fixed an issue where Droideka could gain significant height when rolling off elevated surfaces. reviews. Official Links Since its launch in 2017, we’ve seen Star Wars Battlefront 2 add new content to the prequel and sequel eras, but the original trilogy has largely remained untouched. Filename Scarif_MP_1_0.rar Category Singleplayer Map. JeuxActu. Fans of the 2015 Battlefront will no doubt remember that the entire game focused on the original trilogy and, as a result, we saw heroes and maps that haven’t yet made their way to the sequel. Each faction has unique weapons and units. Star Wars Battlefront 2 verabschiedet sich mit einem Knall: Nach über zwei Jahren und 25 kostenlosen Content-Updates läutet "The Battle on Scarif" das Ende regelmäßiger Inhalts-Updates ein. Star Wars Battlefront II ajoute Scarif pour son ultime mise à jour. 0:04 / 1:28. 2:11. Fixed an issue where the Living World droid on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer could occasionally be seen bouncing only up and down. Co-Op Missions are now available on the MC85 Star Cruiser and Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer. Star Wars Battlefront II mod | Early Access 2017. summary. Aerials’ Rocket Launcher and Flametroopers "crash" game at launch of the update. Improved VFX for the First Order Flametrooper's Incendiary Grenade. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is out now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Fixed an issue where the AT-RT and AT-ST would be visible as playable options on Kessel - Co-Op Missions. 29/04 Vidéo 1 4029. On January 31, DICE announced they will be focusing on the original trilogy in a new community transmission, but they remained tight-lipped on what exactly to expect when that happens. Community Update Video Added option for Advanced Settings on the menu of Instant Action (Supremacy and Missions). Options preview, a new window with a visual representation of each setting. By Cody Peterson Apr 28, 2020. DICE announced that the Star Wars Battlefront 2 The Battle of Scarif has been delayed to mid-April! The Community Transmission detailing the update’s content has also been delayed as a consequence. Star Wars Battlefront 2 sur PS4, PC, XB1 : Code, Gameplay, test, sortie, trailer de Star Wars Battlefront 2 un jeux de type FPS, Multijoueur, Online, Star Wars Scarif will be a brand-new planet for Battlefront 2, returning from a well-loved appearance in DICE’s previous Battlefront title. Scarif was the planet where the climactic end battle of Rogue One took place, where the plans for the Death Star were successfully taken by the rebels amid a violent ground and air battle which immediately led to the events of the very first Star Wars movie. Removed the " Available in crates " message displayed under every Emote name. La mise à jour de Battle on Scarif de Star Based on his new era-appropriate appearance, Darth Maul, alongside Yoda, is now available as player-controlled and AI Heroes on Age of Rebellion - era maps of Supremacy, Instant Action and Co-Op Missions. The game does already feature a healthy amount of original trilogy content, but if they want to expand it a bit more, some planets could include Lothal, or even the Bespin map we saw in 2015. files. Vehicle units are added as AI players on certain maps on Co-Op and Instant Action Missions (Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Felucia, Hoth, Endor, Yavin 4, Takodana and Ajan Kloss). This applies to the below abilities: Fixed an issue with BB-8's "Twist" Milestone not tracking score accurately. This is not a complete mod map as of yet and many of the sides are under revision. Fixed an issue where BB-9E's Charge Up ability would not lead to reduction of cooldown times on allies. Disponible sur PlayStation®4, Xbox One et Origin pour PC en novembre 2017. [4], The update added the Age of Rebellion era to Supremacy and Instant Action. Improved VFX and fixed an issue where the effects of the Thermal Imploder would not be visible when not looking directly at the grenade. 1:36. [1], The update was originally scheduled for a release sometime in March 2020, but was delayed to mid-April due to safety and health precautions taken by the team as a result of the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic. Je suis vraiment fier de tout ce que nous avons accompli, et de ce que nous continuons de faire ensemble. Elle était occupée par l'Empire Galactique. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One Scarif Trailer PS4. Scarif as seen in Star Wars Battlefront 2015. This is an open map test for Scarif: Map Pack, the preview map for Gogie(D.Onizaki)'s new Scarif Map Pack for Star Wars Battlefront II. Star Wars: Battlefront 2's Battle of Scarif update releasing on April 29th is its last as DICE claims the game is now officially "complete." Reduced E-5 near damage (42->30) since the sword should be the main weapon for close range. Raised rate of fire in toggled fire mode (360->420). Fixed issues that would cause the Play Now function to heavily prioritize Co-Op Missions. Supremacy and Instant Action are now available in the Age of Rebellion (Death Star II, Hoth, Yavin 4, Tatooine and Scarif). Star Wars Battlefront 2: Rogue One Scarif Gameplay Trailer. On April 18, hero designer Guillaume Mroz posted a cryptic tweet featuring a single, blurry image with no additional context. Battlefront 2 Adding Scarif, New Original Trilogy Content, Copyright © 2021 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Release Date Star Wars Battlefront 2: The Battle on Scarif – Community Update Various map objects such as Imperial cargo shuttles have also been moved around. This changes where the blaster shot comes from, improving the experience. Scarif: Beach brings the planet Scarif, from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, to Star Wars: Battlefront. Since Scarif was explicitly mentioned, it seems like one of the sure bets to expect once the Rebellion update hits in February. The developer did mention Death Star II as a possibility, and while it could still happen, Scarif was all that was confirmed. Reduced end damage on wristblaster (25->24). Fixed an issue where the First Order Jet Trooper could evade without limitations. That’s right. Fixed an issue that would cause headshot damage when hitting certain Heroes in the right-side forearm as a Hero. New description: "On vehicles with weak spots, the weak spot bonus damage amount is reduced. High contrast slider to improve readability in the static HUD containers with blurred backgrounds. [5][6] The update also added a new map set on Scarif,[7][8] Scarif Beach along with adding the sequel trilogy capital ship maps to Co-Op Missions.[9]. Updated matchmaking text when searching for a Strike/Extraction game. Decreased the recoil setting that would make the aim kick left and right with each shot. JeuxActu. Fixed an issue where Infiltrator Reinforcements could potentially get stuck in a crouch animation and jump around. Fixed an issue where the Tactical Jammer Star Card would have no functionality when applied on the X-34 Landspeeder on Tatooine or Hoth.