Starting today, when you purchase a game or in-game content on Twitch for $4.99 or more, you’ll get a Twitch Crate.... Read more Apr 4 The Sims 4 “Bowled Over” Challenge, Hosted by HollieBB. Ever wondered how a game performs on Twitch or who the Twitch Staffs are? Ever wondered how a game performs on Twitch or who the Twitch Staffs are? If the game you want to stream isn't in there, either petition the developer to add themselves to the list, or create the page yourself! This is based on how many channels are broadcasting vs amount of people viewing. Please note that any game that meets the criteria outlined on our List of Prohibited Games or any of the following are considered ineligible for Twitch:. Click here to learn more about contributing to IGDB. Most Watched … Twitch uses Giant Bomb's Game Directory to determine which games to list. League of Legends is a free-to-play competitive MOBA game with a large following in Esports.; This post is not available in your language. The Most Watched Games on Twitch, December 2020. You are now viewing all badges available on twitch for global! Twitch is an American video live streaming service operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc. Best games to stream this hour. This is your answer! This tool allows you to see who got the most followers among the list of channels you follow. Phase 3 – Live Games. Twitch’s largest and most watched games are live games; nine out of 10 top titles on Twitch in 2018 were released before 2018. Games with a release status of “Rumored” or “Cancelled”. The process, however, is far from instantaneous, so be sure to get it on there at least a week before you want to stream it. Last updated Mon, Dec 21 at 23:57. Mobile Game broadcasting allows anyone to easily broadcast mobile games to Twitch directly from their mobile phone or tablet. The Twitch app can be found on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. Twitch Insights is a 3rd-party tool which gives you insights about Twitch will show you the most viewed game, instead, we work out the ratio of broadcasters to viewers and find out what has the highest ratio. Game producers, developers, and marketing leads at game companies may know Twitch is big, that Twitch viewers watch a lot of gaming content, and that Twitch is influential in promoting games. This is your answer! Twitch Developer tools and services to integrate Twitch into your development or create interactive experience on Below is a list of games that are currently the best games to stream this hour. Watch live streams and the best highlights across Twitch categories like Just Chatting, Fortnite, Counter-Strike, League of Legends, and more. Twitch has a set of programs to help publishers acquire new users, re-engage lapsed users, and retain them in game. Most Watched Most Streamed Highest Peak Viewership Most Popular. Ranked by the total viewership hours (hours live x average viewers) in the last 30 days. Any Twitch user can sign into IGDB using their standard Twitch user account and add missing games to IGDB or edit existing ones. Twitch Insights is a 3rd-party tool which gives you insights about