[60] In late January 2018, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice blocked the revalidation of the Democratic Unity Roundtable card, the most voted in the electoral history of the country, and was also banned. The Venezuelan Electoral Observatory and the Global Observatory of Communication and Democracy declared that the CNE has reduced the terms in each of the phases of the electoral schedule for the presidential elections since 2013, and in comparison to the 2006 and 2012 schedules with the 2018 one, the spans of the phases went from having up to three months to only two or three days in fundamental aspects, according to the last announcement of the elections. 25.8% (per the Democratic Unity Roundtable)[2][a], Nicolás Maduro PSUV Disputed since 10 January 2019, Presidential elections were held in Venezuela on 20 May 2018,[4] with incumbent Nicolás Maduro being re-elected for a second six-year term. The 19 countries that supported the resolution were Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, the United States, and Uruguay. Venezuelan Supreme Court. Die Performance von Anzeigen und Inhalten kann gemessen werden. [40], Smartmatic, the electoral product company which had participated in the majority of elections under the Bolivarian government, ceased operations in its native country in March 2018, stating that they could not guarantee the validity of election results through its machines. Präsident Daniel Ortega hat die Regierungsgegner, die an den 2018 ausgebrochenen Straßenprotesten teilnahmen, als "Putschisten" und "Terroristen" bezeichnet. Súmate and Voto Joven [es] indicated that this would shorten the terms of the Electoral Registry, generating a "hasty and little transparent process". Maduros Allianz ruft sich zum Wahlsieger in Venezuela aus. Der alte und neue Amtsinhaber hat die Wahl laut vorläufigem ... Er persönlich ernannte Maduro zu seinem Nachfolger, der 2013 durch Wahlen in seinem Amt legitimiert wurde. [120][121], Ramón Guillermo Aveledo, former executive secretary of the Democratic Unity Roundtable, compared the elections to the 1957 referendum of dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez, noting that Article 82 and the Organic Law for the Public Municipal Branch specifies the prohibition that the elections for municipal positions are carried out along with the national elections, and that the mandate of the National Assembly ends in 2021, meaning that shortening its period, something not provided in the constitution, or the Venezuelan electoral laws, is "dissolving it", which would be considered "a coup d'état" against the Legislative Branch. [28] By 7 December 2016, dialogue halted between the two. This included Henrique Capriles (candidate in the 2012 and 2013 elections), Leopoldo López (sentenced to almost 14 years of prison during the 2014 protests), Antonio Ledezma (arrested in 2015 and later placed under house arrest), Freddy Guevara (whose parliamentary immunity was removed and fled to the residence of the Chilean ambassador), and David Smolansky (currently in exile), as well as María Corina Machado and Miguel Rodríguez Torres, former defense minister and dissident chavista, also incarcerated. [47], In February 2018, the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) announced that it would boycott the presidential election, saying the electoral system was rigged in favor of incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Er grenzt im Süden an Brasilien, im Westen an Kolumbien und im Osten an Guyana. [67] Analysts suggested that those policies would further exacerbate the negative effects of the crisis in Venezuela. [91][92] The same day Bertucci condemned the international sanctions against Venezuela saying, "How can they ask for sanctions against the country. [79], Ignacio Ávalos, director of the Venezuelan Electoral Observatory, and political scientist Luis Salamanca agreed that until now, an electoral environment or government project does not exist, but rather "a struggle to achieve power", stressing that electoral competition was suppressed and that an electoral campaign was designed for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela's own convenience. [38], The presidential and legislative councils campaign started on 22 April and ended on 17 May at midnight, according to the schedule approved by the CNE. [24] International observers criticized the move, stating that CNE's decision made Maduro look as if he were seeking to rule as a dictator. Some analysts described the poll as a show election, with the elections having the lowest voter turnout in the country's democratic era. [14][15] On 28 May 2018, the Council of the European Union, with its members representing the executive governments of members states including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, refused to recognize the election results and called for new, democratic elections. Venezuela ist nicht nur eine wichtige Transitroute für Drogen aus Kolumbien, sondern auch Standort großer illegaler Goldminen im Amazonasgebiet (v.a. World Economics makes available of world’s most comprehensive GDP database covering over 130 countries with historical GDP PPP data from 1870-2019, building on the lifetimes work of Angus Maddison. Um der Nutzung mit Werbung zuzustimmen, muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein. After the government overcame mass protests and won two major disputed elections, one of which installed a constitutional superbody, the government rallied behind President Maduro, with government sources stating that elections were to be moved ahead to February or March 2018 instead of the planned late-2018 date to take advantage of their electoral momentum. Details zum Tracking finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung und im Privacy Center. [134] The ceremony was attended by spectators such as Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and president of Bolivia Evo Morales. Die unten aufgeführten Wahlen fanden im Jahr 2018 statt. Patients with chronic conditions, at risk of death if they couldn't get medicine, were a particular focus of these tactics. [35], The elections were overseen by the National Electoral Council, with poll workers drafted via a lottery of registered voters. [107] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, Everyone who has a Carnet de la Patria has to go to vote on 20 May. [38][39], The Carter Center turned down Maduro's invitation to send an observation team on election day, as did other election observing institutions. [22], By August 2016, the momentum to recall President Maduro appeared to be progressing, with the CNE setting a date for the second phase of collecting signatures, though it made the schedule strenuous, stretching the process into 2017 which made it impossible for the opposition to activate new presidential elections. [72] Bertucci was one of the Venezuelan businessmen involved in the Panama Papers leak. Maduro's supporters refused to acknowledge the move, and Guaidó was placed under arrest for a short time. [128] On 22 May when the CNE proclaimed Maduro as president, Maduro announced the creation of a presidential commission for economic advice. Despite this, the Constituent Assembly issued a decree in January 2018 ordering the CNE to organize the presidential elections to be held in April. [132] The Democratic Unity Roundtable opposition coalition formalized their dismissal of the electoral results on a legislative level. Mai verschoben. [79], The Tal Cual newspaper published an article describing Maduro's final campaign rally on 17 May as "the greatest demonstration of corruption", criticizing the "shameless" use of state resources, including the use of ministerial staff and publishing audio which revealed that promotion of the final rally was created using the payroll of government offices. That's not what we need. "[99], While nothing in the Venezuelan constitution prevents elections from being called early, the Venezuelan Electoral Observatory noted that the call for elections was disrespecting the tradition of organizing them in December to avoid an extended transition,[100] with exceptions in the year 2000 during the re-legitimization of all public powers by the approval of a new constitution; in October 2012 for the illness of Hugo Chávez, and in April 2013 for being an election due to the death of the president, maintaining that "the decision announced again showed the political bias of the electoral referee, since it included elements that made it difficult to have an election under equal conditions"[101] and that the CNE" struck a blow to democratic plurality" by preventing opposition parties from participating in the presidential election. According to the Electoral Branch schedule published on 13 March, the choice on ballot for national organizations would be carried out on 21 March and in the case of the regional ones on 22 March, but each one was postponed between three and four days, prompting CEPAZ to warn that due to the "opaque and quiet modification of the electoral schedule", five days were removed from the production and distribution process of the invalid electoral ballots, "further diminishing the possibility of having voters informed". [116], The electoral conduct has been described as being fraudulent,[117] with the call for an election by the pro-government Constituent National Assembly being declared unconstitutional in the first place, especially when the body moved the election date ahead from December to April. [43] These observers included the Latin American Council on Electoral Experts, Common Frontiers, Unifor, former Prime Minister of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa. ... Der 58-jährige Maduro war 2018 wiedergewählt worden. Die Beschwerden seien im Übrigen im Vergleich zu früheren Wahlen unerheblich, ergänzte sie. [43], Prior to the elections, the Lima Group, with its participating nations of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Saint Lucia, stated that they would not recognize the results of the presidential elections due to the perceived lack of transparency. [5][11], Several Venezuelan NGOs, such as the USAID funded[12] Foro Penal, and Súmate, as well as Voto Joven [es], the Venezuelan Electoral Observatory and the Citizen Electoral Network, expressed their concern over the irregularities of the electoral schedule, including the lack of the Constituent Assembly's competencies to summon the elections, impeding participation of opposition political parties, and the lack of time for standard electoral functions. ... Das Ergebnis entspricht der Tendenz der vergangenen Wahlen, wonach in erster Linie der „harte Kern“ der Chávez-Anhänger von rund 6,5 Millionen sich immer wieder an den Wahlen beteiligt. After the signature of the Agreement of Electoral Guarantees on 1 March by the political parties Great Patriotic Pole, Movimiento al Socialismo, Avanzada Progresista, and COPEI, the United Nations was requested to head an electoral mission, but the organization refused to accept the offer, even after receiving a formal invitation and accepting visits from principal candidates or their representatives. ... Mai 2018 wiedergewählt. The agreement included, among other aspects, the move to eliminate pro-government "red points" controlled by chavistas – which after the agreement had to be moved farther away from voting centers – the call for international observers and the return to voting center locations changed during the Constituent Assembly elections and the 2017 regional elections. Die hält sich unter Führung von Juan Guaidó ohnehin raus. In Venezuela wird zwar erst nächstes Jahr ein neuer Präsident gewählt, aber der Sieger steht schon fest. [103], On 15 February, President Maduro, without being an electoral authority, announced the extension for five days for the inscription in the electoral registry abroad and informed the opening of the Venezuelan consulate in Miami so that Venezuelans living in the city could make changes and participate. [68] Falcón was officially nominated as a presidential candidate by the Movement for Socialism on 26 February 2018. "[citation needed] A Venezuelan in Rome published a video explaining that he found a large painting on a wall promoting the vote for Maduro and complaining that the country's money is wasted on placing said messages abroad. The signing of the Agreement of Electoral Guarantees by three of the original five presidential candidates – Maduro, Falcón, and Bertucci – was presented by the candidates as an extension of the electoral norms. [75], Luis Alejandro Ratti is a chavista businessman and evangelical pastor. Among the detainees are six lieutenant colonels, a first lieutenant and two sergeants, arrested on the charges of crimes against military decorum, treason and instigation of rebellion. I am thinking of giving a prize to the people of Venezuela who go out to vote that day with the Carnet de la Patria, In a visit to Delta Amacuro, president and reelection candidate Nicolás Maduro gave away eight motor boats, nine ambulances, and reopened the "Antonio Díaz" Tucupita Airport, among other announcements, violating Article 223 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes which forbids the use of state resources during election campaigns, as well as one of the prerogatives in the Agreement of Electoral Guarantees signed by the presidential candidates to the CNE. Maduro also blamed Venezuela's economic difficulties on "the economic forces of the United States" and the "oligarchy that did not conform when it lost political power". [29] Two months later, on 13 January 2017 after talks stalled, the Vatican officially pulled out of the dialogue. [citation needed] After the vote, Canada joined the group in condemning the election as fraudulent. [127], Tibisay Lucena stated that the CNE forbade the payment to voters offered by Maduro. [45], Days later, on 20 March 2017, Justice First chose Henrique Capriles Radonski to be their candidate for the primaries, his third run for the presidency, with his previous attempts occurring in the 2012 and 2013 presidential elections. Maduro called Henri Falcón "Faltrump" due to his dollarization proposal and labeled Javier Bertucci as "Little Soup Bertucci", referring to his charity activities of delivering soup to impoverished Venezuelans. [16][17] However, countries including China, South Africa, Cuba, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Syria, Turkey and others recognized the election result. [64] However, Maduro was eventually chosen to run as the party's presidential candidate.[when? Es sei Zeit für Maduro, zu gehen. Wenn es ein Risiko gäbe, dass er nicht gewinnt, würde die verfassungsgebende Versammlung einfach ein neues Gesetz verabschieden. Ramos Allup was accused of "cozying up" to the ruling PSUV party during the recent regional elections. [25][26], Days after the recall movement was cancelled, 1.2 million Venezuelans protested throughout the country against the move, demanding that President Maduro leave office, with Caracas protests remaining calm while protests in other states resulted in clashes between demonstrators and authorities, leaving one policeman dead, 120 injured, and 147 arrested. [58], The main opposition political parties were disqualified after they were forced to reregister themselves for a second time in less than a year by the National Electoral Council (CNE) after not participating in the 2017 municipal elections. I will accept the results, whatever they are". Am vergangenen 7. Neither has enough weight to mobilize the country electorally". After changing the date of the elections to 20 May 2018 on 1 March, the CNE took 13 days to disclose the schedule. In the morning officials of the Bolivarian National Police with anti-riot equipment forced the protesters in the Brión Square [es] in Chacao to leave, arguing they did not have permission to meet in the public space. [134], Between the May 2018 presidential election and Maduro's inauguration, there were calls to establish a transitional government. Präsidentschaftswahl in Venezuela Venezuelas Präsident Nicolás Maduro wurde bei der Wahl am 20. [105], Reports of vote buying were also prevalent during the presidential campaigning. [8], The President of Venezuela is elected by plurality in a single round of voting. [60][61] Finally, Justice First was disqualified weeks later from the presidential race in early February 2018, leaving only Democratic Action and other minor opposition parties. Ein Teil der aufgeführten Wahlen wurde nicht nach international anerkannten demokratischen Standards durchgeführt. [101], The Venezuelan Electoral Registry determines the number of people that will vote and in it the voters that must comply with mandatory electoral service in electoral boards are chosen, as well as the regional, municipal and parochial boards for the elections. Salamanca asserted that "Maduro distributes benefits to obtain votes and Falcón offers benefits in the future in exchange for votes. Erkenntnisse über Zielgruppen, die die Anzeigen und Inhalte betrachtet haben, können abgeleitet werden. Despite that the presidential candidates Henri Falcón, Javier Bertucci, and Luis Alejandro Ratti denounced the violation of guarantees provided in the agreement, on 2 May the president of the CNE, Tibisay Lucena, contradicted the complaints and assured that the Agreement of Electoral Guarantees was "fulfilled in its entirety". Foro Penal lawyer Mariana Ortega informed receiving reports of arbitrary detentions. On 27 March, the CEPAZ director Beatriz Borges declared that "the Agreement of Electoral Guarantees is a scam for the citizen since it covers initiatives that were already established in the Law and that the CNE has not met". [135] Former Venezuelan legislator Alexis Ortiz stated that "Castrochavism [...] rots in incompetence, corruption, and surrender of national sovereignty", calling on a transitional government to work on reconciliation, establish general elections, receive humanitarian assistance and protect civil liberties, among other requests. "Die heutigen sogenannten Wahlen in Venezuela sind eine Beleidigung der Demokratie", hieß es in einem Tweet. Politicians such as Delsa Solórzano, Juan Requesens, Ivlev Silva and Andrés Velásquez. im bundesstaat bolívar). [146] With the support of the Lima Group, the Peruvian foreign minister Cayetana Aljovín informed that the presence of President Maduro in the 8th Summit of the Americas "would not be welcome in said encounter", quoting the 2001 Quebec Declaration, which states that "the rupture of democracy constitutes an insuperable obstacle for the participation of a State in the Summit of the Americas". [23], On 21 October 2016, the CNE suspended the referendum days before preliminary signature-gatherings were to be held. [76], On 2 April 2018, Falcón's security adviser Colonel Teodoro Campos was attacked by pro-government colectivos, with a head wound that left the deputy severely injured and later had him placed in an intensive care unit where he was intubated and placed on a ventilator. After facing years of crisis, the Venezuelan opposition pursued a recall referendum against President Maduro, presenting a petition to the National Electoral Council (CNE) on 2 May 2016. [48], On 5 May 2018, a poll by DolarToday showed that if the elections were held on that date, 45% of the participants would give their opposition vote for Lorenzo Mendoza, CEO of Empresas Polar, 24% for Leopoldo López, 12% for María Corina Machado, 9% for Henry Ramos Allup, 7% for Henrique Capriles, and 3% for Henri Falcón. During his speech of the campaign closure, Maduro expressed that Bolívar Avenue was "overwhelmed", but Winston Vallenilla once asked the assistants to come closer to fill the empty spaces and publications on social networks of deputy Luis Florido and other persons refuted the claim. [109][110][111] On 8 May Maduro again violated the electoral law during an electoral act in the Amazonas state by promising to give fuel to the entity in exchange for votes. They are abroad eating well, sleeping well, living in luxurious homes. [31] The opposition then began to focus on its electoral efforts, with only sporadic protests occurring for the next few months. Dezember 2020 an den Wahlen teilzunehmen, die die Nationalversammlung für den Zeitraum von 2021 bis 2026 bestimmen", sagte die Vorsitzende des Nationalen Wahlrats, Indira Alfonzo, im Staatsfernsehen. [citation needed] He said that his opponent Henri Falcón was the International Monetary Fund's candidate. Meanwhile, the governments of Antigua and Barbuda,[166] Bolivia,[167] Cuba,[168] Nicaragua,[citation needed] North Korea[169] and Russia[citation needed] reacted to the call for elections positively, showing support for the process and demanded that there be no intervention. In Venezuela werden die Wahlen logistisch vom Militär organisiert. [citation needed], In the week prior to the presidential elections around 40 military personnel from different parts of the country were arrested. [41], The election was mainly observed by allies of the Venezuelan government after many international bodies decided that there were no democratic guarantees in the country; the United Nations declined the invitation to monitor the election,[39] after members of the opposition asked the UN not to send observers. [67], Henri Falcón is a former governor of Lara who left PSUV in 2010 and founded the party Progressive Advance in 2012, which was affiliated to the Democratic Unity Roundtable until 2018. Venezuela hat sich in eine Autokratie verwandelt, bei der manipulierte Wahlen als demokratisches Feigenblatt fungieren. Dezember anstehenden Parlamentswahlen. [19] As the results were read by the CNE, many Venezuelans throughout Caracas began a cacerolazo protest against Maduro, with some beginning to barricade streets. In mehreren Umfragen zwischen 2018 und 2020 wurde deutlich, dass über 50 Prozent der venezolanischen Bevölkerung sich mit keiner der vorhandenen Parteien identifiziert und nicht wählt. Cookies oder persönliche Identifikatoren, IP-Adressen sowie Ihres individuellen Nutzungsverhaltens erfolgt dabei zu den folgenden Zwecken: Für die Ihnen angezeigten Verarbeitungszwecke können Cookies, Geräte-Kennungen oder andere Informationen auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert oder abgerufen werden. [116] In the earlier 2013 election, four of the Cubans said that "command centers" for elections were placed near clinics to facilitate "dispatching doctors to pressure residents".