It is owned and printed by Jeff Bezos' Nash Holdings LLC, owner of The Washington Post. When you Google “who owns The Washington Post” you are rewarded with this answer “Nash Holdings LLC,” but who is the owner of this company? 0 Logopedia; 1 2021; 2 Burger King; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. Nash Holdings LLC industry is listed as Management Consulting Services. To the Amazon owner for $250 million. Employees at the parent company, Nash Holdings, earn $42,334. Nash Holdings Company History Timeline 2013 And finally, there s Nash Holdings, a private company owned by Bezos, which bought The Washington Post in August 2013 for 250 million. Nash Holdings: Founder(s) Stilson Hutchins: Publisher: Fred Ryan: Editor: Martin Baron: Managing editors: Emilio Garcia-Ruiz Cameron Barr Tracy Grant: Staff writers: Approx. Die Post deckte 1973 den Watergate-Skandal auf. Nash Holdings. The signing transfers the newspaper and other assets from The Washington Post Co. to Nash Holdings, Bezos’s private investment company. A year ago this October, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250 million dollars from the Graham family which had owned the paper for over 80 years. Wiki. Bezos, who founded the online shopping company in 1994 and became a billionaire in the process, has vowed to continue the … Salary Range 35k - 72k $50k $50,373. The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper. D.C., Maryland, and Virginia editions are printed to be sold daily. Yes, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. The Washington Post. 1931–present. These two company names are merely a coincidence. It is the most-widely circulated newspaper within the Washington metropolitan area. Hon var chefredaktör 1969-79 och ledde ägarföretaget The Washington Post Company till början av 1990-talet. Custom NEW Total Downloads: Sign up to unlock. When Bezos took … Let's Go Luna! advertisement. 600.000 (2012) Exemplare In comparison, the salaries at The Washington Post and DCMilitary are $50,373 and $43,848. Laikrakstā strādā apmēram 740 žurnālisti. Il Washington Post è un quotidiano statunitense. In response to questions, a Washington Post spokesperson told Gawker: "Nash Holdings is definitely the purchaser. The paper had long been controlled by the Graham family ( Graham Holdings Company ). Subsidiaries to Nash Holdings include The Washington Post and DCMilitary. Published in Washington, D.C., it was founded on December 6, 1877. ... Newspapers in the United States; Washington, D.C. Nash Holdings; 1877; 1931; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The Washington Post is owned by founder Jeff Bezos and is published under the umbrella of Bezos' private investment company, Nash Holdings.. Since 2013, the Post has been owned by Nash Holdings, led by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Ägarskifte 2013 Redigera År 2013 köptes tidningen av Jeff Bezos privat genom hans bolag Nash Holdings. History Talk (0) Share. Jeff Bezos da The Washington Post-en akzionista nagusia, baina ez soilik hedabidearena, baita eta Blue Origin konpainia aeroespazialarena ere. Total Revenue: Sign up to unlock. It focuses on national politics. Sale Of Washington Post To Jeff Bezos Finalized. Jeff Bezosen enpresak burtsan kotizatzen du, The Washington Post Company izenarekin. Is it Jeff Bezos? Since 2013, The Washington Post has been owned by Jeff Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon, as a personal investment via Nash Holdings LLC. Dezember 1877 Gründer: Stilson Hutchins Erscheinungsweise: täglich Verkaufte Auflage: werktags 254.379 (2019), sonntags ca. Fan Feed More Logopedia. The Washington Post. Amazon's creator Jeff Bezos bought the … Nash Holdings LLC is the private company owned by Bezos that bought The Washington Post for $250 million. Washington Post is a daily newspaper based in Washington, D.C., that specializes in national politics. Bezos Family Foundation is run by Jeff Bezos' parents, and is … Last 90 Days. It is a publication of The Washington Post. The Washington Post er den største og eldste avisen i Washington, D.C., grunnlagt i 1877.Avisen ble verdenskjent på 1970-tallet gjennom Watergate-skandalen, da journalistene Bob Woodward og Carl Bernstein avslørte skittent spill i valgkampanjen til president Richard Nixon.. The Washington Post is one of the US's leading newspapers with a strong focus on domestic affairs. It is the maist widely circulatit newspaper published in Washington, D.C., an wis foondit in 1877, makin it … NASH HOLDINGS, LLC (a limited liability corporation located on the West Coast, USA and a news media agency as a foundation-parent company) which is part of Amazon's Group of Companies and this/their NASH HOLDINGS, LLC is the Parent Company of The Washington Post news agency. The Washington Post (Informally, WaPo) is an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. Average Salary. The Fact Checker is a fact-checking sction of a media house/other parent organization. When it was facing financial difficulties in 2013, it was taken over by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, giving it a secure financial basis. Circulation. In October 2013, Amazon founder, president, and CEO Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post via his holding company Nash Holdings for $250 million in cash. It describes its ownership structure and funding in this way on its website: "Since 2013, The Washington Post has been owned by Jeff Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon, as a personal investment via Nash Holdings … advertisement. The Fact Checker is part of the national-news section of The Post, which is managed separately from the editorial and opinion section of The Post. The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper.It is Washington, D.C.'s largest newspaper.It is also its oldest and was founded in 1877. Founded in 1877, the paper has won 69 Pulitzer Prizes. Last 60 Days. 2013 übernahm Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos das finanziell strauchelnde Blatt. Last 180 Days. The Washington Post Beschreibung: US-amerikanische Tageszeitung Sprache: Englisch Verlag: Nash Holdings LLC (Vereinigte Staaten) Hauptsitz: 1301 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. Erstausgabe: 6. Edit. The company’s main shareholder is Jeff Bezos, the founder and owner of Amazon and one of the wealthiest person in the world. "Leadership of The Washington Post". The family is seeking a staggering $250 million—“the amount Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, paid in cash for the Post when his company, Nash Holdings, purchased the newspaper in 2013.” Wonkblog will be correcting their post." The Post website was launched in 1996. In 2013, it was purchased by Jeff Bezos (Nash Holdings LLC) for a quarter of a billion dollars. The Washington Post (WP) is an American daily newspaper. The Washington Post ir saņēmis 47 Pulicera balvas. [Image: Flickr user dionhinchcliffe] By Addy Dugdale 1 minute Read. The newspaper is owned by Nash Holdings LLC, a … The Washington Post. The Washington Post is a daily newspaper covering national and international news and events serving residents of Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas in Maryland and Virginia. Nash Holdings enpresa 2013ko urrian sortu zen egunkariaren erosketarako. In 2013 the Graham family sold The Washington Post to Nash Holdings, LLC for $250 million. Last 365 Days. Worldwide Totals (11 apps) Period: Last 30 Days. Nash Holdings. It exposed the Watergate scandal in 1973. Company. Last 30 Days. Wonkblog will be correcting their post." In 2013, Bezos made the decision to move forward with the purchase of The Washington Post.In order to do so, Bezos created the limited liability holding company known as Nash Holdings, LLC. Mit zahlreichen Innovationen im Online-Bereich schaffte es die Zeitung, neue Leser zu gewinnen. 800 journalists: Founded: ... ↑ Washington Post Staff (January 1, 2016). DCMilitary. Šobrīd laiktaksts pieder uzņēmumam Nash Holdings LLC, kas … This profile for Nash Holdings LLC is located in Washington, DC. Sold! Bezos set up new company called Nash Holdings LLC for ownership of the Post which is totally separate from Amazon. È il più diffuso e più antico giornale di Washington.Raggiunse fama internazionale nei primi anni settanta del Novecento grazie all'indagine sul caso Watergate condotta dai due suoi giornalisti Bob Woodward e Carl Bernstein, i quali giocarono un ruolo di primo piano nelle dimissioni del presidente Richard Nixon. 2013. gadā ilgstošie laikraksta īpašnieki Greiemu ģimene pārdeva laikrakstu Džefam Beizosam par 250 miljoniem ASV dolāru. Nash Holdings, LLC - Graham Holdings Company is a diversified American conglomerate, best known for formerly owning the newspaper for which it was once named, The Washington Post, and Newsweek. There are no officers listed for this company. With its first issue on August 5, 2003, the newspaper is published every weekday in a tabloid format and distributed at Washington Metro stations and other locations throughout the Washington metropolitan area. Composed of more than 700 journalists, this daily “American” newspaper is the most widely circulated newspaper inside the DC beltway, and the area’s oldest politically focused.