Thank you all, and thank you science. The actor turned to Twitter where he shared a video of himself playing the banjo. Steve Martin Tweeted About Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine, And, Of Course, He Threw A Joke In There ... Twitter: @SteveMartinToGo. Good news: I just got vaccinated! — Steve Martin, via Twitter. — Steve Martin, via Twitter. Published: 20:14 EST, 17 January 2021 | … Right now, I’m having no fide resects. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. The 75-year-old actor took to Twitter to say that he … “The great #CarlReiner has gone to that Show of Shows in the sky. Good news: I just got vaccinated! PETER HITCHENS: So is this really an epidemic of despair? Steve Martin is sharing his experience with the coronavirus vaccine. On Sunday, comedian Steve Martin shared his experience getting the COVID-19 vaccine in New York City, calling it "smooth as silk" and "perfection." He wrote: “Good news/Bad news. Martin regularly tries to make the pandemic humourous by posting jokes about wearing masks. Martin shares his new-found love of Tweeting, but goes a step beyond when he shares his followers Tweets back to him. For example, his Twitter profile picture features the actor wearing two masks; covering his entire face. The 75-year-old actor took to Twitter to say that he … RELATED: Chris Rock, Steve Martin … In the post, the senior actor wrote that he was doing fine. Bad news: I got it because I’m 75. — Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) January 17, 2021, “Good news/Bad news. The 94-year-old singer took to Twitter this week to reveal he had been given the first dose of his vaccination against coronavirus as he encouraged others to take it up too. Bad news: I … Thank you all, and thank you science. Actor Steve Martin on Sunday revealed that he had received what is assumed to be his first round of COVID-19 vaccination, which was the good news. To that end, celebrated comedian Steve Martin took to social media to reveal the good news, that he'd been able to get the vaccine, and the bad news of it all, which we won't spoil just yet. By ... Twitter users -- including Rep. Eric Swalwell -- reminded the GOP senator of his NSFW gaffe. Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. Steve Martin has been given the coronavirus vaccine.The Father of the Bride star has revealed he was given the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 Steve Martin announces on Twitter that he has received a vaccination for COVID-19: ‘Thank you science’ By Sam Joseph Semon For . As for the good news, the iconic movie star said he's … Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. The 75-year-old actor took to Twitter to say that he had received the COVID-19 vaccine. Martin took to Twitter and said, "Good news/Bad news. Steve Martin told his fans on Sunday that he had some good and bad news to share with them. @WHO.'. And singer Tony Bennett has had his COVID-19 vaccine as well. But some have been lucky. Today, Steve Martin seems to be travelling across the country in a cart pulled by squirrels. Other Hollywood stars have also received their vaccine, too. He wrote: “Good news/Bad news. Well what was enjoyable was it was in the next village, and you know, although they were at a huge distance and I can't see very well, I did wave to a lot of people I thought I knew, which I'm sure I did, who were at a great, great distance. Encouraging others: Tony Bennett took to his Twitter on Wednesday to announce that he had also been given a vaccination and told his followers to do the same, Tagging the World Health Organisation, he wrote: 'I received the first dose of the Covid 19 vaccination this week and am doing fine and encourage you to do the same! Steve Martin took to Twitter on Sunday to share some good news and bad news with his fans. Steve shared caption and cartoon ideas, Harry provided impeccable artwork, and together they created this collection of humorous cartoons and comic strips, with amusing commentary about their collaboration throughout. Martin is just one of the many celebrities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, many of them being older in age which is the leading cause of them receiving it. Steve Martin, comedian, actor, and banjo player, has come up with a fool proof way to recognize him while wearing a mask which he shared on Twitter. Bad news: I got it because I’m 75. Actor and comedian Steve Martin discusses his experiences using Twitter. Published: 20:14 EST, 17 January 2021 | … Steve Martin, doing the work of the lord, right here. When Martin was asked how he got the vaccine, he said that it wasn’t because he’s Steve Martin. NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Actor Steve Martin is the latest celebrity to get the coronavirus vaccine. According to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s site, those New Yorkers currently eligible for the vaccination include “individuals 75 and older, first responders, public safety officers, teachers and other school staff; in-person college instructors, childcare workers, public-facing grocery store workers, transit workers and individuals living and working in homeless shelters.” If you fall under those categories, please sign up for vaccination posthaste. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. RELATED: Chris Rock, Steve Martin … The operation in NYC was smooth as silk (sorry about the cliché @BCDreyer!) Steve Martin has been given the coronavirus vaccine.The Father of the Bride star has revealed he was given the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 Steve Martin is sharing his positive experience of getting the coronavirus vaccine. For example, his Twitter profile picture features the actor wearing two masks; covering his entire face. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The Father of the Bride star has revealed he was given the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 on Sunday in New York City and praised the 'smooth as silk' running of the service. In New York, people over 65 are eligible for the vaccine. Steve Martin received backlash for a tribute he paid to Carrie Fisher on Twitter. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Martin, esprili bir dille aşının kendisi için zorunluluk olduğunu açıkladı. The actor turned to Twitter where he shared a video of himself playing the banjo. Steve has had over 20 years working in regional news in one form or another. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. As for the good news, the iconic movie star said he's … Have your tweets been published in a book? Making it public: The actor revealed the news through his official Twitter account, where he thanked the US Army and National Guard for handling the logistical side of things, Pro tips: Martin responded to a fan who wanted more information regarding the vaccines by detailing the sign-up process and noted that he had to wait in a line to receive his inoculation, Doing fine: Dame Judi Dench announced last week that she had been vaccinated against COVID-19 during an interview with BBC News; she is pictured at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show press day in May of 2019. Comedy legend Steve Martin told his fans on Sunday that he had some good and bad news to share with them. PETER WALKER: Are slim people ALWAYS fitter than fatties? Steve shared caption and cartoon ideas, Harry provided impeccable artwork, and together they created this collection of humorous cartoons and comic strips, with amusing commentary about their collaboration throughout. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Steve Martin annonce sur Twitter qu’il a reçu un vaccin contre le COVID-19: « Merci la science »Par Sam Joseph Semon pour Publié: 01h14 GMT, le 18 janvier 2021 | Mis à jour: 0… Bad news: I got it because I'm 75. We followed all the rules': Devastated fiancée of man, 32, who died of Covid begs Britons to take the pandemic seriously as she is left to bring up their son, three, by herself, MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: A spectacular and public-spirited offer Boris Johnson should accept, More than 500 of the DVLA's 6,000 workers in Swansea have caught coronavirus since March - as workers accuse bosses of 'encouraging staff with symptoms to return to work', Britain's coronavirus cases fall again amid 'scaremongering' row: Scientists play down more deadly variant claim and admit it's 'not a game changer' - as new infections drop by 18% in a week to 33,552 and deaths rise by 4% to 1,348, Britons who have received first Covid-19 vaccine must stay at home for THREE WEEKS to let immunity 'kick in', Diary of a paramedic: We're now rushing a lot of younger patients into hospital and a father, 45, and husband, 54, are among Covid victims who are no longer who you'd expect, What it's like helping Britain to jab its way to freedom: DR ELLIE CANNON tells how vaccine is bring joy to recipients including 101-year Sam who is a step closer to hugging his great grandchildren, Britain delivers a record 480,000 Covid-19 vaccines in a day - putting it on track to hit 15m first doses target by February 15 if supplies hold up and rate is maintained, Kate Moss jets into curfew-hit Paris for birthday weekend at £2,500-per-night Ritz with her boyfriend Nikolai von Bismarck and lookalike daughter Lila Grace, Porton Down scientists are 'confident' that all mutant strains of coronavirus can be beaten with vaccines, Guernsey goes into lockdown for the first time in seven months after four new Covid-19 cases were discovered among the island's 67,000 population, Don't make phone calls or talk to each other on public transport to prevent spread of Covid, French commuters are told. Legendary comedian Steve Martin, 75, says he's received the COVID-19 vaccine and is experiencing no side effects. In New York, people over 65 are eligible for the vaccine. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. She said: 'I had one last Thursday. Martha Stewart recently shared her experience getting the vaccine at 79 years old. Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. — Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) January 17, 2021. Giving a view: Martha Stewart posted a video of herself being vaccinated to her Instagram account on Monday, and wrote a lengthy message to thank essential workers for their efforts during the pandemic. The 75-year-old comedian revealed that he received the vaccine on Twitter … Steve Martin announces on Twitter that he has received a vaccination for COVID-19: 'Thank you science' By Sam Joseph Semon For Jan. 17 (UPI) --Comedian and actor Steve Martin announced Sunday on Twitter that he has gotten the vaccination for COVID-19 in Manhattan. Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Princess Beatrice's husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi sports a personalized baseball cap as they go food... Susanna Reid, 50, fears being left alone in her 'empty nest' when all three of her sons go off to university. You see, Steve Martin is now on Twitter , which seems like a good idea. Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. Bad news: I got it because I`m 75. When asked by a follower how he was able to receive the vaccine, the 75-year-old actor wrote out the exact process he used to get an appointment. 9:53 AM PST 1/17/2021 by Ryan Parker FACEBOOK TWITTER EMAIL ME YOUTUBE "Thank you all, and thank you science," the actor says. We will automatically post your comment and a link to the news story to your Facebook timeline at the same time it is posted on MailOnline. Dame Judi Dench was thrilled to get her COVID vaccine as it was nice to see people in the next village, even if they were a 'great, great distance' away from her. Steve Martin, 75, shared on Twitter that he had both good and bad news about his recent experience receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine has been disastrous so far, especially in New York City, formerly one of the hotspots for the highly contagious virus. Steve Martin ventures into the lauded territory of cartooning by partnering with heralded New Yorker cartoonist, Harry Bliss. He wrote, “Good news/bad news. Good news/Bad news. The Wild And Crazy 'Tweets Of Steve Martin' Once a social-media skeptic, the legendary funnyman, screenwriter and banjo player now says Twitter … Now add to that "Social Media Twitter-type Guy". Enough Already! When Steve Martin Posted A Tribute To Carrie Fisher On Twitter, Rather Than Try Active Listening, We Ran To The Playground To Fight. Fresh misery for flood-hit communities following Storm Christoph as blizzards sweep into Britain TODAY and... 'I'd rather not stand there naked': Keira Knightley says she REFUSES to film sex scenes with a male director... TikTok trolls accuse CBeebies star Mr Tumble of being racists because his catchphrase is 'hello monkey'. Right now, I’m having no fide resects. Steve Martin, actor, author and all-around standup guy turns 70 today. Twitter agreed. Theo Wargo / Getty Images "Good news/Bad news," Martin wrote on Twitter… You can choose on each post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook. We’ll ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Veteran actor-comedian Steve Martin took to Twitter and informed his fans that he has received his first round of COVID-19 vaccination. Have your tweets been published in a book? Ha! Ha!” Martin tweeted. While on Letterman last night to promote his new Sports Show, internet sensation Norm MacDonald discussed his Twitter feud with Steve Martin, which sounds just as … He also joked about some people’s baseless fears of side effects. I worked with him, loved him, and consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have once attended lunch with his hilarious, garrulous gang.” — Bette Midler, via Twitter. The 75-year-old actor took to Twitter to say that he had received the COVID-19 vaccine. Martin, though added that there was bad news too. Trump spends his first weekend as ex-president playing golf at his West Palm Beach club... Scar-free stitch in the stomach could help patients shed up to FIVE stone in six months - and cut their risk... Post-Brexit hiccups 'will add £1.50 to a bottle of fine wine', Labour peer Baroness Helena Kennedy 'asked Julian Assange's alleged victims to drop rape charges', New BBC Three documentary 'DIY Trans Teens' reveals how children can buy sex-change drugs. The 79-year-old also wrote a lengthy message in the caption to let her 3.5 million followers that she was thankful for the essential workers who were tirelessly attempting to put an end to the global pandemic. Comedy legend Steve Martin told his fans on Sunday that he had some good and bad news to share with them. and hosted to perfection by the US Army and National Guard. Taking to Twitter, he wrote: 'Good news/Bad news. … O ator e comediante Steve Martin ("O Pai da Noiva") compartilhou no Twitter que recebeu a vacina contra covid-19 no fim de semana, na cidade de Nova York. Steve Martin is sharing his experience with the coronavirus vaccine. Erica Banks Embraces Her Viral ‘Buss It’ Challenge On TikTok As A Beautiful Thing, An Update From The Wrens On The Most Delayed Indie Album In History, DDG Brings His Viral Hit ‘Moonwalking In Calabasas’ To ‘UPROXX Sessions’, ‘WandaVision’ Is A Wickedly Retro Treat For Fans Of Classic Sitcoms, Anthony Mackie On The Responsibility And Message Of Captain America, The Rundown: Finally, At Long Last, The ‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise Will Let Helen Mirren Drive, Photos From Wednesday’s MAGA Protest And Riots Taken By Hip-Hop Photography Legend Mel D. Cole, Indigenous Comedians Speak About The Importance Of Listening To Native Voices, Author/Historian Thomas Frank On Why The Democratic Party Needs To Reclaim Populism From Republicans, Indigenous Representation Broke Into The Mainstream In 2020, Our Creamy, Spicy, And Easy Vodka Sauce Recipe Beats Anything On TikTok, Travel Pros Share How They Hope To See Travel Change, Post-Pandemic, Meet Asher Levine, The Designer Behind Pop Music’s Most Futuristic Looks, In 2020, Diversity Took Center Stage In The Spirits Industry, How The WNBA And The Atlanta Dream Gave Sports A Blueprint For Meaningful Activism, The Best And Weirdest Moments From Nickelodeon’s Playoff Broadcast Of Bears-Saints, The New York Knicks Are Surprisingly Enjoyable (And Good), Toosii, Trippie Redd, And More React To Mark Morrison’s ‘Return Of The Mack’ Video, Talib Kweli & Sa-Roc Talk Rhymesayers, Afro-Futurism, HBCUs, Black Thought, Kenndog Brings His TikTok-Favorite Single ‘Drip Like Me’ To ‘UPROXX Sessions’, ‘Culture Quick Bites’ Previews 2021 With Some ‘Call Of Duty’ And A ‘Euphoria’ Special, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s site. Bad news: I … Martin took to Twitter Sunday to announce he got his vaccination, and did so … — Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) January 17, 2021 He also joked about some people’s baseless fears of side effects. Steve Martin Celebrates Getting His COVID-19 Vaccine In A Perfectly Cheeky Way. Martin regularly tries to make the pandemic humourous by posting jokes about wearing masks. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Good news: I just got vaccinated! — Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) January 17, 2021. “Bilime teşekkür ediyorum” notuyla haberi veren Martin, espri yapmayı da ihmal etmedi. Steve Martin and Martin Short appeared to be having a very busy working day on Sunday, as they were seen on the New York City set of the upcoming series Only Murders In The Building. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, SNP vows to UNILATERALLY hold a second Scottish independence referendum if Sturgeon wins May election - and challenges Boris to take legal action to stop it, We can vaccinate ALL teachers, say schools: Heads send Boris a plan for huge seven-day operation  to inoculate one million staff during February half term to get schools open within a few weeks, Disney+ blocks under-sevens from watching 'racist' Peter Pan, Dumbo and The Aristocats for breaching 'content advisories', We're sadder, poorer... and fatter: Mail on Sunday survey finds Britain is suffering under lockdown - but majority say government did the RIGHT thing with Covid response. Though it’s been a bear actually getting the vaccines out to the public, he did praise the operation at the Javits Center in New York was “smooth as silk” and “hosted to perfection by the US Army and National Guard.” He added, “Thank you all, and thank you science.”. Published: 12:14 AEDT, 18 January 2021 | Updated: 08:58 AEDT, 20 January 2021. “Goodbye to my greatest mentor in movies and in life.” — Steve Martin, via Twitter. The 86-year-old actress let everyone know that she was vaccinated while sitting down for an interview with BBC News last week. all Steve Martin USA New York covid-19 actor vaccine. Bad news: I … Proof the Pfizer Covid vaccine works in the real world? Didn't think so. Ha! It was a weekend of Twitter mishaps.. Steve Martin is the latest person to apologize for a tweet misfire.. On Friday night, the actor tweeted to his followers that … Steve Martin told his fans on Sunday that he had some good and bad news to share with them. Now lone mothers are banned from FILMING their baby scan despite maternity units already stopping partners... BBC stops Panorama team probing Martin Bashir's Diana interview having easy access to basic documents. Steve Martin revealed Sunday on Twitter that he had received the COVID-19 vaccine, calling the overall process “smooth as silk.” “Good news/Bad news. I worked with him, loved him, and consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have once attended lunch with his hilarious, garrulous gang.” — Bette Midler, via Twitter. Good news: I just got vaccinated! The comments below have not been moderated. Of course, Steve Martin is known as comic, a magician and an accomplished musician. Steve Martin Tweeted About Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine, And, Of Course, He Threw A Joke In There ... Twitter: @SteveMartinToGo. Martha Stewart has also received her first dose and shared a short video to her Instagram account to let her fans know that she was doing all right. Veteran actor-comedian Steve Martin took to Twitter and informed his fans that he has received his first round of COVID-19 vaccination. “The great #CarlReiner has gone to that Show of Shows in the sky. Martin is just one of the many celebrities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, many of them being older in age which is the leading cause of them receiving it. 'I signed up ON line through an NYC dot gov website (sorry I don’t have the exact site), and waited IN line at the Javits Center,' Martin wrote. Good news: I just got vaccinated! Israeli healthcare group says coronavirus infections have PLUNGED by at least 60% among vaccinated over-60s, Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'is offered Covid jab at high-security jail before most of the rest of Britain' but MoJ insists inmates won't get preferential treatment, Boris Johnson will 'force travellers from high-risk Covid countries to quarantine in hotels for ten days' in decision to be taken on Monday, DAN HODGES: The truth Boris haters can't bear to admit - he has a plan to fight coronavirus and it's working, Britons will refuse to live 'like Troglodytes' under indefinite lockdowns, says rebel Tory MP as he urges No 10 to focus on lowering hospital admissions, ‘It's a nightmare. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy. @SteveMartinToGo remains the smartest and funniest comedian in all decades on all mediums. Steve Martin is serenading us through the weekend. Don't believe that Steve Martin is a master of Twitter? Israeli healthcare group says coronavirus infections... Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'is offered Covid jab at high-security jail before most of the rest of... Boris Johnson will 'force travellers from high-risk Covid countries to quarantine in hotels for ten days' in... DAN HODGES: The truth Boris haters can't bear to admit - he has a plan to fight coronavirus and it's... Britons will refuse to live 'like Troglodytes' under indefinite lockdowns, says rebel Tory MP as he urges No... ‘It's a nightmare. It was frightfully well organised.'. Martha Stewart recently shared her experience getting the vaccine at 79 years old. Steve Martin is sharing his positive experience of getting the coronavirus vaccine. Upon receiving his first dose, he decided some light self-deprecation was in order. Steve Martin ventures into the lauded territory of cartooning by partnering with heralded New Yorker cartoonist, Harry Bliss. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Theo Wargo / Getty Images "Good news/Bad news," Martin wrote on Twitter… NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Actor Steve Martin is the latest celebrity to get the coronavirus vaccine. Instead, he signed up on the city government’s website then “waited IN line,” just like everyone else (or everyone else who is elligible). 'I am so proud of and grateful to the doctors, nurses and medical staff who are wading through the red tape and confusion of the distribution of these very important vaccines...Here’s to the advancement of science and a heartfelt thanks to those working on the vaccines,' she wrote. Chris Whitty's fury at Guardian for 'total nonsense' claim Pfizer vaccine might only be 33% effective amid fears it could threaten jab uptake, Don't blame the public for packed hospitals, urge top doctors after string of medics tell rule-breakers they have 'blood on their hands' - and number of Covid patients on ventilators hits 4,000, Proof the Pfizer Covid vaccine works in the real world? Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. I know this because he told me. I signed up ON line through an NYC dot gov website (sorry I don’t have the exact site), and waited IN line at the Javits Center. Welcome to Steve Martin's official fan page. To that end, celebrated comedian Steve Martin took to social media to reveal the good news, that he'd been able to get the vaccine, and the bad news of it all, which we won't spoil just yet. The operation in NYC was smooth as silk (sorry about the cliché @BCDreyer!) He wrote, “Good news/bad news. Martin shares his new-found love of Tweeting, but goes a step beyond when he shares his followers Tweets back to him. One of them is Steve Martin, who has provided much-needed humor during this difficult time (and who will be back on TV sometime soon). Sounded lovely to me,” one Martin fan shared on Twitter, while another added: “If you were upset by Steve Martin’s tweet about Carrie Fisher, congratulations! The "Father of the Bride" star thanked science and the "smooth as silk" process but couldn't resist a dig at his age. We followed all the rules': Devastated fiancée of man, 32, who died of Covid begs Britons... More than 500 of the DVLA's 6,000 workers in Swansea have caught coronavirus since March - as workers accuse... Britain's coronavirus cases fall again amid 'scaremongering' row: Scientists play down more deadly variant... People who have received first Covid-19 jab must stay at home for THREE WEEKS, says Jonathan Van-Tam as... Diary of a paramedic: We're now rushing a lot of younger patients into hospital and a father, 45, and... What it's like helping Britain to jab its way to freedom: DR ELLIE CANNON tells how vaccine is bring joy to... Britain delivers a record 480,000 Covid-19 vaccines in a day - putting it on track to hit 15m first doses... Kate Moss jets into curfew-hit Paris for birthday weekend at £2,500-per-night Ritz with her boyfriend... Guernsey goes into lockdown for the first time in seven months after four new Covid-19 cases were discovered... Don't make phone calls or talk to each other on public transport to prevent spread of Covid, French... Hope for Spanish summer holidays: Madrid 'wants to welcome first tourists in spring' and denies claim it... BBC lockdown home-schooling programme tells 9-year-olds there are 'over 100 genders' and shows kids talking... Kenneth Branagh is set to play Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a gripping Sky drama depicting the first wave... SARAH VINE: BBC home-schooling programme that tells 9-year-olds there are 'over 100 genders' is a... Life after Lupo for Kate and Wills: The Cambridges get a new spaniel puppy from her brother James Middleton. Ele elogiou a … Good news: I just got vaccinated! Bad news: I … Steve Martin, 75, shared on Twitter that he had both good and bad news about his recent experience receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. Now add to that "Social Media Twitter-type Guy". Steve Martin took to Twitter on Sunday to share some good news and bad news with his fans. Didn't think so. "Good news/Bad news. Ha! ', He's alright: Steve Martin announced on Sunday that he had been vaccinated for COVID-19; the actor is pictured in 2017. “The great #CarlReiner has gone to that Show of Shows in the sky. and hosted to perfection by the US Army and National Guard. Don't believe that Steve Martin is a master of Twitter? Of course, Steve Martin is known as comic, a magician and an accomplished musician. Today news. Ünlü komedyen Steve Martin Twitter üzerinden Covid aşısı olduğunu açıkladı. Steve Martin has been given the coronavirus vaccine. In the post, the senior actor wrote that he was doing fine. steve martin. Comedian Steve Martin explains a joke that went wrong on Twitter. 6,343 talking about this. Steve Martin is serenading us through the weekend. Sounded lovely to me,” one Martin fan shared on Twitter, while another added: “If you were upset by Steve Martin’s tweet about Carrie Fisher, congratulations! The 75-year-old comedian revealed that he received the vaccine on Twitter … Steve Martin Tweets Un-Funny Racist Joke, Quickly Deletes It HOLLYWOOD, CA - NOVEMBER 16: Honoree Steve Martin accepts honorary award onstage during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Governors Awards at The Ray Dolby Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland Center on November 16, 2013 in Hollywood, California. Inside Kamala Harris's new home: The Vice-President will move into 14-bedroom Washington DC mansion -... Back in the swing! By posting your comment you agree to our house rules. Steve Martin and Martin Short appeared to be having a very busy working day on Sunday, as they were seen on the New York City set of the upcoming series Only Murders In The Building. Steve Martin Related News. Steve Martin announces on Twitter that he has received a vaccination for COVID-19: ‘Thank you science’ By Sam Joseph Semon For . Legendary comedian Steve Martin, 75, says he's received the COVID-19 vaccine and is experiencing no side effects.