Gastronom am Tegernsee will trotz Lockdown öffnen - 104 Neuinfektionen im Berchtesgadener Land. According to a British clinical trial, almost 60 per cent of the patients who tested positive for Covid-19 afterwards, had spoken about losing both senses. In addition, schools and nurseries in Bavaria will remain closed, but as of February 1, the graduating classes of grammar schools and vocational schools will again be taught in alternating classes, provided that the occurrence of infection allows it. In grades Q11 and Q12, the first half-year will be extended. Furthermore, there is a ban on serving alcohol in all public areas where masks are mandatory. The limitation of movement also means that family visits as usually paid over Easter will not be possible. Making these relevant decisions were not easy for her, but necessary. In future, more people with higher risks, for example in nursing homes, could be tested. This applies to gatherings indoors or on one's own premises. According to a common legal bill of the ministry of justice, the Home Office and the Department of Trade and Industry, tenants are supposed not to be given notice due to rent arrears during the Corona crisis. However, according to Head of State Chancellery Herrmann, a renewed ban on accommodation would still be possible if the corona situation made it necessary. Nursing staff who are under particular strain in the corona crisis will be able to take advantage of a free psychotherapeutic consultation over the phone starting this Tuesday. Ob das Coronavirus in Freibädern und an Badeseen* lauert und ob Chlor gegen das Virus hilft, hat jetzt ein LMU-Professor untersucht. Am I still allowed to visit family members? In concrete terms, this means a ban on selling alcohol between 9 pm and 6 am and a ban on consuming alcohol between 11 pm and 6 am on Saturday and Sunday nights. This is very important in order to curb further infections." "Maybe next year we will remember this Ramadan and miss the good things. The situation there is caused by an outbreak in a slaughterhouse. The new regulations in Memmingen will initially apply until October 13. In addition, Augsburg's middle and special schools will have alternating lessons from the seventh grade onwards if the minimum distance of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained. Business travellers are exempt from the ban on accommodation and may continue to stay in Bavarian hotels and guesthouses. A certificate of eligibility is sufficient as proof of need. In addition to parks in cities, popular excursion regions are also monitored. Those who work less than 50 percent will now receive 70 or 77 percent, respectively, of their net income from the fourth month of short-time work and 80 or 87 percent, respectively, from the seventh month. The restrictions on movement in the district of Rottal-Inn are to apply for ten days from Tuesday, 12 am. At the same time, he asked everyone to take the disease seriously. * ist Teil des bundesweiten Ippen-Digital-Redaktionsnetzwerks. As a German tourist, it is allowed to travel to most of the states - but only for daytrips, because it is still prohibited to stay in hotels. The online platform "Pflegepool Bayern" (“Nursing Pool Bavaria) is looking for nursing assistants or medical assistants. primarily for people without symptoms who want to be tested. There is one legal exception to cancel an approved vacation in the HR department: an illness confirmed by a doctor. After four positive cases of Covid-19-illness were found last week in the refugee accommodation "Pionierkaserne" in Regensburg, the health department of the city has now ordered a screening of the asylum seekers. Die mit Stern (*) markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder. With this application, the money can be applied for quickly and unbureaucratically (unfortunately only available in German). He said that it was obvious that a family would be able to sit together at one table or up to two people with appropriate distance between them. Ryanair wants to resume operations in July. "Maßnahmen zerstören die Gastronomie": Wirt am Tegernsee öffnet trotz Corona-Lockdown. In addition, the city is tightening up the requirement to wear face masks: they will now also be mandatory for all forms of assemblies, which now only have a maximum of ten participants and may last a maximum of 60 minutes. 80 percent of all infectious diseases are spread by hands. The goal remains to get all classes back to schools "this year". Football training will be allowed with restrictions from Monday in Bavaria - on condition that it is outside and with only five people and a minimum distance of 1.5 meters. Having your eyelashes or eyebrows dyed is still forbidden for the time being. For an initial period of one week, citizens of Passau will only be allowed to leave their homes for good reasons, such as work, doctor's visits or grocery shopping. Currently, about 226,000 applications have been received. Sport & leisure: The cabinet also decided on new relaxations for the travel and leisure industry. Furthermore, the Bavarian municipalities will each establish alcohol bans for certain public places. Januar, 16.13 Uhr:In Bayern sind 3060 neue Corona-Infektionen gemeldet worden. This is of course also due to the limited opportunities to travel to neighbouring countries, according to the traffic experts. Outdoor pools are still closed to prevent the risk of infection. They are also checking whether a slimmed-down version for children of the second and third form is possible. After a weak start on Saturday, people were increasingly moving to the lakes and mountains of Bavaria on Sunday, according to agency reports. He has to consider the wishes of the employees. According to the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Security (LGL) the number of confirmed Corona cases in Bavaria so far is (as at today) 23,049. Until now there are no details for theaters, swimming pools, saunas and fitness centers. In Niedersachsen it is only allowed to bring people to the islands if they are residents, permanent campers or if they have a second home on the island. Federal and state governments had agreed on a limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, 179 people died, bringing the total death toll to 5,500. This includes, for example, the cleaning staff and the clinic kitchen. In Bavaria, some measures will be loosened more slowly. When walking around in beer gardens and restaurants, a face mask has to be worn, but not at the table. Shopping: As of Monday, shops in Bavaria are allowed to offer goods previously ordered via the internet and telephone for collection. Menschen, die in Hotspot-Regionen leben, dürfen einen 15-Kilometer-Radius um ihren Wohnort nur noch aus triftigem Grund verlassen. The danger of infection would be too high. On Monday, the national science academy Leopoldina had pleaded for a "realistic" schedule to go back to normal. will only be allowed for necessary and non-touristic purposes. Next week, further loosening of the corona measures will take effect in Bavaria. Pharmacies, super markets and other grocery stores will remain opened. Damit sie voll wirksam ist, bedarf es zwei Impfungen pro Person. The Corona epidemic in the Asia/Pacific region is "far from over", warned WHO official Takeshi Kasai. Schools, kindergartens and day-care centers: For now, they will be closed until April 19. "We don't have bathing weather either", a spokesman for the local tourism industry announced. The following rules apply in the rest of Bavaria: According to Prime Minister Markus Söder, 2,282 people in Bavaria had already been infected with the corona virus by Thursday morning. Theaters and cinemas in Bavaria are allowed to reopen from June 15 under strict hygiene requirements. Anyone who suffers a loss of earnings due to the Corona crisis will be able to apply for compensation online in most federal states in the future. In this case, there is an obligation to provide proof, for example by means of a booking confirmation, an invoice or, for holiday apartments, a registration certificate. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) announced the prolongation of the Corona contact limitations until June 5th. As announced by the Ministry of Family Affairs, from Monday employees working in health care or nursing can also take advantage of emergency care in schools and daycare centers for their children if only one parent works in these areas. Companies with a number of employees between 50 and 250 can apply for an emergency aid of 50,000 Euros (instead of 30,000 Euros so far). One of the largest gatherings took place in Munich, where around 700 people demonstrated on the Theresienwiese in the afternoon. For example Italians who are abroad but want to go back home or foreigners who have a residency in Italy. After interim closings, almost all of the facilities in the major cities are back at work. Best price finder: See the best price in the travel information. More than 154.000 applications have been sent to the “Landesamt für Pflege” (LfP), said Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU). Enjoy our 27 slides, wave pool, exotic spa, VitalityOasis and Spa Area & Saunas. Despite the ongoing corona crisis, religious services in Bavaria will be allowed under strict conditions from May 4, announced State Chancellor Florian Herrmann (CSU) on Friday in Munich. Since Saturday, the city of Passau has been subject to strict restrictions on movement, which will initially apply for one week. Federal and state governments agreed last week to cancel the quarantine rules. The federal employment agency „Bundesagentur für Arbeit“ asks clients to call them only if absolutely necessary. From Nuremberg, KLM will be flying to Amsterdam again from June 15. According to Bavarian Minister of Economy Hubert Aiwanger, the money will be paid into the applicant's account within the next eight to ten days. At the moment, wearing masks in public is strongly recommended, but Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder is also considering a mask obligation. The district of Coburg is still the leader in Upper Franconia in terms of the number of infections in the past seven days. The police issued about 200 warnings there. The federal states will make the final decisions. Zum Feierabend das Wichtigste aus der BR24-Redaktion. Are you looking for news and assistance in the corona crisis in your language? Indoor swimming pools as well as the indoor areas of thermal baths and hotel swimming pools, including the wellness and sauna facilities, may then be reopened. Although the cable cars will not resume operation until the end of May, the Bavarian police is expecting considerable traffic obstructions on the Garmisch motorway A95 and on the Bundesstraße 2 in the direction of Mittenwald during the long weekend. The court suggested that immigrants could be interviewed or tested by the authorities. For the kindergartens, however, this means an enormous logistical effort. As a result, the previously applicable safety distance in vehicles will no longer apply. According to surveys, an average of 18 percent of companies in Germany have already cut jobs. According to Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, church services will be possible again from May 4. So far, childless employees have received 60 percent of the net income, employees with children received 67 percent. Quelle: / / / / / / Bild: Imago / Action Pictures Corona und Bergsport | 73 Artikel. According to Prime Minister Söder, all children in Bavaria should be able to go back to their care facilities and schools from July 1. Cautious loosening of the measures could only be achieved with additional protection. Government-funded cultural institutions will pay artists up to 60 percent of their fee, if the event had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Or a specific question that we should answer? Because of the coronavirus, you are no longer allowed to go to the movies, theaters and school. As of this Saturday, a corona test will be mandatory in Germany for those entering the country from risk areas. Depending on the regional development of the corona pandemic, it should also be possible to make masks mandatory during school lessons in heavily affected regions. Personal visits will be possible after making appointments by phone. Download the federal government's Corona-Warn-App to your smartphone and help Germany's health authorities to locate cases of community transmission quickly. Furthermore, at secondary schools, a face mask must also be worn during lessons. But it is still forbidden to enter those countries for tourism, shopping or refueling. The regulation applies retrospectively from April 1 until the end of October, as the Federal Ministry of Agriculture announced. Supermarkets and other essential stores will stay open. Most of the people who tested positive had no symptoms, a few had mild symptoms such as headaches. He is a travel law attorney from Hannover. Visitors arriving from a district or an independent town in another federal state, or who have their main residence in a region where the corona infections have exceeded 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, may not be accommodated in Bavaria. He asked those responsible in Thuringia to reconsider their intention, Söder said on Monday. Between the start on March 21 and April 6, the police registered around 50,000 violations. Some infected people don’t even have symptoms but still could be contagious. "We have agreed that the risk is simply too high," said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) at a joint press conference with Munich mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) in Munich. Several hundred people were located at central squares on Friday evening and no longer observed the minimum distance, according to police on Sunday. On Lake Constance, where previously only ships from Baden-Wuerttemberg were sailing, Bavarian ports such as Lindau are now being called at again. The company announced that 75 to 80 percent of the trains are still running. Depending on the infection rate, the federal states have the option to allow this from June 6 or to remain with the previous, more restrictive regulation. In many Bavarian cities, people want to take to the streets again at the weekend against what they consider to be too strict corona measures. The organizer had applied for 10,000 participants as on the previous two weekends and has now failed again. Before the corona crisis, Audi employees in Ingolstadt worked in seven shifts. At the moment, the number of infections doubles every 8.6 days. Given the strains of nursing staff during the Corona crises, the public health care and employers seem to be willing to pay lump-sum bonuses of up to 1,500 Euro. Since the corona figures in Augsburg are still above the value of 200, the city has ordered more stringent protective measures. The curfew is monitored by the police. Corona/Bayern: DLRG befürchtet Ansturm auf Badeseen - „Wir wollen nicht ein neues Ischgl werden“, Corona in Bayern: Ausflüge an Seen - DLRG warnt, Corona in Bayern: Fünf-Seen-Land rechnet in Ferien mit Ansturm, Tag am Badesee endete für einen 14-Jährigen aus Raubling in Bayern tragisch, Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Fürstenried-Solln. Sport or walking outdoors is possible, but only on your own, with the family or with pets. Citizens do not need written permits to leave the house, such as in France. But all of them have already announced when they can be travelled again. The next steps are to be decided in the course of the week. In the future, there should be an individual concept of protection for each facility. From Friday onwards, the requirement of wearing face masks in some parts of Munich's city centre will be lifted again. This refers to rent arrears in the period of April 1st to September 30th 2020. Politicians are now concerned with the “time after Corona” during which the virus has further to be fought , but public life will gradually normalize.